
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Teresa Has To Die!!!!

"Teresa! Teresa," a voice interrupt her troubled mind.. She hurried to the door…

"Your grandfather is here" Janet said with an exciting face..

"My grandfather!" Teresa never thought her grandfather could come looking for her.. "What made him change his mind?" she ask herself..

She hurried to greet him but it was obvious he's not here for her, he came for business and didn't give a f*ck if she dies or not.

Her head drops in shame as she walked back to her room..

"Am sorry, I thought he was here to see you" Janet said, her arms wrapped around Teresa, they both left the two old man to talk business.

"Is she still alive?" Denison ask Benedict.

"Yes, for some reasons she's alive" Benedict and Teresa's grandfather whispered as the old man fixed his gaze on his granddaughter. 

Sir. Benedict assured him that Sebastian is very violent now and would eat Teresa up in a matter of days.

"Then why is she still alive?" the old man roar. He wants that curse child dead, and gone, forever, so he can clear his reputation from the shameful and disgraceful act his only daughter has brought upon him— she can't bring an illegitimate child into his home! No! He will not accept that. 

"If Sebastian is not violent enough to kill Teresa, then, I will take her away and look for another means to end her for good."

"No, no, no, I assure you it will be done. Last time Sebastian almost killed her, but she manages to survive" Benedict said with trembling hands.

The old man scoff at Benedict, he wonders why he let a junior rank master to help him do what he can easy do for himself.—Killing Teresa won't be a big of a deal, but he just couldn't do it himself, after all, Teresa is still his blood.

"As for your boy, talk to him, the queen sent me to you, and you know you can't defile the queen's order— see you at triangle square tonight" he tap Benedict shoulder before putting on his old hat.

The man got up to leave, he made Benedict kiss the red and white feather on his old hat, it symbolize his position in the evil cult.. 


Sebastian was still thinking about Teresa when his father turn on the door lock…

"Father you know is dangerous to be here, I could be taken over by the queen, I don't want to hurt you or any of my sisters"

"I know, and I want you to put a stop to this, marry Laura and be free from the queen's curse"

"I will only marry the woman I love" Sebastian replied without looking at his fathers face.. He knows what his answer would be.. He has always told him to do what should be done and not what he likes to do.

"Love is for boys my son, when you become a man, you do that which is needful, marry Laura and we get a chance to be nobles in society.

Sebastian grab his fathers hands giving the man a scare.. "Am studying to be a medical doctor, not to be a goddamn noble Lord in your evil cult!"

"What!" Sir Benedict pulled his hands away from Sebastian, who told him about the evil cult?

"What did you just say?"

"I know about your evil cult, I over heard you talking with Sir Denison… all am asking you, father is to tell your evil queen to back off, let me be!" he roar, sending Benedict out of his room as he made a run.


At triangle square.

Everyone was gathered, the queen sitting at the edge, on a large chair, larger than anyone else's chair, a golden snake sitting as a crown on top of the chair, the room was dark, only the light of a dying candle illuminate the room. One could hardly recognize who was present..

"He has to die!" the Queen roar into the night silent. "Your son has humiliated me. No one, I mean no one refuses my order, my patience has ran out, Mr. Benedict"

"Your Supreme mercy is to all your children" Mr. Benedict bows to the queen.

"One last chance Mr. Benedict, one last chance"

"Thank you your Majesty" he kiss the queen's scepter and when back to his position. 

After a long talk in politics matter, the queen dismiss everyone except Mr. Benedict..

"Tell me what I must do to get your son, Sebastian to marry my daughter?"

"Allow him to fall in love with her"

"Love?— What has love got to do with getting married to the Princess?" The queen wave her scepter in anger.. "I am offering him my throne, he could be the king when he eventually get married to my daughter"

"Yes I know, but with Sebastian, love comes first"

The queen smirk mischievously, she thought men are more concerned about power, wealth, and having control of the political system?

"Am sorry my queen, but we are in the twenty-first century"

"What!— Are you telling me that am old fashioned?" she roar in anger..

"No my queen, but this days children wants to love their own way"

"Hmm, so what must I do?"

Benedict clicks his brain for a moment— "I think you should let Laura come stay in my house for a while, that is if you don't mind, my queen" he bows several times just to please her.

"It will give them time to know each other well"

"Hmm, I think your right" 

"But one more thing my queen, you need to lift the curse, I-I mean, so that Sebastian won't hurt the Princess" 

"Of course I know"

The very next day, Princess Laura was in Sebastian's house with a load of servants.

The three girls, Sharon, Janet, and Teresa stood in surprise in front of the door, hands fold across their breast as they stare in an amazement at Laura and her entourage. They refuse to help in any way get her into the house, but Mr. Benedict rushed pass them to Laura as she was standing there looking at the three girls who thinks she was not welcome into their house.

"Make way, you are welcome in my house" Benedict said with a smile that feels like he was been force to smile.

After she manages to settle in her room which she thought was a kind of punishment to her, because in the palace, the whole of Benedict mansion is just her own quarter of the palace. She wonders why she has to come stay here just so Sebastian could marry her.

Benedict rushed into Sebastian's room to inform him of his royal visitor. The queen has promise to lift the curse throughout her daughters stay in Benedict's house..

"Of course otherwise if he still refuses my daughter, I will turn him into a full-blown Vampire" She had warned. 


"Yes, and the queen has lifted the curse, you can now come out of your room and stay with the rest of the family." Benedict said so excited..

Sebastian wondered if that is supposed to make him feel happy..

Looking at himself in his large mirror, he puts on his white T-shirt, brushing his hair, he got ready to see Laura.

Everyone was at the sitting room waiting for him, Laura was sitting as the next queen, her posture showing how important of a person she is, her seat well decorated, only then will she agreed to sit down with the rest of the commoners.

Sebastian walked into the room, all eyes were fixed on him, but his gaze only fell on Teresa who is at the back of the room.

"Sebastian!" his two sisters where all over him, they've missed him so much, he has been the best big brother anyone could wish for, but the evil witch and her mother turned him into a monster!

Teresa could tell that Janet was Sebastian favorite, Judging from the way he never let go of her the whole time..

Laura was feeling uncomfortable because Sebastian only cares for his little sister and then..., she trace Sebastian gaze down to Teresa.. Why is Sebastian always stealing glances at her?— That must be the maid her mother was talking about..

"Who is she?" Laura pointed at Teresa, but no one said a thing until Sir Benedict said… "She's Teresa, our maid"

"Get a new maid, I don't like her"