
A Forbidden Love, A tale of a Grim Reapers heart

JennaDove · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter Two

My eyes slowly fluttered open but I quickly closed them as the beam of sunlight hit my eyes. That's so bright. I quickly pulled the blanket over my head and sighed. What was that dream about last night? Grim reapers? That's insane. I opened my eyes to see the sunlight lighting up my blanket. Wait.. this blanket is brown with an ugly flower pattern. This isn't my bed! I gasped as I quickly threw the blanket off me and sat up. "Good morning", A man's voice said. I quickly whipped my head around to see Alex sitting in the office chair. "That.. that wasn't a dream", I murmured. "Nope. Last night was real", Alex said. "Wait I don't remember falling asleep... did you drug me or something?", I demanded. "What? No I put you to sleep. I'm supernatural I can do a lot of stuff", Alex said. "Why?", I asked. "Well sometimes when I go to take souls people are not always dead. They are scared and crying so I use my powers to put them to sleep so they can pass peacefully. Then I take there soul to they're final destination", Alex said. "So Jaeger can do that too?", I asked. "No just me", Alex said. "What makes you so special that only you can do it?", I asked. "Well I'm the only one who cares okay. Most reapers will tear the souls from your body minutes before humans pass on. Can you imagine that feeling especially when you know your dying", Alex asked. "That must be awful", I said. "It is. So I've spent two hundred and thirty-six years mastering that skill. It was very hard and I had to channel so much energy into it", Alex said. My jaw draped as I gasped. I started at Alex with wide eyes. "What?", Alex demanded. "Your over two hundred years old!", I yelled I'm surprise. "Well I'm actually four hundred and twenty-two years old", Alex said as he shrugged his shoulders. "That's insane!", I said. "What did you expect? I'm not human", Alex said as he began spinning in his chair. "This is a lot to take in", I said as I rubbed my fingers on my temples and stared at the alarm clock on the night stand by the bed. The big red Numbers said 10:35 am. "Oh no", I yelled as I jumped up. "What?", Alex said as he jumped up from his chair in a flash. "I'm going to be late for work! I work at eleven!", I said, "I don't get how I slept in? I never do that". "It's from me putting you to sleep. I ease all pain", Alex said. "How do you know I have pain", I asked. "You watched your parents die", Alex said. "How do you know that", I asked. "It's a reaper thing. Don't worry about it", Alex said. "Thank you. I haven't slept that good in years", I said. "It's nothing", Alex said. "Thank you for saving me last night too", I said as I smiled lightly at him. "Come on you need to get to work", Alex said as he grabbed my arm. Alex quickly pulled me to the door. We both walked outside. I recognized the neighborhood. We was only a few blocks from where I work. We both began walking in the direction of the ice cream shop. "Wait. What if Jaeger comes for me there. I don't want Kat to get hurt", I said. "He won't touch you there. I'll be outside keeping watch", Alex said. "Well he did get in yesterday", I said. "Don't worry you'll be okay", Alex said as he gave me a reassuring smile. "I trust you", I said. I don't understand it. I know I should be afraid of him but every fiber in my body is compelled to him. I've only known him for less than a day and I feel as if I could trust him with my life.

"So who was that guy that dropped you off?", Kat asked as she smirked. "Oh uh that's Alex. I met him last night", I said as I put on my apron. "Hmmm. Same clothes as yesterday.. you spent the night with him didn't you?", Kat asked as she raised her eyebrows. I hadn't realized I was still wearing the same clothes. There's no way I could have changed since I never made it home. "Yes but it's not what you think okay. I don't want to talk about it", I said. "Hmm keeping secrets from your best friend now huh?", Kat said in a slightly hurt voice. "I'm sorry", I said softly. I couldn't tell Kat about last night. Her normal human world could be shattered. I'd much rather her be happy and not have to worry about grim reapers. Would she even believe me? No she'd think I was crazy. "So uh how was drake's band last night at the bar?", I asked. "They was awesome. They got offered a gig for another place next week", Kat said. "Wow that's awesome!", I said as I smiled. "You should come. It's at that new night club", Kat said. "Yeah that would be great", I said as I smiled. "Maybe you could invite Jimmy or that mystery guy", Kat said. I frowned at the thought of Jaeger. If it wasn't for Alex I'd be dead because of Jaeger. "Uh I'll think about it", I said as I smiled lightly trying to hide my fear of Jaeger. "It could be fun you know. Have some drink and just hang out you know?", Kat said. "I guess we haven't really done that in a long time", I said. I'm more of a person who would rather sit inside and watch a nice movie or read a good book but Kat is so much more into going out and having a good time. I can still remember the first time she convinced me to go out to a night club with her. We did have so much fun. Even if it wasn't my scene I really did enjoy spending the time with her. We'd go at least two to three times a month up until she met drake. After that Kat definitely slowed down in her clubbing days. Now she just goes to where ever drake's band plays. We still get to hang out at work or we will meet up for lunch or coffee but sometimes I do miss the old days. I am glad she found drake. He makes her so happy. At one point in my life I couldn't wait to have what she does but now... I don't think that will ever be possible. If I'm supposed to be dead and I have a reaper coming after me and need to be protected by another reaper, how would that be fair to a boyfriend? To put his life in danger would be selfish of me. It's not like we could ever have a family. The children would be in danger and what kind of life would that be. I could feel my heart starting to hurt as I realized I'd never be able to do the normal life thing now. Even though Alex saved me.. I'm pretty much dead anyway. My normal life is gone forever and there's nothing I can do to get it back. "So you doing anything tonight?", Kat asked as she started to refill the syrups we put on the ice creams. "Nah I'll probably just hang out at home", I lied as I walked over to grab a bag of nuts. Honestly I don't know what the rest of the day has in store for me. I don't know how Alex wants to protect me? In that hotel room again? I'd much rather be home but what if Jaeger is already there waiting for me. "What are you doing tonight?", I asked as I ripped open the bag and began pouring the nuts out into the nut bin. "I think I'm going to binge watch my shows or something. I'm not sure yet", Kat said as she shrugged her shoulders. "It's good having alone time. Definitely takes away the stress", I said. I quickly looked up a the bell on the door jingled to see a father and his young daughter. I smiled as I thought of the normal work day I was having.

"How was work?", Alex asked as soon as I walked out of the ice cream shop. "It was great. Completely normal", I said. "Uh that's good right?", Alex asked. "Yes.. uhm look I was wondering if it would be okay to go back to my house? I mean like all my stuff is there and I can't keep wearing the same clothes", I said. "Jaeger could be there already", Alex said as he looked at me. "Please I just want a shower", I begged. Alex blushed as he quickly looked away from me. He looked slightly embarrassed. "Please! You can even come in. Hang out in the living room or something", I said. "Fine. I'll keep watch over you.. I mean not watching you but watching out for you", Alex said as he blushed and rubbed his hand on the back of his head. What's up with him? He seems different from yesterday. We both walked in silence till I got to my house. I walked up the steps until I got to the door. "Oh no", Alex said as he grabbed the wooden rail. "What's wrong?", I asked as I quickly grabbed his arm. "I'm being called back! Stay inside I'll be back soon", Alex said threw clenched teeth. "What? Being called back where?", I asked. Suddenly Alex turned into a puff of black smoke and was gone.