

Maya's POV:

It is now evening.

Mr Kim left after having deep and confidential discussion with Taehyung.

After that it was more of an awkward silence between us! But surpassing that he showed me where my room was and indicated other parts of the house.

In general, all the interior design were modern, classic replicate of the outside structure, although there is a series of painting displayed on the walls every corridor we turned.

The walls were in the shade of grey with a tint of black. It is more to my style to be honest.

My bedroom, which was shown to be across his.

Taehyung: This is you, you get yourself settled and freshen up, I will see you downstairs.

I nodded and replied with a 'thank you'.

And I opened the door and got in.

I can't but let out that long ass sigh of my chest.

So I did and I have to tell it felt good.

Because I was holding my breath until now.

It's okay... it's okay.

Once closed eyes were now open examining the room.

He doesn't like other particular interior designs huh? As it was still the replicate the rest of the house.

I laid myself on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Wondering if there is an end to this?

But is there an end without a beginning?

A collection of sighs left again.

I stood up and entered the bath room.

Looking at my reflection I started to strip.

Until I was bare naked, I stroked down to the long ass scar on my upper breast on the right side.

It used to look worse, let's just say the side story of this was that I was bullied and they took way too far by stabbing me with a knife.

I wasn't a fortunate kid you see.

Enough of that sentimental dialogue!

I turned the shower on and got in, soaking it with warm water.

After indulging myself in the water, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body!

Only to realise I don't have pair of spare clothes.

Shit! Well they didn't think that through!

Either way, I went out and presented myself into the room only to be greeted by the sudden opening of the door, revealing Kim Taehyung.