
A Little Memory

"Disappearance of a Family" read the headlines. I got two papers: the other one read, "Beginning of a new Project..." ---- Juliana Mace began to recover her memories which were lost due to Amnesia or so they said. Were all these memories happy, or were they sad? Was there a secret hidden in there? Everything looks suspicious to her. She begins her dangerous adventure to find the truth behind her hidden memories. Its the story of a psychopath who denies her true personality. The people who are named as her 'family' tries their best to keep her belief intact, but the truth won't hide itself for too long no matter how hard they try. The monster inside her secretly works behind the story and brings darkness to the little light that is left. Get ready to dive deep into the mind of a psychopath and enter a world full of plot twists...

C_A_Gunawardhana · Adolescente
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34 Chs

The Other Meaning

I wait silently, looking stiff. The room is so dark and yet when I turn I can see the woman's smiling teeth: like that cat in the story Alice in the Wonderland. Why was I magnetically attracted here?

I can feel the woman's eyes waiting and looking for an answer at the counter (or reception is it?)

'What do you want?' she finally speaks. 'or are you just looking around? I must say not many people in here like vintage stuff and all. In fact, this all for show, so why don't ya take your time.'

I realize, what she meant by 'all for show' wasn't what it sounds like, but a different meaning entirely. 'What do you mean?' I ask.

'I know you. Unlike I know everybody in here. Young lady, if I may say so, I see you've recovered. I'll give you the answers you seek. But not today. I say...come on Friday morning. The night isn't a good time. The eyes are on us.'

Why does she- no, I think I understand why. So my itchy feelings are correct after all.

'Alright. I'll come that day.' I reply. 'Good, now don't dash out. Check some things around here or they'll get suspicious.' she says to me. I nod.