
Chapter 2 Jane Doe

She sank back into the pillow, suddenly looking small and alone like a frightened child. Her mind raced now, having cleared the fog quickly. What is my name and who am I? she thought. She looked at the Dr and nurse and quietly asked "Where am I and what happened?

"You were involved in an serious accident. The bus you were riding on went off the road and flipped over," Dr Barnes explained. "There were several fatalities, but you were one of the lucky ones. Somehow, you were thrown into the baggage compartment and it spared you from being tossed about too much. You were brought here to Richmond Doctors Hospital, where we are treating you for a head injury and several body concussions that must have happened when you were thrown around."

"Why can't I remember any of this?" the girl asked. The nurse gently laid a hand on her arm and said "Everything will be just fine. That knock in the head is probably the cause the the loss of memory. Give your body a bit of time to recover and hopefully it all comes back to you!"

The stranger, in the background, had been watching and listening to everything and decided to join the conversation.

"Since this happened on one of my companies buses, please rest assured we are handling your bills and after-care", the tall man said in a commanding tone as he stepped forward.

"My name is Jake Walker, CEO of East Coast-West Coast Transportation Co." he stepped up to the bedside to look at her. "My company has private investigators looking the accident and also into your identity as we speak. Since you had no wallet or ID on you, you are currently listed as Jane Doe."

Hazel eyes met green eyes as she looked at him, seeking more information. "No wallet, no ID" she murmured almost to herself then she spoke to him. "So you are telling me I have no money, no name and little else." Turning to the Dr she asked "How long do I have to stay here?"

The Dr looked down at the chart and, after a quick check of her eyes and reflexes, told her she could be released the next day. She only had 24 hours to figure out what she was going to do.

As of he was reading her mind, Jake spoke again. "I'll contact my assistant and have him get your sizes for clothes. I'll notify my housekeeper that we have a guest coming, so she can prepare a room for you. You will stay as my guest while we sort this out." His matter-of-fact tone left no room for refusal. She simply nodded and quietly thanked him. She was to emotionally exhausted to argue with anyone at the moment. Dr Barnes made a few notes and promised to check on her before her release and left to complete morning rounds. Suzie showed her the call button and went to attend another patient leaving her alone with Jake again.

She glanced over at him, texting his assistant, sighed and closed her eyes to think. She had a little headache starting, so she tried to relax and soon fell asleep.