
Chapter 1 Mystery Lady

In the distance she could hear it, muffled and steady. That noise, what was it? Her body felt like it was encased in cement, her brain, sluggish and foggy. Slowly, her eyes opened, as she fought back the fog to focus on her surroundings.

She was lying in a bed, in a dimly lit room, the drawn blinds shielding the light of the new day dawning. How did I get here, she thought, and where is here?

She struggled to lift her head from the pillow and, looking to her right realized the noise was machines she was hooked up too. Frowning, she came to the conclusion she was in a hospital, but why and where.

She glanced to her left, searching for a clue when her eyes rested on the one chair in the room...and the man in it. Staring at him, she tried to place the face. Suddenly she realized she was looking into the most amazing emerald green eyes. Startled, she glanced away, then back to the figure, as he stretched and stood up to approach the bed.

"You've been out for some time now. Lie still and let me get the nurse" he said briskly, then turned and strode to the door, his tall body moving gracefully like a jungle cat. She lay back on the pillow, closed her eyes and tried to think. Her mind was filled with fog and cobwebs.

She heard the door open and opened her eyes to see a two women enter the room ahead of her mystery man. The first woman approached the bed. "Hello there. You've been out for quite a while. Let me check your vital quick before Dr. Barnes looks you over", she said cheerfully. "My name is Suzie and I'll be your day nurse." She smiled happily as she checked BP, pulse and made a note of some numbers on the display of the machine.

The second woman took over once Suzie finished checking vitals.

"My name is Dr Barnes" she said, "and you have been in a serious accident. First of all, can you tell me your name?"

"My name is...," the confused girl faltered. Bewildered and frightened, she glanced up at the Dr as panic set in. "I can't seem to remember my name."