
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Sebastian! No! This Is Becoming Dangerous!!!

"What!" Teresa could not believe this, "Are you insane?" cheeks red, she can't believe what this portrait just said to her. She quickly covered her breast with both hands and hurried away to her room.

Her heart pounding, she can't imagine that she's listening to a portrait, and to think of it, that portrait must be a very nutty portrait, she was very sure Sebastian won't say that to her in person.. There is no way she's doing that.

"No! I can't" she almost yell.


Sebastian sat up all night thinking about Teresa, "Is she okay, I hope I didn't hurt her, will she ever accept to bring me food?" he recall how many maids has left the house already because of him, if Teresa leaves, he will starve to death.

He wanted to go to her and apologize, but that too, is a bad idea. The queen might possess him again and this time, he will be the one to end Teresa's life before he has the chance to apologize properly to her.


In just a split seconds, the queen reappear into her room in the palace. The blood from Teresa covered her fingers… "That bitch! Always interfering, huh!" she curse under her breath… "I will kill her, and Sebastian too, that foolish boy!. I will make sure you will not be with anyone else!…." She chop her teeth, her red scary eyes sparkling with fire, she breathe heavily…

A knock brought her out of her plights, she quickly wave her hands in the air and the blood and every injury she sustain during her struggle with Sebastian disappeared.

Immediately the door flew open, Laura entered the queen's room.. 

"How did it go?" Laura was hoping perhaps the queen was able to convince Sebastian, but the queen's anger flew high when she saw Teresa the moment she entered the room..

"I think we have a little problem. The maid. His maid, I think she's becoming a little distraction" the Queen keep groaning as she speaks 

"I knew it, Sebastian was not even interested in me the whole time we talked, he was in a hurry to go home, now I know it was that maid!—I am going to deal with her" Laura stormed out of the room but the queen stopped her..

"I will deal with her myself, just get yourself prepared to be Sebastian's wife.."

"Yes queen mother" Laura bow slightly and went out, still not satisfied with the queen's suggestion. She wondered why the queen don't let her do anything on her own. It was the queen who choose Sebastian for her, luckily Laura fell in love the very first day she met him. And now, she cast a spell on him because he refused the queen's proposal, and the worst one, she always go in and out of Sebastian's room to threaten him to marry her daughter!

"When will the queen let me do anything on my own?— Who knows maybe Sebastian would have said yes to me!" Laura turn and twist on her bed.


In the center of her room, Teresa stood, wondering what that portrait meant… how can that nutty portrait ask of her something like that huh?... She has vow to keep herself pure only for her husband, she can't be so reckless in giving up her virginity to a man who doesn't love her. The Sebastian she knows won't even look at her in that kind of way, she knows that, she's not even close to been beautiful like Laura, the queens daughter whom Sebastian rejected, how on God's green earth will she think of having him as her husband? She knew she wanted to help somehow but her virgini…. 

She heard a knock.

Sir. Benedict entered the room, his head bow low.

"Am really sorry for what happened, I understand if you want to go and not stay here again, but where will you go?" 

Teresa knew that question has just one answer, she has no where to go to, it was her fate to die here, and be buried here, that was her grandfather's wish.

"I will be fine sir"

Benedict nods, satisfied that Teresa was not planning on running away, he went to his room.

"I have to meet with the queen tomorrow, she has to let my son go" he murmured as he throws himself on the bed and drift off to sleep.

Benedict stood in front of the throne the next day, the queen looked down on him with a disgusting look.

Five members of the panel sat, two on one side, three on the other side of the throne.

"Speak" the queen ordered.

The man went on his knees. "Your Majesty, you will live forever, your reign is admirable, please have mercy on my son and lift the curse, for it will ruin him completely, I hope your daughter wants to get married to a healthy young man as my son."

When he made an end of speaking, three of the council members nods in agreement.

In rage, the queen struck one council member and he died instantly..

"Anyone else?.. Who wants to support this insolence!" the queen ask.. 

They were all speechless, the silent that reign over them took quite some time before the queen spoke again.

"There is not one person here who did not have to sacrifice something. My husband is no more, it was all agreed upon that I make him disappear for good, without hesitation I did, now, just a little token from you. My daughter desire to have your son, and your son she will have.. Now dismiss!"

With trembling fingers, Sir. Benedict left the queen's present.

For a few moments, he sat in his car paralyzed. He didn't know where to get help for his son, the way he sees it, he has no choice but to go home and convince Sebastian to accept the Princess as wife. He didn't want to lose his only son, because he was very sure that the queen will kill Sebastian if he keeps refusing her proposal.

But as he stood there gazing upon his son, he just knew Sebastian would say no to his request.

"Father, my answer is no" Sebastian said even though his father did not say a thing.

"I hope you understand the implications of your refusal?—The queen won't let you go"

"I know, but I have to find a way somehow" Sebastian said looking at his father who stood a far distance while talking to him.

"Is it getting bad?" the man ask, seeing the way Sebastian turns his head, his eyes turning red as he speaks to his father.

"She's turning me into a Vampire, father, this is so dangerous, am becoming a monster, am afraid I won't be able to hold on for too long, you've got to do something"

"Marry the Princess and end this misery, son" Benedict begged Sebastian.

"I don't love her, she's not who I want, I can't stand that arrogant brat of a princess" Sebastian clutches his fits, he could feel his body transformation, this is not the only time he's noticing this, anytime he speaks bad of the Princess, the queen punished him by transforming his body into a monster..

"Who is talking about love? What must be done must be done, son, love is for boys, you can take over the throne one day. Just do the needful!"

Sebastian twist and turn, his stomach burning with hunger, as he felt his body transforming….

"Dad, you have to go now!, I can feel it, I don't want to hurt you father, go now!" he yells as two fangs grows instantly in his mouth…

"No!, no, no, no" Benedict yells at the sight of the fangs growing in Sebastian's mouth, he ran out of Sebastian's room, closing the door firmly behind him..