
Making Some New Friends

Ray breathed in and out and said, "Well I guess we start in old Morrowind!", he began walking and then he got a notification, 'New [Status] board is available, do you want to see?', 'Hm? Oh! Of course, show me!', Ray chuckled and then he saw a new board with information on it.



Name: Ray Yin

Race: Human/Ancient Race

Titles: 'One who journeys through'

Age: 19

Magicka: 7500

Stamina: 3000

Soul Rank: 6 - Hero

Body Rank: Demigod

Melee proficiencies: None

Magic proficiencies: None

Magic skills: None

Active Effects: None


[Time Manipulation] [Increased Ability Cast] [Sword Will]

System points(sp): 38,000


Items: 40% discount ticket(for store items); [Half-step Saint Tier] Spirit Sun Balance Technique; [Fate Tier] Dawnfang/Duskfang


Ray looked at this new board with a glimmer in his eye and asked, 'How come I have a title?', 'The title is given as you have begun to go to your first world.', 'Doesn't the world of 'Soul Land' count as my first world?', 'No, because it was the world of a new beginning for you and is supposed to be your origin world that you are born in not travel to.', 'Oh! I get it, I was put in that world and not travelled to it, so it doesn't count as 'travelled' to, so that's how it works...okay! On to the next question, why is my 'Magicka' that high?! I mean I'm not complaining but I haven't trained in it at all!', 'The answer is simpler than you think, your rank is 75 and the conversion rate per rank is 100 'Magicka', therefore giving you such a high 'Magicka' to begin with like you were born with it but the other way round doesn't work like that, if your 'Magicka' is 10,000 then it won't make you a god, you will be the same rank, the world and the system has taken your cultivation into consideration and fixed you with that absurd starter amount.', '...Okay, now the last question, what's with me not having any magic proficiency? I'm pretty sure I should have proficiency with destruction and illusion magics' at least?', 'Ray is correct, but you haven't used these skills or magic's so the system has yet to record them.', 'Oh, okay, so if I use a spirit skill it will give me the proficiency?', 'Yes, as you have an understanding of it.', 'Ooh! cool! Let's try it out!', Ray stopped walking aimlessly and opened up his hands and started to use his first spirit skill and golden lightning was summoned up in his hands, he blasted it towards a nearby tree and watched it blow up and then he received a notification.

The system sent a ringing noise and then he got the message, 'You have just acquired [Destruction magic- lightning] added in your magic proficiency.', Ray smiled and then decided to do the same with fire and ice and he got the same message apart from the obvious change in the element used, he then used his illusion skill and got his proficiency in that, then healed himself and then he checked his proficiencies.


Magic proficiencies:

- [Destruction - Fire(adept); Ice(adept); Lightning(adept)]

- [Illusion - obscure(apprentice)]

- [Restoration - healing(apprentice)]


Ray nodded his head towards this and then decided to see what his melee proficiency would be, he brought out Dawnfang as it was still early in the morning and then inserted his sword will and slashed downwards unleashing a destructive and ominous translucent wave of energy forward and then received the message-


Melee proficiencies:

- [One handed - Expert]

- [Two handed - Expert]


Ray nodded his head and decided that was enough proficiency earning and decided he would learn some actual magic skills instead, he carried on forward towards and decided he would head towards the volcano in the distance as he knew from his understanding of the lore of the world that it was known as the 'heart of Lorkhan' or one of the gods to exist in the world of elder scrolls or nurn as the people call it, Lorkhan is known as the one who created the mortal plane by tricking his fellow Aedra(good gods) to put a part of their power in its creation and according to legend, Lorkhan died long ago, giving his life for 'convincing' the Aedra(good gods) to create Mundus. His divine spark fell to Nirn as a shooting star "to impregnate it with the measure of its existence and a reasonable amount of selfishness. Lorkhan's heart was indirectly responsible for at least three major near-disasters in the last decades of the Third Era, and his remains are connected to the disappearance of the dwarves.

Ray began running and it was quite the speed for someone who was still technically mortal, well his soul is at least, he was running faster than the average car at its top speed, no it was faster, it went past the speed of 400mph and still increasing till it steadily stopped at 500mph(miles per hour), he reached the beginning of the volcano known as the red mountain and looked at it almost never-ending size, "Damn! That fucking massive!", but before Ray took a step further he felt the presence of some beings nearby and decided to hide in the shadows and waited to see who or what it was, his body quickly turned into an ashen colour and looked as if it was melting but was, in fact, integrating with the shadows, he also received another message because of his action and attained an adept proficiency in the mysticism for physical manipulation.

He waited for a few moments and then saw some men and women dressed in robes and some dressed in gold like heavy armour, they were a muddy golden colour themselves and the men looked quite bulky and the women looked more on the skinnier side as well as pretty, the ones in the robes were talking upon one another and the ones in armour were holding weird golden coloured contraptions that had steam coming through them every now and again, they were also being followed by two mechanical humanoid machines who had a rotating ball for legs and had a sword for a left hand, they were also having steam come from them every now and again, when Ray saw them he was almost flabbergasted and overjoyed and thought, 'HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! IT'S FUCKING DWARVES!!! HAHAHA!!!', he wanted to meet them but didn't know whether they would be hostile to him or not, he decided to wear more convenient wear for the time and world and bought a robe and armours of this world but they were different at the same time, he bought a dragon patterned black magic robe pre-enchanted with 50% stronger spells of any school and 'Magicka' regenerates 250% faster, 'I mean it's good compared what's available in the game but if I spent time on it I could make a way better one but this is probably better than most', he paid 750 system points for the robe and then bought some fancy looking ebony armor, he bought a reinforced pair of ebony boots and gauntlets that had an extra royal blue and gold layer of dwarven armor along with it covering the etching on the armour and an ebony light chainmail to wear under the robe and then some ebony padding on his left and right shoulder, the hood on the robe made him look more like someone from assassins creed, he put all these on and thought, 'This is actually pretty comfy and this armour isn't heavy at all, then again I am pretty strong...', once Ray was finished putting all these on he looked like a mix between a high levelled dragonknight and a nightblade from elder scrolls online.

The tried overhearing what the dwarves were trying to say but they were speaking another language entirely, 'Well no surprise there, this is a real world as well as another country, of course, they're not gonna speak the same language if it was a 'Nord' I could probably understand but these are dwarves for crying out loud! Hey Rid, do you have an automatic translator?', 'I forgot to mention but you can communicate and understand any language with your title 'One who journeys through', Ray sighed at this and nodded his head whilst thinking, 'Too convenient!'

Ray looked around and saw where they were heading and decided to go up front and meet them like he was heading the same place, he sneaked there using his shadow control and acted like he was walking in the same direction as them, he walked slowly and soon enough felt them walking behind them and heard, "Halt! Who are you?!", Ray turned around and saw the ones in armour look at him warily and the ones in robes look at him with curiosity, the women were blushing slightly even if they were a different race, Ray looked beyond handsome for any race be it an 'Argonian' or a 'High elf', who were known for their haughty attitude.

They saw the human features on his face and were confused about why a human was in Morrowind of all places, they began muttering and some were saying, "Is he Atmorian(ancient Nord which is technically the present Nord for the time being)?", "No, he looks like a warrior bu Atmorian warriors are known for there bigness and they don't have hair or eyes like him either, his hair looks more like ones from Altmer(high elf name) and eyes from Chimer(worship the more evil-gods- deadra) but neither of those skin types matches with his odd snow-white colour which I don't even see when I look at an Atmoran, how odd...", "How about a Manmer(Breton) his skin matches more along the lines of that and he's not as muscular as a Nord which is known by them.", "Yeah but they're not that tall!", "Well the race, in general, isn't but there can be exceptions you know.", they nodded towards that notion made by one of the dwarven women within the group who was eyeing Ray, "Wait, do you think he even understands a word we're saying?", "Oh, your right, but I'm pretty sure Miss Gorlis knows some of the mer language(human language), the dwarves all looked at the dwarf eyeing Ray who responded with, "Y-yes, I indeed know a bit, I will talk to him!", and she had a slightly shocked face but that quickly changed with a slight smile and she stepped forward and said, "H-hello, can you tell us what one of the merfolk is doing in the land of Morrowind?", Ray smiled and thought, 'Hye Rid what species am I closest to?', 'Well technically speaking with your bloodline your closest to Et'eda or Magne Ge, so you can pick whichever one you want.', 'Wait...what?! You want me to pick one of the strongest and most rare species in the fucking world?!', 'Well technically speaking you have a literal bloodline called 'Ancient race' so yes and no, you can pick whatever you want.', 'Okay fine...hmm...I can probably get away with saying Magne Ge with my amount of Magicka albeit there's not a high chance...', "Greetings Dwemer folk I can understand you clearly.", "Oh! He speaks good dwemeris!", "Wait, that means he understood what we were saying this whole time?!", "Uh...yes...", "Anyway back to the main topic, merfolk what are you doing here in Morrowind?", "Ahem, I'm sorry to burst your bubbles but I'm no 'merfolk',", Ray then released his massive Magicka pool for a few seconds on the Dwemer which made them take a step back and then he stopped and continued with a smile, "I am a race of beings known as the Magne Ge!", the guards sheafed their weapons but still sweated profusely and the ones in robes had flabbergasted faces and utter shock, they looked as if they were frozen and then one of the more stronger willed said, "N-no way c-could he really be a Magne Ge?!!", he then breathly looked at Ray again with shock and then towards the sun as it was called the hole of Oblivion(Hell) or the gateway to Magicka briefly but more importantly it was known as Magnus and the Magne Ge were followers and a type of Et'eda of Magnus and are known as the star children whilst Magnus is called the sun, you could probably get what I'm saying here, Ray's very existence to the dwarves was a wonder to look at, "W-what in Oblivion is a Magne Ge doing in Morrowing, heck what's one doing in Tamriel?!?!", said another one, Ray looked at the dwarf lady who was eyeing him earlier and she still had a shocked face, her mouth was wide enough to fit a whole fist in, maybe even two!

The dwarves kept shouting to each other about what was in front of them and they didn't know what to say after a few minutes of freaking out, "...A Magne Ge is right in front of us...this probably makes a ton of the others jealous to the core if they found out!!!", one of the guard's then had enough courage to say to Ray, "What d-do we call you esteemed Magne Ge?", "Hmm...well just call me Ray for now.", they all had confused faces but then they nodded their heads with the thought, 'Maybe his name is that long that he shortened it or something...', Ray could tell what they were thinking from their facial features and he thought, 'Oh come on! You're supposed to be one of the smartest, if not the smartest race in Tamriel! Sigh...', he then said, "Anyway the reason I'm here is that, well I'm looking for knowledge.", this made some of the ones in robes confused and Ray noticed this and said, "Don't get me wrong, I know many things but well...", Ray then put on his best acting and said whilst with an annoyed and frustrated face, "Do you realise how long I've been asleep?!?!?", his shocked the dwarves and one of them who was curious asked, "W-well could you tell us?", then Ray gave a thinking face and said, "What is the present year?", "Er, 1E 665 why?", Ray tried to give his best reaction with a nodding face but then an angered one, "Wait...what?!?! What's 1E stand for?", this made the dwarves even more dumbfounded and then another asked, "I-it stands for the first era, the one after the Merethic era.", "NO, NO, NO!!!", this made the dwarves even more shocked because they were beginning to think that he slept for a long time, "S-sir Ray don't tell me yo-", but the dwarf was interrupted by Ray's shouting in agony, "IT CAN'T BE!!! I thought only a couple hundred years had gone by! But NO! It's been two fucking eras!!!", this made some of the dwarves take another step back as Ray released his Magicka again but then quickly stopped and then the dwarves started to talk again, "Was he left behind or something?", "No, he calls himself a 'Magne Ge' you moron in the known history they were only called that once they left with Magnus himself!", "Then what's going on?!", "Maybe he left but came back soon after and took a rest?", "I mean, he is supposed to be an Ed'eta and their concept of time is far larger than ours.", "True!", then they heard Ray muttering and overheard, "Seriously, I come back on Nurn one more time to say my goodbyes and then I take what was supposed to be a one year nap and then it turns out to be two eras?!", "Oh...", the dwarves collectively said and then another one of them then said out loud, "But how did he get on Morrowind and if he was here from the beginning, how did no one find him?", Ray heard him and gave him 'are you stupid or something' look and the dwarf said with an innocent face as if he didn't understand, "Um, what?", but then another dwarf slapped him on the head and said, "Seriously? Has being overground(they like to live underground) made you dumb or something, as powerful as he is, you couldn't think of something better, he obviously had a better means of getting here, by which I may ask sir Ray, were you here from the beginning or did you just get here?", "Well, yes and no, I mean I woke up in a small coast just off what I believe is Vivec in Vvardenfell(land in the middle of Morrowind) and just teleported here not long ago, it's pretty easy.", "B-but that's would take an absurd amount of Magicka?!", "Meh, it's pretty simple, I mean I could've run here but that would've taken a few extra minutes.", "Oi, Oi! Did he just say that he could've run here in a few minutes?!?!", "Y-yes?!", "By the gods!", "Anyway, you guys smell kinda like those, what do ya' call em', oh yeah, the Ehlnofey, then again they are supposed to be your ancestors if I remember right...funny bunch they are.", "Hey, hey, did you just hear what he said?!", "You know what I'm not even surprised anymore!"

Ray sighed and said, "Anyway, that's a call looking thing you got their, mind if I look?", Ray pointed to the dwarven sphere who was standing by and the dwarves raised their brows but nodded their heads, "Uh, sure go ahead.", "Cool, what species is this?", "Uh, it's an automaton made by our race, they are like a type of living item so to speak.", Ray was playing the ignorant card as to not be suspicious and walked up to the dwarven sphere, and started to look all around it, Ray kept looking around it with a look of intrigue which made the dwarves proud that a higher being was looking at their work with curiosity and Ray raised his brow and then said, "Hey, does this thing turn into a sphere?", "Uh, yes.", "Cool! You could probably make, what did you call it an 'automaton' that lets you ride it with it turning into a moving ball, especially when you use these weird looking circular objects that are inside them.", "Hmm...hey isn't there a rumour going on that they made something like that in Skyrim?", said one of the dwarves and then another said, "Yeah but they used that 'Aetherium' ore, I wish I had some of that blue glowing goodness.", Ray stopped what he was doing and then said, "Hey this blue stuff you're on about, is it those blue crystals within, what was that place they called it on that map that I saw on the way here...hmm...oh yes, Markarth?", "Uh, yes, how do you know this?", "Oh, some of my fellows use to make jewellery out of the stuff, it was quite nice in all fairness.", "W-what?! You've used and seen Aetherium?! They literally had a war because of the weapons they could make out of the stuff and you tell us you used it for jewellery?!", "Well, yes. But enough about that, how about you guys teach me some stuff, like how to make these things?", "Sure, but what are you going to teach us in return?", "Wait here for a moment.", Ray said and then he took a step forward and then pretended he was thinking something, 'Hey Rid, how much is a small crystal of Aetherium in the [Store]?', 'Well if it's a small crystal that's about the size of 7.5cm then 250 system points', 'The hell?! People fought wars over this stuff and it's that cheap?!', 'Well, truth be told there is actually a lot more of the stuff than you may think, so much in fact, that it's given a price that low.', 'Well...shit...okay buy one and put it in my inventory', 'Affirmative!', Ray turned around and then said, "Aha! I've got it!", "Oh? What is it?", said one of the more curious dwarves, "You said that you need a piece of Aetherium, yes?", "Haha...in our dreams...", "Well, stop dreaming and-", Ray made it seem like he was invoking some sort of spell and gathered the Magicka into his hands and shot it downwards into the ground making a giant hole into it, this made the guards scared and more on guard, "W-what did you just do?!", said one of the dwarves who got scared by what he just did, "Hm? Oh nothing, just some small magic.", "You call that small?!", "Why, yes, yes I do. Anyway, here you go!", Ray opened his hand up to them and looked at it to see a 'big' shard of Aetherium in his hands, "N-no it can't be?!", "By the gods!!", "W-how in Oblivion?!", "L-lord Kagrenac?!", "I said here you go!", Ray threw the piece of Aetherium towards one of the dwarves like it was a small matter making the dwarves see Ray in another light and then he said, "Now, teach me how to make them!", he said with a smile which made the dwarves sweat as they thought that he had nothing of value to teach them but then they thought again to the fact that he was a higher being, to begin with, and then said, "I-I think Lord Kagrenac should know about this!", "Uh yes, let's just say sir Ray here is a guest and say this piece is Aetherium is a gift.", "Yeah, maybe we might get away with it?", "Honestly, I don't think Lord Kagrenac cares, he's always in his research and whatnot.", "True, sir Ray follow us!", 'Holy crap! Today's been so eventful, first, we meet a god-like being and then we get him to go with us to out base!', 'Well someone give me a fucking Oscar because I bloody hell deserve one! Haha!'

Yo! This is just like an intro to what's to come in the few chaps, honestly, it's just him bullshitting his way through till he learns all they can teach him and then he gets taught other magic by some other guy as well but that's in a later date.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

LORD_LUMIcreators' thoughts