
A Necromancer In Super Gene

What's the point in stealing the MCs opportunities when I can just steal the leftovers? --------------------------------------------- Fast Paced. Irregular Updates. I do not own anything in Super Gene, except for my only OC characters. I do not own the cover, if the owner of the cover want me to take it down then please contact me at 'sleepybot77@gmail.com'

Paralyzed_Bot · Cómic
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16 Chs

Hand Of God?

It's my third day of traveling with these youngsters, In the meantime, I noticed Han Sen recovering at an inhumane speed.

"JadeSkin sure hits hard." I thought and looked at Han Sen with envy.

In my stay, I noticed some unusual stares from the girls in this group, almost if they wanted to say me something.

"Oh man, what can I do." I said cringing at my own face.

Changing into my perfect gentleman dude again, I began to check my surroundings and saw the foot of mountain.

"It's almost time I guess." I said in a low voice and looked at the mountain foot.

At the foot of a mountain, they suddenly heard a screeching. Several of them looked up and saw some black figures rushing down from the mountain, terrified.

"Run! It's black-tailed monkeys!" shouted Xu Xiangqian, the leader of the youths.

Almost all of the youths started to run in the commotion and the only people left was me, Han Sen and the girl with wide eyes.

The girl with eyes suddenly came over where I was standing and in a rushed tone, she said, "there are too many black-tailed monkeys, ki we have to get away from here."

"So my beauty is good enough to change the scenario?" I thought and looked at the girl with wide eyes in her eyes. With a smile on my face, I said , "Don't worry Miss, I'm sure that I can do something about this."

Summoning my Obsidian Dragon away 15 metres from me, I ordered it to kill as many Beasts it can. Soon enough, Obsidian Dragon was directly eating those cat sized creatures raw, but I didn't heard a single notification of getting a beast soul.

Some of those monkeys was able to scratch the snake, but their claws obviously didn't did anything at the impact, not even leaving a white mark.

seeing Han Sen who was just about to shoot his bow at a black-tailed monkey, I said, "There's a chance that a mutant monkey would be here, let's see who can kill it first."

I recalled my Obsidian Dragon and took out my bow and arrow from my inventory. Aiming at one of the monkey that was running backwards, I shot an arrow, which I obviously missed.

"Ehehe, it seems the wind is too heavy here." I said and shot another arrow, missing it like before.

I was instantly distressed by the sight before me, Han Sen was killing those running beasts with nothing but headshot, while I was having a hard time to even land my strike.

Suddenly, a beast roar rang through the mountain and a monkey which was sized almost double appeared before us.

I almost shooted my arrow upon seeing the monkey, luck or not, my arrow was almost gonna land at the head of the monkey, but something unusual happened that almost made me cry at how bad my luck and shooting was.

Han Sen's arrow also flew in the same direction and deflected my arrow, killing the mutant creature in an instant.

The group of youths which was running with their lives had already stopped a few minutes ago, seeing the killing frenzy before their very eyes, they almost looked at both of us as if we were some kind of elites, especially at Han Sen.


Almost a month had passed since the incident with the black-tailed monkeys. in the meantime, I gave a thought to my archery. Now I clearly know that I suck at it too, my stance is not good and although my stamina is preety good, my aim is not. I even thought of shifting to another weapon like a sword or a spear. But with my profession of necromancer, only archery is best suited for me.

After giving them the mutant meat as I planned, I quickly teleported back to home from glory shelter, so did Han Sen.

In my apartment, I coocked some steak for the first time In my life, it obviously tasted bad but I ate it nonetheless, who'd not eat their own cooking?

Like usual, I will be teleported in glory shelter if I teleport now, reaching the steel armour shelter was my top priority for the time being.

I left for the teleport station and and there I saw Yang Manli looking at me like she was gonna eat me.

"Yeah, eat me mommy." I thought, still maintaining my facial expressions to that of a sad one.

"I heard that you have gone on a hunt with Han Sen? Is that true?" Yang Manli asked, still angered.

"Yeah, I-it is." I answered in a low voice.

"Did you forget that the entrance exam to the Blackhawk is just about to start? Don't come to me with a crying face if you aren't able to pass it." Yang Manli stated.

After lecturing for almost five minutes, she told me to train.

Doing some fitness test, I noticed that I was able to do the test very freely. I managed to somewhat hide my real fitness by not doing the fitness test with my all might. I still scored around 15 to 16 which was a huge jump from before.

"Don't tell me that you have maxed your sacred Geno points tally? Anyways, it's good. Come and train again tomorrow." Yang Manli said and got off from the teleportation station.

In a few days, I spent my time training and playing Hand of God. My reflexes were still better than any ordinary person from before, but after getting those ten Super Geno points, they almost skyrocketed. Passing the level of Evolver 7 wasn't much of a problem for me at that time. On level 8, it became somewhat hard, but I wasn't in a rush. I still have a few days before I got off to planet Hawk.

Almost 3 days later, I was able to pass Evolver-8, if Han Sen was in my shoes, he would've been able to pass it without much effort. But sadly or luckily, I'm not Han Sen, nor do I want to be.


"Time to set of from my little apartment?" I thought and looked at my only house.

Later, I got in the aircraft that was going for Hawk planet.

Upon entering the aircraft, I sat on my assigned seat. Just when I was thinking if I see the match between Ji Yanran and Han Sen or should I go to the gym, a sudden message appeared in my head.


Special Quest - Play Hand of God with Han Sen and Ji Yanran once.

Time limit - 24 Hours.

Quest reward - Your reflexes will increase two fold of your current level.

"Ofc, I didn't even practiced the online version, can I even beat Han Sen? But this reward is sure something." I said and get off to meet the president of Han of God.

On my way, I downloaded the Hand of God in my comlink, just when I was about to see the tutorial, I saw Han Sen playing Hand of God, he was sitting on the opposite side of Ji Yanran.

"May I sit here?" I asked Han Sen who was almost lost in the tutorial.

"Ah, Can you wait for some time, I'm having a contest with this Miss." Han Sen said somewhat annoyed.

"Oh, is that so? Ok then." I said with a twitching smile.

"This damn protagonist, a minute hasn't passed since he saw a girl and he forgot his brother?" Angered, I sat on a seat that was two seats away from both of them.

Playing the tutorial, I almost lost a few rounds to the bot in the single player mode, playing my 10th round, I was able to win it by not giving a single spot to the bot.

"Now let's play the versus mode." I said and started a versus mode with the bot.

The match only lasted for a minute before I won by tapping 90% of the spots for myself.

I scored 60 points in my first match. Because I'm not from 'Han' family which has born to just predict, like that old geezer Han Jingzhi, I wasn't able to predict every of the movements of the bot. But because of my super Geno points, my reflexes was almost that of an evolver.

Playing for another five minutes, I was able to score full points with the bot, I didn't knew which level it was at that time but it sure hit the spot fast.

Going over where Han Sen was standing, this time, I asked Ji Yanran in a respectful manner, "Would the president of Hand of God will play with this inexperienced rookie?"

Ji Yanran was blasting with anger at that time because she lost to Han Sen with a score of 59:0, but because I had shown some decency in my words she accepted my duel.

"What's the name of your ID?" Ji Yanran asked with urgency in her voice.

"A-lost-rookie" I said quickly.

After accepting her friend request which came as the name souvenir, she quickly set up an online room and invited me to join.

At the end of the countdown, a holographic image was projected from my comlink. in addition to the image like a crystal ball, there was also the image of Ji Yanran's hand.

The match started and a spot near my palm appeared in front of me, not even giving a second, I quickly tapped at the spot.

Because I haven't played the online version before, it was hard for me to get accustomed to the game. Even when I wasn't intentionally touching her spots, my speed was almost so fast that every time Ji Yanran moved her finger, I had already tapped at the spots.

The game ended with a outcome that even I hadn't thought of, 100:0.

Because the match had a time limit, one simply would either win at 100 points or the person with most points will win when the time limit ends.

"You both are cheaters." Ji Yanran almost shouted after losing two games to some rookies.

"It was a pleasure to compete with the president of Hand of God, till next time." I said with a smile on my face.

After blaming us both of being Hackers, ji Yanran left from there, leaving only me and Han Sen behind.

"Well, let's just slide that, but to think you would forget your brother over a girl? May I ask the reason?" I asked Han Sen with a scary smile on my face.

"Would you lose your chance to get a girlfriend like her?" Han Sen replied.

"Well, I will also certainly not. Anyways, let's play a match between us." I said and opened my comlink.

"Why so suddenly?" Han Sen asked before opening his comlink.

"Because we both managed to defeat ji Yanran, let's see who's superior." I said and set an online room, inviting win-a-girlfriend in the room, I quickly choose a level and started.

As the spots appeared in front of me, my hands automatically moved after seeing the spot to touch them.

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