
A Dream Life With You.

It says that in this cruel world, every once in a while a kind-hearted fool is born who is willing to leave everything aside just to give justice to others. Helson Victoria was also one such fool but she only cared about women and hated men. She ran away from her home when she was 23. Because she was choosing a path her family wouldn't approve of and because they were telling her to get engaged. Running away from home, she struggled a lot. Doing part-time jobs and all, she finally passed the Bar exam. Still, she had a hard time as she couldn't do everything as she pleases. Years later, she becomes a top women's lawyer who was known for fiercely defending women and at the same time, she was also famous as the Ceo of Victory Law firm. People worshipped her and admired her. They praise her for her bravery and kind heart yet they forget to see what's all behind it. It was just hell. Though she won the cases and saves the women, nobody saw the scars on her body. She did everything she could but still, she just gave the victims justice, she can't protect them from injustice no matter how hard she tries. Suicide and murders of the Victims left her an unpeaceful life that can't be peaceful with all the Victories she had won. But someone came, yet another man. Who proved to her that not all men in the world are bad. Who finally made that sickening feeling that doesn't let her have a single peaceful day disappear. He just came like an Angle for her who saved her from the misery. On a special day, holding a precious baby girl in her arms, Victoria cried her hurt out as the man embraced her...

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42 Chs

Chapter 23: People Are Born Weak.

Victoria changed her clothes into black pants and a shirt. Then she wore a leather jacket over it before wearing motorcycle boots. Grabbing her helmet she sat on the bike. She wore it and raced off. No one knew where she went.

Victoria looked at all the information she could get. She called someone and asked for information regarding the crime. She met a guy in the outskirts where no one comes. That guy gave something to her and left.

She sat there on her bike busy reading the information she just got. Her face was undescribable the whole time. After a long time, she put the files inside the black leather bag she brought.

She stared at nothing for a long time before going back. She roamed around nowhere for a long time before driving off somewhere. She was at a bar. There she sat looking at the people while drinking.

She was gorgeous and out of the league for normal people. Many men come to hit on her. However, she simply ignored them as her attention was somewhere else. Finally, a woman comes in. Since she came, Victoria's eyes were glued to her.

Victoria was really lucky. That girl was an important source of information for her. It wasn't confirmed but she got to know through her connections that she was there when a friend of hers have gotten lost.

She was also interrogated but nothing come out of it. That girl was an ordinary person. She was from a well of family and had a normal boyfriend. After thinking about it a lot, Victoria decided to make her drunk and spill out the truth. Hopefully, she would know something.

That girl sat there and drank with some friends. After she had drunk some, she went to the bathroom. Victoria followed her.

While she was washing her hands, Victoria pretended to come there too. She had that cool vibe around her that attracted people. The woman instantly noticed her and was quite amazed by her. When she was staring, Victoria looked at her and smiled friendly.

" Hi~ " Victoria offered her hand to her.

" Uhmm... Hi!"

The woman was a bit reserved. She took her hand back and gave a fake smile.

Victoria smiled back at her. She spoke further to get close to that girl.

" I saw you were looking at me. Want a drink? It's on me."

" Uh... Okay." The girl was going to say I already drank a lot but was convinced by Victoria.

" By the way, Nice to meet you. I am Jenny." Victoria said while she lied about her name.

" Oh. Nice to meet you too. I am Sue!"

"Let's go over then."

" Yeah!"

Victoria took her to the counter and ordered their drinks. Then she casually began chatting. After a long time, when that girl was slightly drunk, Victoria called the manager of the Bar and asked for a private room. She took her there.

When Sue was totally drunk, Victoria began asking her about that incident. For whatever reason, the police weren't able to get anything from her.

Finally, the girl blew up. She told her how she was scared and couldn't say anything about it. How it bothered her and the reason she didn't speak. It turned out that Sue was just an ordinary simple girl who was scared of suddenly losing her friend and then getting to know that she could have saved her if she stopped her.

Sue also told her that she was planning on informing the police about everything she knew once she calmed down. She comes to the bar to feel better these days.

Victoria didn't really blame Sue for anything. People are born weak. Not everyone can be as strong as her because strong people have something that makes them strong. That's why she didn't want to have any weaknesses. She failed to make her weakness into her strength.

Sue and her friends usually come to the bar. They drank up and enjoyed themselves. While she was conservative and didn't go off with the men who come to hook up with her, her friend usually hook up with any handsome men who hit on her. A man with a really handsome and innocent face comes to hook up with her friend.

He acted so well that it felt like he really liked her friend. Even she thought she should leave them alone. She got drunk and didn't notice what happened but she saw that man taking her friend in a white car. It was Volkswagen. She didn't know much about cars. She also remembered the last 3 numbers of the car. It was XXX.

After that, Victoria somehow get her address and took her home. Sue lived with her parents so they opened the door. Seeing her drunk they were worried. They asked Victoria who she was.

" I am her friend. Jenny! I will take her to the room." Victoria noticed Sue's parents were old and it would be hard for them to take her to her room as it was upstairs. After laying Sue on her bed. Victoria closed the window and opened the air conditioner. As she was going to leave, she stopped. She went back to Sue's study table, took a pen and paper and wrote something on it. Then she left.

The next day, Sue woke up confused. She came out with messy hair. Her parents were out there eating breakfast. Her father kindly invited her to have breakfast but her mother scolded her.

" Didn't I tell you not to drink? How dare you drink until you're dead drunk?! You probably didn't remember what happened last night. The situation is already so severe. You lost your friend! You should know better than anyone to not be like that. It was thanks to your friend that she personally dropped you off. Or else, who knew what could have happened!"

Sue was shocked to hear so much scolding first thing in the morning. Her father told her mother to go easy on her but he got scolded instead. She remembered what happened last night. She really went all out last night. Suddenly, she remembered that she talked about the criminal to Jenny. She got worried and asked her parents anxiously.