
[ Chapter 5 ]

Lucian glares at him, he looks into his eyes and could sense his fear, no one wanted to die, he watches him put the gun down as he sighs, he wasn't going to kill him no

matter what, he just couldn't, he was different. He sighed and shook his head. "I.. I cant." He cursed himself and dropped the gun, staring at man a mere few meters away from him he froze, not that he didn't know what to do he was just annoying at himself, why couldn't he hurt him, kill him, Ray was nothing, he met him a day ago but why now. He shook his head. "I cant kill you, fucking hell." He walks over to him slowly as stands in front of him. "I have work to do, this stop to the forest was useless, let's get back in the car." He more commanded then asked he wasn't going to kill him but he wasn't going to let him go either, glancing at the trunk with handcuffs and the pistol he looked back at Ray. "You're not a very good detective, are you?" Dominic preferred to stay silence most of the time and this was no exception he was a man who liked his silence but he was intrigued at the words Noah had to speak. "He's always in danger, he's the most reckless person I've ever met, don't worry about a person who plans to kill you."

the gaze observes everything closely. that lucian's not killing him surprises him, even though he feels the same, he hates this more than being captured. as a stress reaction he laughs and shakes his head. when the mafia boss stands in front of him ray grins up at the mafia boss. at first ray says nothing because everything seems so unreal to him, but when luci syas that raymond is not a good detective the mood of the smaller goes down "and you want to be better? you can't kill me just like i can't kill you!" frustrated he stands directly in front of lucian. "you may have the upper hand right now, but don't expect to get anywhere with your actions! you can lose everything that way, all your success!" the eyes seem almost mocking, that he needet to tell the gentleman in fromt of him something like that in frustration. the hands are in the jacket pocket again. Noah looks at the empty seats of the car and continues to speak quietly "you're right but...I don't know...he looked pretty hurt, the loss of blood can never be good" just as he spoke the last words his cell phone started to ring, which he can't reach. noah swallows hard and looks at dominic

Lucian watched the male yell at him, gritting his teeth he took a breath he hated when anyone yelled at him, much less talked back to him, watching him put his hands into his pockets he glared at him. "If you're such a good detective then tell me what are you going to do now? Obediently go back into the car or argue with me like you're some child." He grabbed his chin and forced him to look up, his eyes piercings through his skull, his voice was more firmer, since Ray didn't have a advantage anymore not that he could see there wasn't any reason to be afraid, sure Ray looked strong but he was pretty confident he could take him down if he wanted to, his injury didn't help but still, he was about to close the trunk to prevent him from getting anything from him when he saw the gun on top of the car, leaving the trunk and grabbing the gun he dropped it on the ground and then pushed it away with his foot. "Not a very smart detective, are you?" It was amusing seeing the other mad. "He'll be fine-" Dominic groaned as he heard the phone ring, shaking his head. "Don't look at me like that there's no way I'm letting you answer it." Trying to ignore it he continued driving but the longer the call went on the more angry he got. "Jesus Christ who the fuck could be calling in this situation."

grumbling, the black-haired man looks away and tries to come down again. in his inner self, he tries to build up hatred against luci in order to finally be able to do something against him. when the mafia boss once again takes his chin in his hand and really pierces him, he feels strange in his stomach, why he can't explain himself. silently, he looks the other in the eyes. even though he usually tries to stay logical, this time he has the instinct to get out of here by fighting, even if he has no chance. when the gun is taken from luci and thrown to the ground, raymond uses the moment and would quickly try to kick luci in the back of the knee and try to get into the car. at that moment he tries everything to change the situation, even if it means his life will end. the kick he delivered was strong and fixed on the nerves.

desperately, noah tries to get to his cell phone, but since it's in his back pocket, he can't reach it. "i'm sorry, but i can't take the call like this..."

Lucian watches the expression on his face as he lifts his jaw up, grinning at the other he let go of his face and opened his mouth cursing at the pain in his knee, falling down against the car takes a moment to realise what just happened, he was kicked by a fucking detective. "That was a dick move I was already injured." He says and rolls his eyes as he takes a breath and takes out his keys out of his pocket, a good mafia boss always had spare keys to his car, in situations like these it came handy, locking the car he glared at Ray as be put a hand over his legs to sooth the pain, he had a high pain tolerance so he would be fine soon enough, he sits with his back against the car and doesn't bother getting up, eyeing the gun that was a couple of meters away from him he hoped Ray wouldn't pick it up there was nothing else he could do on this situation. "Haven't thought about that, did you?" He asks with a grin talking about the now locked car, sliding a hand over his hair he takes his pony tail off and re-does it while keeping a close eye on Ray, he took a good look at his body, almost checking him out, he cursed himself for even thinking about it as he slowly recovered. "Where the fuck is my phone." He checked his pockets but it was left in the car, if only he could call Dominic right now. Meanwhile Dominic sighed as he stopped at another traffic light, taking his opportunity he grabbed Noahs phone himself and started at the corner contact, showing it to Noah he raised an eyebrow. "You want me to answer or?"

ray reaches the door of the car too late, it is closed and frustrated ray kicks the ground hard. everything goes well but not the car situation. frustrated ray sits down next to the mafia boss, he knows that if he continues to play stubborn now that everything will only get worse, so he takes the gun but secures it and puts it back in his waistband "you can pack away such a kick, so don't be a baby" ray grumbles, he leans his head back against thebcar, how he would like to smoke now, he smokes many years now, actually since he is 15. sighing he closes his eyes "i'll give up for now. you take care of your wound and get me tobacco, otherwise i'll go crazy" the detective closes his eyes, his body goes limp more and more and as well he gets more and more tired, after all he has worked through the night. he assumes that luci will listen to him so ray also closes his eyes. noah reads who is calling and nods "it's my boss, please pick up...i won't tell anything!" he looks innocent at dominic

Lucian rolled his eyes as he slowly stood up and brushed himself off, going to the trunk he grabbed a pair of handcuffs and closed it. "I'll take care of my wound and you'll be fine without your tobacco." He said as he forced him up and against the car, grabbing his hands and putting them behind his back. "Don't be difficult now, I don't trust you any more after that." He unlocks the car door and opens the passengers seat, letting him in the closes the door and sighs, grabbing the gun he left on the ground picking it up he entered the drivers seat and put the gun away, glaring at the first aid kit he sighed. "I'll do it later." He told to himself as he closed the door. "Anyway where am I supposed to be going again. Fuck I still have to deal with them." He groans as he leans back on the seat. "Dominic is going to kill me, you should have just spared me the pain and done it first." He groaned as he started the car. "You should probably put your seat belt on this is going to be a long ride. Oh wait you cant." He chuckled remembering he made sure to put them on tight, dismissing he probably learned how to get out of them but he probably couldn't is what he told himself. "I probably could have been relaxing at home right now if it weren't for you." Dominic listened to Noah and furrowed his eyebrows. He thought about it for a bit, if he didn't answer maybe his boss would get worried and send some kind of search team out for him. He glared at Noah. "Listen here, you're going to pick up and say you're going to be out of the house for a few days because you're on some sort of holiday with a friend, got that?"

ray opens his eyes as the handcuffs cuff him. the way luci grabs him makes ray feel better. grinning slightly he sighs "what are you going to do to me now? you're really lost...but it's your own fault, take care of your feelings the way you like" it bugs him that he can't get any tobacco, even if he doesn't like to admit it he's been addicted to tobacco and smoking for several years. frustrated by the touching he now gets into the car and looks at ray. "your jokes are worse than mine" sighs ray. when dominic says that he still has goals, ray sighs "first tell me what you're going to do with me, or what your mission is" ray could free himself quickly, but he remains well-behaved. "if something goes wrong, it's your fault. noah takes it all in and nods, "i'll tell my boss..." so ray lets it all end.

He gets into the car and starts in after putting his seat belt on. "First of all I'm not fucking lost I have everything under control." He snarled as he took a breath and drove out of the forest. "I have to take care of the guys that we took, they owe us money and a fuck ton of it so I have to deal with that, after I have paper work to do but if you ment with you then I still haven't figured that out, I'll get one of my guys to rough you up a bit or maybe I'll do it. You're the least of my worries right now after I find out you're too of a coward to kill me." He answers as he gets back on the road, at this point his impression of Ray was that he wasn't a very brave or strong detective, maybe he would be proovee wrong but making fun of him was amusing, he had a long way to go until home but he didn't care. "And it's not my fucking fault nothing in this situation is my fault. You're the one who threatened to kill me and chickened out. Some detective you are." His nerves were really something that shouldn't have been messed with, shaking his head he continues to drive in silence, time passes. Dominic answers the call and places the phone some where where Noah couldn't have got it and drives off, at this point there were pretty close to home.

frustrated, ray leans his head back and looks out the window to get an overview of where they're going, at least it would help him keep his bearings. he listens to the other but doesn't say another word, inside the black-haired man is boiling. now it's a situation in which he doesn't even try to make something amusing out of it. the thoughts just fly through his head like crazy, in this situation the feeling of the handcuffs is annoying, cold and freedom-stealing. the detective's eyes slowly get smaller and smaller. it seems as if raymond completely ignores the existence of the other. it's not uncommon for him to react like this to others when he is in a very bad mood, he's more comfortable that way. inwardly he thinks up a plan, since he's being severely underestimated right now he plans to keep up this role for now, at least as far as he can. after all, he has no interest in taking any harm. he gets the idea in his head to try to get into the mafia but this as a spy, he will try to get lucians trust again. when dominic answers the cellphone he hears the voice of an investigator, this one is even quite familiar in this area "noah, good to reach you. tell me, where are you? you should have been with me an hour ago" the man is quite angry. noah swallows and answers "sorry sir, but my mother is not doing so well and since she needs care now and everyone lives even further away than me... "he is silent for a moment "i want to do this, i just forgot to tell you" noah has respect for his boss, his voice makes this clear. a sigh comes from the phone "you really allow yourself a lot... i'll give you a week, if you're not back in a week you can see how you get on without a job" with these words the boss hangs up, the man also seems to be doing something. in the background the you could hear cars on a street. noah sighs "nicer than expected..." his body relaxes a little. "thank you dominic!"

Slowly but surely they went into a more suburban part of the city, he figured Dominic must have already been there as well as his other men, grabbing his phone he called him as he continued to drive not paying attention to the detective in his car. "Hey I'm stuck in traffic, we'll be there a little late." He lied through his teeth as a groan could be heard through the phone. "What do you want us to do with the guy?" He asked as Lucian sped up, yawning lightly. "Tie him up and throw him in the basement, the key is uh.. lying around somewhere in the kitchen, also don't touch anything in there." He speaks as he looks around at his surroundings that have not yet turned familiar but soon they would, Dominic responded. "See you soon." He hung up and Lucian put his phone down. As his house was isolated almost, it was huge and surrounded by trees it was a safe place to do any of their work there. Dominic hung up as he slowly drove into the underground carpark, parking and stopping the engine. "Now what will I do with you." He looked at Noah before unbuckling his seat belt and getting out the car, he went over to the other side and unbuckled the others seat belt before helping him out. "I'm going to take the handcuffs off you but if you try anything stupid you will regret it, got that?" He took the key out his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs, throwing them back into his car before closing it and locking the car.

ray still decides not to say anything. but this brought him a disadvantage, he fell asleep. the head is cuddled up to the seat but the body still seems in tension. despite that he is now asleep, everything says that the detective would still be ready in case to attacks. through the sleep he will regain a little more energy to cope with everything better. but he loses the knowledge of where exactly they are going. the sleep was so necessary for the black-haired man that even his mouth is minimally open. this makes him seem a bit more peaceful. when he has to work he usually slept on the drive, he had usually found someone to drive him since ray himself doesn't have a driver's license, he could easily make one but he hates the feeling of driving. the somewhat smaller man doesn't hear the' phone call anymore. When Noah sees that they have arrived he looks out the window. when he is helped out and the handcuffs are removed he nods "I won't do anything stupid! I promise!" with a light rubbing of his wrists he looks up at Dominic and smiles nervously, he only now realizes how tall his opposite is. "uh-" he shakes his head "about when is your boss coming?" he tries to ignore the height difference