
Chapter 57: Race against the time

And so, Kai tried to run away with Yuna.

He grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes with such an intensity.

Then, with a determined tone of voice, he spoke:

"Yuna, we must get out of here. Our savior is waiting outside." Kai said, trying to reassure Yuna.

She didn't even speak.

She just looked into Kai's eyes with a strange feeling of warmth invading her heart.

In that moment, she was seeing Kai as her savior, the hero who risked his life only to save her.

She didn't listen to his words carefully, she was too stunned and lost in her million thoughts, only filled by Kai.

She nodded instinctively and Kai smiled at her.

After that, they started running towards the end.

Luckily, Kai memorized all the path from the beginning to the end, so he knew where he had to go.

They kept running trough the infinite corridors of that building while anxiety was feeling their whole soul.

During their run, Kai received a message on the phone by Sakura, saying that she was waiting outside right where they entered.

The text also mentioned the fact that Yuki Nakamura was coming more rapidly.

And so, Kai sped up his steps along with Yuna.

After some minutes, they found themselves on the starting point where two men were laying down on the floor senseless and tied up.

Kai had a confused look on his face.

The sound of gunshots was still audible from his position and so he was wondering how the two men didn't wake up.

They were in the same position as before. They didn't even move an inch.

Kai, guided by curiosity, stopped for a second and leaned down to see the men closer.

He then placed two fingers below their mandibles; to be specific, he placed his fingers near their jugular veins to control their heartbeat.

His fingers felt very cold and… there was no sign of heartbeat.

Hina killed them with a chop and broke their neck.

And then he realized why she tied them up:

Hina tried to fake the things that they were alive because there was an officer with her.

That would've explained other things…

Hina probably also knew that the police officer was about to die.

She calculated even this possibility…

A drop of cold sweat fell from his face to the floor.

Kai's eyes widened and he stood up.

He then looked back at Yuna and faked a smile to reassure her.

She asked: "Whats wrong , Kai?" With a worried expression.

Kai's smile widened even more as he tried to remain calm, but his hands were shaking a little.

He touched a dead man for the first time in his life.

"N-Nothing, Yuna. Let's get outside." He said, while grabbing her hand and starting to run again.

As soon as he arrived at the exit, he noticed a strange thing.

The exit door was already opened.

He then stopped on place and turned his head towards Yuna.

"Stay here and don't move, Yuna." He said with a direct and cold tone of voice, while taking a knife out from his pocket.

Yuna nodded and took some steps back.

Kai then looked around the main room where he entered.

All of his senses were on alert.

He was ready to strike mercilessly and without thinking twice.

He raised up his knife.

He then slowed his breath to calm his body and took sone steps foward.

The only sound that was filling the room was the sound of his breaths.

Yuna was still staying behind him just like he ordered.

Despite her fears, the strange feeling of warmth deep down her heart started to reach other parts of her body.

She was looking at Kai with a bit admiration in her eyes.

She was truly happy and overjoyed that somebody risked his life for her…

Love… maybe. Is it love?

A big question with an uncertain answer.

Kai was still slowly walking foward and you could literally hear the sound of his heartbeat.

He swallowed some saliva before looking at every corner of the room.

Then, a strange smell of beer and onion invaded his nose.

The scent was coming from his right.

But when he turned his head, he didn't even have the time of blinking an eye…

…That a strange big man assaulted him from the shadows.

He literally jumped on him, making him fall on the floor.

Kai didn't even have the time of react and he rapidly found himself standing down with a big man on top of him.

Yuna screamed in terror.

"KAI!!!" She screamed, trying to step closer to give him some help.

"DON'T COME CLOSER!" He shouted while looking at her.

The man on top of him didn't speak a word.

He had such a very angry and violent expression on his face.

He was ready to beat Kai senseless.

The man seemed like he was lost… like he didn't know what to do.

But the only thing that was sure was that he was about to land some deadly blows on our young protagonist.

"Who are-" Kai tried to ask , but the only answer he received was a punch.

Luckily, he managed to parry it with his forearms, but the hit was so strong that he felt a lot of pain.

His knife fell on the floor, next to his left ear.

Yuna shouted again.

"KAI!!!" She shouted , running closer to him.

Once she was close enough, she tried to land a kick on the man's face, but she failed.

The man blocked the hit and pushed Yuna away, sending her in the wall.

The hit was strong and Yuna's eyes widened in pain.

Her body was still fragile, not like Hina's.

After seeing that scene, Kai soul started to burn in anger as he tried to land a punch on the man's face.

But his fist didn't reach his face, instead he blocked his punch and started to strangle the young man's neck..

Then, Kai took a rapid look at his friend Yuna and saw her eyes slowly closing.

Yuna passed out…

Then, something just snapped inside of Kai.

The sight of his friend being hurt like this actually unlocked something in his soul.

But not a positive thing.

Kai stopped thinking with his heart and only survival instincts took the better of his soul.

His eyes became of a darker shade of blue and looked into his aggressor's.

The man's grip on his neck was so tight that he couldn't even breathe anymore.

He was on the point of passing out too.

He tried to break free but with no success.

The man on him was too strong.

"No survivor… no intruders… that's the rule…" the man slowly repeated while strangling Kai.

Then, guided by survival instincts, Kai's left hand tried to reach his ear.

It was only a matter of seconds before he lost his senses.

But then… after some instants, he finally grabbed the knife from the floor and done something he never expected to have done.

With all of his remaining force, he managed to penetrate his aggressor's flesh with his small knife.

He hit one of the most vital points of human body.

He landed a perfect strike on the man's neck.

Kai did it.

Kai did it.

He killed a man, his hands were now dirtied by blood.

The man's eyes widened when he received the hit and the grip on Kai's neck rapidly released.

A river of blood came out from the wound as his body feel on the floor senseless, with some muscolare spasms after exhaling his last breath.

After that, Kai took a deep breath like he didn't breathe for months, trying to catch more and more air, while the adrenaline was flowing in his veins.

He rapidly stood up, not caring about the fact that he just killed a man.

Just a rush of adrenaline, maybe…

But deep down he knew that this thing would've just traumatized him.

Then, without thinking twice, Kai walked close to Yuna and picked her up.

He then rapidly ran outside and he found Sakura waiting right on the entrance.

As soon as Sakura saw him, a wide smile appeared on her face.

But didn't she see the man assaulting Kai…?

Who knows…

Sakura ran towards the young man and noticed that his usual friendly expression was replaced by a cold one.

And for that exact reason, she didn't ask any further question.

She just opened the door of her car so that she could save Yuna.

As soon as Kai placed Yuna in Sakura's car, he immediately turned back, headed towards Hina's location.

He just waved at her and said "Thank you," with a cold voice, before entering inside the building again.

Sakura didn't say anything.

She probably already knew that any of her words wouldn't have changed anything in Kai's spirit…

But she also noticed the blood on his left hand and a wave of confusion mixed with a small glimpse of fear invaded her heart.

"No… he didn't do anything… he's a good guy…" she said, before getting into her car and starting to drive away.

Sakura also perfectly knew the place and she drove into a different direction to escape the police.

In a matter of minutes, while Kai was inside, an entire army of police and special forces arrived at the place.

The first one to arrive was… Yuki Nakamura.

Kai had to act very fast and run away as far as possible before his life would've been ruined forever.