
A Man and his Past

A young boy and his family recently came into Colorado. The boy is named Dawn, and he was 5 at the time. After arriving, he soon met his first friend, Aza. The two were inseparable, they would do everything together. In their teenage years, though, something happened. Something very horrible happened. It cost the life of Dawn’s family, and he blames his best friend for it. Dawn changed into a horrible being cause of it. In this story, it will show Dawn’s journey on how he will get his revenge, change the world, and become the man he always wanted to be.

BlackWolfAK · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The Training #2

Bodies were scattered around. Some being torn apart, others being lucky enough to only die from a blade. The moon was blood red, a dark amber surrounding it in a Milky Way manner. The sky was pitch black, there being no stars. The air reeked of blood and horror. Houses quivered and break from the sudden rumble of footsteps, it nearly missing and landing beside a traumatized boy. He was in a mafia suit, his eyes being blood shot and having dark bags underneath his eyes. His hair was short, yet staggered, him only having a long t shirt and shorts on. In his small hand held a device, a single button being on it.

He watched as the bodies smashed into millions of pieces by a large metallic foot. His amber eyes slowly following to where it leads. There stood a tall, cyborg like man, staring down at the boy. Fog covered its face, its neck to the waist down only showing. Red moonlight shined onto the beast, barely showing its tight skin and sagged wrinkles. The hand of the beast reached for the boy, its king and chipped claws becoming dangerously close, it reeking from fungus growing inside. As it got closer, the young man seemed more calm. Until it finally grabbed him, to which the boy's face suddenly turned into nothing but a mouth of sharp teeth, the screech coming from it being ear piercing. It could break any glass.

Dawn gasped as his eyes shot up, them fading from amber to grey. "Must've been a nightmare.." he muttered, his hand going up and brushing his fingers through his shiny hair. "Horrible one. You couldn't stop panting like a dog in the heat!" The old man laughed, clasping his hands together. Dawn only glared at him, before a sudden stick hit his stomach, causing him to shot up in pain. "No sleeping, no passing out!" Yelled a soldier, ready to hit the man again. Dawn raised his hands and ducked his hand behind them, ready for the pain.

It didn't happen. No pain. The trainee seemed confused, so he lowered his hands with hesitation. There stood a woman, grabbing the man's stick. "He had enough from you." Scolded the woman, before yanking the stick out of the soldier's hand, practically stabbing it in his stomach. The man gasped in pain, falling to his knees as he clutched his stomach. "D-Damn you!" He hissed out, falling face into the mud and dirt. It looking like a child would made a mud pie out of it. Dawn's eyes stared at the man, before slowly trailing up the woman's body. She had the uniform like the Goddess of War. Her hair being short, one side being fully shaved, the other being braided. Marks and tattoos covered her face, her mixed skin shining in the light.

The shaved girl looked over her shoulder, her eyes stern and full with fire. "Up and go." She snarled, before storming out. Dawn's widened eyes watched her figure slowly become blurry, it almost looking like a shadow. "Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn! Oh how I love that girl!" Laughed Joshua, clapping his wrinkled hands together. "Kaitlyn..Sounds tough." Dawn complimented as he pressed his sore hands into the ground, getting up. "Now, let's go." He said, grabbing Joshua and pulling her up, pulling him towards the other trainees.