
A Man and his Past

A young boy and his family recently came into Colorado. The boy is named Dawn, and he was 5 at the time. After arriving, he soon met his first friend, Aza. The two were inseparable, they would do everything together. In their teenage years, though, something happened. Something very horrible happened. It cost the life of Dawn’s family, and he blames his best friend for it. Dawn changed into a horrible being cause of it. In this story, it will show Dawn’s journey on how he will get his revenge, change the world, and become the man he always wanted to be.

BlackWolfAK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The Training

"You have to retake the test." Is what the boss said. Those horrific words staying in the mafia man's mind. "I am a rookie again.." Thought Dawn, his head swirling as he stood in front of his office. He had a black, leather like suitcase with him. He was dressed in a thin, yet comfortable, scrub like material. He watched his watch tick on, the rubber of the band rubbing against his skin. "Four weeks." The rookie muttered to himself, looking at the black bus pulling up, a squeal following as it stopped. "Four weeks." Dawn walked towards the bus, showing the driver his watch. He reached up and turned a knob, showing a specific time located on the metallic handles. It was there way of code. The bus driver pressed a button, having the glass doors slide open with a slight struggle. With the doors open, the small boy walked up the metal stairs, looking down the rows. It had many muscular men in them, most looking pissed. Dawn turned back to the doors, watching the doors close as he stared at the building. The night sky shining behind it as they drove off.

"It won't be so bad." Dawn thought, looking back down the seats. As he walked down the bus, he felt like he was in high school. Being a skinny and weak kid being bullied by the football team. Just like they showed on television. "Here, here!" A small voice whispered to Dawn, causing him to look at the main force. A skinny, twig like old man sat beside the bus's window, his bony and wrinkly hand patting to the seat beside him. Dawn hesitated, before mentally sighing and sitting down beside him. The man looked over the other. He had a long, white beard with a streak of grey hair going down the middle. His hair was short, almost seeming he had little to no hair, and it being fuzzy and staticky.

"I'm Joshua!" The old man said, his voice rasp, his teeth slightly yellow and broken. Dawn waved the air slightly, Joshua's breathe reeking of smoke and alcohol. "I'm Dawn." The man then looked around, before looking back at the old man. "How come you're in here? I imagine, respectfully, you would be retired by now." Asked Dawn, furrowing his brows slightly. He noticed Joshua was the only elderly person on the bus. "That is a secret, chief." The man laughed, it being husky as he leaned back. "Alright..I guess people do have their secrets." Dawn muttered to himself, looking off to the other passengers. Many of the others were well built, most having shaved heads or becoming completely bald. They had tattoos almost completely covering their body, lead from their arms and up. At least, on what Dawn could see. "There could be nothing but tattoos under those clothes..".

The bus arrived in a empty field, many cheap tents being scattered around. The grass was green and seemed well watered, the tries forming a circle around the camp. They had fresh new leafs, birds and snakes being heard deep in the forest. It looked like a boot camp. Dawn was the last one off of the bus, the scorching sun hitting his skin. He always have hated the sun's warmth, he would prefer much colder.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Someone called out. Dawn peeked his small head around one of the muscular men's body, seeing a dark skinned man walking up to the group. He was in a military, dark green suit. His black hair being shaved almost to the brim. His bright smile made the group hate it. The people there knew what kind of training it was, well besides Dawn. He had never been to one of the camps before. The group could only shiver at the thought of it, how the staff were so cheerful, yet they knew some people were going to die or be traumatized in their life. If they already weren't.

"Faster!" Yelled the coach, beating a young man in the back. He had scars along his back, some were open, others were healed horribly. Purple and black bruises traveled down his spine, to the point where Dawn is surprised he hadn't been paralyzed cause of it. The man looked at Dawn and the others as the walked by. His brown eyes not seeming fazed from the beating. He felt nothing. "Eyes forward." Told the dark skinned man, suddenly being beside Dawn. The dark eyed boy looked at the man, seeing his eyes having a glimmer. "Hell," thought Dawn, "this is hell. It will always be hell."

The group of men walked to a nearby, run down cabin. Vines going through the wooden boarding, with leaves and moss growing from the bottom, traveling to the door. The ground was covered in overgrown grass, some weeds being buried inside. "This is where you will be sleeping." Told the dark green suited man, pointing to the door. "It is much cleaner inside," he chuckled, then turned to the others, "my name is Rohan. Scream it if you need help." With that, he walked off, his gloved hands being behind his back, clasping onto one another with a hum. Dawn watched as his figure slowly disappeared in the small crowd of trotting men, distance yelling of the leaders being heard. "Come. We don't want to be the last ones in to get the moss covered beds." The old man said as he snapped his boney fingers in front of the younger's face. "Right..right." Dawn muttered, before following the man into the cabin.