
Chapter 17

Donald’s pov

My brothers are talking in the background, yet I couldn’t care to listen to whatever they might be bantering about, my focus solely on our mate.

He’s too innocent to b going through whatever might be done to him.

It’s no longer a debating topic that he was kidnapped.

I’ve not known him for long but I’ve come to the realization that he’s not one to make his mother stress over his whereabouts.

His dried blood from the club is still making my wolf howl in rage, he wants to destroy those that’ll hared his mate, his intent on protecting his mate from harm.

I couldn’t bear to tell him to stop as it’s obvious am having a hard time coming to terms with what’s happening.

had I known, I wouldn’t have brought him from where he was living safely with his parents.

I thought it will be good for him and us if we live together, a bad decision in my case.

I can live knowing my mate’s alive and well, but this kidnapping, I can’t live with.

“Donald, Donald, Donald!!!” 

I was startled hearing my name after a long time of being in my head.

"What’s it?"I  snapped at Dennis.

I love my  brothers, but in this case I can kill them if it means my mate got to live.

He’s the only thing keeping me sane and grounded in this insane world.

“Cool down bro,"  he raised his hands up in surrender “I mean you no harm." his signature smirk was no where to be found, a first for as long as I could remember.

“ Why were you calling me?” I asked impatiently.

instead of saying anything, he pointed at a scene in front of us.

“that’s why I was calling you."

from where we’re standing I can see Bianca pacing the floors with Miguel’s mom.

Normally the sight would have looked funny, but now it’s getting on my nerves.

Bianca was holding Miguel’s mother’s hand like a daughter in-law consoling her mother-in-law.

The thought alone was enough to make me erupt, I turned angrily towards a sad looking Dennis,

“Why is that a concern to me?” I Frowned at him.

he looked at me as if he’s seeing me for the first time.

“our mate is currently missing and you’re showing me a funny scene?You must be out of your senses."

I turned to go.

“you’re missing something in the picture, if you had at least listened in on what we had been saying, you wouldn’t need an explanation."  he admonished like a mom scolding her son.

“Miguel’s mom is on the verge of calling the cops and you know we can’t allow her to make that call."

I still don’t understand what he’s insinuating, am aware we can’t allow her to call in the cops, but I still don’t get where he’s heading to with his words.

“And then?” I asked.

this time around it was Damien that answered.

“we need you to convince her not to call in the cops."

"How do they expect me to go about that?" I look at them in question.

“how?” this time they didn’t bother to hide their frustration, it was prominent in their faces.

“you’re the brain, think of what to say," Damien was the one to speak up first.

“If we knew what to do, we wouldn’t have bothered with you." Dennis chirped in.

I looked at the scene and back at my brothers. I still don't get what they're Insinuating.

“get your head out of the hole and help, the safety of our mate likes in your hands!!!” Damien shouted.

The mention of our mate had me at alert.

“What do I have to do?”

I can wipe out a whole continent if it will bring my mate back, right where he belongs.

“convince her not to call the cops." They pointed at Miguel’s mom.

She was with a phone ready to make that call.

“on it."

I matched towards her with my twins flanking me.

“I can’t take this any longer," she glared at a red faced Bianca “you promised your town’s sheriff will be here any minute from now, but it’s being thirty minutes. Thirty long dreadful minutes and your sheriff haven’t arrived." She was fuming in anger.

Bianca looked towards Delight for help, but he shook his head.

"they will be here any moment from_” her eyes alighted on us “oh thank goodness, they’re here already."

I looked around to see who she was talking about, but I don’t see another person besides I and my brothers.

When her eyes(Miguel’s mom), landed on us, she ran towards us.

“are you the sheriff?” she questioned, a skeptical look on her face. 

 "Yes?” I wasn’t sure of how to reply to her questions as I don’t want to lie to my future mother-in-law.

“You don’t look a bit old, you might even be the same age as my son and you’re saying you’re the sheriff?"

I don’t want to lie to her, it won’t be wise starting our relationship on a wrong foot.

Instead of lying, I opted for a believable lie

 “my.. our father was the sheriff before he died in an accident and we took over his office since we three are compatible for the job."

I could feel their looks on me, but I stood confidently still.

“Ma’am, you called for us?” I asked. Acting all professional.

She nodded sadly “my son Miguel have gone missing." she lamented.

since I was acting like a town’s sheriff( which am some how like based on the fact that as an Alpha, I take care of my pack), I can’t allow my emotions rule me.

“Are you sure he’s really missing?” I hope that’s the case.

she nods “am really sure about it, my son Miguel wouldn’t leave the house without first telling me where he’s going to." a tear slipped from her eyes.

“please, you have to find my son for me. Initially when I discovered he wasn’t in the house, I thought he was still angry about the fight I had with him, but seeing that he’ve eaten his lunch, I know he’s not angry.

It happens that whenever he’s hungry, he skips meals." she smiled fondly, but the smile vanished When she looked up.