
Chapter 58: A dangerous situation

The police was there.

Special forces armed with assault rifles, riot shield and even more things actually arrived to resolve the situation.

Yuki Nakamura arrived with a very serious and resolute expression, but deep down she had a feeling of satisfaction since she thought that Hina would've been finally arrested.

There was another known figure next to her: Detective Saito.

The two was standing next to the entrance of the building, thinking about the right thing to do.

Then, a man in a police uniform walked towards Yuki Nakamura and , after greeting her politely, he spoke to her.

"Nakamura-San, what should we do?" He asked.

He had some medals on his suit, indicating the fact that he was probably an important man.

"Well… you already know what to do. The only thing that I suggest is to be as careful as you can since they have a hostage." Yuki said, with a firm tone, like a true leader.

"Yes, captain." He said, while turning back and walking away.

"Being the supreme leader isn't an easy thing, isn't it?" A voice came from her right.

It was the voice of Detective Saito.

Yuki's reply was nothing more than a sight.

"My, my… what a difficult job." She said.

Then, in a matter of minutes, the entire building was surrounded by the police, while an entire team of heavily armed special forces broke inside the main door.

They had some difficulty since the entrance wasn't opening, but it was for a specific reason.

Kai blocked the main entrance door with the corpse of the man he killed to gain some time.

He was thinking only with his primitive instincts of survival and tried any single way to delay the police's arrival.

So, while he ran towards the probable love of his life, he did everything he could to block the way as the best he could.

For example, he literally blocked the way the other corpses of the men killed by Hina , he also knocked down everything he found along those corridors, like entire shelves, lockers… a lot of things.

All of this only for Hina.

His anxiety was growing with each step he took, and the sound of the voices of the police echoed trough his soul, making run even faster.

The only thing he was thinking was Hina.

He wanted to take her and run away before she killed other people.

In the end, Kai had chosen to stay with her and protect her no matter what.

He realized that she was the only missing puzzle in his life, and that all she wanted was nothing more than a normal life.

Kai knew that she suffered a lot in her life, and that's why he finally decided to protect her, even if he had to go to hell.

He kept running towards the place where Hina was committing a massacre.

After some minutes, he managed to arrive at the same spot where he was looking at the "show".

He took another small peek and noticed a lot of corpses on the ground.

The only people remaining were Hina and her "sister" Akira.

They were both breathing heavily.

Hina's casual clothes were ripped in a lot of parts, revealing some little pieces of her body.

Small drops of blood were falling from her arms and legs and her breath was very heavy and rapid, like she was trying to catch air.

Kai's eyes actually widened after seeing his girlfriend hurt like this.

He was sad and surprised at the same time.

It was the first time that Kai saw Hina in difficulty.

On the other side, there was Akira.

She didn't have a rifle gun with her; instead, they were both fighting with their knives.

Akira was also breathing heavily and she had a lot of cuts on both of her arms, with blood falling from them.

They've been fighting a lot.

Kai wanted to intervene, but deep down he knew that he couldn't, so he tried to scan the area to see any kind of possible way out of there.

His eyes fell on a small hole on the wall that was probably heading outside.

Meanwhile, the two "sisters" were intensely looking into each other's eyes.

Hina's gaze was cold and steady and her knife was still raised up.

She was ready to strike in every moment.

Her eyes were totally red due to her bloody murderous intent.

She wanted to kill the person who was standing in front of her, but at the same time , her hands were trembling, like she was trying to restrain herself.

Akira, on the other hand, was only defending herself.

She had a look of anger, fear and sadness on her face, and the only thing that she was waiting was her death.

Haruto seemed to have escaped , leaving only Akira fighting with Hina.

The police was coming, and Kai had to act very rapidly.

"You lied to me… I can finally have my revenge now…" Hina spoke, with a deadly and low voice , while staring at her sister.

"I… I didn't… there- *hah* there are too many things to say." She said, while taking some air while talking.

After that, they started to move in circle, looking into each other's eyes and the tension in the air was growing.

One of them was surely going to die.

"Hina… I didn't teach you to kill everyone… but only the bad people. I taught you everything… to survive this life… but… you're now using it against me… why?" Akira said, with a glimpse of sadness in her voice.

"I told you… I told you that I always hated this life… how a young child had to become a ruthless assassin in order to survive… I only wanted a normal life and once I thought that I could live normally, you took away my happiness once… and now you're trying to do it again… you lied… you lied… you always said that one day everything would've been over…". Hina spoke, with a low but angry and aggressive tone of voice.

Now the situation was becoming clearer to Kai, who was waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

He knew that police was coming, but at the same time, he had to know Hina's relationships with criminals.

"I didn't… I didn't lie… how could I even know that they would've hurt you…?" Akira said.

They were still moving around, with their eyes locked into each other's.

"How could you know…? You knew… they done horrible things to me. They had beaten me to get used to pain, you taught me how to kill… and you never done anything when the bad people continued hitting me every single time… and you see… they left you alone to die." Hina said.

It seemed like she was on the verge of crying, but she couldn't.

But then, a tear fell from Akira's only eye.

"I'm… sorry, Hina." She whispered, while dashing foward with her knife.

Hina smiled maliciously for a split second before going in.

And there was it, the perfect chance for Kai to make his move.

He finally walked out from his safe spot and screamed "STOP IT!" With all of his might.

Then, the attention from the girls moved directly to him.

Akira and Hina stopped their movements totally after hearing Kai's voice.

Their knives were only one inch distant from each other's neck.

They turned their head towards him.

Hina's eyes widened and Akira looked at him with a confused look.

She didn't know why she stopped.

Akira was used to every kind of training, but a random shout from the most normal boy of this world actually caught her attention.

"Kai-Kun…" Hina whispered, while taking some steps away from Akira and putting down the knife.

She then looked away in a shy but guilty expression.

Akira did the same but in silence.

She looked at Kai in a curious way, not expecting someone to interrupt such a family reunion.

Akira seemed to be stunned by Kai.

His face was dirt with some blood and his expression was deadly serious.

"Please, stop." He said , while getting on his knees.

Then , Hina took some steps back and Akira looked at him in a very curious way.

"Hina, please, don't kill your sister… you will surely regret it…" he said while bowing down on the floor.

His words left a deep sensation in Hina's soul.

Her red eyes turned back into her natural color and some tears fell from them.

Akira looked at the scene , stunned by the power of Kai in controlling Hina and having the courage of confronting them.

"Who… who are you, boy?" Akira asked with a low tone of voice, while dropping her military knife on the floor.

Kai then stood up and introduced himself.

"I'm Kai. Hina's boyfriend…" he said with a firm tone.

Akira didn't speak.

But all of that happened gave him one answer: Akira was not a bad person and he was now sure of it.

But once he introduced himself, a sound of voices coming from behind him started to grow.

He then walked closer to Hina and Akira and said: "We've got to run now, fast." He said.

Without thinking, they both nodded, and another part of the story was about to happen.