
Chapter 18

I would have loved to keep the smile on her face, but I know the only person capable of doing that is Miguel.

The only thing I can do to make her really happy is to find her beloved son, and that’s what am going to do, even to the last of my breathe.

I will do just anything to get him back even to the extent of giving up my title and pack.

What’s the use of a pack without a Luna?

“When did you notice his absence?” I looked all business-like on the outside while I was burning inwardly.

“when I went up to apologize about my earlier outburst. I can’t find it in me to stay angry at him despite what he does, which sometimes isn't good for his health."  she burst into another fit of tears.

“ It’s okay mother, they will find him. It’s their job to protect what’s theirs." Bianca said in consolation.

Miguel’s mom looked funnily at her.

Realizing her mistake, she rushed to add “they protect their town and those in it, you don’t have to worry." she reassured the teary woman.

I was seething in anger, likewise my brothers as we glared at Bianca who looked nonchalantly at us despite knowing she’s in huge trouble, how dare she call our mother-in-law mother?

I took a threatening step towards her and Delight took a challenging step towards us, right now he doesn’t see us as his Alpha, but as potential sister harmers.

He knows he won’t win a fight between us two, but he wouldn’t stand to see his sister threatened.

I know that feeling bro, I will sail this whole world just to find my mate and bring him back right where he belongs.

“I don’t still like the fact that jobs for the older are given to young high school students." she looked at us and her eyes widened in realization.

“Oh My Jingles you’re triplets?” she asked awed, she looks exactly like her son with her mouth wide in surprise.

I smiled pleased that our mother-in-law accepts, not that she accepted is as future sons-in-laws, but she likes the fact we’re triplets.

” my son would have loved to meet you," she gushed. sobering but at the remembrance of her son “unfortunately he isn’t here to witness this spectacular scene."

I wanted to tell her we’ve already met her son but, I restrained myself.

It’s not in my place to tell, maybe he had a reason not telling her.

The idea of that doesn’t sit well with me at all.

how can he fail to mention us to his parents?

“I will send his pictures to you, that way you will know him when you see him. "

I nodded “that will be great."

I can feel the stares on me, but I ignored them. I don’t want to be the one to introduce ourselves.

I want Miguel to do the justice.

“I trust you do to your job?” she was unsure of trusting us.

I nodded a I urged my brothers to do the same.

“he will have dinner with you tomorrow."  I vowed, goddess please let us find him before it’s too late.

As Alphas of the Haji pack, we have more enemies than friend and knowing the situation at hand, it’s an enemy that took him not a friend, a friend will never kidnap our mate.

“Let’s go”, I motioned to my brothers.

Delight made to follow us but I shook my head.

protect your sister.

I said to him through the pack bond.

“and mother please take care." I said to her, and she nodded.

I danced inwardly in joy when she didn’t comment on my calling her mother.

Despite the situation in hand, I couldn’t help but be joyful.

“Bianca, I trust you will stay with her?” it was a command not a question, but I made it’s sound as such so the mother wouldn’t suspect us.

Delight nodded in acknowledgement as we walked past him.


“How do we go about the search?” Daniel the silent onlooker asked.

Based on how they behaved when we were in the mother’s presence, you would have thought them mute doppelgangers of me.

“ it's now you decide to talk?”

he glared at me. Damien was trying his damnedest to stay out of the fight.

oh no you dare not!.

“And you Damien why didn’t you say anything? You two Gs left the whole thing you me, it wasn’t fair!”

I pretended to be enraged.

“Donald calm down, we all know you’re the only one capable of speaking in situations like this. If I or Daniel have spoken, we don’t think she would have agreed to leave it to us." Damien spoke up causing Daniel to nod eagerly.

“The most important thing to talk about right now is how to find out mate and get him back before anything bad happens to him." Daniel said, and 

I nodded in agreement.

"How do we go about it? " Damien asked.

“Today’s the Alphas’ meeting." Daniel spoke up.

"how  do you expect us to attend the meeting while our mate’s still in enemies territory?”

Sometimes I don’t get how he thinks.

“There’s an important thing to note." the jock is now a nerd “all the Alphas will attend the meeting." He said.

I looked at him in confusion, am  still not getting what he’s insinuating.

“we can enlist their help and also find out the culprit”

"Now you're talking," Damien smiled.

“How do we go about it?”

I asked the mastermind, he looked puzzled at him.

“ what do you mean by that?" He  looked at Damien and I.

“how do we go about your plans?”, I asked again.

“I brought the plan, so it’s left to you two to Think of how we go about it." He scratched his hair nervously ' the idea just came like that."

Damien shook his head, trying his damnedest hard not to smile " I really thought you’ve left me in dumb land."

Daniel smirked,“I can’t bro. it’s me and you against Donald we have a brain already. why do we need another one?”

they high fived.

“Get a life." I mumbled.

If they’ve sworn an oath not to get sense, who am I to deny them the pleasure?

I motioned for them to come closer

 “I have an idea."