
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasía
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11 Chs

You Are The Choosen One, Teresa

Sharon and Janet heard the noise and came running, they met Teresa half way to her room, but instead of helping her as she leaps to her room, they starts laughing..

They would have given anything in the world if Teresa came out unhurt this time, they knew it, they knew she had trick them the first time, that is why they threatened her to go back in there.

Sir Benedict helped Teresa when he came back from a state affair and hurried her to the hospital..

"You just need to be careful next time, am doing my best to get a cure for Sebastian, but the queens spell is just too strong." Benedict explained as he sits next to Teresa's hospital bed.

Teresa just swallowed, she held her breath, she has nothing to say to him, because what will a servant girl say to a highly placed state man like Benedict?... She know she has no choice but to keep going to Sebastian's room to feed him.

Teresa was brought back home, it has been three days now and Sebastian has not eaten anything because Teresa was in the hospital, no one dares to take food to him. They were all afraid, they end up like Teresa in the hospital.

Sir Benedict told Teresa to be more careful this time. "Don't go too close to him, he could be very dangerous, he nearly killed his own sister"

Teresa gasped as the words comes out of Benedict's mouth. She could only imagine her death if Sebastian tugs her like that one more time.

Standing in front of Sebastian's room, food in hand, she hesitate for a moment, her heart beating faster, she knows this might be her last day if Sebastian attack her again.

A tide of fear overwhelmed her as she turned the door handle, she opened the door and saw Sebastian all dressed up.. It seems he was going somewhere.

b-but, but, he was not allowed to leave the house, where is he going?

She meant to ask but the words struck in her throat as she was overwhelmed with his ungodly beauty.

Seeing him now all dressed up, she thinks he must be a creature of the night, his alluring beauty was out of this world.

Sebastian didn't want to interrupt her day-dreaming by asking what she was staring at, he's use to girls looking at him like that, but he didn't expect a maid to have high hopes about him getting under with her.

"Am sorry about the other day," Sebastian apologize for hitting her, although it was not him but the wicked queen who possesses him that hit Teresa.

"Is fine" she lower the food basket on the table while been careful not to get too close to Sebastian..

He smirk when he saw how she was been careful..

"Of course" Sebastian muttered 

"I won't be needing that, I will just eat outside" he said as he successfully button the last button on his neck and then turned to face Teresa..

"Am sorry, once again, I promise it won't happen again "

Teresa just nods and hurry back to tell Mr. Benedict that Sebastian is leaving the house.

"Son you can't go out" Benedict and his two daughters stood afar off, begging him to go back inside..

"I will be fine father, I know how to deal with this now" he drove out while they all ran after his car to the gate entrance, hoping that nothing goes wrong.

Teresa couldn't believe her luck, she couldn't believe she's going to live with this for the rest of her life, she just wish her mother will come back from the dead and save her. But no matter how hard she cries, her mother remain silent.

And then it hits her, she's going to stay with this monster for the rest of her life… "Get use to it Teresa" a voice speaks in her head.


Teresa walked in with her head bend low to the ground, she only wish this was a bad dream, she just want to wake up at her bed and feel the cold breeze flowing through the window and her nanny standing by her bedside waiting to take orders from her. But alas, it was she who is now the maid taking orders.

"Please, save me" Teresa heard the voice again.. Sebastian's portrait keeps begging her…

"Stop it! And get out of my head" she yells, but at no particular person..

"Am not in your head, am over here" Teresa turn to face the portrait.

She wanted to shake her head and laugh, … to think that this is some sort of crazy delusional.. She just hope that she's not going crazy?— Maybe her grandfather's hatred towards her is making her loss her mind, if not, why will a portrait be speaking to her?. Or maybe she's just imagining things. 

"You are the chosen one, you must save me no matter what!" 

Teresa wanted to yell at the portrait when it said that, but stopped as Benedict and his daughters entered the sitting room.

"We have to find him before he causes more trouble" Benedict walks to and fro, his heart troubled by what harm Sebastian could cause out there.

"Father you must look for solution fast" his little daughter suggested…

"Am trying, am yet to find one, maybe I will go back to the queen to plead with her once more, who knows she might change her mind and let my son go" the man speaks with so much frustration. If only he was powerful as a man could be, the queen would have paid with her own life!! 

But he's just an elder state man with no extra powers.

"I will come with you father" Sharon got ready to go with Benedict to find Sebastian…

"Let's just go home, is getting late" Sharon begged her father, the man was willing to search all day and night just to make sure he find Sebastian and bring him home..

"I won't let him cause more havoc" he murmured as he searched everywhere for Sebastian.

"I have to go now" Sebastian stood up to leave, he has promised to go out with the queens daughter on a first date, so he was sure nothing strange will happen to him while with her, the queen has promised before he agreed to step out of the house..

He thought to at least give it a try, after all, he has never met the Princess in person. But now that he did, he was sure that his situation will only get worse as he has made up his mind not to marry her, she's not want he wants.