
A Man from Fairy World

G33z3r · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Chapter - 13

Meanwhile in fairy world...

Friel-" a little more days to come and we will have this fairy world and soon we will conquer the earth"

Andryline - "that's great father you'll have the earth I'll take the throne in fairy world"

(both laughing demonic)

While in the earth..

Shawn and cyran are sitting under the big tree....

Shawn-"hey(while hugging😳)"

Cyran-" hmm?"

Shawn-"i never had this feeling before even on my past ex girlfriends i never had this feeling only on you"


Shawn - "yes" (and they kiss)

Cyran - "i hope this is a road to forever"

Shawn-"i promise I'll take the risk just to be with you" (he smack cyran lips again) *sweet😳

Until they already said it to cyran parents...

Cyran-"um mom and dad we have something to tell you"

Shawn-"i want to ask for cyran hand, i love your son" (hold hands)

Dad-"ok as long as you have good intentions your ok to me"

Mom-"no i don't agree cyran lets go home shawn go back to your place too"

Cyran-"but mom we love each other"

Shawn-"please don't separate me to cyran i love your son sincerely"

Mom-"i don't care go away from my son"

Cyran mom grab cyran and they go home...

Cyran-"why are you like that don't you want to see me happy?"

Mom-"i want to see you happy and before he came to our life you were happy"

Cyran-"but the happiness i feel right now is different"

Mom-"i don't care but you two? I don't allow you to have a relationship"

Cyran was crying and go to his room....

His dad talk to his mom in private...

Dad-"are you out of your mind?"

Mom-"no I'm just protecting my son"

Dad-"protecting to what? To shawn?"

Mom-"shawn will just take him away from us"

Dad - "our son has felt happiness that we have when we fell in love from each other back then why don't you want him to feel the same, and also shawn didn't say that he will take cyran away"

Mom-"i don't care, end of conversations i don't want cyran to be with shawn anymore"

In the morning cyran prepare the foods he will bring to restaurant...

Cyran - "I'll be going now, I'll deliver this foods to restaurant"

Mom-"no from now on you'll stay here I'll bring it or your father will"

Cyran-"what? Your gonna lock me up here? No i don't agree"


His mother voice got higher that made him cry and he run upstairs to his room....

As days passed they didn't meet each other, until cyran ran out to their house....

Cyran-*he sneak out of their house at midnight and meet with shawn



They hug each other tightly...

Shawn-"are you ok?"

Cyran - "im fine what about you?"

Shawn-"I'm also good let's keep our meeting secretly to your parents"

Cyran - "ok"

They got back home but when cyran close his eye he seen a flash of scene in fairy world right now a PREPARATION for a transfer of crown to his cousin....