
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Cómic
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46 Chs

Hot and Warm

(1000 years later)

I have finally increased the quality of my chi as it is now Silver the previous colour being green. My now pool of chi has upgraded to a Lake.

My beard had grown to hit the floor and my height having grown to 7ft. The top of hair though had not grown and stayed the same a buzz cut. ( Saitama style)

I also created a cloak Jedi like cloths to hide my identity and created an exoskeleton mask to hide my face. The mask looking like masquerade mask and making the bone darker to create the moustache and eyebrows look.

Me and Handy have progressed in our relationship and have now come to the agreement of being brothers.

I saw that he was getting sick and I decided to give him a humanoid body as well as immortality which made him look like killer croc but with a T-rex head instead, i also gave him extra sturdy scales as well as increasing the thickness of his skin being twice as what it was.

He could now talk but not often I would often talk about my past life and the cool foods and gizmos that appear. I would tell him how people looking like me would create bird-like things allowing people to soar into the sky without the need of wings.

which He would often joke about how i was just crazy and seeing things.

I didn't give him an Exoskeleton as it would be extremely painful which he also declined to do so.

I had never gotten outside as Handy would just bring food here so i had no idea just how long i was in here for me it felt like a month as i would meditate often but noticed something when i went outside to lookout.

It was getting hot.

That was when Handy came to me in a panic he gestured me to look up at the stars and I was shocked that was no star.

Its was a meteorite.

It was the meteorite.

We dashed toward the lake.

"Handy Quick jump into the lake before it Hits, quickly' I screamed before covering me and Handy with chi and directly diving into the lake below.

(Date: 54321 BCE)

When i had awoken i checked to see myself enclosed in ice i had already changed me and Handy's lungs to be able to breathe without oxygen and food so when we jumped into the lake we wouldn't die of drowning. looking at Handy he was still asleep.

Not feeling like waiting for the ice around us to completely thaw out i covered my entire body with chi and shot it outwards breaking the ice around me along with Handy. I then manipulated his brain back awake and pulled him onto my shoulder.

His body was yet to be awake he was mostly going through sleep paralysis until his body catches up to his mind.

When i jumped out of the revine i created from escaping the ice block I looked around looking around all i saw was ice so i chose a direction and kept moving.

During our walk, i decided to cut my beard using my construct. My beard could get in the way of a fight and seriously blind me i aint keen on that.

We kept moving for days until we came across a tribe of cavemen up ahead.

I smiled. I had finally come across intelligent life but we didn't just go in straight away firstly I was a 7ft man wearing weird clothes carrying a humanoid lizard creature.

Does this not scream dangerous. Humans have always had their scuffles and beliefs. Humans have always hated things that are different.

So if i were to go in there i would probably be attacked which i wasn't keen on. I firstly decided to alter Handy appearance to that of a bulky human and decided to camp outside of their area and think of a plan before going in.

30 minutes had gone by and Handy I stared at each other.

"You know i don't believe the name Handy suits you anymore you know it doest fit what you look like what should your new name?" I asked

Why are you asking me this should we be looking into that village? He replied obviously confused as to why we stopped

"No, but i know but we're going to be in a new age my friend an age where only your name is remembered. a name is a powerful thing. People aren't always remembered by what they did but how they lived so let me ask you again my friend what should be your name should?" I retorted.

"Don't know i never thought about but you know you never really told me your name either?" He beckoned.

"How about this I'll give you some time to think of it because remember once you choose your name you cant just change it unless you want to remembered as someone else" I told him before telling him i changed his look as the inhabitants of the village might try to kill him if he were to rock up looking like a lizard.

After a long pause, i decided to walk toward the village activating my mask and putting on my gloves as I didn't really want to change my skin colour as it reminds me of my mother.

As i got closer the villager started pointing their spears at me.

Handy as if agitated nearly killed them on instinct if it were not for my prevention and holding him back.

Laughing i quickly changed all of the inhabitant's brains so that they could understand me. I looked at them and put my hands in the air to signal them my will of not attacking.

Understanding that they lowered their weapons and took me to their leader which was expected as they didn't really know what to do with me.

When i arrived at what i believe was the hut of their leader i entered and what greeted kinda confused me i saw 15-year-old sitting on the ground leisurely as if confused about my arrival.

Sitting down i stared at the kid through my mask and asked him a question.

"Are you the leader of these people?"

"Hmm yes, and what brings you here Thing?"

"I've come looking for a home and it seems you people have built houses here and i was wondering if you would allow me to stay here for a while i have nowhere to go," I asked

"Hmmmm And how will you help me and my tribe and what is it with your strange clothes?" he asked

"Don't worry about my clothes I can hunt" I stated.

"Ok although i would question you of your strength though your clothes look to be made of strange animal fur" He responded obviously confused about my clothing as i looked strange wearing a Jedi robe made of dinosaur skin

"By the way what do they call you i asked?" I said while standing up closing in on the door which he responded

"I am called Vandel savage" Cringing at his own name. (If you guys don't know Vandel Savage got his name by his tribe tradition which states that they must inherit the name of the person who killed their father)

"So what is your name?"

Thinking I smiled and responded.

"Call me Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi and general of the Republic Army " I responded.











(I'm just kidding guys i aint naming him that)

"Call me Revan Osmosis" I responded before leaving.

( Is the name all right or is it too edgy I don't know?)

(Thanks to DragonGodSmith3000 for the suggestion)

Hey guys what should be Handy's name? I was going to name him Bob or Rex but I would like a few suggestions.

GodofTruthcreators' thoughts