
A Mage in HXH.

A Boy killed by a drunk driver meets a god who takes pity on his terrible life and reincarnates him after he spins a wheel to pick where and what he gets to take with him. Follow his journey as he follows the plot for the first part and then make his journey in this bizarre world. Now, he will be traveling the Multiverse after HXH. . . . . Hello, Soapety here with another shitty fan-fic, and I am only going to follow the anime, not the manga lazy to read it, and if something is wrong, please point it out to me. I am not the smartest tool in the shed, or any shed for that matter, and I hope you like it.

Soapety · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

"It's a boy ma, ma'am. What do you want me to do with him," a man said, handing the baby to a nurse.

"I do not care as long as it's not my problem," she said, looking haggard on the hospital bed.

"Well, send it to the orphanage. Are you going to at least name it," the doctor said, looking at the birth certificate.

"No, just get it out of my sight. I never wanted that useless bag of meat," she said, falling asleep.

"Well, sorry baby, you will not have a name, so I will just write Blanck on it, and when you are old enough, pick on," he said, handing the certificate to a nurse.

(Damien's POV)

'Well, Shit, this sucks. I want to see my mom. Why did I have to be sent here? Did he know that blasted god will? Being thrown into an orphanage is not too bad, I guess," he thought, looking at the nurse who had him in her hands.

After a while of walking, I mainly slept; I woke up to a banging noise. Looking up, I saw the nurse bang on the door.

"Mersilla, WAKE THE FUCK UP. WE HAVE ANOTHER BABY FOR YOU CARE," she yelled as I heard crying on the other side of the door.

An old lady opens the door looking pissed at the nurse.

"Another one was it another whore that did not think she could get pregnant fuck bitches, and you work up the baby's I just put to sleep," she said, sounding pissed. "So get in here and help put them to sleep again. Come on," she said, dragging the nurse inside.

'What a strange place. I wonder where I am in HXH. I love anime; I watched it a couple of times, but that was so long ago. My dad hooked me on anime. God, I miss him and Mom; I hope she is doing great without," he thought as he fell into Hypno's grasp.

(Time skip Four years)

I am now four years old. My birthday was somewhere back, I forget, but I now have more control of my body. What I did those years worked on forming a magic core, and I just finished it, and I could say that I am fragile. Still, I can move stuff with magic like telekinesis, so yeah, there's that, but I am so excited to shoot fireballs and such. Still, I must work on the basics and never forget them, and I started to work out because what is a strong mind without a strong body? So yeah, there is that, but I also found out that I am in Meteor City.

I think because it is a complete dump here, people, I wonder how the spider survived here. I am so hungry. Should I leave? No, I mean, I could, but there is Mesilla. She is a kind but hard old lady who shows her love through action more than words. Kids in the orphanage kid, I did not make friends, but they looked up to me. I plan on telling Mesilla, but I will go when I am much stronger, magically and physically.

(Four years Later)

I am now eight, I think, but I am much more robust, but not by much. My core is the size of a golf ball, but there is not much I can do with the limited mana there is in this city. It is too polluted by trash and other things. Many people die here also, and it is so hard to make money, but for some reason, Mesilla has no problem with money. She seems not to hide it, but we have more kids. I mean, a lot of kids, the older ones, have been kicked out and sent to who knows where. It's packed to the brim with kids in the orphanage, and I work to clean and take care of the kids when I am not training.

I really care for this orphanage. It has been home for so long, and I got attached to it, but more on that later; I am just supposed to be out for two hours. It has been eight. I am going to get scolded rushing home., I pass by, man, people just lying on the ground dirty. I mean, I am no better; I have a hole in my clothes, and water is scarce, so we mostly use it for drinking. Walking the way I have used for five years to get home is the same, but looking at where the orphanage is is not there. Why? What happened? I am so confused. Where is the orphanage? Looking at the man just looking at the sky, I asked him.

Damien: "Hey, where is the orphanage? What happened to it? Why is it not there," I asked him, confused.

Man: "Haha, I see you were late. They left the places," he said, laughing at me.

Damien: "What do you mean they left? How could they," I froze all the money she was saving to move. "Where and where did the building go," I asked him in a hurry.

Man: "Fuck as I know, but the building was destroyed as soon as they left. The builder is going to build a new whore house. I think, well, I hope," he said, standing up. "Talking about whores you're pretty cute, you know that," he said, getting close to me.

I immediately started running away from him. I did not want to get rapped today. While running, I saw him not give up. Looking back, I saw him look scared, smiling. I continued turning back. I hit something and fell on my ass. Looking up, I saw a well-dressed man looking down at his suit. I saw dirt from me on him.

Well-dressed man: "What the fuck, kid, are you going to pay for this, huh speak brat," he yells at me.

I stand up and run again until I can't feel my leg. They burn from exhaustion, looking back. I do not see him.

Well-dressed man: "'You're pretty fast for a kid, and you look like you work out. I could use you. How about you come with me??" he says from behind me.

Damien: 'Shit, how is he so fast? Is he a NEN user fuck my life; I looked around, but before I could do anything, I got kicked in the stomach, flinging me to a pile of trash.

Well-dressed man: "I am talking to you; don't ignore me you fucking brat," he snarled.

Damien: 'Fuck, that really hurt, ahh, my stomach. He could really kill me; what the fuck is happening? Why did the orphanage leave, and how was it demolished so fast? How is that possible, this guy? I need to get out of here,' I thought, powering my body with my MANA.

Standing up, I sprint away with as much power as I can muster. Looking back, I see him following me but slower than me. I smile and continue looking back. I don't see him, so I hide in a pile of trash. I feel so weak my body hurts. I fall asleep under all the trash without noticing.

(3 years later)

I am Eleven now, and I am so much stronger than I was. I cultivated all the MANA I could. My core is the size of a baseball, but I need to leave. The MANA is weaker now that I took most of it, and the pollution has gotten stronger. I need to go somewhere cleaner. I can barely feel teh mana in the air. I mean, it is still a lot, but it is being taken over by the pollution in Meteor City, and I am not proud, but I killed a few people. I know I would have to do it, but not this earlier. I did not want to, but that man found me again.

(Flashback 2 years back)

Walking to make money by selling helpful trash, I hear a voice behind me.

Asshole NEN user: "Well. Well, if it isn't the boy who outran me when I was using NEN," he said as he grabbed my shoulder. I saw people with him, and he forcefully turned me around. "Hey, you could be sold for a lot. Bag him up, boys," he says as he throws me to his friend.

Damien: "Shit, what do I do? What can I do Fuck it,' I put MANA into my fist and punch the first guy to touch me, and the whole side of his stomach has a hole in it.

I froze, as I did not mean to. I felt gross why b.. but if I didn't, I could have died. It was self-defense, right?

Asshole NEN user: "Nevermind, I got this," he says as he goes to punch me, putting mana in my eyes similar to NEN. I hope this works. I do not see the NEN, but I see something similar, an almost unmistakable aura on his hand. Dodging it, I punch him in his chin, blowing his head off as he falls, blood flowing like an open faucet. This time, I do not feel as bad. It feels good. But I then feel a tingling on the back of my neck and move to my right. I see a leg go past me as I turn and see another guy for a kick. I elbow his knee and break it on impact. As he falls, I rush his chest and punch, and it blows a hole in him, and the other guy runs away. I also ran away from the bodies, forgetting about the money I was going to get.

(Flashback End)

Ever since then, I have trained in the output of my MANA and made a spell that lets me see and sense life forms from every creature. It has a weaker passive that senses about three meters at every angle, like a dome over me. It is active even when I am sleeping, and I work on shaping my MANA like a blade and such. I wonder if I could use runes if I make some and add MANA to it, but that is for later. No fuck it, I will do it now. Sitting in my home, which was a limited pile of trash with a roof, I caved a metal sheet and added runes to it to hide my presence again. I am making them up as I go along with durability and protection. I use my blood since I do not have MANA-filled ink or something, and it works incredibly.

I punch it with a MANA-filled punch, but only about thirty percent and it holds up, so I get the robe I had in the corner and add similar runes but just self-cleaning and temperature balancing, and it works. It has been hot, but with the robe, I feel cooled down nicely. So I put it into my Inventor. I almost forgot I had this skill. I then went to look for a book and a pencil and wrote down the "Runes" I made. With that, a year passed, and I boarded the boat that was heading to the hunter exam.

To Be Continued. . . .