
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 45- Dealing with the situation

Ren Uchiha POV

"Is this what you've been working on these days?" Mito asked as she entered his lab and peered at his Fuinjutsu seals, escorted here by one of his Shadow Clones.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked.

"You seem to be delving into spatial manipulation, at a pretty high level as well." Mito remarked, scrutinising the seals. "Whatever you're making here surpasses even the Hiraishin technique in complexity. But that's all I can infer with a cursory look." Mito said.

"To learn all that with a single look. Man, you old folks sure are scary." He chuckled.

"Are you aware that there are dozens of Uchiha shinobi gathered outside your barrier?" She asked, completely ignoring the remark about her age.

"Yes. Hard to ignore their annoying presence."

"And, you haven't send a single shadow clone to talk with them?"

"I haven't."

"Do you at least know what they want from you?"

"Yes," he replied, initially considering leaving it at that. However, under Mito's persistent gaze, he chose to divulge, "They want to serve me."

"Serve you?" She asked, looking confused.

"Yeah, I knocked them out once with Genjutsu and somehow, that turned them into my most devoted followers. No, I do not understand how that works either."

Mito shrugged. "A powerful man always attract followers."

"I would prefer my followers to be beautiful S-class kunoichis." He quipped, wiggling his eyes at her.

Mito chuckled at his remark before turning her attention to the rest of the lab, where dozens of his Shadow Clones were collaborating on advanced Space-related Fuinjutsu seals.

"I still find it fascinating that you haven't become a dullard from all the information your Shadow Clones send to your brain." Mito said softly.

"Yeah. My second bloodline is pretty convenient like this. Though I'm currently developing a Fuinjutsu seal aimed at regulating the information transfer from Shadow Clones, reducing the risk of brain damage." He said. "With this seal, even a basic Jounin could safely use several Shadow Clones on a day to day basis."

"Really?" She asked, looking surprised. "What a fascinating concept.Although, now I feel a bit foolish for not considering it earlier myself. Do you need any help with that?"

"Not particularly, but I wouldn't object to having the most skilled GILF in the Elemental Nations collaborating with me."

"GILF?" Mito asked, looking confused.

"Grandma I would like to fuck." He told her and took great amusement in how her face scrunched up in confusion and disgust.

"You young people have no shame these days." She said, clicking her tongue disapprovingly.

He shrugged at her words. "Why are you here, Mito? Did Tsunade finally learn about your deception and kick you out of her house?" He asked.

Mito's eyes narrowed at him. "Watch it, Ren-kun. I admire your abilities and skills, but I won't tolerate disrespect."

He smirked. "Has anyone ever told you how hot you look when you're angry."

Mito smirked. "Yes, my husband."

"Okay, now you're just making things awkward. Though I can't say I didn't deserve that," he chuckled, finding amusement in the exchange. "But seriously, Mito, why are you here?"

"Can't I simply come to visit my new friend?"

"No. Firstly, we're not merely friends; we're allies. And if we're to progress our relationship, it would be as husband and wife, not as friends. There will be no friend-zoning here. I'm no Jiraiya. Secondly, you're not the type to drop by without a good reason. So, spill it."

Mito gazed at him for a prolonged moment before shaking her head. Then, her attention shifted to the numerous shadow clones inhabiting his lab. "You're remarkably mature for your age, Ren-kun. Initially, I attributed it to a quirk of your personality. However, now I wonder if it's not a consequence of utilising so many of your Shadow Clones. Their time in this world is assimilated into your own, elevating your mental age far beyond that of most adults in this village."

"You're avoiding my question." He observed, stopping his Fuinjutsu work to give her his complete attention."

Mito hesitated for a moment before he spoke up. "I brought my Uzumaki clan members to Konoha today. I had to meet up with the Hokage in order to register my clan. But while doing that, I ended up meeting little monkey who recognised me. He confronted me afterward, and upon learning of my situation, asked me to come clean with Tsunade."

"I see. Then just go to her and come clean." he advised, then paused, a sudden realisation dawning on him. Was she... seeking his advice?

"I'm afraid of how she'll react to my survival and the fact that I left her behind," Mito confessed, sinking into a chair provided by his Shadow Clone. "And I'm even more worried by how she'll react once she learns how I gained my immortality."

"You could always withhold the truth about your immortality from her," he suggested. "In fact, considering how you gained it, you should probably do just that."

Mito shook her head. "If I tell her the truth, then I want to tell her all of it."

"All shinobi have secrets Mito-san." He said, adopting her formal title once again. "If you think that Tsunade hadn't concealed numerous significant matters from you, even when she was under your care, then you're deluding yourself. Plus, if knowledge about how you gained your immortality spread out, then it had the potential to do a lot of harm to the world.I can think of several shinobi in Konoha alone who would gladly slaughter Ten thousand people for the promise of immortality."

"Tsunade won't tell anyone."

"Perhaps not. But do you truly wish to gamble when the lives of tens of thousands of people hang in the balance?" he questioned. After a moment of contemplation, Mito shook her head.

"I understand. And... thank you," she expressed.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not hating me, even after discovering how I achieved immortality."

He shrugged. "That's because I'm biased as fuck. Trust me, if you were some ugly old guy pulling the same stunt, I would've shanked you ages ago."

Mito chuckled at his blunt honesty. "You're a strange young man, Ren-kun."

"I would say-" He paused as he sensed one of his emergency Hiraishin kunai flare up in the distance. This particular kunai held significant importance, as it was situated in Taki, the residence of the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki.

"Excuse me, Mito-san. But something urgent just came up. Please, feel free to study my Fuinjutsu seals while I'm gone." He told her before teleporting away.

Arriving atop a colossal branch of an immense tree, he surveyed the scene below, where a fierce battle was taking place in the village nestled within the tree's shelter. Turning to his Shadow Clone, he commanded, "Report."

"It's Akatsuki," reported the Permanent Shadow Clone, stationed there to safeguard the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki.

"Pain and Konan?" he inquired, feeling a sense of anticipation at the prospect of defeating and capturing that blue haired beauty.

"No, it's Juzo Biwa, Kisame, and Fuji Kaguya," his clone informed him, prompting a blink of surprise.

"That Kaguya clan leader survived?"

His clone shrugged. "I'm as much in the dark about this as you are. It's likely he was rescued by Obito, who probably recruited Kisame around the same time. And Kisame is using the Explosive blade right now, in case you're wondering."

From the vantage point of the colossal tree branch, he surveyed the chaos engulfing the village below "Hmm… Kisame is much weaker than he was during Canon timeline. High A-class at best. Understandable, as canon is still a decade away. Juzo Biwa is also only A-class. That Kaguya guy is the only S-class shinobi here."

But despite all odds, the Taki village was actually doing a pretty decent job of fighting against the Akatsuki clan members.

Unlike canon, where Taki village was shown to be so weak that a simple rogue Jounin can walk in and capture their leader, this Taki village was still rather powerful, with over 3000 shinobi to its name.

Of course, the majority of those shinobi were Genin or Chunin, with only around 50 Jounin among them, along with a handful of Elite Jounin.

It was… not bad for a minor village. But despite their numbers and coordination, they were finally starting to take some losses now that the Kaguya guy had started to let loose with his bloodline, not caring that one of his spikes almost skewered Juzo Biwa.

"Man, these Kaguya guys are crazy." he chuckled, before extending his chakra senses outward until he could detect the child concealed at the rear of the village. A child with a giant secondary chakra sealed within her.

He could sense someone attempting to hide her, but his Chakra Sense was too good to be fooled by such a weak attempt.

"The Taki aren't finished yet. See the gourd fastened to their leader's waist?" His clone saked.

He gazed at it, his EMS eyes effortlessly zooming in on the gourd, and activated his Observation ability, swiftly discerning that it was half-filled with the Hero Water.

He hummed in contemplation, pondering whether he should steal some of that water once the battle concluded.

Perhaps he should even bring Fu along with him?


True, the Seven-Tails was technically under the jurisdiction of Taki. However, he doubted their ability to shield her from Akatsuki. Even if they somehow emerged victorious from this skirmish, what about the aftermath? Would they possess the strength to safeguard Fu from other minor villages? And what if the next assault came from someone like Kakuzu? Or worse, Pain and Konan.

After contemplating for a moment, he turned to his Shadow Clone. "Go and ask Minato to come here."

His clone nodded and the vanished.

He refocused his attention on the battle and and noticed that the Kaguya guy had finally gone all out. He had taken a weird dinosaur form, and was currently rampaging across the entire village, none of the Taki shinobi able to put up a decent defence against him.

Even Juzo Biwa and Kisame had temporarily withdrawn from the battle lest they get in his way.

Using Observe, he noticed that the guy was currently running at -75% Intelligence.

Strange. But none of his concern.

Observing the remainder of the battlefield, he witnessed the Leader of Taki taking a decisive gulp from the Hero Water, experiencing an immediate surge in chakra alongside a notable boost in raw strength and speed. With newfound vigour, the leader charged towards the transformed Fuji Kaguya.

The other Jounins retreated from the battle as well once the two juggernauts started battling one another, while he took out a popcorn from his Inventory and made himself comfortable.

Two minutes within the fight, Minato appeared by his side, and gazed at the battle below them with a frown.

"The Jinchuriki is over there, in case you're wondering." He said, pointing at the shack at the other end of the village. "She's a Three-year-old child with dark skin and mint green hair. She's being protected by Four Jounins."

Minato nodded and he noticed that there were two faint orange circles underneath his eyes. Huh… this was the first time he'd seen Minato in Sage Mode.

He used Observe and… damn, those were some pretty decent boosts to his base physical stats. Nice.

If Minato fought against Nagato's six paths right now, then he would give Minato pretty decent odds at winning the fight, even without knowing Nagato's secret.

It filled him with excitement at the prospect of learning and mastering his own Sage Mode. He wondered if he'll reach Tier 8 once he masters it.

After observing the entire situation, Minato finally made a decision. "We're taking the Seven tails Jinchuriki."

"Fu," he interjected, earning a confused look from Minato. "Her name is Fu," he clarified, and Minato nodded in understanding.

"We're taking Fu with us. Make sure our actions are not traced back to Konoha."

He nodded, and then watched as Minato hurled his trademark kunai towards the distant shack. It came as no surprise when Minato effortlessly dispatched the four Jounins guarding Fu before teleporting away with her.

Minato had undoubtedly grown more decisive since the Fourth Shinobi War, showing no hesitation in making tough decisions like this. He wholeheartedly approved.

He created a Shadow Clone and gave his own order. "Erase that shack and its surrounding are. Use a Water Ninjutsu and disguise yourself as Kisame while doing that."

His Shadow Clone nodded and left to follow his order while he returned his attention back to the ongoing battle. Both Taki leader and Fuji Kaguya looked pretty injured at this point.

In theory, Konoha was allied with Taki and should have been offering assistance during their hour of need.

However, Taki had never extended a helping hand during the Fourth Shinobi War or the wars before it. They had remained on the sidelines, biding their time until one of the Great Villages weakened enough for them to claim their spot as the next Great Village.

Konoha had no use for such fair-weather allies.

Not anymore.

He observed the battle for another moment before sensing a significant buildup of chakra within his shadow clone. Suddenly, a powerful tidal wave surged from the lake, moving at supersonic speed and annihilating everything in its path. The corpses of the Jounins were reduced to mere chunks of flesh. With its task accomplished, his clone, now resembling Kisame, vanished with a flicker of Shunshin.

He heard the Taki Leader's cry of despair at that before he put even more effort in battling Fuji Kaguya, not caring about his own life anymore as he took yet another swig of the Hero Water.

He watched as the two combatants exchanged mortal blows before Kisame and Juzo Biwa decided to cut their loss and retreat. The Taki Jounins gave chase but he doubted that they'll succeed.

He dispatched a Shadow Clone to retrieve the remaining Hero Water for research purposes, then leaned back, pondering their next move now that their village possessed five of the Tailed Beasts.

More accurately, he contemplated what to do about Akatsuki, who would undoubtedly come after them following this encounter. Although he doubted even Nagato was delusional enough to launch a direct assault despite his claims of godhood.

Should he allow them to continue scheming in the shadows, or should he confront them and put an end to it once and for all?

He took out a coin and tossed it in the air. Head, he'll deal with them. Tail, they get to live a bit longer.


Nagato Uzumaki POV


"How did Fuji Kaguya die in a minor village like Taki?" He asked, his voice grave as his eyes bored holes into the translucent images of the two Akatsuki members he had dispatched to capture the Seven-Tails.

"The leader of Taki consumed Hero Water, granting him a significant power boost. With it, he could match the Kaguya in his monstrous form on equal footing," Juzo Biwa explained. "We had to—"

"I don't see the Seven-Tails Jinchuriki with you," he interjected, cutting short whatever lengthy tale the swordsman had intended to share. "Did you fail in that mission as well?"

The two swordsmen shared an uneasy glance with one another before Kisame spoke up. "A third party interviened. They took my form and destroy the shack where the Seven tails brat was hiding."

"So you failed." He concluded. This was… disappointing. Fuji Kaguya's death was acceptable. The man was a mad dog through and through and would have to be put down sooner or later.

But to learn that they lost the Kaguya and didn't even secure the Seven tails was disheartening to hear.

"Return to base," he instructed the two of them sternly. "You'll face punishment for this failure, and then be assigned a new mission."

The two swordsmen were definitely not happy to hear that but they nodded and cut the connection.

"That was not wise," Zetsu interjected, joining the long-distance meeting. "Those two are prideful shinobi. Pull too hard on their leash and they might choose to break it and depart, even at the expense of their own lives."

"Their lives are inconsequential in the presence of a god," he replied, though he only half-meant it. Their lives did hold some value; otherwise, he wouldn't have recruited them.

"Be that as it may, it was not their fault that they failed. Not this time at least." Zetsu said and his eyes snapped toward the creature before they narrowed into dangerous slits.

"Explain." He demanded.

"I was there. And while I didn't see who exactly killed the shinobi guarding the 7 tails Jinchuriki, I saw the aftermath, even after that Kisame lookalike tried to destroy everything. I found the torso of one of the shinobi in there, and saw a spiral marked damage to his torso." Zetsu said and he quickly remembered an infamous jutsu that left that kind of injuries.

"The Rasengan. You're telling me that Konoha took Seven tails?"

"Yes. And it's highly likely that they also have the Two-Tails Jinchuriki in their custody," Zetsu confirmed. "Furthermore, the Six-Tails Jinchuriki has been missing ever since Konoha's attack on Kiri. This suggests that either the Jinchuriki feared an attack and retreated to hide in a remote corner of the world, or..."

"Konoha took him too," he responded, realising the gravity of the situation

If what Zetsu claimed was accurate, it meant that Konoha now possessed the Two, Three, Six, Seven, and Nine Tails.

That was… worrying.

Strong as he was, even he would struggle to face Konoha's current roster of S-class shinobi. Add Five Jinchurikis to that, and capturing them would be… difficult, to say the least.

As if reading his thoughts, Zetsu nodded. "Konoha has become too strong. I doubt anyone anticipated their swift victories over Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri."

He contemplated the idea of enlisting Madara's help to garner support from his clan. Last he heard, the Uchiha clan played a pivotal role in the devastating losses suffered by Kumo and Iwa on the battlefield. If Madara could persuade some of them to join Akatsuki, then—

He paused, his wide-area Rain technique allowed him to sense someone with an immense amount of chakra outside his village.

"Someone is here," he stated, discontinuing the long-distance technique and refocusing on his own body. His attention shifted to the individual in the distance, who seemed to be intentionally flaring their chakra to garner his attention.

He activated a Fuinjutsu seal created by Konan and spoke into it. "Konan. Come here."


Konan swiftly joined him, hovering protectively with her paper shuriken forming a defensive formation around them. "What is it, Nagato? Do you sense something?" she inquired.

"Someone with chakra equal to mine," he replied, focusing on the shinobi outside Ame. "Someone harbouring a second chakra within him. A Jinchuriki."

"A Jinchuriki. Here?" Konan asked, looking confused and alert.

"Most likely a trap from Konoha." He said. They were the only ones who would have the strength and confidence to attack him. Not to mention use someone as powerful as this person as a bait.

"What's our plan?" Konan asked.

He pondered for a moment before responding. "We'll trigger this trap. It's probably an ambush from other S-class Konoha shinobi."

"Is that wise?" Konan asked.

"It's either that or allowing them to invade Ame." He said. "Besides, this close to me, I should be able to exert my full powers through my paths."

Konan still appeared apprehensive, but she didn't voice any objections and simply nodded in acknowledgment.

Two minutes later, his Six Paths, accompanied by Konan, arrived at the gates of Konoha. They found that a patrol of Ame shinobi had already encountered their visitor and had been swiftly knocked out.

Their attacker turned out to be a 7-year-old child, one whom he recognized immediately.

"Ren Uchiha," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the boy and the six ethereal tails hovering behind him. It surprised him that Konoha had turned the boy into a Jinchuriki, but ultimately, it didn't matter. "Why have you come here?" he demanded.

"The coin landed on Heads," Ren replied, a hint of amusement in his tone as he began to approach them.

He frowned, dismissing the boy's words as mere nonsensical distractions. His gaze shifted behind Ren, scanning for other hidden Konoha shinobi who might be lurking nearby. Perhaps Ren was even carrying a Hiraishin kunai, ready to summon the Fourth Hokage and other S-class shinobi to his side.

He considered talking a bit more, but both parties already knew how this was going to unfold so he decided to act instead.

"Shinra Tensei." He said,unleashing a formidable force toward the boy, unwilling to allow Ren to get close, especially considering the possibility that he might be carrying a Hiraishin Kunai.

The attack struck Ren with the might of a god, but to his surprise, the tails behind the boy enlarged and dug into the ground, acting as anchors and halting his movement.

Eventually, the force behind his attack dissipated, leaving the boy completely unharmed. An assault that would have obliterated a normal Jounin was endured effortlessly.

This was, not good.

"My turn," the boy declared, conjuring dozens of clones. Almost all of them surged toward Konan, while the main one charged at him, gathering a massive shuriken shaped wind chakra above his head and hurling it in his direction.

That attack was lethal. He could sense it without ever having seen something like it before.

Reacting swiftly, his Preta Path surged forward to absorb the incoming assault. Meanwhile, his Animal Path conjured forth a giant bull and centipede summons, while his Asura Path unleashed a barrage of missiles.

While his Preta Path began absorbing the attack, the missiles found their mark on the boy. Only for a giant blue ribcage to materialise around him, effortlessly blocking the assault. As the smoke from the explosions dissipated, he saw the boy rush forward to meet two summon animals charging toward him.

His eyes narrowed into slits as the ribcage transformed, manifesting a skeletal arm holding an ethereal bale. With two swift swings of his Susanoo sword, the boy dispatched both summons, cleaving them neatly in half before pressing onward toward them.

His Deva Path had to wait 5 seconds after each Shinra Tensei attack, but shinobi battles at the higher level unfold at Supersonic if not hypersonic speed.

The boy reached them long before 5 seconds had passed.

Asura Path surged forward to intercept the boy and…


It vanished into thin air.

The sudden absence of one of his Paths left him disoriented, allowing the boy to close in on his Preta Path before he could react further.

He got hold of himself just as the boy reached the Preta Path and tried to use the Preta Path's Chakra Absorbing ability to neutralise the boy. Only for his Preta Path body to be yoinked away like the Asura Path before it.

The disorientation hit him once again but he was better prepared for it this time and managed to regain his composure quickly. He quickly summoned two more giant summons to delay the boy. But the susanoo blade emerged once again, effortlessly cleaving through the giant summons and his Animal Path along with them.

Then they boy rushed forward. Not toward his Deva Path but toward his Naraka Path.

His Naraka Path retreated while his Human Path rushed forward.

His Human Path was one of his most useful Trump cards, with it ability to take a person's soul with a mere touch.

Or... that was the theory at least. Reality was something different.

Chakra is made up of physical and spiritual energy.Therefore, individuals with vast chakra reserves naturally possess a significant amount of spiritual energy, resulting in a larger and more potent soul. And the larger a person's soul is, the longer it takes for him to extract it.

Someone with the chakra reserves of an S-class shinobi can resist him long enough to back away from his Human Path, making this technique useless against them.

As for Ren, whose chakra reserves matched his own, he doubted he would be capable of extracting the boy's soul, even if the boy didn't offer any resistance.

But despite knowing all that, he threw his Human Path forward in a desperate bid to hold him back.While the Human Path was a valuable asset, it paled in comparison to his Naraka Path, which can use the King of Hell to repair all his destroyed Paths, enabling them to rejoin the battle once again.

His Human Path met Ren Uchiha. And then…


It vanished into nothingness.

Without hesitation, the boy dashed towards his Naraka Path the very next instant. However, buying this much time was sufficient.

Without hesitation, the boy immediately advanced toward his Naraka Path. However, buying this crucial time was all he needed.

As the five seconds elapsed, he had amassed sufficient chakra within the Deva Path to execute his next devastating attack. This attack would damage a good part of the Eastern area of the village, but it was necessary.

The boy proved to be a much greater threat than he had imagined. Worse, the boy somehow knew about the abilities of his Six paths and had a strange ability of his own to make them vanish with a mere touch.

It was clear that allowing the boy to survive was not an option, even if it meant forfeiting the Six Tails.

With firm resolve, he infused a vast amount of chakra into his Deva Path and unleashed the next devastating attack just as the boy reached his Naraka and Deva Paths.



The destruction wrought by the attack was extensive, rendering this section of the village uninhabitable for the foreseeable future. However, the immediate threat posed by the boy had been neutralised.

Turning his gaze into the distance, he witnessed Konan engaged in a fierce struggle against the dozen Shadow Clones dispatched by the boy. Explosions illuminated the sky as Konan unleashed a relentless onslaught of explosive seals. Curiously, the Shadow Clones were flying—a detail to be pondered later.

The fact that those clones were still around meant that the boy was alive.

Good. He could capture the boy and extract the Six tails. It should make up for some of the losses his village had—

A punch to the throat made his world go white with pain. He opened his eyes, wheezing, and found the Ren standing right in front of his real body.

'What? How!?'

He tried to use his chakra to push the boy away but found himself being unable to move his chakra properly.

Glancing downward, he beheld a cascade of Fuinjutsu seals emerging from his throat, the place where the boy had hit him, and spreading to the rest of his body.

Not good.

He tried to use his Preta Path to absorb the chakra within those seals to dispel them but without his chakra, his Rinnegan powers just wouldn't activate.

"That should be enough." The boy said and reached for his eyes.

And for the first time in his life ever since his brother-in-all-but-name, Yahiko died, he felt fear.

He closed his eyelids but the chakra enhanced fingers of the dug right through them before reaching inside and…

Plop! Plop!


No. No. No. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real.

Through all the pain and despair, he could hear the boy saying something. About what a disappointing god he turned out to be. But he was in no position to care for those words.

Then he found himself pinned to the wall behind him. And before he could react, he felt a warm chakra suffuse into his eyes.

A moment later… he opened his eyes once again, and saw the world once again.

Despite his blurred and unclear vision, he could discern the boy placing his Rinnegan eyes into a glass container before making them vanish into thin air.

Horrified, he glanced at the reflective surface of a metal plate nearby and realized his Rinnegan eyes had been replaced with ordinary brown ones.

"What have you done?" he asked in disbelief, uncertain whether this was reality or a nightmare.

"I took your eyes." The boy said, uncaring that he had just killed his dream of creating a peaceful world.

He cried out in despair and tried to attack the boy. But his chakra remained unresponsive and his body itself was too weak to do much of anything.

At that moment, a wall beside him shattered, and Konan rushed to his side. She looked… injured. Had the shadow clones been too much for her. How? How was this boy so strong?

"Nagato, oh dear Kami," Konan uttered, her eyes filled with horror as she glimpsed his new eyes. She then turned her gaze toward Ren, but instead of anger, fear filled her expression.

"What do you want?" Konan asked, positioning herself in front of him, though he knew it was futile against such a formidable foe.

"A deal," the boy replied, his eyes devoid of emotion. "I'll restore Nagato's body, and in return, Ame will become a subordinate of Konoha. You will also put an end to the Akatsuki. What is your answer?"

"That's unacceptable," he tried to say, but Konan silenced him by placing a hand over his mouth.

"We accept," she said instead, her voice trembling with fear as she looked at the boy.

"That's—" Ren started to speak, but then paused, his eyes narrowing as the space in front of them swirled until a hole was created, and Madara appeared in front of them.



Nagato: *Sees a young Uchiha boy.* He's probably a bait intended to lure us out.

Ren: No bitch, I'm the trap.

Konon: *Stares at Ren strangely.*

Ren: *Backpaddles* No wait, not that kind of trap.

Also, what sound does eyes make when they're extracted from their sockets?

Answer: Plop plop!

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.