
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Are You Offering Me Your Virginity For Free?

Sebastian manage to walk slowly to the door, using all his will power to suppress the queen, while giving his father time to escape, he raised his hand to hit at the door but pause.. He walked back to his bed and sat down..

The queen left Sebastian's body immediately, she didn't know how Sebastian manages to control himself this time. He was supposed to kill his father, but instead he walked back to his bed and sat down.. "No, this boy is doing something to block my powers, I have to find out.

Sebastian was normal again, he sat there breathing heavily, thinking what would have happened to his father right now?.. 

Days pass, but no one was bringing him food. The thought of the queen made him forget about food for a while, but then, he thought he heard footsteps and hurried to the door.

"Teresa!" he called out but no one answered. "Teresa, is that you?.. Please am very hungry and am so sorry for the other day, is all my fault but this time, you can just throw in the food without coming inside, so I won't hurt you again"

Tears stood Teresa's eyes as she listen to him, if only she can help him, if only there was another way to help him.. But that portrait said the only way to break the curse is if Sebastian broke her virginity.

Her trembling hand held the door lock and turn it open, she entered inside the room ignoring his warning.

Sebastian just stares at her, wondering if she has extra life, why is she not afraid of him by now? What if he hurt her again.

She hand him the food and he ask her to leave the room immediately..

"Wait! I-I can help you" she said stammering..

"Help me?"

"Yes, I can help you break the curse" she said, her gaze fix on him, it was as if she's afraid that if she break her gaze away from his mesmerizing face, something terrible will happen to her.

Sebastian wanted to laugh, how can a frightening girl like her help in breaking the queen's powerful spell that has turned him into a Vampire already?

"Yes, I can"

"Ok, so how are you going to do that?" Sebastian was so curious because right now, he needed any help he could get to break the spell.

"You can have me" the words came out of her mouth without hesitation.

"Excuse me?" Sebastian didn't think he understood what she meant..

 "Have you!—How?"

"Am still pure, and no man has ever touched me, it is only my virginity that can break the spell" she said looking straight into his eyes, she couldn't break her gaze from his…

In a state of confusion, Sebastian blinks at her, and then he smirked at her, then erupted in an uncontrollable laughter.

Teresa didn't know why he will be laughing at his solution, or maybe he didn't want her, maybe she's not as beautiful as the girls he will like to have, but his portrait at the sitting room clearly said she was the only one that can save him if only Sebastian be the first to have her.

Teresa stood there watching as he laughed at her suggestion, but instead of getting angry at him, she keeps falling deeper for him, his mesmerizing face held Teresa in a spellbinding trance as she watch him laugh. 

"Teresa" his soft enchanting but masculine voice brought her back to reality.

 "Do you understand what you just said?..... You want me to have sex with you?-- You want me to be the first man to walk in there," his gaze travel slowly from her face down to her belly button. He puts the food down and walked dangerously, slowly towards her. Teresa starts moving backwards as he approaches her until she met a resistance.

Sebastian leaned forward when he finally reached her. His eyes fix to hers, he smirked dangerously.

"This is dangerous, Teresa, your virginity is not something you should throw away just like that, the queens spell is more powerful than what you think, I will find a way to break this spell, now you hurry and leave before the queen comes, she always do, unannounced."

Reluctantly Teresa left the room with a deep sense of shame, she blame that stupid portrait, she knew it, it was just her imagination playing tricks on her, there is no way that portrait could be telling her things, maybe it was her own obsession of Sebastian that is making her think up things. Making her think that Sebastian's portrait was talking to her, telling her such nutty things.

Now she has made a big fool out of herself.. She hits her head as she walked shamelessly back to her room, She doubt if she will ever have the courage to face him next time.

Sebastian just couldn't get his mind off Teresa, all of a sudden, his mind has become a mess.

"Good lord… what on earth came over her?—Offering me her body just like that!" Sebastian's mind is now a whirlwind, he knows he shouldn't be thinking about his maid in such a way, but damn!—What makes her offer him herself when he didn't ask for it?— "Is she in love with me?.. No!.. Yes! If not why will she indirectly tells me that she's still a virgin?" he shakes his head as if to shake Teresa off his head..

The more he thinks about it, the more his body's temperature rises. His body starts to react strangely just by thinking about what she said.

"I need to taste her" a voice echo in his head… "Stop it Sebastian" he subconsciously hits his head, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he can't remember when last he genuinely smile.. 

But no matter how he thinks about it, She didn't make any sense to him— he wondered who gave her that awful idea, who ever told her she could break the spell with her vigini— he smirked at the thought of it. But somehow, he felt a deep sense of chill, he finds himself wanting to talk to her.

His mind struggled to come to terms with the situation, but damn!—He knew he shouldn't be feeling any attraction towards his maid. 

Teresa entered her room, her heart pounding so loud within her, she feared Sebastian would see her as a loosed cheap maid who throws herself at him.. She wonders what he might be thinking right now..

The boldness she had when she was planning her rescue mission all disappeared. Now she just want to leave and never come back.

Her grandfather has never been good to her, she knows she has suffered a great deal of humiliation in her grandfather's house, but what she felt right now is beyond that…