
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · Película
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22 Chs

Ch. 20 Red-Eyes Legion

POV: Shawn Valon

Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

[...Leval Charlie: Wave 4 completed beginning Level Charlie: Wave 5...]

The announcement sounded out as I watched my last Starry Night dragon disappear into golden particles I went to draw my next card only to see I was completely out.

"Well shit," I said softly as I watched more and more power monsters appear, I felt my body become heavy my arms and legs struggled to move even standing still my body trembled.

I knew I couldn't go on and I had completed the mission so I moved to raise my hand to surrender.

???: "Is That It?" Time seemed to freeze as everything went dark I looked around for the source of the voice as everything and everyone Bagan to become monochrome.

???: "Just because you're out of cards you're gonna call it quits?" the voice spoke as my head swiveled back and forth but the voice seemed to be coming from all around me then suddenly I recognized the voice and a smile spread on my face.

"It's good to see you again Limbo," I said and a moment later an arm wrapped around me, and I looked to my left to see the humanoid vissage of limbo with his glowing yellow eyes.

Limbo: "Well I can't say the same considering I've been watching you since I put you in this body," He said his eyes glowing slightly brighter as he talked.

"But why are you here why now?" I asked a little confused for what reason he would show himself now.

I had wondered if the Limbo was watching me but now he has confirmed it and I'm not sure how to feel about it but I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to.

Limbo: "That's for me to know and you to maybe find out," he said before letting go of me and started walking "So I asked again Is this all you have?" he asked looking out at the surrounding monsters.

I looked down at my Duel Disk and the empty card holder I had no monster, no spells, no traps, and no more cards to draw on but then I noticed the golden light under my shirt and pulled out the Millennium Ring it glowed softly with seemed to make it shine more in the monochrome the world was in right now.

I held it in front of me and felt the rhythmic pulse of warmth and power and if I'm being honest I swear the thing was waiting in anticipation for me to use it.

Even though I had called upon the Millennium Rings power a few times I hadn't used its powers offensively or tested its limits or mine when using it.

I looked back to limbo and gave the entity a quick nod Limbo's glowing yellow smile appeared and when I blinked everything was back to normal but this time I held the Millennium Ring in my hand.

"Alright let's see what you can really do," I said to the Millennium Ring before laying it drop and falling onto my chest and began glowing bright as I poured my energy into it.

I saw my shadow spread around me making the ground look like a swirling void of black ink in the back of my mind the it reminded me of the portal on back of Yugioh cards.

"Come my soul come and fight by my side the creatures whose rage is only matched by their infinite potential..." I began to chant and from the swirling mass hands, claws, and other appendages began to climb out of the black portal swirling portal.

"...Come and answer my call to battle creatures whose eyes burn the deepest red for only one thing can bring out our potential..." I continued to chant but as more and more Red-Eyes monsters rose I couldn't help but notice a few I didn't recognize.

"...And that is battle but what I offer isn't just battle but an endless battle to only end in our defeat..." as I continued to speak I felt my heart pounding in my chest I wondered if I should stop but I wanted no I needed to see limit so I continued.

"...So Come my soul Monsters of Rage and Infinite Potential MY RED-EYES LEGION!" I shouted and all around me monsters Roared and raised their weapons, claws, or lifted their heads to blast collums of fire.

At the same time around my neck, the Millennium Ring glowed brightly.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(General POV)

Helperbot opened the door to Shawn's study room and couldn't help but scoff at how unorganized and dusty the room was and went to begin cleaning when.

"How can master spend all his time in this dusty old mess...huh?" The robot turned to see a golden light glow brightly

In a vault full of old treasures and trinkets thought lost to history a box with a stylized golden eye on top began to glow from the I side.

On a forgotten coast, a castle stands decrepit and abandoned but from the tallest tower, a golden light shines bright.

In another castle amongst many gems and gold and other valuable treasures a scale made of gold glowed brightly gaining the attention of an armored man in a green.

In the land covered in darkness the monsters of the night shriek and cry in pain as an old golden treasure shines bright pushing back the dark.

The unfinished pieces of an unsolvable puzzle glowed softly Their Guardian opened their eyes only for a moment before sleeping again.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

POV: 3rd Personal

Location: Los Angeles

Outside the city of Angles, a nice comfortable neighborhood was waking up to the ground shaking many families looked out their windows to see tanks and many armored vehicles parked on their lawns and helicopters with fully equipped troops and very large guns and weapons all pointed at one specific house at the end of the street.

For a few minutes, everyone inside and outside their houses held their breath or started to evacuate while others tried to record what was going on or call the news or police but found their device not working.

From the back of an APC an old man with a fully grey head of hair and a mighty grey mustache walks out with a permanent scowl on his face but his aged brown eyes are full of determination General Thunderbolt Ross.

Following right behind him was a young woman with long and smooth short brown hair and the same brown eyes as the older man Betty Ross was far more nervous than her father and following behind the two five soldiers.

As the group reaches the front steps of the house the front door opens and standing in the doorway is a young woman in a formal dress suit with messy black hair cut short and black eyes that scanned over the soldiers and military equipment outside her house and the group at her front step Jennifer Walters sighed heavily.

Betty: "Jennifer can we talk inside?" she asked and Jennifer smiled.

Jennifer: "Sure but those big soldier guys stay outside," she said Ross looked like he was about to argue but Jennifer had walked away and Betty gave her father a look.

The father and daughter duo entered and soon found themselves sitting on a comfortable couch in the living room.

Jennifer: "So what's this about?" she asked getting comfortable in her chair.

Ross: "You know exactly what this is about," the general said calmly "Where is Banner?" he asked looking Jennifer in the eye but the woman shrugged.

Jennifer: "I haven't seen my cousin in a long time especially after he became..." she trailed off but Betty nodded understanding.

Betty: "We know he was here Jennifer," he said leaning forward "Found one of Banner's hidey holes full of notes and documents some mentioning you," he said eyes not leaving Jennifer's.

Betty: "Jennifer if you know anything please you have to tell us," she said but Jennifer sighed and leaned forward.

Jennifer: "Even if I did know something why would I tell you the people who hunt the only family I have left like he's a wild animal?" she asked her voice calm but with an edge to it.

Ross: "Because harboring a fugitive and wanted criminal and a lot of other things are against the law," Ross said bluntly "You should know that considering your profession Ms. Walters," he said an edge to his voice matching hers.

Jennifer was about to retort when Betty put a hand on her father looking him in the eyes the general grunted the lean back.

Betty: "We aren't here for whatever you and Bruce were doing we have a situation," she stated looking Jennifer in the eyes "The Abomination Emil Blonsky has escaped," she said causing Jennifer's eyes to widen.

Jennifer: "How I thought S.H.E.I.L.D kept their monster in some supermega ultra prison?" she said looking to the general who looked away with a huff.

Betty: "We don't know how and that doesn't matter at the moment," she said leaning forward "Right now we need to find Blonsky and the best way to do that is to find Bruce and stop abomination before another Duel of Harlem repeating itself," she said and Jennifer looked conflicted.

What Betty had said made sense if Blonsky escaped it was a surefire thing he would come for a rematch.

Jennifer: "I don't know where Bruce is honest but I might know how to contact him," she said and Ross was suddenly paying very close attention.

Ross: "How?" he said simply but Jennifer gave the man a cold look.

Jennifer: "None of your business how I do it," she said her tone leaving no room for argument "But if I'm doing this I want a few things," she said looking at the two.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Sometime Later)

POV: Shawn Valon

Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

"Uhh...my head...w-where the...the hell?" I asked looking around I was lying in a hospital bed a heart monitor beeped next to my bed.

For a moment I thought I was in a hospital that was until my doctor a blue-furred man ape, cat, dog, thing came around the corner to reveal Dr. Hank Mccoy Aka The Beast.

Mccoy: "Good to see you're awake Mr. Valon," he said and I nodded and immediately regretted it as I winced at the spike of pain that one small motion caused.

"What the heck happened?" I asked trying to sit up only to feel extremely weak Beast helped me sit up and get comfortable handing me a glass of water.

Mccoy: "From what I can tell pushed yourself too far and passed out due to exhaustion," he said as I downed the water in a few gulps "But not before putting on a magnificent show," he said patting me on the back a little too hard.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to remember but everything was a bit of a blur.

Mccoy: "Hmm...seems you might have some short-term memory issues," he said examining my head and eyes "But that's to be expected after such a large excursion of oneself," he said standing up and typing on a console nearby.

Just as I was about to ask what had I done a screen to my left turned on showing a recording with multiple views showed me in the training area leading a small army of monsters all of which had red eyes.

I watched as I swung my sword and landed command a front line of what I think were Iron knights but some held large shields instead of the arm swords.

Behind them were other iron knights but with various other weapons Including ranged ones that fired over the others and flying above and behind were dragons' unleashed collums of fire upon the larger charge of monsters' attack and destroyed whatever structures or traps were created by the field itself.

I didn't even notice my jaw hanging open until Beast tapped me on the shoulder causing me to come out of my utter astonishment.

"That's...me...?" I asked wanting to confirm what I was seeing Beast nodded a smile on his face.

I watched for 30 minutes as I ordered the monsters like I was a commander leading an army and I couldn't help but notice Red-Eyes Black Dragon standing over me protecting me from stray attacks or the occasional breakthrough of the front line of shields.

I went on like this for 2 more waves until the eighth wave as soon as the monsters appeared all mine disappeared in a flash of golden light while I face planted onto the ground unconscious.

"Well that's a bit embarrassing," I said as the screen shut off, and after a moment and after a few minutes I got the OK to leave but was told to get a good night's rest.

I found all my things were neatly placed by the door to the lab and after making sure I had everything I opened the door just in time for me to get jump scared by X-23 standing in the doorway.

X-23: "(I see you have recovered quickly I am glad,)" she said through our mental link "(Though I wish you hadn't left my Duel Disk unattended for me to acquire it,)" she said which caused me to frown.

'What are you talking about I handed it to you right before my turn on the field," I said causing X-23's usual neutral feature to frown.