
A Magical New Era

In a single galaxy called Sukdmon, resides a single lonely planet called Cadma, full of singularities and normal things. But, like any other place, it has secrets and skirmishes that involve the hope of a ecosystem and their destruction. After the war between the grand cult of the memorable and the grand cult of the true one in the night without a sky, the world changed drastically, making some new power's rises and some old ones falling in decadence. Will the world accept change in what really needs to be changed? (Its my first novel, and english its not my first language, so, please be cool with me.)

Aureborn · Fantasía
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5 Chs

First Class (1/2)

After the tedious introduction to the new school, hundreds of children could be seen leaving the patio and entering the huge school building, on their way to the classroom.

Even after recalling the vague hints of the speeches they had just heard, most still had some difficulty finding the classroom.

But among the small number of people who weren't lost was Leihen, who seemed to know exactly how to find the classroom.

As he closed his eyes and concentrated, Leihen thought about what his mother had taught him when he was little.

'Magic detection'. And after he thought those words, a purple aura came out of his body and expanded to a radius of 10 meters.

Magic detection is a pretty useful spell that attunes the user's mana to the outside mana, revealing all that possess mana to the user.

"Hmm, I didn't find anything, normal, considering the size of the building." He said to himself as he went out walking down the halls and casting his magic.

The more magic that was cast, the more Leihen's mana pool would tire, which was abnormal as any Rank 1 being like him would have been depleted long ago.

When his mana pool was about to run out, he found 6 mana signs in one room, which was unusual as they were all empty.

'I found it.' He thought with a smile proud of himself and his magic

He stood at the front of the room when suddenly the door opened and its interior was shown.

It consisted of a not-so-small, not-so-exquisite auditorium with a capacity for a hundred people, but it seemed odd since there were only six people occupying the room.

Of the six people occupying the room, five were assorted children, while the last one appeared to be a woman in her forties with flashy blue hair and matching eyes, but what stood out about her was a red tribal tattoo on her forehead that contrasted with her hair and eyes.

She was holding a watch in her hand, and when Leihen was about to ask if this was really the classroom, she started talking.

"Ten, nine, eight ..."

Before the woman finished counting, Leihen took a step into the room and sat in front of a pretty handsome boy with ash blonde hair and black eyes with a small birthmark under his left eye, adding a little to the boy's charm,the two exchanged glances and gave a small nod to each other. But a few moments later, the door closed again.

The kids looked a little tense after closing their only escape route, but the woman didn't care and started talking with what appeared to be a smile on her face.

"Congrats on being a little less dumb than the rest and finding the damn classroom on time, now I'm going to introduce myself to you so you can feel more comfortable."

The children just chose to remain silent and forget the sharp tongue the woman showed them moments before.

"I'm Minerva Lorvac, a 6 stage being and I will be your amazing teacher in the combat stuff, I hope you don't let me down and do what I say without complaining"

'This woman looks more like a general than a teacher, but usually those are the ones who have the most to teach.' Leihen thought with a serious face, but to his surprise, Maxine flashed a smile that wasn't a smile in his direction.

"Looks like we have someone who thinks something rude about their teachers, that's a bad quality to have, little maggot." She said as she walked slowly towards Leihen.

'A special ability to read minds?' Leihen thought as a nervous smile appeared on his face.

"At least he has a great deduction, but he's still a little larva that doesn't know how to control his thoughts."

Leihen thought of several ways to get out of the situation he was in, using all his creative skills to find the best answer, but the woman simply walked past him and stopped in front of the boy who was behind him.

"Why don't I take advantage of being here and hear the little larva introduce itself to everyone present?" She said while keeping the smile that wasn't a smile for the boy who was about to collapse.

Leihen had mixed feelings when he saw that the woman wasn't referring to him, some ranging from relief, curiosity, and pity for his colleague behind him.

"I-I'm Leandro Verita, Miss Maxine, and I'm a 1-stage being and-"

"I thought I asked you to introduce yourself, not a summary of your life, little maggot." She said with the same sharp tongue that those in the room decided to forget, but it seems the past always comes back to haunt those who forgot them.

Leandro, not daring to look Minerva in the face, just remained silent while he waited for the complaint to end.

Minerva seemed disappointed about something, but decided to let it go this time and left Leandro alone. She returned to her former place and spoke.

"Now, the rest of you, introduce yourselves one by one, starting with you, redhead maggot."

The girl looked annoyed at being called a maggot, but as the woman seemed to be short-tempered, she let this one pass.

"I'm Liica Berton, teacher Minerva, and I'm a 1 stage being."

Minerva promptly asked someone else to introduce herself, making Liica even more irritated, but she didn't dare think anything rude about the woman in front of her.

"You, green-haired maggot, why haven't you gotten up yet?"

The boy stood up at a speed that indicated he was incredibly fast, and spoke with a speed equal to what he had introduced himself to.

"I'm Tian Spee, teacher minerva, and I'm a 1-stage being." Tian said quickly and without wasting time, something that pleased Minerva a little.

The next girl, not being someone dumb enough not to learn from previous events, stood up while her back-slapping black hair lay on the chair.

"I am Aurora Bien'voss, Professor Minerva, and I am a 1-stage being."

Leihen decided it was time to introduce himself, and promptly stood up with a crooked smile on his face and spoke.

"I am Leihen, Professor Minerva, and I am a 1-stage being."

Minerva raised an eyebrow at the boy's introduction, noticing inconsistencies in what the boy was saying.

"No last name? and are you sure it's a 1 stage being?" She spoke with a little curiosity in her voice.

Leihen, not understanding the purpose of the questions, innocently replied with a shake of his head.

Minerva didn't say anything else after the boy agreed, but she was still curious about the boy.

After some time waiting, no one else decided to get up, which was a mistake, as something everyone with a little experience with Minerva knew was that she hated to wait.

A thousandth of a second later, Minerva was in front of the individual who dared to delay.

The individual who was sleeping with his head down on his desk, his golden hair covering his face, not aware of the catastrophe in front of him, continued to sleep.

Seeing that the child didn't wake up even though she was in front of her, she miraculously calmed down, but not before doing something that would be engraved in the minds of everyone present.

A blue energy left Minerva's body and went towards the sleeping individual.

And then ....

Nothing happened.

Everyone in the room expected at least a explosion of mana or that the individual would fall into eternal torture for the rest of their existence, but an ending without explosions is always a better, disappointing, but better ending.

'She doesn't seem like the kind of woman who would let someone get away with it that easily, but maybe looks can be deceiving so easily.' Leihen thought, thinking he had judged too soon.

Minerva then decided to finish the introductions and start her first class.

"What do you think I'm going to teach you?"

Liica promptly replied "how to fight?"

Minerva seemed surprised by Liica's response, and spoke.

"I thought this year's rookies would be simple maggots, but it seems I was wrong." She said with a smile that would make everyone forget that there was a woman with no filter in her language who would attack even the cutest baby.

Liica had a proud smile on her face as she heard Minerva's words, considering them a compliment.

But the person in front of him was the type to tenderize meat before tearing it apart with his teeth.

"Now I see that they are dumb maggots that don't even know what combat means." She spoke keeping the smile on her face.

The entire room had a face of a person who had been charged with 10 years in prison for a crime he had not committed.

The entire room had the face and thoughts of a person who had been charged with 10 years in prison for a crime he had not committed.

'But we didn't say anything, she did it.' They thought as they glared at Liica.

She was looking for a place to stick her head, but there was no hole inside the auditorium, causing her to curse the building's architect for not thinking that there might be situations where a hole would be needed.

Minerva, sensing the students' thoughts, scolded them.

"Now you know that the mistake of one is the mistake of all, scolding the red maggot just shows that you are maggots too."

No one answered minerva, and they simply accepted that they were wrong.

Seeing that no one questioned what she said, Minerva had a hint of a smile on her face as she thought.

'At least they learned their first lesson, if they continue like this, they can go far.'

Most new students find it difficult to adapt to the team environment, as it is always easier to take care of yourself than others, the only exceptions are strategists and leaders.

She then decided to finally start class.

A blue aura came out of Minerva's body, enveloping the students.

The students showed some discomfort when the blue aura enveloped their bodies, as contact with mana is extremely irritating to experience.

It felt like being dipped in a puddle of sticky liquid, and no matter how much you rubbed, you didn't get clean. Even high level beings suffer a little from this, as the viscosity also increases with the power of the other party's mana, but most have simply learned to control discomfort.

When minerva's blue mana enveloped the students, the space around them distorted for a barely perceptible period of time before it returned to normal.

All of them, exception Minerva, went to the floor and vomited as if they had exchanged the contents in their stomachs for garbage.

After a while, Lehen was the first to compose himself, and after wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt.

The second to recover was Liica, followed by Leandro, Aurora and Tian.

Minerva, seeing that they had already recovered, spoke.

"Congratulations on recovering from your first space transition. I've heard reports that some weak individuals passed out after transitioning, I was hoping the same would happen to you guys, but it looks like you're not that weak."

Leihen simply scoffed at the woman's words.

'Your congratulations are useless, if you really want to congratulate us let us take a shower.'

But then he reasoned out the words that came out of the woman's mouth, because he was too busy cleaning himself to pay attention before.

'Space trasition?' he thought and realized he was in another environment.

He looked around and what was in the auditorium's place was...

I would like to say that most of the explanations of terms and other things like the powers (their ratings among others) and part of the story will take place in the history class, until then, you might be a little confused by what the characters say, because I want to that they have a conversation that flows naturally (or close to it), not a conversation full of explanations. But don't worry, they will be out that same week.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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