
A High-level Solo Hunter Reincarnated As The Duke’s Son

A high-level solo hunter from his previous world died after his body failed to contain his mana. The next time he opened his eyes, he discovered he was in the body of a different person. Not only did he inherit this body, but also the memories of this new body. He learned afterward that his new body belonged to Klein Dorolt, the son of the Duke. However, he also learned that the previous owner was a bastard, who did some cruel things to other people. Because of his recent cruel actions, the academy punished him. He was sent into the Land of Trial where dangerous monsters were lurking. What’ll our MC do in his situation?

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
16 Chs

It’s okay for my junior to get stiff

«Status Screen»

[Name: Anonymous]

[Race: Human]

[Title: Soloist Hunter/Bastard Son]

[Class: Versatile Mage/Defender]

[Level: 9]

[Strength: 105]

[Constitution: 125]

[Agility: 77]

[Dexterity: 107]

[Perception: 70]

[Skills: Mana Blades 10/10, Quick Steps 10/10, Gravity Control 1/10, Inspection 10/10, Mana Skin 1/10, Shield Conjurer 1/10]

[Blessing: Awakened - can level up after defeating your foes. The higher the level the higher the requirement needed for the next level. Soloist Hunter - grants a permanent boost to your stats every time you level up. The higher you grow, the stronger you'll become. Bastard Son - Resistance to fear and intimidation. Abnormalities.]

[Equipment: Platinum Class Sigil Of Revival - it takes a long time to recharge.]

Skill Points: 8

Klein smiled happily as he looked at his Status Screen. Now his level has increased and so have his stats. However, he noticed that the increase in his stats was not fixed. It looks like the points added every time he levels up is a random quantity this time.

Sitting cross-legged, he touched his chin and pondered.

"Hm, why does it turn out like this? Normally, every time I level up my stats only increase by 5 points. But now, looking at my stats and my level, it seems that the increase in my stats and my current level do not match. It's not that I'm complaining, I'm just surprised because my stats have increased so much!"


Klein couldn't help but be amazed at the amount of points added to his stats.

"Could it be because of my blessing «Abnormalities»?"

Besides that, he couldn't think of anything else.

Klein smiled happily. Cognitively, he could instinctively feel his stats increase even without checking them on his Status Screen. By feeling it was enough to tell that his stats had a massive leap.

"Wait, just one level and I will get my «Elementalist» skill."

This skill is very important in his current situation, to be honest.

Klein also noticed that he has 8 points that can be used to level up his skills. Every level-up gives him a point to enhance his skill level.

Without a second thought, he tried to enhance his «Gravity Control» skill. However, when he did that, a prompt appeared saying, [Your level is not enough to level up this skill.]


Klein looked dumbfounded.

Maybe because this skill was originally a high-level skill that only appeared when he reached level 60, so this is the result.

Now he has to choose between his two remaining low-level skills. The «Mana Skin» or «Shield Conjurer». Both are defensive skills. Both have pros and cons as well.

According to their details, in summary, «Mana Skin» has a lower defensive quality compared to «Shield Conjurer».

However, «Mana Skin» is more versatile, it can be used even when he is moving, unlike «Shield Conjurer» which has to focus his attention and can't be mobile when he summons it. He also needs great timing when he uses it so that he can successfully defend what he wants to defend.

And that's their pros and cons.

"Maybe I should wait for my «Elementalist» skill to come out first. That's where I'll use my Skill Points," Klein decided after a short pondering.



"Shit! It's cold all of a sudden!" He screamed while hugging his naked body.

Sadly, he had to use his clothes to make fire from the sparks by scraping stones. He also gathered coal stones that he mined from rock boulders around.

He easily found Coal Stones thanks to the help of his «Inspection» skill. Also, using his «Inspection» skill, he gathered edible mushrooms that were safe to eat, as well as herbs.

Anyways, it doesn't matter if he burns his clothes, the important thing is that he doesn't starve to death and freeze from the cold.

"But shit, it's really cold. Here inside the lair, it's hard to tell what time it is. Isn't there even a wristwatch in this world?" He wanted to scream and ask the deity, if there was one in this world, whether this world had something like a wristwatch technology.

But using Klein's memory, he immediately got the answer and it is a no. There are only hourglasses. Is this a medieval era? Klein subconsciously asked.

"Hm, with this extreme cold, I'm certain it's night outside. This is common knowledge among us experienced hunters who spend most of the day inside the Void Lair. At day, specifically at noon, the temperature rises, and it will plummet at night."

Klein noticed the heat from the churning coal stones started diminishing.

"Holy! It's not pretty. It's okay for my junior to get stiff, just not my whole body!" He panicked.

He needed to think of a backup plan so as not to get too cold.

An idea popped into his mind.

"That's right! I should have done that earlier!"

He immediately squatted on the ground and started pushing his body repeatedly.




He counted every push.



And soon…

Klein was doing pushups.

Exercise was his best solution to warm his body. With this, it could also help to get rid of his existing fats.

Time flew by and he started sweating profusely. He didn't only do push-ups but also other exercises like sit-ups, stretching, and jumping.

Finally, he felt warm but he also felt so tired. There was no problem with water, there was a nearby flowing water where he camped.

The next morning, Klein used his Mana Blade to summon a jutting blade spike from the ground. It hit a giant worm's stomach and impaled it, hitting its core inside and directly killing it after breaking the core. This was its only weakness.

The stomach of the giant worm wasn't as tough as its back.

By the way, according to his «Inspection» skill, its real name is Void Worm. Rank B monster. Could attack using its two whiskers and could spit poison. It's very dangerous dealing with it in close quarters.

Thankfully, his «Mana Blade» skill was maximized. He could use its full potential. He could fire a barrage of javelin blades or summon a blade spike to directly hit his target. Like what he did at the Void Worm.