
A Glitch In The System(DC)

A man is transported unknowing into the past. the past of DC. let's see how our protagonist survives this world. i do not own DC in any shape or form besides my original characters.

GodofTruth · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Somthing Handy

Searching for such a huge dinosaur in a forest-like jungle would probably be easy right?

Wrong Its seems like this Handy was somewhere hiding or most likely recovering from whatever it was hiding as i never heard fighting after my first spotting of it.

I searched around the cave I first came in and looked at the tracks that it left behind.

The size of the track was astonishing being the sizes 0f 5 fridges being jammed next to each other.

Looking at the tracks it seemed to start disappearing and muddling into a basic hole.

It would seem I need to find where ever Handy was quickly before the tracks seemed to muddle. So I quickly started Zoom hopping around following the tracks. Zoom Dash was achieved by jumping twice and flicking further by boosting my thigh and calves with chi before boosting my toes to create the force.

Im probably running a solid 200mph which was a rough estimate as i had no way to actually measure it properly.

Following the tracks, i found odd like craters half way in my search, found weird tracks and also scraps of rusted metal.

Looking around i found the area of the fight and was amazed I felt my blood boiling but was also weirded out by something. Sheets of metal scattered the area as well as a huge crater.

Something wasn't right here. There were only dinosaurs in this era the only anomaly that was supposed to exist was me.

This feeling again was telling me to turn my camouflage and change my heart rate too low that i did.

That's when i heard loud cracking from underneath me and i was shocked at what emerged up from the cracks.

I saw a huge robot with a giant green rock strapped in its metal chest. I thoughts this was weird how did such a thing get back in time what is it doing here.

This thing looked oddly like a character I once read on a comic book when i was young. It looked like Metallo but was oddly different it didn't have the usual humanoid body but had sort of chunky look it looked like a transformer.

It kept looking around as if it was looking for something.

It then stared directly at me. It stood there for while before lifting its hands no being a dummy i slowly moved to the right. Which the robot automatically kept adjusting to face my position.

That was when i heard a loud roar


I looked over to see where it was coming from only to see Handy Blitzing through directly into the robot and slamming into it the robot like a ragdoll before trying to gorilla slam it on the floor.

The robot then instantly blasted Handy of off him injuring Handy severely. As a giant hole appeared on one of its hands. I was flabergasted what exactly was this robot doing when it was fighting Handy before if it could just that but i noticed the robots green core blinking.

On instinct turned on my exoskeleton with double skin thickness along with my chi boost and fired my chi blast which just made the robot move back by one step leaving it unscathed.

The robot then ran up to me with its hand ready to blast me with electricity pulsing through its hand.

I couldn't use my bm as it had no use on nonbiological matter which i was currently facing.

Looking at its chest i decided to chi blast its glowing rock of a chest. I continued blasting into its chest when sparks started to abrupt from the robots entire body giving it a dragon ball z glow. That's when i realized. I was powering the damm thing.

My chi blasts were being absorbed into the core of the robot. My chi was like a form of electricity.

Looking into the robot i had to change my plan it was sucking me dry. ( yeah i know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

If this continued on I would look like master Roshi.

I then decided to go the old fashioned way and decided to use chi as a construct instead of blasts.

Looking at the robot it continued its violent assault on me hammering down on me with its fist which i blocked with my chi shield which seemed to break every time it hit.

I decided to use a spear in remembrance of my first friend in this new life.

When the robot finished its first attack i constructed my spear and lunged it at its arm breaking it shoulder guard and breaking my construct.

<This thing is unbelievable who made this thing a sent it here> i angrily thought

I then backed away and decided to use something i only wanted to use in emergency moments.

I was going to expand my mass and remembering einstines law E = mc2 so this took a lot of my energy. I was then as tall as 4 large fridges and constructed a sledgehammer and directly slammed it on the robot loony toon style Hammer time.

The robot trying to hold the force of my hammer instead of moving was crushed immediately as its body was being squished like that of a hydraulic press.

When i turned back to normal size my body was emitting smoke I've run out of chi as i could no longer create constructs of any sort.

Looking at Handy i pitied him and decided to heal him of its wound and manipulating its brain to

understand me.

"You alright buddy, you took a tough laserbeam to the arm there. Look I aint gonna hurt yah just sit tight and relax your gonna be alright" I whispered to Handy

Handy understanding me closed its eyes and rested.

I continued healing him and looked back at him. Staring at him continued,

"Ok look here I'm kinda feeling lonely being all by my self wanna be my friend?" I asked

Handy as if exited started nodding slowly. Its seems I also put my vocabulary into its brain also for it to understand.

Looking up i saw that it was getting dark and looked back at Handy.

"It's getting pretty dark how about we bounce before the night stalkers come peaking around"

Handy nodded and then started walking to its home which i relunctly followed.

< goodbye Groot it was nice knowing you> i mentally thought thinking of my old home

Finally reaching to Handys home it was a cave, as usual. The cave was the size of a football stadium and was filled with skeletons of his past meals.

Not wanting to go in yet i looked up into the sky wondering.

<Wherever you are mum and dad i hope you're alright. that star gets bigger every day that's odd>

I then continued into the cave and thought about my fight it seemed my chi pool needed to increased and the quality of my chi needed to be increased as well.

just that fight exhausted my all of my chi as well as forcing me to use that technique if i were not prepared to fight Handy then i would have been killed.

My construct was also destroyed every time they got hit.

I needed to meditate but this time i needed to strengthen my mind and body as to not be caught off guard like that and not be forced to use that method as it uses too many nutrients of my body.