
Learning Magic!

On the way to the dwemer home, the saw some Chimer who were giving some looks to Ray but slight destain for the dwemer but Ray said, "Can you show me where your home is on your map?", "Uh, sure", Ray looked at the map and found the location they were heading and then tried to imagine where it was and then said, "Uh, hold on to me.", "Oh! I think he going to teleport!", the dwarves got excited and put their arms on to Ray and then each other and then they felt themselves distorting and then reappearing, "There, we are here.", Ray declared and he began walking but quickly stopped and turned around to notice the dwarves looking at him with shining eyes, "What?", "Can you do that again?", "Huh, that was but a petty trick...do it again...? No! Now you said you were going to show me these contraptions, I hope you don't go back on your word!", he released his Magicka on them and they nodded, "Good! Come then!", and then the mood changed as quickly as it came, the dwarves were whispering to each other, "Do you think they are all like that?", "I don't know, this is the first time I've met one of their kind, now shut up!", they began walking towards the entrance to Endusal.

Ray forgot to realise as they reached the entrance that he released his Magicka which alerted quite a few people within the vicinity, some more guards showed up with dwarven spheres and blocked the entrance, "Halt! Trespasser! And surrender!", but then the other dwarves who came with Ray quickly came up and said, "Wait! Wait! He's a guest!", then a few of the other dwarves nodded their heads to this and then a few of the guards who were blocking the entrance said, "Hey isn't that Gorlis and Drencha?", "Yeah, it is! And even Ihlenac and Gouban are there!", and then the guards lowered their dwarven weapons and then asked what was going on and then and then they others explained why Ray was and what he is which none of them believed till he said, "Oh, really you don't believe me, how about this then!", Ray released all his overbearing auras along with a light and fire to make it look like he was a Magne Ge and which made them all shudder and fall to the ground towards this, the ground was cracking, "Seriously, you guys fell over only after this much? This isn't even 20%! Let's see what happens if I increase it!", he then steadily put more power in his overall aura of spirit energy, Magicka and sword will and others which made the ground start to heat up and burn, "O-Okay! Okay! W-we believe! We believe! P-p-please s-stop!!", Ray stopped and said, "That was boring! Seriously I only increased it a bit? I'm not even the strongest Magne Ge...", 'Wow, I'm good at bullshitting haha!', but then another aura came over and shouted, "WHAT IN OBLIVION IS GOING ON HERE!", it was one of the main tonal architects under Kagrenac who got annoyed by the noise outside and began to bring out his own Magicka aura but it was still weaker than Ray's who again released the pressure from the aura which made the guards who just got up fall down again, the tonal architect also took a step back and said, "W-WHO ARE YOU TO DARE TRESPASS IN KAGRENAC'S LIBRARY?!", "Hm? Magne Ge.", "Eh? S-say that again?", "Magne. Ge.", the tonal architect thought he was overhearing thinks and began to think about what he heard with Ray giving him a fierce look and soon enough the tonal architect began to sweat, "S-seriously...what the oblivion! This is madness...! a Magne Ge here...? I must be going senile right...?", but no one answered him, he looked at Ray who was now floating whilst having his legs crossed like he was sitting on the floor and lying on arm, or more specifically palm, 'Oi, Oi, that's not normal! He's doing that with ease and I only feel the faintest amount of Magicka, it's like it's just doing it for me! As expected from one of Magnus people...but why in OBLIVION IS HE HERE?! You know what I'll get lord Kagrenac, yeah that's a good idea! But wait he's in his study and he hates it when someone interrupts him in his sanctum but this is for a good reason I'm sure he will understand!', and then the tonal architect left.

He came back a few minutes later with a sad face and then an overbearing aura began to come close, 'Oh? As expected from Kagrenac, the chief tonal architect and maker of three of the most dangerous and sought after artefacts in existence but at least it's not that strong compared to me putting all powers into my aura so I can still get away with my lie'.

A very big muscular man with golden robes, custom dwarven boots and gauntlets came out, he had a long beard going up yo his stomach, "Magne Ge? Do you say? Amusing, haha...", "I sense mockery in your speech pattern.", Ray replied with a smile, "Obviously, you think I'm going to believe that rubbish?!", Ray tried to give a displeased face and put all his powers into his aura which then again began to scorch the ground but with a higher intensity and the area around Ray looked like it was part of a volcano, the heat spread making all the dwarves sweat and have light burns, "Oh? Now, this is interesting, well they didn't call the Magne Ge the star children for nothing...", "So, now do you believe me?", "Hmm...not yet...", Ray increased his aura and this time put it closer towards Kagrenac instead of the others, Kagrenac didn't miss this and put his own Magicka aura against Ray's but then he could tell he was losing out, "You, know I'm not even at 50%", "...Hmm...fine I will believe your claims for now.", "Oh thank Magnus!", "Yes...now could you tell us me why you are disturbing my research?", "I want to learn about these automatons that you.", "Hoho? Do you know, well for starters what can you tell me based on your observation from seeing them right now?", "Well from a combatants perspective these things can be tricky for mages as they appear to have quite resistant to many if not all forms to magic as well as being made with enchantments on them, they are useful against poison users as they can't well, use poison against them or illusion magics for that matter but if they had a weakness then it would have to be these right here.", Ray pointed to a gap in the dwarven sphere, "This gap here shows the soul gem which is unprotected, I could just fo this.", Ray clicked his fingers and the soul gem landed in his hands and the dwarven sphere fell on the floor, "If all your contraptions are like this then it shouldn't be hard to take them down, well unless they kill you first. Needs protection wards at the minimum.", "Oh? Very good for noticing these things but we have no wards in these spheres as they are the basic ones, the stronger ones like the guardian and master series do have such enchantments to stop someone from using telekinesis but what you did is what many mortals can't really do that easily...no matter, a future thought, anyway, you have earned my intrigue and therefore may come with me to my study, follow along now."

Ray walked along with Kagrenac through the hallways of the dwarven like a maze on a home, "Why did you make your bases like this?", "We have a better memory than most allowing us to navigate through this place like it was the back of our hands but the other reason is that it makes it harder for any enemies to reach whatever they would be after and with the traps and automatons in the walls it's all the more convenient on our part", "I see...", 'Hey Rid, are you able to I don't know...scan this place and put it in a map of sorts?', 'Yes, but it wouldn't be very detailed, for a perfect map you would need an upgrade.', 'No, I can't wait long for such a thing, just do the less detailed one, with my brain speed I should be able to remember most of it, I just need you to point out the traps if possible', 'Affirmative!'

Soon enough they reached the front entrance to Kagrenac's study, "Well, here we are.", the pair entered the room and looked around, he saw shelves above shelves of books with a mix of spell tomes within them and many weapons made from different metals, all the types of the automatons in the dwarven army, from the small spiders to the massive centurion giants, "Here drink this", Kagrenac gave Ray a drink but it was more like a poison, 'What a dick! This is the stuff they gave to the snow elves to de-evolve them, asswipe, he's lucky I'm basically immune to these types of poisons!', "Oh thanks, cheers!", Ray drank it without any regrets, "Ah! That was a good poison!", "You drank it and knew it was poison?", "Oh, did I fail to mention I'm quite resistant to poison as well as many other things including the elements, you should keep that in mind just in case you pull something you might regret.", "Ahem! No matter, I knew someone of your level would be immune to it if you didn't then, well let's just say that your claims would be considered false and you wouldn't be standing here", "Well if this is how it's going to be while I look over some of the books here, then let the fun begin! Hahaha!", "Indeed! Hahaha!", they both gave each other a menacing smile and then went there separate devices with Ray looking over the books and spell tomes in the shelves and Kagrenac going about with research and looking over at Ray every now and again to see what he is doing.




Ray had got through 1/5 of Kagrenac's entire collection of books so far and that's saying a lot considering what books the dwarf has picked up throughout his long life, Ray was smirking at the accumulated he had gained so far and the spells he had learnt so far as well, 'Well time to check my [STATUS]!'



Name: Ray Yin

Race: Human/Ancient Race

Titles: 'One who journeys across'

Age: 19

Magicka: 8500

Stamina: 3000

*Soul Rank: 6 - Hero

*Body Rank: Demigod

Melee proficiencies:

- [One handed - Expert]

- [Two handed - Expert]

Magic proficiencies:

- [Destruction - Fire(expert); Ice(expert); Lightning(expert)]

- [Illusion - Obscure(adept)]; Camoflauge(expert); Illuminate(adept)]

- [Restoration - Healing(expert); Restore(adept); Fortify(adept)]

- [Alteration - Physical Manipulation(expert)]

- [Conjuration - Lure(adept); Hold(expert); Dismiss(adept)]

- [Mysticism - Manipulate(expert); Absorb(adept); Reflect(apprentice); Sense(apprentice)]

Magic Skills: [8 Dread Curses]; [Flames]; [Frostbite]; [Sparks]; [Firebolt]; [Ice Spike]; [Lightning Bolt]; [Flmaing/Frost/Electric Touch]; [Elemental Execution Wave]; [Curse Of Weakness]; [Corrode Armour]; [Black Meteor]; [Drain(all)]; [Weakness]; [Arctic Blow]; [Fire Storm]; [Avalanche] [Heat-Blast]; [Lightning Surge]; [Elemental cloaks(all)]; [Chain-Lightning]; [Lightning Whip]; [Incinerate];[Silence]; [Invisibility]; [Muffle]; [Frenzy]; [Rally]; [Pacify]; [Light]; [Charm]; [Demoralise]; [Curse- Remove]; [Fortify]; [Resist]; [Fast Healing]; [Heal Other]; [Necromatic Healing]; [Sunfire]; [Close Wounds]; [Vampiric Bane]; [Stendars's Aura]; [Circle Of protection]; [Grand Healing]; [Water Breathing]; [Water Walking]; [Burden]; [Feather]; [Telekinesis]; [Ebonyflesh]; [Transmute]; [Paralysis]; [Detect]; [Other Spells]

Active Effects: None


[Time Manipulation] [Increased Ability Cast] [Sword Will] [Mana Affinity(High)] [Mana-Manipulation(high)] [Mana Regeneration(High)] [Alchemy(Medium)] [Blacksmithing(High)][Enchanting(Medium)] [Mage-Crafter(Medium)]


Also during this month, he learnt others things such as alchemy and enchanting, all these things were being watched by Kagrenac who was gobsmacked as he thought two things, that he knew a lot of spells and learnt a lot of new spells as a few he had never heard of before, heck he even got interested enough to know the idea and creation behind some of the spells, Ray told him a few but not all which he grumbled about but that's all.

Ray decided to take a break at what he was doing as absorbing too much knowledge was a bad thing if you don't do anything with it and just decide to keep learning and learning, "Fuu...Okay, Kagrenac, I'm going to check out how well my true understanding of the things I've learned, be back in a bit!", "Sure, sure...wait, what?! I will come with you then!", "Hm? Why?", Kagrenac smiled with a hint of frustration and said, "You know why!", "Hehe...come on then!"

Ray went to the training facility of the dwarves where they could practice what they have learnt or train skills; Kagrenac was following him out of curiosity and soon enough they had reached the place, the room was huge with its dwarven architecture of stone and dwarven metal going throughout the walls, with facilities of all sorts from magic training, smithing, alchemy rooms and etc, the room itself had a circle like shape with smaller rooms for privacy, all in all, it was a pretty nice place, even still when the roof was missing so that any dangerous spells that couldn't be controlled could be shot up, that and it gave a pretty good view of the sky.

Ray could feel the fluctuations of mana going through the room from all the inhabitants and Ray decided to try magic skills he had first, "Hmm...what spell should I do first, oh I know! Let's try a destruction spell first!", "Hm...be careful here, I don't want to see a spell causing some unneeded damage here!", said Kagrenac like an annoyed elder to a junior but that was kinda funny when from Kagrenac's view Ray is much older than himself by many, many years, "Uh, sure...anyway lets see which spell I should try first...let's go with an original spell first!", Ray walked forward towards a wall full of targets and smirked, the magical energy went towards him like it was compelled so, Ray waived his hands and then they began to glow with a rare silver colour which then went around his body and then weird silence went about and then a massive silver rush of light ensued when Ray waved his hands...

Kagrenac who was studying Ray as a higher being thought when he saw how Ray handles Magicka, 'How peculiar, it's as if the all the Magicka in the area is compelled to obey his will, does this have to do something with him being a star child?... Yes, it has to be, they really do have a different feel when it comes to controlling Magicka, oh what's this? His hands have changed into an odd colour, is that the manifestation of his magic aura? But he had a more fiery aura before, maybe that's him putting a type of ancient battle art aura in there, yes that's it...', then Kagrenac froze as he heard no sound, it was almost ominous, 'W-what's going on?! Is this his doing? What! This blinding light!'

Moments later the light had disappeared and Ray was standing there with a nodding and happy face, Kagrenac, on the other hand, was curious to the bone as to what just happened, the odd phenomenon that just occurred, and looked towards what Ray was looking at and was in awe, he ever so slowly went towards it and saw something unbelievable, he could feel the distortions in the area around the attack, "Hmm...not bad at all! To create this effect through an original spell! But I could do way better!", was what Ray said but Kagrenac was first in awe, then stupidity, following a thinking face, carried by an understanding face and then anger, "S-seriously I gave you a warning and you do this?! To Oblivion with you! We can't fix something like this without it taking weeks!", you see what used was a spell called, [Elemental Execution Wave], a spell that carries effects from all elemental powers within the world as well as Ray's understanding of the elements so far, from to a destructive flame to the peculiarity of space-time, his attack made a sliver wave that gathers all these elements and makes an understanding for them to work together to make an attack of something out of this world, anyone hit by this attack would perish the second the silver light touches them, from the torrents of sharp wind, the stunning and burning lightning and flames, the frostbite ice, a neverending darkness corroding the mind and then the power of space-time that creates a deathly rift in the world, he created something that would win battles by just a swing if it would be used to the full magnitude and Ray didn't even use the spell to 20% of its true potential, "Calm down, I can take this down but I gotta say its a bueatiful site to behold!", "I can't argue with that from a mages point of view but did you have to destroy the whole wall and barrier around the base?!?! It's going to take days to fix this!!! You literally destroyed compressed stone and metal with THE WAVE OF YOUR HAND?!!!", for a full 20 minutes, Kagrenac was trying to give Ray a lecture on how he destroyed a chunk of their base, "Sigh, fine I'll fix that as well then!!! Now shut up!", "What?! I know you may be strong but you can't honestly be able to get the right shape of compressed stone and metal for the walls and the barrier around this place!", Ray smirked and walked forward, his hand went silver again but this time had hints of green waves in it, "Wait, that spell...isn't that-", "Yup, transmute!", "Huh?! How's that going to help!", "Well, my friend, I changed the spell from the original and now it doesn't just change iron to silver and then gold, it changes iron to whatever metal I want!", "M-madness! If you made such a spell then all the prices for metals and jewellery would go down! That spell is the nemesis to the economy of many businesses in the world! And that's coming from a dwarf, we don't go out much to really care!", "Hehehe...", the green waves in Ray's hand lighted up and then Ray got a piece of metal from the ground as it was everywhere in a dwemer base but first he had to fix the distortion he made before he gets some retribution from the world for creating a small distortion in space-time, soon enough he got rid of the wave of energy and then started to begin rebuilding changing broken stone and metals into what he wants and then compressing them through his

'Mage-Crafter' skills.

An hour later the walls that Ray broke were fixed a new like they were never broken from the beginning, all that's left is the barrier that was around the dwemer base, "I'm honestly proud right now, normally this barrier would fix itself given time but because the nature of the attack messed with the natures of destruction and reality it couldn't fix itself!! Haha! I truly am I genius to be able to accomplish such a feat!", Ray stopped admiring himself and then began to fix the barrier with his knowledge of his own spell and then taking away the particle remains of the magic nature of space-time distortion in the barrier and soon enough eradicated the infestation that was the remnants of his magic attack and then fixed the barrier by feeding it soul gems and restoration spells.

Later that day he went to go try his smithing and improved the armour he came in with, the special ebony armour he came in and made it 4X times stronger than before but waited for enchantments as he hasn't gotten the right amount of knowledge for what he wants to do, he later went back to Kagrenac's library and he said, "Hey, can you actually tell me what you do?", "No, not yet...but I can show you some of my other works like the blueprints of the automatons here at this base.", "Oh! Don't mind if I do!"

Next chapter