
A collection of stories

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON FANFICTION. COM 1-4 story dropped by author next 1-10 Harry Potter 1(one) story dropped by me, because I don't like it going forward 2nd volume another story, (complete) from website 3RD VOLUME: Home is Where You Are by a fisch Volume 4: Stay by HannahFranziska 5: Prophetic Intervention by Harmonious Cannons 6:First Hope by LeafRose 7: The Grey Lord 1: Potterverse Lichdom by nobodez 8:Three to Triumph by HermiHugs

arhan_malik · Derivados de obras
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6 A Mindscape rocks.

I tested the amount of magic I gained, by casting Patronus after Patronus. Before I was comfortable with once every five minutes, now, once a minute was easy. My dragons were messing things up in the country.

Bellatrix got the first one: "Trixie! Did you know that you are single again? Yep Lord Black, that is me by the way, discovered you failed to pop a kid into the world. That is a major breach of contract. So Lord Black, me, remember, reclaimed the dowry, and dissolved your marriage. Cheer up though, now you can marry your mudblood master… However, I did not see a penis when the homunculus was erected. I'll ask him."

Tommy was next: "Tommy boy! When Wormy was brewing you, did he include the dick part? I don't recall seeing one when the golem stepped out of the kettle. Maybe it is because you are part animal, snakes have their dicks inside their body, imagine when they have to slide on the ground with a stiffie, it would hurt like hell. Anyway, Bella is divorced now, but without a dick… Meh, you can always do oral, parseltongue is designed for to be used on women." They knew the drill by now, if my dragon appears, run like hell!

Malfoy, a favorite target of mine: "Luci! Was Tommy happy that you lost his diary? Never mind, what I wanted to say, now that I am Lord Black, I saw some loans that failed their monthly payments. Of course, I ordered the Goblins to correct that error. Man, those penalties are a bitch! For every month that is missed it increases, a lot! You missed years! Bella is in the same situation. She is lucky she has free board and lodging."

With Sirius, I tried to let my dragon talk his ears of: "Sirius! My favorite dog! I cracked some nuts today! Here is what happened…" I could manage two minutes, a long time if you need to think of what you want to say.

Hermione got an update too: "Miss Granger, my name is Lord Potter, and am a secret admirer of your beautiful… Well, your mind is beautiful too. Did you know I was loaded? And, don't be mad, I have a lot of house-elves. Did you know they die if they can't find a master or family to bond with? Anyway, I think Winky is going to hump Dobby tonight. He got praised for the help he gave me in my second year.

I planned to ask you out this September, but circumstances made it that I have six fiancees now. I know, it is a lot, but we will manage." I am fighting the plot now, trying to keep it at six. Hermione and Luna are prime candidates for a spot in the harem. I hope I made Hestia mad enough to reject me.

The parents came in when everyone sat down. The girls reported my exploits of the day. From teaching wandless magic, Daphne slammed the family magic on it, so we didn't have to explain the method. The Potter mansion, I asked to keep the Veela a secret too, the failing wards and the drain on it. Next, the fifty thousand galleons in their private vault, to the confrontation with Dumbledore. Tracey provided the memory from that, Dobby popped a pensive in with the Potter crest on it.

Everyone dove in, they witnessed the bashing, the nutcracker, and the arrest. Once out, I pointed Skeeter's presence at the scene, so tomorrow's paper is going to have some headlines.

The next memory was mine, from the moment the Goblins and unspeakables came in until they left.

Lord Davis: "Dumbledore made a Horcrux? Is he insane? For Merlin's sake! We let him teach our kids!" At the puzzled expressions from some, he explained the creation of one.

Lord Davis: "Finding joy in torturing and killing a baby, means that you are not a human anymore."

Lord Greengrass: "He could have done it with killing his sister, but it would mean that he had it for a hundred years!"

"He is not the only one, Tom riddle made several of them, seven to be precise. Six are destroyed, the last one is his pet snake. I told Parkinson that voldy loved his snake more than his slaves, with a bit of luck they kill it."

Andromeda: "Seven? Did he split his soul into eight parts? That is not logical, six Horcruxes and the main one would make more sense."

"He did not know he created one when he tried to kill me, the curse rebounded, and a piece of his soul latched into my scar. The reason that I hate Dumbledore is that he knew it, and dropped me off on the doorstep of my aunt, without even trying to remove it."

Lady Abbot: "I am more curious about the wandless magic. You won a duel against eleven wizards before they even could cast a spell. Too bad it is family magic, I would love it if you could teach me."

I grinned: "Yes you would love it, but family magic is strict. The girls were all satisfied with learning it. It was the high point of their day. I am certain they will remember it, you can consider it as a milestone in their life, like the first kiss, and other stuff." Daphne who was sitting next to me stiffened, and glared at me, a promise in her eye for retribution. The other girls were blushing at my teasing. Tonksie narrowed her eyes at me. It is time to dim the trolling or I won't survive the evening. I'll divert the attention.

"I was wondering, the death eaters swore fealty to Voldemort, can they swear to a false name? Would it stick?"

Lord Abbot: "You have to swear on your true name or House, in You know who's name will not work."

Lord Greengrass: "I heard rumors they swore fealty to the heir of Slytherin… who died… and Lord Potter claimed it with the right of conquest… Merlins dried up nut sack! You are the lord of those death eaters! This needs to be handled very carefully."

Lord Davis: "I got a message that the hearing for Lord Potter is tomorrow at nine-thirty in the morning in courtroom ten."

"My owl seems to get lost on the way, I have yet to receive something. Maybe Fudge is trying for me to miss the hearing and convict me in absence."

Tonks: "You certainly made some waves Lord Potter, it is time for some planning now."

Please everyone, call me Harry, you are going to be my parents-in-law, so there is no need for formalities, or do I break some wizarding customs now?"

Lady Greengrass: "No this is perfectly normal Harry. To sum it up, Dumbledore is permanently out, that unspeakable will make it so. The wards of Hogwarts are restored to normal. There is one Horcrux left and VV… Tom Riddle can be killed. Your manor is intact, and you are the ruler of Hogwarts. Harry, what are your plans now?"

I thought about it: "The hearing tomorrow, I need to put a muzzle on Fudge and that undersecretary. Next will be Hogwarts, I plan to do an audit on the board of governors, there is bound to be something wrong with it, we need a potion teacher if McGonagall is going to be headmistress then we need a transfiguration teacher too. I plan to talk to Bins, and to that muggle study teacher about their course.

Hagrid may be a friendly half-giant, but his taste for dangerous animals is disturbing. He has an acromantula nest in the forbidden forest, a Cerberus called Fluffy, and last year he cross-breeds a fire crab with a manticore then he let the students take care of it. The curse on the DaDa course is lifted, we only have to find a teacher for it. Any ideas on how to recruit? Now that I think about it, I need to inform McGonagall that Dumbledore is fired."

Dammed, I am channeling gramps again, he is an expert at jumping to different topics, and never ending one. Most of all, I was bluffing, counting on my knowledge of the story, I was trying to impress the in-laws, but most of all the girls. Of course, it is for the girls, I am a bloody teenager, hormones and all that. The adults started planning the events tomorrow, what to do, how to act, and what to say.

Lady Abbot looked at me: "Harry, your clothes, do you have proper clothing?"

"No, Lady Abbot, the only clothes that I ever bought new for myself was my school uniform, I always had to wear the cast-offs from Dudley. What I wear is the best I have. I was planning to go shopping today, but Dumbledore stood in the way. I doubt to have time for shopping tomorrow."

Lady Abbot: "Sorry Harry, but this can't do. Biddy! Biddy, take Harry's measurements and go shopping for clothes. From underwear to formal dress robes. Let them charge it to my account. Harry, you can call me Harriet or mother if you want. Are you sure to let your relatives of the hook? Abuse like that needs harsh punishment."

"Yes, mother, you read the will, Sirius pranked my aunt and uncle on mum's wedding. They were scared of wizards and magic since. Two years later a magical kid was dropped on their doorstep. Out of fear they tried to beat the magic out of me, trying to make me normal. Imagine, you are forced to live with a poisonous snake in your house, always afraid it would bite you, and you can't get rid of it. Well, that was me. I told them to leave the country because I was going to tell how I was treated by them on the hearing." This Harry was starved, neglected, beaten at accidental magic, but not tortured or bones broken. Vernon made certain to leave few marks.

The Lords pulled me in their strategic planning, covering all angles and pitfalls, after an hour we finished it.

Tonks: "That would cover it. It is a hearing, not a trial. After tomorrow I bet Fudge will sing a different tune. Now, can you demonstrate your wandless magic? I saw them drop on the ground but could not see how you did it."

"How I did it? I had my magic out and ready to strike when I left Gringotts step. When Dumbledore yelled now, everyone that reached for their wand got stumped in the nuts, the females got groped in their crotch. I know it is not honorable, but eleven against one isn't either. Addy? Can you bring the tissues we practiced with this afternoon?" A snap of Addy's fingers and I lifted the tissues in front of the girls. You may wonder why I went for the testicles? Well, one day when I was nine, on our karate training, I accidentally kicked Grandpa in the nuts. The poor man was out for five minutes, rolling on the floor. It was the last time he said to me to attack his weak spots. Anyway, the girls took the hint and grabbed one to let it fly around their heads.

"I am not doing that by the way, the girls took control of one and are moving it." It is hard to see who is doing what, when you don't use your hands or wand. Astoria as the youngest got the most attention, she was blushing when her parents praised her into heaven for her accomplishment and hard training. I grinned and wanted to make a comment when I got tissues in my face from six sides.

Lady Greengrass: "Very impressive, moving it around is good, but did you notice their aim? That is advanced control, after only one day. Too bad it is family magic, I love to know the secret how to learn it." I got peppered with all kinds of tissues and pillows by Daphne and Astoria, who were red hot blushing.

"I need to keep this a secret, Lady Greengrass. It gives me an edge against Tom Riddle. I think I got him mad today, I did send him a Patronus with some questions and observations."

Andromeda: "Sweet Morgana! Are you tired of living? You are agonizing a crazy Dark Lord. What did you tell him?"

"Not much, just that Bella was on the market again, single, poor, and crazy. What a combination! Then I recalled him stepping out of his kettle, and noticed he missed some male parts. So I asked him if it was inside his body like a snake, you know, he is after all part animal, a half breed so to speak. Demi-human? I did tell Bellatrix she was a free woman now, and could chase her mudblood master."

Tonks: "I suggest not to wait for next year, best if we let him sign the contracts now. Lord potter, I strongly advise you to make a will tomorrow at Gringotts, you are living a dangerous lifestyle."

"If I sign now, does that mean I am married?" The girls snapped their heads to the conversation, they did not have such a wedding ceremony in mind.

Tonks: "Not exactly married, the contract binds you together, it is made official on the wedding date or when one of you die. It is for financial security and the girls' chastity. A lot of engaged couples have intercourse, if it is without a contract, and the male dies, the girl will have a hard time getting another high-end marriage. As a widow, it is more accepted. With you it is the danger you are in, the engagement needs to be announced to avoid scandals, when something happens to you, they are provided for, as last of the line, the ministry will try to get into your vault." Hmm… in other words, Potter, Harry Potter, license to fuck? Where do I sign? Is Daphne starting on a smutty book?

"Girls? Any advice? Sign it, or not?" Yeah, let them decide it themselves, if I do the decision, it is always the wrong one. Looks were exchanged, eyebrows raised, the parents were surprised I let the girls decide. The girls left the room to talk it over.

Lord Davis asked: "Why do you let them decide it? This is an important decision. As a Lord, it is your right and duty."

"Maybe, but think about it, if I sign now, then they could think I am a horny teenager eager to sample the goods. If I don't sign, they could think I do not think about their safety, or I don't really want them. Either way, I lose." Gramps told me to let the women do the decisions that are important to them, like the wedding arrangements, the color of the wallpaper, or which pair of shoes they wear today.

The girls came back into the room after ten minutes, Tonksie did the talking: "Harry, sign the contracts, please. You already gave us wandless magic, and we came to like you a lot. We were planning to marry you anyway, we want to have our wedding day though."

I smiled: "You will all have a grand wedding, I promise." Next year is far away, if I survive that long, it will be a blast.

It was a bit strange, signing the wedding papers with the in-laws, the girls watching the procedures. After signing, the original magically transported itself to Gringotts. Well, now I am at the mercy of six wives. As grandpa would say: may the Great Goat God have pity, and save me.

The parents were happy to have solidified their daughter's future, they took the girls for a private talk. I was left behind.

"Dobby? Can you fetch the proper rings from the vaults? Although the engagement rings or the wedding rings? Can you ask Skinscraper what rings are appropriate?"

Dobby: "Master Harry is the greatest!" and popped away. What am I in Goats name doing? I am fifteen for crying out loud! Can this day end even crazier than it is now?… Crap, that is a red flag, I better watch out.

One by one the girls returned, looking a bit awkward. Astoria put it into words: "This is not as I imagined my wedding day, I am glad we did it, but it feels strange. Husband? Or is it fiancee?"

Daphne: "Let us hold it on fiancee, we still have to do our owls."

"I can agree to that, I have asked the head elf to prepare the Lord's quarter of Griffindor and Slytherin. I guess there are extra rooms for us all."

Tonksie laughed: "Oh hubby, we are so going to sleep together. If this morning was an indication, we are going to be very happy wives."

Hannah agreed: "Our parents did not say it with so many words, but gave us permission to do so." Crap, Daphne is reading smut right now… Meh, let's go with the flow.

Tracey added: "I am not ready for actual sex, but I want to try the rest. Harry, this morning was great, we want more. Let's celebrate our wedding in your room."

Susan: "Tracey is right, we want more, come on husband, we want our first night with you one to remember, so better start early. Aunty will be late today."

Tonksie: "Don't worry, I know silencing charms. Come on love, we want you."

Six versus one? I better try gramps cheat with his mindscape or I am dead. We went upstairs, the girls eager to enter my room.

Inside, Tonksie took the lead, silencing the whole room, she led me to the bathroom to take a shower. "Take your time husband, we will prepare the bed." Although I hope it does not include ropes and paddles. Gramps used to joke about it, but with Daphne reading the smutty story you never know.

After fifteen minutes, I came back in, in boxers and a bathrobe. Bloody hell, they enlarged the bed to triple queen size, everyone was in their underwear on the bed, leaving a space in the middle for me.

With pounding heart I dropped the robe, I know, years of malnutrition did not provide the body of Captain America, I'll just pretend they like me for my mind and accomplishments.

"Girls, I have no clue how this is going to work, but I am going to do the best I can. Just let me know when I cross some limits, or not go far enough."

Astoria: "I want to take it slow, but want what you did this morning, I think we all do."

"Well… I want to try something, who wants to volunteer? Hannah? Ok, now I am going to reach out to you with my magic, once I make contact with you, connect to my magic and follow me back inside of me." I made myself comfortable and spread my magic out on the bed. I connected to Hannah, and guided her in, I felt her presence in my mind.

"Hannah? Can you hear me?" "Harry? Where are we? I can't see a thing." I imagined a room with the lights on, suddenly we appeared in the room, butt naked. She gasped at me: "Harry! I am naked!"

"Imagine clothes on your body Han, although I like it this way too. You are beautiful." Hannah concentrated: "it does not work Harry, can you do it please?" Alright, mini skirt and strapless top, high heels made the picture-perfect, for me cargo pants and T-shirt. Hannah checked herself, the clothes were something new.

Hannah: "Where are we, Harry?" I answered: "I think this is my mindscape, wait I'll try something." I imagined my mansions' bedroom, we sat on the bed, Hannah was looking around with wide eyes.

"What do you think Hannah? Do you like it here? Let us bring the others in too." Hannah's eyes shined when she jumped me: "I need a good snogging first hubby!" What Hannah wants, Hannah gets, I can not complain because my hands were holding a bare ass. She moaned: "Not fair! It is soo good. We better get the others in." Reluctantly we parted, I said: "Go outside, explain everything and I will pull them in."

Hannah faded away, after a while I felt the girls connecting to me, one by one I guided them in, the catalogs of Victoria's secret I hid under my bed at home, came in handy for inspiration, soon all six were on my bed in sexy lingerie. Everyone was checking the outfits, Tonksie commented: "You are a naughty man husband, but these outfits are to die for. Is this your mindscape? I never knew this was possible. What can you do in here?" I grinned, gramps shadow clones for the win! Suddenly six Harry's appeared, each grabbing a girl and give a good snog. After the first surprise, the girls were enthusiastic about the private time they are getting this way.

Soon the lingerie disappeared from the boldest girls, Tonksie was leading in getting her pussy eaten by a Harry with parseltongue. Astoria was happy with hugs, kisses, and the show others were giving.

Susan and Tracey were topless, enjoying Harry's attention to their boobs. Hannah and Daphne however explored the male anatomy by removing my boxers and worked on their first hand-job.

The session lasted a few hours, our magic blended together, synchronizing, Tonksie got a good shagging, Astoria a good snogging and a show, the others explored their boundaries, with their wedding night in mind, they went from snogging to groping, the breasts got a workout, my fingers wandered down to their pussies, you can only learn so much in books, so I paid attention to the details, curious I tasted them. The Harry from Tonksie was already plowing the field,

Parseltongue is magical! The girls couldn't last five minutes. I dispelled two Harry,s, and went for a threesome Susan and Hannah shared one, and Daphne and Tracey the other. Great Goat God! Double-teaming on a blow job… I did not last five minutes, we did everything except the actual fucking. At last, we started to blend our magic, the feeling was incredible, to feel each other completely, body, mind, and magic.

Sated, we took a break, one by one I dispelled the clones. The memory of their time with the girl came to me as if I did it myself. Like gramps said, it was the best feature of Naruto. We are so going to do this on a daily basis. The girls got their lingerie back on, naked is fine when you play, but after, it is hotter when you have to guess what is hidden underneath.

Daphne was the first to come back to her senses: "Harry? How did you know how to do this? I never heard of something like that, this is so lifelike. The lingerie is amazing, it feels and looks great, everyone is bloody sexy with it."

Dammed the difficult question, what do I tell them? The truth is out, telling them their namesake are reading stories to me while I am in a coma? Am I in a coma? Dead? What is real? Meh, let us try with half-truths.

"Ever since I got kissed by that dementor, I feel that there is something or someone guiding me. It is urging me to do certain actions, sometimes I say things that I normally never would say, for example, my opening line to Dumbledore. The wandless magic was another, I just knew I could do it, after a few tries it came naturally. Teaching you girls wandless magic, again I knew how to proceed, but never expected the side effects, This mindscape was a surprise for me too, I felt it was possible, and tried it with Hannah. The copies? Well, I am god in here, I can do whatever I want, create whatever I want, the lingerie, for example, came out of my imagination."

They thought it over, Astoria commented: "This is not a mindscape. To enter your mindscape, one has to do legilimency on you. You reached out with your magic, made contact with us, and we followed your magic. If I have to guess, this is your magic core. The things you do here are not possible in a mindscape.

Tonksie added: "Astoria is right, I learned from mum, she had the House Black training in occlumency. We are in your core Harry, our magic is synchronizing, we all feel it, not only with you but with the girls too. This is exceptional, I never heard of it, the sex was the best… ever."

"Well… I feel there is one more thing to do. Tonksie, I want you to concentrate on a magic course, runes, I did not take that class. I am going to try to copy your knowledge of runes, focus on runes and everything connected to it." I imagined a big space in my mind to receive the knowledge. In the fanfiction, Harry puts his head to the other… Meh, I do it with a kiss, it's more fun that way.

The knowledge from the runes was transferred to the section in my mind, several lose thoughts and memories seeped along with it. Some sessions with Hestia, one not so long ago, it is official now, Tonksie is bisexual. I stored those memories, you know, for research only. It leaves me with a strange feeling, should I add her? Let Tonksie keep her on the side? Anyway, I know runes now, several applications and uses for it.

"Alright, who takes the rune course? Daphne and Susan, Daphne, imagine you have a room in your mind, I am going to transfer a copy to your mind, Sue, your next." Two red hot snogging's later, Daphne and Susan were talking to Tonksie about Newt level runes. I passed it to the rest of the girls. It left Astoria a bit dazed. Being able to take Newts in runes in your fourth year, is unheard of.

A session of Tonksie and Hestia slipped through.

Tracey: "Dammed Tonks, that is so hot, you and Hestia. You have a strap-on! How does it feel in comparison with Harry's?"

Tonksie: "What do you mean Tracey? How do you know that?"

Hannah: "It came along with the runes Tonks, and it is smoking hot to see. Hestia is very beautiful and hot."

Tonksie: "Harry? Explain please."

I shrugged: "Don't blame me, I told you to concentrate on runes, several memories came along, I thought I sorted them all out, one slipped through."

Susan: "Harry, you have others? Tonks, can we view them? I learned a lot from this one, and want to try them."

Tonksie: "Harry did you see them? How many did you see?"

I hugged her: "Don't be embarrassed love, I know you love Hestia, as Susan loves Hannah, Tracey loves Daphne, and Astoria is developing feelings for all of us. You heard them, they found it hot and sexy to look at. If you want to keep that relationship… the contract said fidelity to me, no cheating me with another man, Hestia is a female. With my permission, it is not cheating. Now you have to get permission from your sister-wives, and the contract won't hurt you."

Astoria: "I don't want to give permission to cheat on Harry. Harry, can you accept her as a wife or consort? Eventually, we are going to have sex with Tonks too, knowing there is one outside our circle is disturbing, make her a sister-wife. The sex with her will be great too." Crap I thought it was only Luna that added females. It seems Astoria got the job here. All girls were nodding in agreement, having the memory of Tonksie shagging Hestia from Tonksies point of view, it is like you are shagging Hestia yourself, experiencing the feelings for Hestia too. This is a dangerous ability to have.

"Tonksie, talk to Hestia, we all welcome her. I have one House I did not claim, if I make you the Lady from that house and Hestia the consort, then Astoria can be Lady Black, and the restrictions on her contract will be reduced, just like House Black, this one is a Most Ancient and Most Noble house too. It is House Peverell, the one from the story of the three brothers."

Daphne gasped: "House Potter has the Peverell line? We thought it died out."

"To claim the Lordship, you have to collect the three artifacts. It so happens I got the last one today. So Tonksie? Lady Peverell? It is a good name to have, and I will make things right between Hestia and me." … … Crap, I am doing it again, adding titles and wives. I need to avoid being alone with Hermione and Luna. Neville! I set them up with Neville, does he know about the birds and the bees? Fuck! Even I don't know about them. What do birds and bees do together? It is hard to imagine it, does the bird fuck the bee or the other way around? How do you call the offspring? Is it a Pokemon?

We are drifting again, Tonksie and Hestia, sitting in a tree… Bloody uncomfortable if you ask me… drifting again.

Tonksie: "You really want to marry Hestia, because I love her?"

"Yes and no, the memories you gave me of you having sex with Hestia, in my mind it is like I was having sex with her. The memories are from your point of view so I remember it that way, including the feelings you have for her. So in a way, I started to care for her too. Think about it, talk to Hestia tomorrow, if it helps, mention the brides' price."

Tracey: "Let us go back to the real world, Harry needs to perform his magic there too. How long did we stay inside?" Everyone left, eager to do a live show

Once out, everyone was curious how much time we spend in my mindscape? Magicscape? How do magic folks tell the time? The Weasley family clock is not a reference. The girls calculated, it was about ten to one. Ten minutes in my Magicscape was one minute outside we spend at most two hours inside, so twelve minutes outside. We are so going to abuse that!

The girls got a hungry look on their faces, Astoria straddled me, cow-girl style: "Harry my love, I need my kiss and your magic touch." With a slow kiss I pushed my magic in her, circulating faster and faster, my hands freely roaming her ass, her orgasm was one for the books, Two times on the wedding day, and the day is not over yet. Daphne and Tracey were double-teaming again, presenting their pussy to me, I inserted my fingers and gave them a jump start, pushing my magic up that way circulating it in their bodies. Man, I was finding new ways to get them a happy ending. They will remember their wedding night.

Susan and Hannah were next, they grabbed Tonksie, and put her on Little harry, the poor boy just recuperated from Daphne and Tracey. It took less than a minute to get him back in working order though. Tonksie was having the ride of her life. Susan and Hannah were pampering her on the side, working on the nipples and clit, which, along with my magic injection caused her to collapse in bliss.

Well, the next hours were spend alternating between girls, Little Harry was exhausted, but my magic is still going strong.

All good things come to an end, and we called it a night. The thought came to my mind, bloody hell, I am married!

I woke up feeling a chill, looking up did not work, my glasses were on the nightstand.

A voice said: "I hope there is a good explanation for this. You need one." Crap deja vu, big time.

"Hmm, the parents found it better to sign the contracts yesterday? We had our wedding night? Sorry, that is all I can come up with."

Susan with a yawn: "Aunty, yesterday Harry scared the parents out of their skin. Tonks said it was in our interest that the contracts were signed, before Harry gets himself killed, he is harassing Tom Riddle with his Patronus. It made our parents very nervous. We decided to have our wedding night together, it made it more real to us. Uncle Percival and aunty Harriet signed in your name."

I nodded: "As Susan said, her explanation is way better than mine. Can someone give me my glasses?"

Madam Bones: "So Lord Potter, two days under my roof and you took my Susan away."

I shrugged: "You can see it that way. Or you gained a son-in-law and several daughters-in-law. Please, call me Harry."

Madam Bones: "I wanted to wake Susan and Hannah, but I got everyone in on go. So get up, twenty minutes to wash up and thirty minutes to eat breakfast. It is eight o clock." I wanted to jump up, but my morning woody prevented it. Better stay on aunty's good side. Everyone got up and to their rooms to get ready. My new clothes were already in the bathroom, well on time, I made it to breakfast. By now, all kinds of food were flying over the table. Why ask to pass the marmalade, if you can fetch it yourself? It gave Madam Bones a bit of peace of mind, we did more than roll around in bed yesterday, we practiced wandless magic too.

Madam Bones: "I am impressed Harry, not only are you quite experienced with wandless magic, you can teach it to others too. We better get ready, Tonks will be waiting in the ministry.