
[ Chapter 6 ]

After a comforting couple of minutes Lucian got out of the shower and grabbed a towel he wrapped around his lower half, searching for a first aid kit he realised he had one in the bathroom connected to his room and that Ray had still yet not come back with his clothes, groaning he opened the bathroom door and almost shivered at the sudden cold that hit him, making his way down to his room he opened it coincidentally seeing Ray seemingly searching through his room, he glared at him. "You aren't gonna find anything, not here anyway." He hoped to god Ray hadn't found anything, walking over to his closet he opened it and grabbed a new pair of clothes. "Searching through someone's room without permission is quite rude, you know?" He states as he grabs the clothes he decides on and places then on his bed, gritting his teeth at the pain his wound gave him he went over to the bathroom and grabbed the med kit walking back to the bed and placing it there. "If you don't want to see me naked I suggest you leave the room." Dominic groans at his reply. "Really? So would you like me to kill you? I can stop this car right now and finish the job. I will not fucking hesitate." He loses his temper yet again, he clearly didn't like his answer.

as ray was once again lost in thought he noticed luci too late and stares at him, of course he knew that lucian will now come without clothes but nevertheless his gaze now sticks to the upper body of the other, he can only distract himself from it when the deep voice brings him back to reality. to cover his stare he answers "your wound looks like shit" with a sigh he goes to the door, he really doesn't want to look like a pervert and mumbles "hurry up or i'll find something" these words are meant more as a joke, of course he will continue to look for things but it would be 'rude' without saying something, so this was another reason for his statement. raymond is now looking for the office and would be really satisfied with every detail he can find. Noah covers his mouth when he realizes that he said something wrong and looks at Dominic, his fear is now growing again, at least he can estimate how merciless the big one could be. of course he doesn't want to die, but he is so desperate that he doesn't know what to do anymore.

He watched Ray exit the room, taking the towel off he put his boxers and pants on first, leaving his upper half, treating his wounds carefully. If Ray did manage to find the office Lucian would have been in trouble but with the house being so big Lucian dismissed the possibility, bandaging up the wounds he put a shirt on and exited the room in a hurry to find Ray, looking around he couldn't have gone far but letting a detective roam free in a mafia bosses house was definitely not a smart thing to be doing, looking for him he ignored the pain coming from his shoulder. He tried to think what his next plan was, he couldn't kill Ray, even though he had killed more detectives then he could count and he despised the other to death deep down something told him not to and he hated how he listened to his gut. Finally finding him he seemed deep in thought searching something, Lucian came up from behind him and grabbed him by the collar. "You are really one nosy detective, aren't you?" Dominics nerves had been pissed, the rest of the car ride past in mostly silence he occasionally glanced at the others scared expression.

ray only found information that has no use to him, for example he found a letter which is typical of insurance companies to send advertising to everyone and now knows at least what lucian's full name is and where the house is, he has packed the letter in his pocket and is thinking. Reverie, a name he has not heard to be honest, although he is around the scene a lot. he assumes that the family probably worked under another name but is not sure. thinking about what the family is like he looks for more interesting things, when he is grabbed by lucian's collar he looks the boss in the eyes and grins again "what do you expect from a detective? for a mafia boss you really needed a long time to find me" he makes a little game out of the situation. Noah, who is now also sitting silently in the car, looks at nothing, it feels to him as if he has been betrayed and has now lost everything.

"And looks like for a detective you've really found nothing on me, have you?" He raised an eyebrow with a grin before letting go of his collar and taking a step back. "Anyway, Mr Detective as much as I would love to stay around I still have work to be doing and a lot of it. You are to stay in the house and behave, got it?" He glared at him before turning around, he walked away up another flight of stairs to his office that Ray had trouble finding, if Ray did leave it would have put him at a huge disadvantage but to prevent this from happening he didn't do a lot so he hoped to god he wouldn't leave. Opening his office door he entered and closed it, locking it before walking up to his desk and sitting down with a sigh, there was nothing more he hated then paper work, documents but he still had to do it unfortunately. After a long while Dominic parked in a drive way, stopping the car he unfastened his seat belt, in this moment him and Noah made eye contact, opening the door he got out the car. "Are you coming or not?"

the detective straightens his clothes when he is let go. he doesn't answer the other but watches exactly where lucian goes. a bit irritated that he is now alone and the other has locked himself in, ray walks through the house, he looks for a door to get out, after all he doesn't see any sense in staying here. since the weapons are still lying around, he grabs them and his coat. after a while he finds the door, ray takes his cell phone and turns it on, as he always has it off for missions, while the cell phone is powering up he would open the door, he is aware if this works now that a big game of cat and mouse will begin. he would take this into account, he now tries to open the door and hopes that it is not locked, otherwise he would get right through a window outside to run away. when dominic parks and gets out, noah does the same, he remains silent and looks around. carefully he closes the door and looks at the mafia member.

The door was not locked. Lucian was an extremely reckless man which had been proved many times. He sat in his chair and began to fill in the countless of pointless documents he had been dreading to do all day, leaving them to the last second he had no choice but to do them, as he did thought the sun went down fast and the moon came out indicating it was now night, the light from the moon shone out from the window that Lucians gaze slowly went to, yawning he checked the time and realised he had been working for hours, standing up he leaves the mess on his desk for future Lucian to clean up before exiting his office. "Oh fucking hell." He put a hand to his forehead and sighed as he headed down stairs, as he expected the weapons on the table were now gone, taking his phone out he rushed to Rays number, all on his mind right now was that he was going to inform the police, cursing himself he called him and put his phone against his ear. "Pick up. Pick up." He uttered. They entered the house which safe to say wasn't as big as Lucians but it definitely wasn't your average family home. Grabbing his phone he took his shoes off and closed and locked the door. "I'm going to get take away since I'm too lazy to make anything, what do you want?"

the detective used his cell phone to have a map. so he went far enough away and then went to a gas station, there he got himself cigarettes and tobacco for the pipe. when he had everything he went to the post office, there he makes a letter in which he writes all his data and all his documents so that his idendity for the mafia can not be recorded so easily. in the letter there is only the address of lucian and that if he doesn't contact them in a month they should look for lucian. he sends this letter to his former boss. since he has walked a long distance he has to sit down. his body becomes flabbier and he realizes that he hasn't eaten for a long time. slightly amused that he is childish as well. after a break he goes to the first best store that sells food, he orders something and eats it outside. in the meantime, it has already become dark and cold. then his cell phone rings, he looks at it and grins. ray answers the phone and speaks directly "and mr? are the police here yet?" he has never called the police but he wants to scare the other one. noah looks around and also takes off his shoes he goes to dominic and looks at him "um...a salami pizza would be nice...do you live here alone?" still completely unsure noah doesn't know where to go

He snarled at the other as he sat himself on the couch and sighed listening to the others voice. "I swear to god, I will find you and I will make sure you won't every say a fucking work out of that mouth ever again." He took a breath and shook his head. "Where are you." All he wanted right now was a drink, but unfortunately he had no alcohol left in his house, sighing he stood up. "Actually, I know you aren't going to answer that. What's your plan now Mr Detective?" He asked still on the phone as he walked over to his front door and he put his shoes on, it was about 8 pm now, it wasn't too dark but it also wasn't day, grabbing one of his coats he put it on, grabbing his wallet and keys he exited the door with his phone on his ear. "Are you going to have a swat team come arrest me in the morning?" He headed to his car. "Or perhaps black mail me and make me do whatever you want?" He grinned as he got into his car and turned on the seat warmer since it was quite cold, exiting out the car he placed his phone down on speaker, expecting Ray to hang up soon enough but leaving it just in case he had anything else to say. "Salami pizza, good choice." He scrolled through his phone and ordered two pizzas before setting his phone down. "Yeah unfortunately I still live alone. And.. Uh I apologize for getting mad earlier, I won't kill you, you'll be free to go as long as you 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦 not to tell anyone." His gaze turned to him, a glare holding eye contact before sighing. "Got that?"