
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Give Me Your Virginity And Be My Wife

"You can't leave me here, you have to take me home, to the palace. That is what gentle men do" Laura tries to scold Sebastian but he just smirked at her..

"Who told you am a gentle man?" he wanted to ask but instead, he just smiled at her..

"I have somewhere important to be, you can find your way to the palace, my Princess" Sebastian left with that been said..

"What! The queen must hear this!" Laura hit her fist on the table, frustrated by Sebastian. She wants him at all cost, and nothing will stop her, the queen will make sure Sebastian knees before her and beg to marry her.

Sebastian went home feeling disappointed.. Is that the girl everyone wants him to marry? .. The queen dares to cast a spell on him because of that arrogant bi…?" The words stuck in his throat, he knows too well not to call women names, but he will be the last man on earth to marry Princess Laura, to him, he deserve more than that, he wants a woman who will love him the way he loves her, not some privilege, arrogant girl!

The door opened and Sebastian stood facing his whole family as they stood surprised, looking at him as he entered. 

No one dares to speak, but Sebastian looked at Teresa who is also standing with the rest of his family, and he wonders what she was thinking about him right now.

"Am fine, you can see" he raised his hands a little to show them all is well and that he didn't cause a scene.

"Am hungry" he added when no one said anything the first time he spoke.

"Quick hurry and bring him food" Benedict turn to say to Teresa.

"Yes" she hurried away to the kitchen but when she came back with the food, Sebastian was gone..

"In his room, take it to his room" Janet whispered and Sharon nods in agreement..

Teresa hesitated, but looking at Sir Benedict, he gave her a go ahead nod. "Just be careful" he added.

Some new wave of fear grip Teresa as she walked slowly to Sebastian's room, she was afraid he will grab her by the neck again, she was sure she won't survive this time.

"Don't be afraid, Teresa, I won't hurt you" his soothing voice echo softly from his room when Teresa entered. He could see her, but she could not see him as he was in his closest changing into his nightwear. 

But before Teresa could turn around, he was already behind her to his own surprise. Giving Teresa a scare but Sebastian quickly pulled himself away from her, he knew that he's been taken over again by the queen..

"Hurry, run away and lock the door" Sebastian yell at Teresa as he tries all in his power to control himself..

He didn't want to hurt the poor girl again, from now on, he has made up his mind to fight the queen with all his will power, he will never hurt any of his family members again.

Teresa ran out of the door and lock it as fast as she could, but Sebastian has already giving her a scratch on her back, the cut was so deep that she fell forward immediately she locked the door..

His fangs where so visible now, his claws getting long like that of Eagle, Sebastian can't believe what the queen is doing with his body, he can't believe he's now turning into a Vampire. It was not enough that the queen uses his body to do bad things, she's turning him into a full-blown Vampire!.

"Let me go!" He yells with his deep voice but the queen won't listen.

"Sebastian, you have to pay for rejecting my daughter" she thrust him on the floor before leaving his body..

Sebastian immediately ran to the huge mirror hanging on the wall to take a look at his face, everything was normal now. But "Teresa!" he rushed to the door but soon realize it was not a good idea, he can't go to her, the queen might possess him again and use him to kill the rest of his family if he went out there, he better stay here.

Teresa, couldn't believe her luck, she survived!.. She ran into the embrace of Sharon and Janet…

They both cover their mouth with both hands as they could see the blood dripping from her back..

"Father!" Janet called out and Mr. Benedict hurried out of his room. That shout made his heart skip..

"Is Teresa, Sebastian almost killed her" Janet said pointing at Teresa who is gasping for air.

"Call the doctor!"

The doctor arrived a few minutes later..

"She will be fine, the cut was not too deep after all" the doctor gave them assurance..

Janet and Sharon sat up all night looking after Teresa. It made Teresa wondered if they where the same girls she met the first day she arrived in this house.

"Father needs to do something before is too late" Sharon said with a deep sense of worry on her face as she caress Teresa's hair.

"Sebastian could kill us all, if nothing is done soon" Janet added.

Teresa could only look from Sharon to Janet, she felt they where her real sisters, it warms her heart to know that they were so caring and loving.

"I have to do something to help" if that portrait said she could save Sebastian, then she has to do something to save him…

In the middle of the night, Teresa went to the sitting room, she wants to know if the portrait is real and not a fragment of her imagination.

She stood looking at it, but the portrait refuse to talk..

Teresa, smirked, shaking her head.. "I knew it, I was just imagining things.." she gave a soft tap on her forehead and turned to leave.. But just then she heard a voice

"Please save me" the portrait pleaded and Teresa turned instantly..

"So you are real?"

"Of course am real, and only you can save me" the portrait reply.

"How?, Tell me, how do I save you?"

"Give me your virginity and be my wife, that is the only way to break the queen's curse" the portrait said.