Teen reborn into Au Harry Potter. As always I write these for fun, so if you don't like it then just drop it This is a side FF so it won't be updated regularly until I finish the other.
The rest of the time leading up to Hogwarts, Mael had spent practicing magic and training his crow. The crow didn't actually need training, in fact Mael only had to ask him to do something once and the crow would understand and complete the task, though never for free. Mael had to pay her with snacks or the crow which he named Morrigan for the Celtics goddess wouldn't do anything he asked. Morrigan was extremely intelligent, her only downside was her gluttonous nature. Mael didn't really mind though, her upside was more then worth the minor downside she had.
Mael had been able to learn the sleeping spell Pulvereum Somnum not without accidently putting himself to sleep a few times as well, the spell would back fire if you just carelessly add more magic to the spell, it took a delicate touch in order create more sleeping dust without knocking yourself out. Mael had also been trying to learn another spell, a much harder and more deadly spell then the Pulvereum Somnum. The spell Toonitrua Pluuviaaa, well that's how it's supposed to be said but it's spelled like Tonitrua Pluvia. It's a spell to conjure lighting, sadly Mael's had no luck learning it, he's only able to produce some small sparks from the tip of his wand nothing more. His grandfather was able to summon a storm, yet he can't even produce some measly lightning. He knows it's probably due to his age that he can't perform such an incredible spell but that doesn't mean his pride wasn't wounded. After practicing Tonitrua Pluvia for a few days Mael deciding that the other spells in the book were too difficult to learn at the moment or just not that important at the moment decided to go over the school curriculum for the rest of the time he had before school started. The spells he had to learn for school were childs play compared to the sleeping spell, it didn't take long for Mael to learn Wingardium Leviosa, or to transfigure a toothpick into a needle. Magic was about will power, belief and imagination which were things that Mael had plenty of, given his power to see the future and the past. Mael hadn't even gone to school but he had already been taught by some of the most powerful wizards in history, even by those who were unknown, those that had been lost in the annuls of history. There was a Japanese wizard named Sasuke, he had complete control over the elements of fire and Lightning. He terrorized Japan, setting villages alight with his fire and erasing towns with his lightning magic. Whole towns and villages would dissapear as if they hadn't existed in the first place, it was terrifying to witness but also awe inspiring. I don't want to destroy towns or villages but I want power like that in order to protect myself and those I care for, that's the only reason I'm obsessed with magic, I know in this world the strong rule the weak and I refuse to be the weak. I never saw how Sasuke was defeated, in fact I find it difficult to believe that he was but if he's been erased from history, then I have no doubt someone defeated him. Who knows maybe I'll get to see it eventually.
Mael had also been visited by Dumbledore many times over the last two weeks before school. He mostly visited to check on Mael and see how he was doing, he also brought Mael delicious treats each time he came. Mael didn't complain and found himself warming up to the old man with each visit. He was actually the person who helped Mael figure out how to increase the strength of the sleeping spell. Of course Dumbledore asked Mael where he learned such an impressive spell, Mael told him the truth, he had saw it in a vision. Dumbledore had asked Mael to teach him the spell and Mael grateful for Dumbledore helping him did as he asked. Of course Dumbledore asked if Mael had learned any more fascinating spells, this time Mael however Mael decided not to be truthful and told Dumbledore he hadn't. Mael knew Dumbledore was an accomplished Legilimens but Mael had already learned Occlumency, so if Dumbledore decided to use Legilimency on him to check whether he was lying, Mael was prepared for it but Dumbledore never used it on him making it seem like he believed Mael. Mael was of course grateful for his trust, earning Dumbledore even more brownie points with Mael.
As Mael and Snape entered Kingscross Station, Mael looked around with curiousity as he had never been to a train station before. The place was noisy. It was filled with people and trains both making a large amount of noise. Mael however was intrigued by the look of the trains, he found himself wondering how it felt to ride one. Mael of course would experience what it felt like in a few minutes since he'll be riding the Hogwarts express to school. Mael felt oddly excited about attending Hogwarts, he saw the castle in his visions but he felt like experiencing it in person would be a more magical experience.
Mael already knew where platform 9¾ was, from seeing it in his visions. Mael sometimes wished he didn't have any of those visions as they tend to spoil the fun of discovering magic. Imagine how amazed he could've potentially been if he just saw people running full speed into a brick wall and suddenly dissapearing not knowing that was the entrance to platform 9¾ but sadly he knew about the entrance for a long time already.
Snape was particularly grumpy today Mael noticed, he was even more silent then usual. He had a stoney expression on his face, reminding Mael of a gargoyle sitting atop the bank Gringotts.
Mael pushing the trolley with his things looks up at his 'father' annoyed. Snape never answered any questions he asked, Mael was already used to Snapes rudeness and just chose to just follow in silence.
They reached the entrance to platform 9¾, Snape after checking if any muggles were around they weren't, turns to face Mael.
"In order to access the platform..." Before Snape can finish Mael cuts him off. "Don't worry I know how it's done."
Mael takes off in a sprint towards the wall and instead of crashing into the wall as expected Mael dissapears inside. On the other side Mael is greeted by a scarlet steam train. The sign overhead said platform 9¾. Mael wanted to get excited but couldn't muster up any. It looked exactly as it looked in his visions. The smoke from the train floated above everyone, the place was filled with all sorts of people and animals. Owls hooted in their cages, cats meowed between their owners legs and frogs sat silently in their owners hands or in their aquariums. Mael pushed his trolley to the side leaving it against the wall of the platform. He pulls out his wand. {Reducio!!!} He casts the shrinking charm on his trunk. The trunk shrinks becoming no bigger then a match box. Mael grabs Morrigan's cage and then places his trunk in his pocket.
Mael noticed other students lugging their massive trunk onto the train and couldn't help but wonder why they've never thought to shrink their trunks before boarding. Mael knew about it since he had seen it done in his visions and thought it was quite useful, just as long as you don't shrink your trunk with anything living inside of it. Mael nearly threw up seeing the results, it was a horrid sight.
( A/N. I dunno if it's possible or not but there's no explanation that indicates you cannot shrink your trunk, the only evidence is to support that it might not be possible is that nobody did it.)
While walking through the first carriage looking for an empty compartment to sit Mael walked past a group of 5th year girls with red robes, they had spotted Mael walk past and the things they were saying made his cheeks flushed with red. "Ohhhh... look at that first year." One called out seeing Mael approaching their compartment.
This prompted them all to look in the direction the girl was staring. As soon as they spotted Mael, dazzling smiles appeared on their faces. They looked like they had found a shiny new toy to play with.
"Ahhg he's so adorable, I wonder if he'll let me touch his hair." One of them suddenly says loud enough for Mael to hear.
"I dunno, look at his adorable cheeks, I now understand why my aunt always pinched mine." Another says.
Mael can feel his face starting to heat up, out of embarrassment he starts walking faster hoping to avoid them... and thankfully for him he managed to do just that. However that wasn't an isolated incident, each time he walked past a compartment filled with older girls, they'd stare at him like he was an animal displayed at the zoo. Mael wouldn't have cared much, if not for the fact that their comments were outrageous, none of them even bothered to lower their voices when talking meaning Mael heard everything. By the time Mael had found an empty compartment, Mael had almost died of embarrassment, his face was so red Mael wouldn't be surprised if someone mistook it for an apple.
Mael sits down and places Morrigan next to him.
Mael reaches into the pocket of his robes and pulls out his personal spell book. There was a spell he was still trying to master besides the lightning spell. So while he had time, he planned on practicing it some more. It was a cloning spell or to be more accurate it created the illusion of a clone or if you're really good clones. The clone wasn't corporeal and would fade upon being touched by anything solid but Mael thought it could be an amazing spell as long as it's in the right hands.
"Alright let's try this again." Mael says before taking a deep breath.
He turns his wand so that it faces him, it was a required part of the spell. "Geminae Umbra!" Mael chants confidently.
He does his best to imagine himself appearing on the seat opposite himself.
A murky white silhouette appears, it takes the shape of a human but its features cannot be determined, it looks like chalk outline of a person.
Mael sighs seeing his failure.
"Alright one more time." Mael says determinedly.
He really wants to master this spell, it's a spell he believes might save his life one day but... he also plans on using this spell to skip classes since he's already mastered the 1st years syllabus.
Mael continues practicing determinedly seeing a he has nothing better to do.