
Chapter 20

A then put the unconscious boy on my back and proceeded to walk towards the village.


The old man suddenly ran and grabbed me on my leg.

"Please let us go! Forgive us for bothering you, oh supreme creature. It's the girl that you want, right?"

I nodded.

"T-then let me go get her for you then!"

I then sat and put down the unconscious boy beside me as the old man rushed back towards the village.

Sigh... He better not make me wait.


After about twenty minutes or so, she finally came rustling through the bushes.

She was wearing an attire for travelling and carried a big backpack.

"Sir fox? I heard that you killed everyone that came after-"



'Call me Haru.'

"Oh! so that was your name, Sir Haru?"

'Drop the formalities and honorification.'

"Oh.. then.. Haru?"


"Did you really kill all those villager who came after you? along with my brother?"

'I gave them the chance to back off but they didn't and as for your brother...'

It was then she finally noticed the unconscious body beside me.

"Oh my. Is he alright?"

'Yeah, I guess. Why? are you concerned?'

"No.. to be honest, I was just thinking how it's unfair since I wanted to be the one to kill him..."

Oh there she is again.

'I see...'

"So where are we heading first Haru?"

'Hmm the first thing we're gonna do is form a bond.'

"Excuse me?"

'Yeah, you need to form a bond with me in order to accept and confirm your destiny'

Not really, this just grants me the option to edit your skills and stats.

"Oh I see... Then how will we do that?"

'First, think of me as your guardian and follow me as I direct you to the right path of become strong.'

"I see... like this?"

[ Ruri Lucredia has recognized you as her guardian, accept the title < Rui Lucredia's Guardian > Y/N ]


[ Congratulations, you have received the title < Ruri Lucredia's Guardian >! ]

Yep, there we go.

'Okay now what I want you to do is say "Open Status". '

"Open status?"

"Ah! A window-like screen suddenly appeared in front of me!"

Oh so I could also see it.

[ Name: Ruri Lucredia

Level: 6 EXP: 40/4000

Status: Alive

Race: Human

HP: 1000/1000

Mana: 5000/5000

Attack Power: 4000

Skills: Gather (Lv. 2), Farming (Lv. 5), Bountiful Harvest (Lv. 3), Chop (Lv. 4), Hero Awakening (Inactive).

Titles: Haru's Apprentice

Blessings: N/A ]

Hmmm... that's weird. I'm pretty sure that she should be a hero.


'Try using your Awakening skill.'

"Awakening skill?"

Suddenly, a beam of light from heaven surrounded Ruri.


She then started floating as the beam of light carried her mid air.

[ Hero Awakening has been activated. ]

Suddenly, her hair begun to change in colour along with her glowing eyes.


She then started screaming as the beam intensified.



Blinding light filled my vision as I was forced to close my eyes.


Suddenly- everything stopped and the blinding light disappeared as if nothing happened in the first place.


Ruri on the other hand fell unconscious on the ground.

That transformation though.

Ruri, who used to have dark brown hair now had light gold hair and her vibe doesn't feel like a depressed introvert anymore.

Even though unconscious, you could feel a sense of security and bravery around her.


Not to mention, her stats.

[ Name: Ruri Lucredia

Level: 6 EXP: 40/4000

Status: Alive

Race: Human (Hero)

HP: 10000/10000

Mana: 50000/50000

Attack Power: 40000

Skills: Gather (Lv. 2), Farming (Lv. 5), Bountiful Harvest (Lv. 3), Chop (Lv. 4), Storage (Lv. 1)

Titles: Haru's Apprentice, The Hero

Blessings: N/A ]

I guess this is what a Hero is supposed to be...


What the heck?! The thing just literally added another zeroes to all her stats! That's bullshit!

Holy fuck that's infuriating.


Look at this!

[ The Hero <Title>

You are the destined hero to fight evil and eliminate the Demon Lord and his army! +1000% EXP gain and +100% Skill Mastery boost! ]

That, is absolutely bullshit. I'm done.

Like heck I am! You think I'm just gonna fucking accept this?! what the hell Gods?! what sort of asspull plots did you do to give heroes this kind of a cheat!

And you're telling me this isn't enough?!

[ Yeah. ]

Oh? that's a voice I haven't heard for a while.

[ I can hear you, mortal ]

Like I care, anyway, care to explain this bullshit? Fatass cat god?

[ You son of a... ]


[ E-ehem. It is exactly as you thought. ]

What do you mean?

[ Despite having that effect, they still need your help. ]

Why? cause they got twisted personalities or something?

[ What? no! It's because even if they still had that kind of strength.. It isn't enough to defeat the Demon Lord. ]

W-w-what do you mean?

[ Mortal... don't underestimate level 1000's. They are strong enough to be called demigods. ]


[ Yeah. That's why we needed you to be with them, since their even though their exp boost is high, it won't be enough to catch up within five years of time. ]

I see....

[ Once both heroes have awakened, they will form an effect, a buff if you might say. Both of them has a select choice of people that they can give the same exp boost that they have although this only amounts to seven other creatures or people, including you. ]

Wait... so you're saying I could have the 1000% buff as well?

[ Yes along with other selected individuals of their or your choice. ]

I see...

[ Keep in mind, the only shared effect is the exp boost and it can only be used once, so select talented individuals who you think can help the Heroes on their journey to fight and defeat the Demon Lord. ]


[ Remember! they can only be used once! after the select seven is chosen, the exp boost effect will remain theirs for ever. ]


[ You know I'm still here right? ]

Oh you are? shoo shoo, go away then and thanks for the info, buhbye!

[ Same as always, Sigh. You really need to learn manners. ]

Whatever, mom.

[ Tch! ]

With that, the cat god grumbily left my mind.


Then I was brought back to reality. I looked at the both unconscious brats.

Also now that I think about it, Why is it that I have to carry many unconscious kids today?


I picked her up along with her still unconscious brother and put them both on my back.

It was almost afternoon anyway so then I went back on my way to the spot where Kinoko and I have agreed to meet up at.