
A Necromancer In Super Gene

What's the point in stealing the MCs opportunities when I can just steal the leftovers? --------------------------------------------- Fast Paced. Irregular Updates. I do not own anything in Super Gene, except for my only OC characters. I do not own the cover, if the owner of the cover want me to take it down then please contact me at 'sleepybot77@gmail.com'

Paralyzed_Bot · Cómic
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16 Chs

Devil Desert?

Almost a month had passed since the my incident with that random player on Had of God.

In the meantime, many things happened. My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran had almost beaten Liu Ke and Li Ze with a perfect score of 100:80. Dollar had also beaten Yi Dongmu, that caused an uproar in the whole sanctuary.

Meanwhile I had done nothing but eating my mutant meat jerky, that did raised my mutant Geno points to 92, that's definetely a plus by the way. I also had gone on a hunt to kill some sacred-blood creatures with steel armour gang of Qin Xuan, let alone beast Souls, I wasn't even able to get a single Devil Soul of those sacred Beasts.

My sacred-blood army is still not ready for now, 7 spots are still fillers. A few days from now on, Han Sen will go to the Devil Desert, I will try my luck there if possible.

Teleporting into the Sanctuary once again, I quickly began my march to the Devil Desert before Han Sen did, traveling for a total of four days on my purple-dragon, I didn't even saw a single mutant fox, let alone the fox king.

"Just how big is this sanctuary? I said and hid myself in the sandy dunes, waiting there for almost half a day, I saw some people entering the Devil Desert.

Upon a closer glance, I saw a young girl who had a great body figure, I'm not a pedo but she was charming as hell.....

"Wang Mengmeng is the definition of a rich girl." I muttered after seeing the girl who was sitting on a white bear.

Covering myself with some more sand, I saw the group going past over the sandy dunes, when I wasn't able to hear anything at all, I quickly rose from there and quickly to washed myself with a cold water bucket.

"This hot weather isn't good at all." I said while feeling the heat waves making me dry once again.

Quickly wearing my armour, I started to chase the group while making a distance between us, chasing them with one of by Devil Souls would obviously get me caught.

Around half an hour later, I saw a huge group of rock worms going into the front, seeing the spectacle I muttered, "Hm? So... Is it time for work?"

Summoning my Purple-Winged Dragon and riding on its back, I saw no one but Su Xiaoqiao and Gambler being captured by the group of beasts.

They were coming into my way, quickly returning my devil Soul, I hid myself between some stones, when both of the survivors flew from the dunes, then I rose up once again covered in sand.

"I was almost about to be caught." Having said that, I summoned all of my remaining sacred-blood Devil Souls and and rode Purple-Winged Dragon for myself.

From high up there, I saw the slaughter that had taken place before and the new slaughter that was taking place beneath me, the spectacle was almost so hilarious that I wanted to laugh.

The fox king was running with an injured leg, chasing it was bloody slayer with its sacred gear in it's right hand.

While all of my Devil Souls were killing the creatures beneath me, I suddenly heard a new notification that somewhat cheered me up.

"Mutant horned sand fox killed. Beast soul of mutant horned sand fox gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."

Just when I had formed a smile on my face, I heard another sound that made my smile grew even further, making me look like a happy demon.

"Mutant creature golden rock worm killed. Beast soul of golden rock worm gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten sacred geno points randomly."

"Was there a mutant rock worm here?" I thought dumbfounded.

"Maybe it was hiding all the time and just appeared?" That was the most plausible explanation was that I have came myself.

The fox king was a clever beast so it was sacrificing the mutant creatures first for its own safety, because of that, it was taking a while for the the Obsidian Dragon and Blood Slayer to tackle it.

"While they are doing their work, I should do mine too." Thinking that, I commanded my Purple-Winged Dragon to go down the cliff.

In a few seconds, I was down of the cliff, there I saw the body of golden worm king.

"Even if I got it's Devil Soul, I can't use it in my real form, it would be too obvious that there is something wrong with me, but this rock king is only efficient in desert, so it won't matter anyways." I thought and said 'extract'.


"Extract failed"


"Extract failed"

"As I had expected, I didn't got it's Devil Soul, my luck's had been fu#*ing around with me lately." I thought and started to think of something.

"Well, at least this huge piece of rock can at least provide me with something." I muttered and summoned my newly gained beast soul.

Suddenly, a brown rock worm which was somewhat bigger than an earthworm appeared before me.

It was the mutant beast Soul that I got just now, after giving it the permission to eat the body of the rock king, I saw the mutant beast eating the whole thing like it was having the feast of it's life.

"Those S-class Geno arts can't even compare to it's eating speed." I was baffled by the sight before me.

The said beast completely ate the whole body of the rock king in just a matter of minutes and it didn't even have a burp in the last.

"But can a beast even burp?" Thinking unusual things, I flew over to the dune once again. Almost all of those beasts had been killed except the fox king.

"If this treacherous beast would have given a few more decades, it would've definitely ascended to the second God's Sanctuary." I thought looking at the jumping fox.

"Let's just end it though." I thought and commanded all of my Devil Souls except the Purple-Winged Dragon to finish the fox king.

An attack was made at the beast that looked like it was counting it's final breathes. In the end, I heard the notification that I was waiting for.

"Sacred-blood horned sand fox king killed. Beast soul of mutant horned sand fox king gained. Eat its meat to gain zero to ten mutant geno points randomly."

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting to get it's Beast Soul too, but it's not like it will hurt my butt to ride on it." After that, I said 'extract' again, hoping to hear the usual sound.

"Devil Soul of sacred-blood horned sand fox king gained. Devil Soul Deck count increased by 1."

"Seriously....? My luck fucks around when I want something, but it happily gives me all the things I don't fantasize for."

I remember that one of my group hunt with Qin Xuan was that of a sacred-blood ape, and once was that of a fire fairy.

Having that gorilla in my Devil Deck would've increased my chances to kill a super creature, while that fire fairy was really something I needed, she just looked like a stunning woman with an alluring figure.

"Hehehe" making a lecherous face, I remembered the scenes of her fighting with us.

After packing all the mutant meat and the body of the fox king, I quickly returned to the shelter, setting up the stove in my room, I quickly began to cook the meat of the fox king.

I was only able to cook a leg of his huge body, after eating the leg of the fox king, which was almost too spicy that I wanted to cry, I got one more sacred Geno point.

"My cooking really sucks, let's just make this into jerky." I thought and used my home made recipe to dry and pack the meat.

Putting it in my inventory, I teleported back into Blackhawk and called Qin Xuan.

Answering, the first thing Qin Xuan said, "I'm busy, call me back later."

After saying that she hang out the call, "I just wanted to trade something...." I said in a hushed tone.

"Even though my deal isn't that much profitable, at least you should have heard me out." With a hefty smile on my face, I quickly started to do my daily chores.

I wasn't someone who would get their ass mad at something as trivial as this. Besides, I wasn't in a rush.

"I will just take it easy like I always do." I thought and got into the cafeteria, after eating something I returned to my dorm.

The night of the same day

"He should be starting soon." I thought and opened my comlink.

At exact 10:30, the most awaited match finally started. It was the match between Li Yufeng and My-girlfriend-is-Ji-Yanran. Although I already knew that Han Sen's gonna win, I still watched the match to see how much Han Sen had progressed.

The match started with an extreme hype, but it suddenly became zero in the mid, and caused an uproar again at the end.

"Huh? That's it?" I was almost dumbfounded by what just had happened.

Li Yufeng movement in my eyes were like he was a grandpa who moved his fingers 10 years later, while Han Sen's movements were that of a five year old child.

"Is Han Sen's too slow or am I too fast?" I wasn't really sure about my capabilities but after seeing the match I got a hold of it.

My reflexes aren't that of an un-evolved anymore, neither my physical fitness is, with these reflexes and this physical fitness, I can even control a heavy warframe easily.

While I can join hand of God and improve its reputation, I don't really wanted to trouble myself with those heavy ass responsibility, so my best option was now to either join warframe society or heavy warframe society.

Thinking a bit, I thought that heavy warframe society would do better than the warframe society because Han Sen's also in heavy warframe society, and sticking with the protagonist won't always causes trouble.

Going to the Heavy Warframe society.


"I want to join the Heavy Warframe Society!" I said to fatty Liu in a ecstatic voice.

"Are you sure? You can resign later but... It's best if don't join now if you're going to resign later." Said fatty Liu and handed me some forms to fill.

I had make my decision to choose heavy warframe society instead of Hand of God society. There isn't even a reason for me to join hand of God though. While idling here while controlling these heavy warframe is a much better option itself.

Without taking any time, I quickly filled out the form and became a freshmen member of the Heavy Warframe Society.

"Thank you very much." I said in a happy tone, hearing my words Fatty Liu quickly said, "I'm more than happy to get a new member."

I haven't said him about my circumstances of being a recommended student, it's all fair because neither did he tell me about the circumstances of heavy warframe society.

The society would literally have crumbled if Han Sen have didn't joined the society.

"Well, I'm not here to attract attention, just practicing is fine." I thought and got into the 7th warehouse.

In front of me, I saw a group of student discussing something, there was also Han Sen.

Going over where they were, I suddenly made a shocked expression and said, "Han Sen? You are here and not in the archery club?" In reply Han Sen just shrugged off.

"Brother Han Sen, do you know this person?" Wang Mengmeng questioned Han Sen, pointing her finger towards me.

"Who are you?. " Han Sen said with a not-so-happy expression.

I looked at Han Sen with a twitching smile and thought, "This bastard protagonist, he always forget about me in front of a girl."

"Anyways, do you have a S-class Saint hall license?" I asked him in a matter of minute. Hoping "no" for an answer, he said, "I don't have any."

"Knew it, I was prepared to exchange a sacred-blood beast soul in exchange."

Han Sen who wasn't even listening my words suddenly got all ears and said, "I have a S-class licence that I forgot, I just remembered about it. So, what's the deal?"

"Ok. How about exchanging a sacred-blood mount? And I certainly won't be exchanging it with a single S-class licence." I said hastily.

The interest of Han Sen in this deal had disappeared at fast as it appeared. Because he didn't really wanted a sacred-blood mount type beast soul, or is it because he himself don't have any three S-class licence.

"I don't want a mount type beast soul, at least for now." Han Sen said and just shrugged off again.

"Is that so? Too bad I guess." I said and formed a saddened smile.

"Anyways, later then, I'm going to train." In a usual tone, I said with my hands up.

Climbing to the Porter RS and authorising the use of it with my student I'd card, I quickly began to use it's function.

Porter RS was a quadruped heavy warframe, with an extra arm and strong horsepower. It was mainly used to organize a warehouse and carry goods. It came with a variety of loading and unloading tools, as well as welding and cutting tools.

But in my opinion, Builder is the most normal heavy warframe in terms of battle power.

From that day, I started to train when no one was there in the warehouse, because little did I care about my capabilities getting leaked and I don't want that to happen at all.

I noticed that my reflexes have improved very little after getting that one sacred Geno point.

"So even a single sacred-blood Geno point can create a noticable difference?" I was somewhat bewildered by this fact.

Not gonna lie, this new life and the technology here didn't suited me at all. Even now, my home is still that old apartment even though I can buy a luxurious one with my remaining money.

I don't know why but as I'm progressing in increasing my reflexes, my body is catching up with my reflexes. I can feel that my double reflexes are disappearing as I eat sacred-blood creatures.

So it's like that my reflexes had gotten on a level of an evolver who had evolved after completing their sacred Geno points, while my body is still that of a sacred-blood aristocrat who hadn't evolved yet.


A chapter I wrote when I had free time.

2449 words.