
A Man from Fairy World

G33z3r · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter- 14 "the disappearance"

Before the crowning of his cousin this morning at fairy world, cyran woke up at 3:00 am walking up to hill where the tree was, he was just standing there empty mind staring at the sky while the tree is getting dry dying all the leaf is gone, cyran was starring at the sky while he is disappearing starting to his feet, there's was this light coming to his feet slowly disappearing....

His mother from fairy world felt his power to the fairy world, and his mother to earth felt heavy so he came to look for cyran in his room and he was not there...

Mom-"cyran? Where are you"

Still no one answered her and she see no one in the room she panicked...

Mom-"honey our son is missing"

Dad-"what? Where he might go?"

Mom-"i don't know" *crying

Dad-"i think i know he might go to shawn let's go"

It's almost 5 in the morning when they get to shawn....


Mom - "take out my son i know he is there"

Shawn-"but he's not here we never met yet"


Dad-"calm down" *shouting at his wife

Dad-"shawn is cyran really didn't come here?"

Shawn-"no he don't why where is he?"

Dad-"he's missing"

Shawn-"what? Are you joking me right now?"

Dad-"no we don't"

Shawn-"where he might go (worried)"

Shawn - "oh i think i know where he is to his favourite place where he felt like he was connected to"


Mom and shawn-"to the tree"

As they run up to the hill they saw the tree dying and cyran disappearing in front of them but before he totally vanished he look back and smile...

The three of them are crying so hard, as they go down the hill they were just starring at the ground empty minded and can't believe that cyran vanished in the wind...

Mom-"it was your fault"

He slapped shawn face, his husbands can't do anything but cry as they were full of sadness and shawn was just crying too even if he got slapped...

Mom-"i told you to go away from my son"

Dad-"enough cyran is gone will you respect him? (shouting at her wife) you always suing shawn it's not his fault he is our son lover why can't you accept that all he want was to be with this man because he felt the same as we did when we got in love"

As the mornings come locals was curious why the tree is gone and they found out that cyran disappear with the tree...

The old lady that was close to cyran came to his mother...

Old lady-"i hope cyran was on a good place right now and safe"

Mom-"thank you"