
A Forbidden Love, A tale of a Grim Reapers heart

JennaDove · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter Three

~Alex's P.O.V~

I opened my eyes to see I was in a dark room. The walls was all black and so the floor. Even the chair I was sitting in was dark black. A dim little desk lamp illuminated the small area showing me the desk that sat in front of me. It was a very like thick work desk with beautiful swirl markings as the decoration. I unfortunately recognize this desk to well. I have been here many many times before. Usually only to be praised as one of the great reapers that does his job so well and efficient. The first time I was called in for something bad was around four-teen years ago. I looked up and the chair behind the desk and it was turned around. The chair looked like a thrown. It was mostly black with gold decoration around the trim and along the arms of the chair. The chair swiveled around so now I can see the man sitting there. The man had a large muscular frame. He had dark hair and dark eyes that looked like they held so much anger. This beard was cut shorter to frame his face better. He wore a dark gray suit with a dark blue tie. He looked at me and gave me a evil smile which would of been enough to make any sane person run away. "Hello Aléxios", the man said in a deep voice. "Hello Hades", I said as I sat back and crossed my legs. Hades raised his eyebrow at me giving me the "what are you doing look". "Long time no see huh?", I said. "Your a confident little twit aren't you?", Hades said. "Your favorite", I said as I smirked. "Maybe one time you could have been in line to become something so much more and powerful but you know your mistake", Hades said. "It wasn't a mistake", I said through clenched teeth. "You know it was. Your a reaper. You know your job", Hades said. I felt my anger rise and all I wanted to do was yell at him but even I know how dangerous it is to make hades mad. "I've sent my best reaper to take Swayze Williams soul and yet she is still alive? Why is that Aléxios?", Hades asked. "Jaeger can't compete with me. He may think he can just I've been around longer. I've mastered skills he hasn't", I said angrily. "So you should be the one to reap her soul!", hades roared as he clenched his fist. "I'm not going to do it. I refuse to do it and I will protect her in any way that I can!", I yelled back as I scowled at hades. "Why!? She is just a human. Who cares about them? They are a dime a dozen", Hades said. "Not her.. she's special", I said. "The only special thing about her is her the bounty on her head. Now tell me why you are protecting her!", Hades roared. "I have my reasons. I don't feel the need to discuss them with you", I said. "Oh really?", Hades asked. "Yes", I said. "I am the ruler of the underworld and you think that all this is not something I need to know?", Hades roared. "Look I'm sorry. It's just personal you understand right? Say how's Persephone? Haven't seen her in a hot minute", I said as I reached up and grabbed a pen off of Hades desk. "Don't change the subject. She's fine", Hades said as he starred at me. "Probably still hates this place", I muttered as I twirled the golden pen with my fingers. "What!?", Hades asked. "Nothing sir", I said. "Aléxios. You know she must die. She has evaded death for years. I don't even know how", Hades said as he ran his fingers through his dark curly hair. "She's a glitch in the system", I repeated swayze's words. "Aléxios she will be dead by the end of the day", Hades said. "What?", I asked in shock. "I'll send every grim reaper I have after her and then if you try to stop any of them... you will die as well", Hades said. "Whoa whoa whoa hang on", a man's voice said. I turned to see Jaeger walk in. "Great", I said as I rolled my eyes. "Now look I hate this guy but I do rather like this game of cat and mouse we've been playing. It's thrilling to hunt this girl", Jaeger said. "Look here! You will not hurt her! I won't let you", I said. "Oh come on man you know she can't stay alive!", Jaeger yelled. "I know but.. but it's not her time", I said. "Her time was up when her parents died. How she walked away from that I'll never know. But she has lived far to long now. She's an adult which means she could have children", Jaeger said. "So what", I said. "If A child is born to that girl it will be doomed as well. She's not supposed to be alive so if she has a child it will have to die too because it shouldn't be here", Jaeger said. As much as it made me mad. I knew Jaeger was right. I don't know what would happen if she did have a child. The whole death system would be messed up for sure. Hades wouldn't hesitate to feed me to his hell hounds. Just the thought of them sent a shiver down my spine. Those are the meanest hell hounds I've ever met. Hell even Cerberus is less scary. At least Cerberus would have my back though. He's a sweet three headed dog. Maybe because I have snuck him treats everyday for years. "Look the girl has to die. I'm giving you two a month", Hades said. "No!", I yelled as I slammed the pen down on the desk. "A month is fine", Jaeger said. "You can't do this", I said. "Aléxios I am the god of the underworld and I will not take pity on her! She will be dead by the end of the month. No exceptions do you understand", Hades yelled as he slammed his fist down onto his desk. The desk made an awful cracking noise and shards of wood shot out everywhere. "Aléxios, look what you made me do. That's the third desk this month", Hades said as he picked up his picture of persephone and brushed it off. "Don't worry lord Hades I'll make sure you get another by the end of the day", Jaeger said. "Thank you Jaeger. Now Aléxios. You may go. Do your job and kill her. If not someone else will by the end of the month. Now be gone", Hades said as he waved his hand. The thick black mist surrounded me as I began to feel myself pull away from the room Hades was in. Suddenly the mist cleared and I was standing in someone's house. It was swayze's house. "Swayze?", I called. No answer. Oh no what if she fell in the shower! I took off sunning towards her room as fast as I could. I Burst in and ran into her bathroom. "Swayze?", I asked but she wasn't there. Where is she? Surely she wouldn't be stupid enough to leave knowing she's unprotected. I quickly walked back out into her bedroom and noticed her laying in her bed asleep. Her dark black hair looked puffy but yet frizzy. She must have used a blow dryer on her hair. She wore a fuzzy black robe and nothing else. Or at least I wasn't going to look to see if that was all she was wearing. She must of been so tired. She didn't even pick up her towel from the floor. I walked over and picked up her towel and draped it over her door. I slowly walked to the foot of her bed and picked up an extra blanket and gently covered her up so she wouldn't get to cold. I sat down next to her on her bed and slowly used my fingers to brush her hair out of her face. She had no make up on. She was one hundred percent herself and gods she was so beautiful. I still don't understand what it is about her but... I can not let her die. She needs to live a long and happy life. I'll do what ever I can to keep her safe. I've been protecting her all these years and I'm not about to fail her now when she needs me most. I will not let Jaeger get to her. I won't let Hades or any of his minions get to her either. I know going against Hades is a death sentence for me but she needs to live a happy life. "I promise you swayze, I'll protect you forever", I said softly as I brushed my hand across her cheek. I owe her that. After all it is my fault that she's in this position.