
A Dying Cry

For now, you exist in an unseen world; and it is called…survival. The weak die out and the strong will survive, and will flourish. Seventeen-year-old Felix who was aboard a jumbo jet with his classmates found themselves in a deathly situation. A plane malfunction. A swift fall from the sky. And a heart-stopping crash. An emergency landing leaves them stranded on a mysterious abandoned island. Felix and the rest must face some of humanity’s oldest innate fears from starvation to snakes and spiders in addition to human depravity within their own... There will be new fears soon to consume them: three-headed snakes, Icarus tigers, ginormous centipedes, and giant squids. The list is endless with out-of-this-world fantasy monsters that would have seemed extinct or impossible to exist. In spite of Felix's basic knowledge about survival and experience in fighting, he soon realizes surviving on this hellish island full of unknowns is impossible because he is, in comparison, an ordinary person.— or so he thought.

Kurupts · Fantasía
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1 Chs


The jumbo jet that transported 410 passengers above 38,000 feet soared through the clouds peacefully.

Passengers ranged from babies, children, teens, adults, and elders.

They came from all walks of life, from the upper class to the middle class, and even from the lower class.

As babies cried and teens yelled back and forth, the atmosphere was loud and obnoxious.

Despite their best efforts, flight attendants failed to quiet everyone down.

There were many complaints from the older folks who just wanted to sleep!

As he slid back into his seat, Felix looked out the porthole and watched the raindrops fall from the clouds.

His eyes were barely open as he listened to his calming music which was blocking out the loud noises.

He and his classmates were headed to a tropical resort which was located in Australia.

In the beginning he didn't want to participate...

Until his mother 'coaxed' him into going.

Although he was tempted to complain, he obediently listened to his mother when he saw her sharp glare.

Feeling tired from being up since 3:00 AM he decided to get some shut eye, they don't land for another couple hours so he thought this was the best opportunity to get some rest.

As he was about to shut his eyes he felt a small force press against his shoulder.

"Hey loser, take a picture of us!"

Felix opened his eyes slightly as he glanced to his right lazily.

A beautiful teenage girl who had long scarlet red hair that flowed down her white back, and sharp red eyes looked at him like he was nothing more than a disgusting cockroach, her giant breast swaying from left to right.

"Can't your boyfriend do it, Scarlet?" Felix asked lazily, ignoring the hostile glare.


Multiple girls who were standing behind Scarlet all showed their disgust by clicking their tongues.

Felix just rolled his eyes in response and went back to closing his eyes trying to get a good nap in before they landed.

"Hey you bastard! I'm ordering you!" Scarlet gritted her teeth, her face became red like a volcano that was about to explode.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Felix waved his hand leisurely in the air.

He didn't want to get involved with these type of people.

Especially Scarlet... Also known as the Demon Queen due to her personality.

"Yo-You bastard, how dare you act like that in front of me!" Scarlet muttered under her breath.

Out of nowhere the jumbo jet shook violently due to the heavy wind that just appeared.

Scarlet, who lost her balance, fell onto Felix's lap.

"You wanna sexually assault me?" Felix opened his eyes with a little shock hinged in his voice, he then continued his words:

"You are ruining my innocence... Could I kindly ask you to get off my lap?"

Scarlet who has been quiet this entire time suddenly felt her face flush in embarrassment and soon she shot right up and glared at him.

"Speak a word of what happened here and I'll cut off your d-dick!" With these words said, Scarlet angrily stomped back to her seat, followed by her friends.

"What a weird girl." Felix could only sigh as he went back to looking out the porthole.

The light rain from earlier was now replaced by a heavy downpour.

The wind even grew more violent.

Suddenly the pilots voice resonated through out the jumbo jet through the speakers:

[In light of the dangerous weather, we must ask all of you to return to your seats. We apologize for any inconvenience.]

A series of loud annoyed groans reverberated as passengers went back to their seats.

After making sure everyone was seated, the flight attendants retreated to their seats.

An adorable little girl wearing a fluffy green dress, about eleven-years-old, climbed up to her seat and looked to her left at Felix, who had his eyes closed.

The little girl had a pure snow white face that expressed a beautiful smile, she had long green hair hung down her back and her eyes were like emeralds.

She looked at the sleeping teenager next to her with an interest plastered on her face.

This was the first time she has ever seen someone fall asleep in this type of condition.

The jumbo jet was shaking and the rain was smashing against the porthole, there were even loud conversations being carried out around them...

How could anyone sleep!?

The little girl soon found herself intrigued and couldn't help but tap the teenager on the shoulder.

Her body twitched and she found herself becoming nervous.

This was the first time she touched the opposite sex besides her father.

Instantly she found herself wanting to hide somewhere.

Just now she remembered her fathers words...

"Listen Pepper, boys are wolves... Never touch one! They are a dangerous species who will ravage you! Remember don't make eye contact and stay 10 feet away from them!"

Felix slightly lifted his right eye and looked to his right just to be met with a cute adorable figure shuttering like a small rabbit who was being stared at by a hungry wolf.

"Can I help you?" Felix yawned.

Pepper's entire body froze, her brain seemed to have shut down...

10 minutes went by in a flash and Felix just calmly waited.

Suddenly Pepper shook her head and hit herself on both sides of her cheeks and looked at Felix.

"M-m-m-my name is Pepper Rosewood the first daughter of the Rosewood family, I am eleven-years-old and I like to play the piano!" Pepper spoke with confidence.

Felix tilted his head in confusion.

It puzzled him why a little girl like her would introduce herself to him.

Then it dawned on him why...

He reached into his pocket and took out a bag of peanuts, he then gently handed it to her with a smile, "here you go little lady, you must be really hungry."

"I'm not hungry!" Pepper said timidly.

"You're not?" Felix asked, he was hundred percent sure she wanted food.

"I'm not!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure!"

"Are you really really sure?"

"Yes, I am really really really sure!"

Felix shrugged his shoulders and retracted his hand, he then placed back the peanuts into his pocket.

"So, why did you introduce yourself to me? Do you have a crush on me?" Felix gulped, sweat began to form on his head.

He shuttered a little.

The last thing he needed was being handcuffed and placed in jail for being a pedophile.

"!?" Pepper froze like a statue and her mouth was opened in a shape of a O.

She just wanted to know how he could sleep through all of this noise!

That's all!

She never expected that he would ask if she was crushing on him!

Her cheeks heated up and without answering she got out of her seat and ran down the isle toward the front of the jumbo jet.

She passed the shocked flight attendants and dashed into the restroom...

Felix watched this playout with an expressionless face.

He was utterly dumbfounded.

Did he say something wrong!?

It seemed to him that he had wronged the little girl named Pepper, so he decided it was best to apologize to her and bring her back to her seat.


There was an explosion as he stood up, and the entire jumbo jet shook violently, causing hundreds of terrified shrieks to echo throughout.

Observing through the porthole, Felix saw that the engine blew up after catching fire from the lighting.

A raging headache erupted in his head, he rubbed it with his fingers as he sighed under his breath.

"I knew I shouldn't have participated."