
A Laid Back MC Traverses the Multiverse

After going through a rough situation, a young man finds himself in another world with the "option" of traveling through the worlds that he thought of as fiction. Unexpectedly, the young man wants nothing to do with world travel or adventuring. He just wants to laze around and do nothing.

JustACommonReader · Cómic
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29 Chs

Chapter 2

Adan sat up with a startle and shouted, "That was some bullshit cliche right there!"

He then looked around and saw that he was in somebody's room. Adan saw a mirror on the corner of his sight and walked towards it. Seeing that it was him and not some main character from some random anime, Adan walked towards the bed and laid down.

As he was gazing at the ceiling, Adan thought, 'What kind of shitty reason was that? Is Jessica really from some influential family? How the fuck did that happen? Why did she even have to resort to dirty tricks to get some money if she's really someone important?'

Adan just sighed in disappointment and said, "What a shitty way to go. Being killed by Truck-kun whilst my father is his accomplice. I wonder what are Henry and Mom going to do to him? Heh, I wonder if I have any cheats like those MCs in the fanfictions I've read."

Adan could now be seen grinning like a fool as he said, "System!"





"Where the fuck are my cheats!?"

Feeling even more depressed than ever, Adan turned over and laid on his stomach as he thought, 'This has gotta be the worst reincarnation story I've ever heard! I'm not smart, I'm not strong, I don't even have any good qualities to myself that could help me survive in a dangerous world!'

As the words kept replaying inside his mind, Adan immediately sat up and said, "Wait! That's right! I don't even know what world I'm in! Maybe I'm in a slice of life anime, a modern movie or something!"

He then surveyed the room and didn't see any damn devices! He then sighed in frustration and laid on the bed while thinking, 'Mannnnnnn, this sucks! Whatever! I Gotta make the most of this new life of mine.'

Adan then proceeded to go towards the door but before he could even open the door, the door opened by itself as it revealed who was behind it.

When Adan saw the person who opened the door, he was speechless. Why? What kind of life did he live to deserve such a punishment?

Standing before Adan in all of her glory was a very beautiful woman. Dare he says, a sinfully beautiful woman.

Her appearance was that of a 26-year-old woman that has long black luscious hair, milky white skin, supple scarlet-colored lips, dazzling black eyes, and a very beautiful white dress. Once Adan remembered that he forgot to breathe, he was further shocked by her scent.

A wonderful fragrance wafted off from her direction. It then reminded Adan of the warm rays of spring that he always enjoyed back on Earth.

As Adan was shocked about the appearance of the beauty, the beauty herself was confused about how a mortal suddenly appeared inside her room. Did the higher deities get bored again and did a joke on her? But she swears that she did nothing wrong, though?

After contemplating on how this above average looking mortal man arrived inside her room, the beauty/goddess finally asked, "Who are you, child? And how did you get here?"

Adan raised an eyebrow at her and said, "Child? You don't look much older than me though?"

He then glanced behind her and looked curious on the everlasting white. What in the world is happening to him? Why couldn't he just reincarnate normally?

Seeing that the 'boy' was ignoring her, the goddess was put off. Most mortals she ever met was kind of honored when they met her one way or another. But she didn't actually mind. This was kind of refreshing to see a mortal that doesn't care about her status as a goddess.

"*Cough* Again, how did you get here child? And who are you?"

"Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you too pretty lady. The name's Adan and it seems that this is going to be my afterlife, right?"

The goddess looked visibly confused at his words. What did he say? Afterlife? What does he mean by that?

Adan noticed her confused look and shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards the only bed in the room and laid down. He then turned sideways and looked at her dead in the eyes and said, "Just like I said, my afterlife. This is my afterlife, right?"

Now the goddess looked more confused than she previously was. What in the world is this young man talking about?! This isn't the afterlife for humans! This is the realm of the gods of Paradise! What in the world is he doing here!?

She then scrutinized her eyes at the young man in front of her and noticed a lingering divine aura that was slowly increasing itself. Albeit, very, very, very slowly.

The goddess then ignored the weird feeling she felt when she noticed 'Adan's' divine aura and walked towards the bed and sat down beside the mortal.

"Can you recap everything that happened to you before you came here, child?"

Adan looked quite thoughtful at that and tapped his chin with his right pointer finger while saying, "Before I came here? Hmmmm, aha! I think I was run over by Truck-kun!"

The goddess thought over what he said and exclaimed, "Oh! So what you're saying is that you arrived here after you were run over by Truck-sama?"

Adan arched an eyebrow at her and asked, "Truck-sama? Is Truck-kun a very powerful god or something?"

The goddess looked quite shocked at something about what he said and asked, "You know of Truck-sama but don't know how big of a deal he is? What kind of world are you living in?"

Adan sat up on the bed and scratched his head while saying, "Ummm, Earth? I don't know. Why do you ask? Is he really that powerful? How strong is he?"

The goddess thought about what he said and answered, "Hmmmmm, I think that Truck-sama is above the highest-ranking of Heaven's ranks. So about Rank 11 or above. Truck-sama's peers and his masters are on a whole different power scale than us gods."

Adan raised both his eyebrows at what she said, "So you're a goddess, huh. Sooooo, what's going to happen to me?"

The goddess shrugged her shoulders at that and said, "I do not know of that too. It was Truck-sama that killed you so he must have something planned for you."

Adan looked at the goddess for a couple of seconds more and then shrugged his shoulders again and decided to lay down on the bed once again. Seeing that they have nothing to talk about anymore, the goddess too followed suit.

Seeing that the goddess was laying down beside him, Adan raised his right eyebrow and looked at her, "What are you doing? Isn't this supposed to be my personal afterlife?"

The goddess then turned her head towards him and scoffed, "Please, as if anyone can just get a space in Heaven as their afterlife. If it wasn't for Truck-sama the one to send you here then I would've just sent you down to the world I and my colleagues are in charge of."

As Adan was beginning to realize that this woman was very, very familiar and the information that she was giving him was about to sink in, the goddess then said, "So we'll just have to wait on what Truck-sama is going to do about you. I can't do anything weird to you like sending you down on the world I'm supervising in cause that may irritate Truck-sama as he specifically left you here in this room. My room."

Adan's eyes widened at what she said but he quickly relaxed and asked, "So, I'm in your care then?"

The goddess then made a 'meh' gesture and asked, "So, do you know how to cook?"

Adan nodded his head.

"To clean?"


"To chores?"


"To do massages?"


"Hmmmm, I think I'm gonna keep you. I don't care if I get the ire of Truck-sama. You sound like the perfect husband material to me. You just need more practice on your skills then we're all set! You don't look bad to look at too. Plus points!"

Adan gave her a wry smile and said, "I don't marry a person I don't love. Even if she's a goddess."

The goddess rolled her eyes and said, "Bah! You'll learn to love this beautiful goddess as we spend time together! Who knows how long Truck-sama is going to take you back. He IS a pretty busy guy."

The goddess then proceeds to hug Adan and cuddled with him as her face is buried on his chest. A sweatdrop then formed on the side of Adan's head as he said, "I don't even know your name?"

The goddess's eyes widened at that as she looks up at Adan's face with a bright smile present on her charming face and said, "I apologize. My name is Luxuria. The goddess who represents the Sin of Lust. Nice to meet you Adan, my future husband."


(1506 words w/o A/N)

So I was going to write something else but found myself in this situation. The first chapter I wrote was about Adan finding himself in the Highschool of the Dead Universe with only a Status Window, an Inventory, and a skill about Multiverse that only works when the skill user dies.