
A collection of stories

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON FANFICTION. COM 1-4 story dropped by author next 1-10 Harry Potter 1(one) story dropped by me, because I don't like it going forward 2nd volume another story, (complete) from website 3RD VOLUME: Home is Where You Are by a fisch Volume 4: Stay by HannahFranziska 5: Prophetic Intervention by Harmonious Cannons 6:First Hope by LeafRose 7: The Grey Lord 1: Potterverse Lichdom by nobodez 8:Three to Triumph by HermiHugs

arhan_malik · Book&Literature
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5 Home.

I shrugged: "I didn't even know I have a house, let's meet them." An older woman welcomed us at the door: "Lord Potter, we finally meet. It seems the curse Dumbledore put on you is removed. But before even introductions, can you take ownership of the wards? The mansion is constantly under attack. This way please." We followed them inside, I looked around in the hall, imagining the skeleton of the basilisk guarding the door. They guided us in the main office, to a door on the back of the room.

"The door needs the ring and your blood Lord Potter, from here, only family members with Potter blood are allowed in." What is it with the blood obsession? It seems I have to cut myself on every occasion. With the ring and blood settled, I went down to the ward-stone, it had a dim glow.

The matron commented: "There is still time. Cut your hand with the ring on, and place it on the ward-stone, let it take your magic." Meh, I can do better, I put my bloody hand on the stone, and slammed my magic in it, feeding it magic in big waves.

Inspiration struck me, I looked at the matron and asked: "You are a Potter? Yes? Give me your hand please and imagine you do a Lumos without a wand." Without hesitation, she put her hand in mine. Feeling her magic in her fingertips I pulled it inside of me and channeled it into the stone with mine. Sensing she was on her limit, I released her hand. It was replaced by another woman's hand, this time a middle-aged one. I repeated the same process, the stone was humming with power now and stopped sucking our magic. Slowly the ward-stone settled.

The matron started guiding me to set the wards, I sensed several drains on the wards sucking more than the wards can replenish, my mind followed the drains, and found stones covered with runes on the borderline: "That bloody goat fucker! He is going to pay for this." I channeled my magic through the ward-stone and raised the ground on the side of the stones, so they rolled away from the ward-line. The drain ended, I activated the war wards to be safe.

I looked at the Matron: "We have to collect the stones that drained our wards, we keep them as evidence against that old goat. But first, let us go up and introduce ourselves. I bet it will be interesting to hear your story." She nodded and went up. In the office, the girls already were talking to the Veela.

Matron: "Lord Potter, my name is Francine Du Chateau, the matriarch of our enclave. To explain our Potter blood, it started at the beginning of the witch hunts, we made a deal with House Potter. They sheltered us on their property in France, with special wards to hide our presence. In return, we tended to the vineyard and provided a girl to introduce the young heir to the art of lovemaking, starting from age twelve.

That girl will become a secret concubine to the young Lord, and their children will lead the enclave, binding us together with bonds of blood. I am the daughter of your great grandfather, Valerie here is the daughter of your grandfather. Because of the war, your father did not have a concubine.

Dumbledore put a House elf block and a Veela block on you, letting us forget the arrangement we had to educate you. We did remember the deal to House Potter. Last year we received a distress call from the Potter elves, this mansion was under attack and needed our help.

We changed places so they could recuperate. We could only defend this mansion, never counterattack, it would give him a reason to involve the ministry. You know the view on Veela in Britain, they would kill or enslave us without asking questions. You met the girl meant for you in the tournament. Fleur Delacour, she is from a different enclave, to prevent inbreeding. We have several enclaves we work together with for that reason. At the moment she is applying for a job at Gringotts. She has a feeling she needs to be in this country."

"Alright, My name is Harry James Potter, but call me Harry, Lord of Houses Potter, Griffindor, Slytherin, Black, and Gaunt. These are my fiancees Miss Hannah Abbot, Lady for House Potter, Miss Susan Bones, Consort for House Potter, her children will be of House Bones, Miss Tracey Davis, Lady for House Slytherin, Miss Daphne Greengrass, Consort for House Slytherin, her children will be of House Greengrass, Miss Nymphadora Tonks, Lady for House Black, last but not least, Miss Astoria Greengrass, for Consort of House Black.

That Veela block was working perfectly because Fleur never showed she knew about me. Tonks, can you come with us, into your function of Auror? The wards were under attack by drains, we are going to collect them for evidence. Aunt Francine, do you mind if I ask Fleur to come here? Does she know this place?"

Francine: "You can call her, but here are only girls with Potter blood, we are here to strengthen the wards with our presence. Fleur was never in here." I concentrated and send my Patronus on the way.

"I asked for a meeting in Gringotts in two hours. Can you accompany us Aunt? But first those drains." We collected the stones after we deactivated them, I felt the wards settling in place.

"Aunt, I thank you for protecting our home, I know the risk you took by coming here. Ask, and if I can do, or give it, it will be yours."

Francine smiled: "We want to renew the deal between our enclave and House Potter, and ask to accept Fleur as a concubine." I looked at my fiancee's, they nodded, recognizing the risk they took protecting the mansion.

"Aunt, I will accept Fleur as a concubine, on the condition that her heart is free. If she is in love with another man, I rather want that she marry the man she loves. Is that acceptable?"

Francine: "Then you can marry another Veela girl that is willing. Will this do?" Dammed, I was banking on Fleur already having a relationship with Bill, so I was off the hook. Now, there is no escape.

I nodded to Francine: "That is acceptable. Too bad I missed out on those lessons, I could have learned a lot. I was a stumbling mess for years." We spread out, exploring the mansion, I was guided by Francine to the room with the paintings.

Francine: "Dad, brother, may I present Harry James, he is finally free from Dumbledore, and found his way home. Harry, this room contains paintings of our ancestors. This one here is from my father, your great grandfather Fleamont Potter, This is my brother Charlus, your grandfather." The next hour was spent on telling my story, they were amazed at my other Houses, horrified I had to kill a basilisk in my second year. I called Dobby and Winky, grandpa thanked Dobby for protecting me, calling him an exceptional elf, Winky's eyes shined with pride. I guess Dobby gets some tonight.

When it was time to visit Gringotts, the girls wanted to come along. We got popped by House elf express at the steps of Gringotts, we entered, and were met with Fleur, she looked at Francine and Harry, something clicked in place, and understanding showed on her face.

"Fleur, let us go to my account manager. We can talk there." In Skinscraper's office, we explained the situation to him. Skinscraper grinned: "A headmaster attacking the Lord Griffindor and Lord Slytherin, is cause for his resignation. We have sent a letter to him demanding to repay the loan in full, with the payments, interests, and penalties from the last fourteen years already taken from his vault. There is not much left in it. The one responsible for the order is Rubeus Hagrid. The fall guy obviously."

"Thank you Skinscraper. Fleur? A question, are you in a relationship, or in love with another man?"

Fleur blushed: "I am not in a relationship Harry, but have feelings for William Weasley. It is still fresh, but I feel it is mutual. I am sorry, I will end it today."

"No, Fleur, I want you to be happy, I consider you and Bill friends, and won't stand in your way. I came too late to my senses. I wish you all the happiness of the world. So, see how it will evolve between you and Bill."

Fleur hugged me: "Thank you, Harry, I consider you my friend too. Matron Francine, I am sorry, that I can not fulfill the agreement of our enclave." In a way, I was happy I missed out on Fleur, she is three years older, Miss Universe beautiful, and an expert on sex. Even with the magic cheat, it would be awkward, intimidating, and give an inferiority complex to the girls… and me.

Francine: "Don't worry Fleur, it was the Lord's wish for your happiness. We will ask your mother for a willing replacement."

Fleur: "That will probably my little sister Gabrielle, she can't stop talking about how he saved her from the lake." I remember her, young though, eight or nine tops.

"I remember Gabrielle, she was friendly when we said goodbye a month ago. How old is she? Eight or nine?"

Fleur: "She will be eleven in September, and starts in Beaubatons next month. Beaubatons give a choice to students born in September to start a year early."

Francine: "Four years difference is well in the limits for a good relationship, can you contact your mother Fleur, or do you prefer me to do it? Harry, Veela's age a bit different than wizards. We stay small until we hit puberty at age fourteen, then, on a span of three months, we grow out to the same size as wizards. It is evolved so that there is less chance for kidnapping."

"Thank you for the information aunt. Skinscraper, can you prepare seven personal vaults for these girls, six for my fiancees, and one for Ginny Molly Weasley. Put fifty thousand galleons in it. And give fifty thousand galleons to Fleur Delacour as an early wedding present. Do not refuse it, Fleur, it is my way to cope with the fact that I missed out on some fabulous lessons and a wonderful partner. If Gabrielle takes your place, she will be welcome."

Susan asked: "Harry? Why are you doing this? We have enough pocket money to fill our needs."

"Sue, first, if Ginny finds out about the bride price, she will eternally regret not accepting the marriage proposal, even if she need to share. This will soften the blow, with it, she can buy some new clothes, instead of second hands. For you girls, the bride's price is deposited on the wedding day, which is next year in July. I am desperately in need of new outfits, the muggle, and the wizarding kind, so I need advice from you girls.

The money is spending money for yourself, I shudder at the thought of shopping, with six girls focusing on me. Skinscraper, can you provide bank cards for paying in the muggle world? And is there a way to pay in the wizarding world without dragging trunks full with coins around?"

Skinscraper grinned: "That will cost extra Lord Potter, we will link a muggle account at the personal vaults with a bank card. You can pay with your Lord's ring. Or we can provide a moleskin bag linked to your vaults. For a fee of course."

"Fine, do it, we will use them for years, so it is not a waste. Did you read the Daily Gossip? I wonder who is about to explode first. Voldy and the goat are going to experience some hard times The ministry, however, they are embarrassed by it. How they will react is going to define if I want to call the loan in or not."

Skinscraper: "A guard was close by and shared the memory of your talk. You are Lord Ragnar's favorite human now. He was laughing for minutes, and again when he read the paper this morning."

We received our bank cards and moleskin pouches and were ready to leave.

Suddenly Dobby pops in: "Bad Lemondrop is outside Master, with ten people. He be waiting for you Master." Ok… now I hope Tracey isn't reading that fanfic from Sinyk. That story is a crossover and the timeline sucks for it. But the situation matches a bit. Maybe she is a bit vindictive, she caught me a few times when I was admiring her legs… all the way up to her panties.

"Aunt, stay behind please, we don't want him to find out that I located my home. Skinscraper, can Miss Susan send a messenger Patronus to Madam Bones? And am I allowed to cast a Patronus in the Lobby to Dumbledore? It is a harmless one."

Skinscraper smiled evilly: "For this once, Lord Potter, I will alert the guards. Remember, the stairs in front Gringotts are still on Goblin soil." He already guessed what my plan is.

"Susan, alert Madam Bones and ask if she can come over, disillusioned if possible. Girls stay in the lobby, as witnesses, if spells are being cast, then hide inside. Even if you go outside, stay on the stairs."

ten minutes later in the Lobby, I nodded to the guards, concentrated, and sent it out. My Dragon manifested outside, and with a booming voice started to proclaim: "Albus Dumbledore has been stealing from the boy who lives for years! He is stealing from Hogwarts too! Albus Dumbledore is a traitor and thief. He betrayed James Potter, and abused his son for years! Albus Dumbledore is a Dark Lord!" I stepped outside, careful to stay on the stairs.

"Albus, you old goat! You have been stealing from me. I demand everything back, with penalties!" Huh? I would never say something like that, is this the plot forcing his way in? Grandpa would be ranting without giving anyone a chance to interrupt. Fuck the plot, I let Dumbels talk for a while.

Dumbledore showed his most honest smile: "Harry, my boy…"

Fuck it, let's interrupt: "It is Lord Potter… No, it is Lord Griffindor to you Albus, and before you start spouting nonsense again, explain why you have been stealing from me. You have a loan of one million Galleons to House Potter and stopped payments after my parents died. Did you kill my parents?"

Dumbledore is a stubborn ass: "Listen here, Harry…" Loud: "It is LORD GRIFFINDOR to you old goat, learn some manners, or have you gone senile? Explain yourself, thief."

Dumbels: "Your parents and I had an agreement, Harry…"

"Last warning Dumbledore, show me some respect or face some consequences. I already have demanded the payments due to House Potter, with interest and penalties from your vaults. I doubt there is something left." Dammed the plot is dragging me back to ranting.

Dumbledore: "You can't do this Harry, we need the resources to fight against Voldemort!"

"Again, no respect from you. From now on, I will call you Fraud. That is what you are anyway. That order has a loan outstanding to House Potter of five hundred thousand Galleons for the war effort. They too failed their payments, how did you convince Hagrid to sign the deed?"

Dumbledore: "Those are things you have yet to understand Harry…"

"I have enough of you Fraud. I Lord Harry James Potter, Lord of House Griffindor and House Slytherin, hereby terminate the position of headmaster from Albus Wulfric Dumbledore, for mismanagement, child abuse, and failing to hold the bare minimum of educational standards. So mote it be." Dumbledore felt several enchants and wards leave him, weakening him severely.

Crap, I did it again. I can't stop now: "Can I have the Head elf of Hogwarts here please?" An old elf popped in next to me: "Master Griffi is calling Hoggy?" I responded: "Elder Hoggy, lock the headmasters' office for everyone, including Fawkes, I will visit it soon."

Dumbledore: "Lord Griffindor! You can't do this! Without me, the school is lost! Restore it back to me!"

"I have taught you the manners, now I have to teach you to say please. Why were you here waiting for me? Didn't you read the papers? I claimed my Lordship and read the will. You are a fraud, a thief, and a traitor of friends and allies. Do these idiots still follow you? Or are you blackmailing them too?" I was still on the steps of Gringotts, some guards were standing behind me with a grin, so Dumbels did not dare to attack.

I looked at the ten stooges: "Moody? Did you enjoy your stay in your trunk? Do you really think the old goat didn't know?

Lupin, grateful to be allowed in Hogwarts are you? How many wolfies went after you? He just needed one spy, the rest could fuck of. Loyal doggy are you? Tell me, how many werewolves did you teach? Did the goat forbid it? The rest of you are expendables, did someone volunteer to be killed, so Snape can prove he is loyal to Voldemort? You, the beautiful miss, you do nicely, they can rape you for a few hours, cementing the spy's loyalty to Voldy. To keep Snape's cover, sacrifices must be made. After all, it is for the greater good. Is it not, you rotten bastard? Nah, save it, fuck of, all of you, useless idiots. If you ever think I want to listen to your bullshit, think again.

Fraud, I have a message from Ariana and your parents, it said: "Albus Wulfric Dumbledore, there are a lot of people waiting for you when you go on your next adventure. You and Gellert killed me both. You will never be the Master of Death."

That was ending with a bang. I bashed the goat, he didn't dare to cast a spell at me, while the guards were looking with their weapons at ready. His sheep were thinking on my speech, the sacrifice comment stung, Moody was mulling things over in his mind. I was just spouting arguments from fanfictions to the goat.

Meanwhile, I had my wandless magic ready. Gramps tentacles were getting in front of the order and goat. I smiled at Dumbels and stepped down. As expected Dumbledore shouted: "Now!" Pulled his wand out and… went on his knees while holding his nuts. The women went down too. The males got their nuts stomped, and the women their pussy groped. Any thoughts of casting were forgotten.

I collected their wands, claimed the Hallow one, and said. "Madam Bones, I got assaulted by a vigilante group led by Dumbledore. I want to press charges to Dumbledore, don't mind the others, they are just idiots that can't think for themselves." Madam Bones appeared with her wand in her hand, pointing to Dumbledore.

She commented: "Albus Wulfric Dumbledore, now I know how you evade the oaths and binding contracts. You are under arrest for assaulting a Lord of several Houses, theft from said Lord, and child abuse. We will start with a strip search and flushing potion. Followed with a veritas potion, please resist arrest."

Fawkes appeared, but I was ready with a piercing hex, killing it. He went down in flames, I collected the chick and ashes. "Madam Bones, I take this phoenix inside to check for illegal bindings and curses. There is no way Fawkes obeyed Dumbledore willingly. I will bring him home with me." Dumbledore screamed from frustration: "He is mine!"

I looked back at him: "Are you crazy? Do you think you are a god? What? Do people think you piss lemonade and shit chocolate? This is a phoenix, and if it is found that you bound him with illegal curses, I will kill you myself. And don't you worry for Voldy and Gellert, they will follow soon."

I noticed Skeeter, taking notes with a big smile.

Back inside Gringotts, the guards nodded their heads respectfully and guided me to the elders.

I whispered to Fawkes: "sorry for killing you Fawkes, but I did not see any other way. We just have to check you for illegal stuff."

Tonksie was staying outside, the girl I told to be the next sacrifice was her friend and was totally freaking out. The other girls followed me inside, swarming around Fawkes. At the Goblin elders, we presented Fawkes for examination. Daggers were pulled, Daphne had to hold Astoria back, and the elders started their examination,

At their faces, we could tell it was bad. The head elder was yelling at Ragnar in Gobelybogely… in their language for a long time.

Ragnar turned to me: "Fawkes was bonded for several decades, we suspect from the moment Dumbledore showed up with him. It is was done with a very dark illegal curse, renewed every year. Although you killed him, there are signs that connect you with him. We removed everything."

"Lord Ragnar, I will not bind Fawkes to me because he feels grateful, I will let him be for a few months to make up his mind. He may enjoy his freedom. I will take him with me to Bones Manor to recuperate. The girls will pamper him. Also, can you give me an examination on bindings and potions? Last time only my scar was checked." Following the fanfiction, the mail ward, house-elf block, and Veela block were removed along with some bindings on my magic.

Ragnar commented: "Those were nasty blocks, Lord Potter. Normally the rings remove such blocks. We will give a series of potions that will correct the malnutrition and stunted growth." My girls were thanking Ragnar, calculating in their minds how much more power I gained. Presenting such results with a bound core is exceptional. They don't have to worry, I will expand their meridians… every day if I have to. Dammed, I feel the story pushing me in a direction, taking control of his office.

"Lord Ragnar, can I have a team of warders, to witness the state of the ward-stone of Hogwarts? I will ask for a team from the ministry too. So there will be no discussion of the results."

Ragnar: "A good idea, Lord Potter, they will be at the gates in an hour."

Now that Dumbels is in the brick, I can go after the tiara. After saying goodbye to my aunt Francine, we returned to Bones Manor with the chick. Hedwig was jealous, she had to stay in the owlery, and Fawkes got the royal treatment.

I sent a Patronus to Madam Bones to ask for a team of specialists to witness the state of the wards.

"Girls, I need to do the wards of Hogwarts, it will take some hours, but I will be safe."

Susan was worried: "Harry, be careful, we know you can defend yourself, but you had time to prepare."

What better way to comfort a worried girl than to hug her, give kisses, squeeze the butt cheeks… Well, they were all worried for me.

A half-hour later Dobby popped me at the shrieking shack, we went through the tunnel, before the end of the tunnel I told Dobby to pop me to the headmasters' office. We are going to screw the headmaster a new one… Crap, that is a nasty mental picture... I am going to kick his ass. I felt Hogwarts react to my presence, welcoming me.

The paintings woke up, an old skinny guy: "What are you doing here lad? It is forbidden for students to be here without supervision." I just showed my rings, I am going grandpa style on these.

"Explain to me how Dumbledore could put a curse on a phoenix each year, and nobody notices it? How come could Dumbledore abuse his position to cover his crimes up? Are you part of a criminal organization? Tell me, do you take pleasure witnessing the students being abused?"

The skinny dude responded: "We are honor-bound to aid the headmaster boy."

"It is Lord Griffindor or Lord Slytherin to you, skinny idiot. You are honor-bound to aid in crimes? Give me one reason to let your painting on the wall."

An old witch: "What could we have done Lord Griffindor? We are spelled to obey."

"You are honor-bound to aid the headmaster in his duties for the school. If he abuses this you can report it to the authorities. If you are too stupid to understand this, how in Merlin's name can you help a headmaster anyway? You just hang here and look important? Can I have the head elf here please?"

"What can Hoggy do for Master Griffie?"

"Soon there will be teams from the ministry and Gringotts in here to inspect the ward-stone, let them in. After they are gone, get a few trunks, and remove all of Dumbledore's possessions from these rooms. Set the items he stole from others in a separate trunk. Are there any secret rooms or closets?" In gramps fanfiction, there was even the philosophers stone. And a Horcrux.

"Hoggy close the office for everyone but me, even the floo." A few snaps of Hoggy's fingers and I have all the time of the world. I found a golden locket with a nasty curse on it, probably the Horcrux. The stone was there too. Meh… let's keep it in my pocket for a rainy day.

The teams popped in, four from Gringotts, and four from the unspeakables.

"Before we go on, swear on your magic that you are not a death eater or a sympathizer of Tom Riddle."

Unspeakable nr one: "Who is Tom Riddle?" I smiled at… him? Her? Meh, I smiled at it: "Tom Marvolo Riddle is the true name of Voldemort. He is the son of a muggle father and a squib Merope Gaunt. Now, oaths please or leave." The four gave the oaths.

"First I want you to take a look at this locket. I found it in a hidden room here." Wands and daggers were going over the locket, swearing and cursing followed. Dumbels made one too.

Nr. two: "When Madam Bones is finished with him, what is left over will end in our hands. He will never see daylight again. The Wards now Lord Potter."

I followed the directions of the paintings to the ward-stone, by now, I knew the routine, slash the hand with the rings and put it on the stone. The connection to Hogwarts was instant, my mind searched for the flaws, and started to examine the overlapping wards, it seems every headmaster found it necessary to add their own wards on top of the others.

Goblins and unspeakables were stumped. The ward-stone was a complete mess. After they recorded the flaws, they allowed me to try and set them right, after I asked them. Curious about what I will achieve.

I felt Hogwarts guiding me, to select the best wards, and remove the rest. Several wards that were deactivated, intent-based wards in the corridors, sexual harassment wards in the whole school, I activated all. I even noticed the curse on the DaDa position and could easily remove it from here, the two Horcruxes were easy to see. I set a ward to detect dark curses on a body, that will detect the mark and Imperio, I hope.

The forbidden forest harbored very dark animals, I have to find out if the skull brothers are here, a good Goblin hunting party will solve the problem.

Finishing up, they inspected the result and complimented me on a first-class job.

Nr. Three: We will copy that detection ward for dark magic on a body and install it in the ministry. That still needs to be tested, but it is promising."

We got back into the office, I addressed the paintings again: "Congratulations, you just proved to me that the headmasters were all idiots, did you get the job by bribing someone? Were you the useless family member with nowhere else to go? Explain to me why it is necessary to have ten overlapping wards to alert there is a visitor? Did you feel important being able to add to the wards? Completely screwing it all up?

The next headmaster will have his wings clipped. And an audit every five years of his actions. Now, who was the moron that introduced the house points? Did you have fun increasing disputes between the houses? From the first of September, it will be gone. The board of governors will get fired too.

Look here, if you want to help the school, first of all, drop your ego, through the years you did more bad than good. Fix it or buzz off." I opened the floo for the teams, they left, after promising to send a report. Hoggy put his team to strip the office clean.

"Hoggy, pop me to the seventh floor please."

I was standing in a huge hall, there was no end to it. Spreading my magic out was easy, the ward-stone aided in my search. Someone was reading gramps fanfiction because I was channeling everything in it. The tiara was found after fifteen minutes. The cabinet? I let it be for now.

"Hoggy. Prepare the founders' chambers please, the Griffindor and Slytherin quarters. I will move into them in September. Can you move all the trunks from the office to Bones Manor, Addy? Can you come here please? Addy, these trunks need to be inspected by Madam Bones and her Aurors, can you pop them to the manor? Now Hoggy, pop me to the gate please, the headmasters' office stays closed. Dumbledore is fired."

At the gate, I asked Dobby to pop me to the steps of Gringotts. I approached the guards. "Warriors, I have a very dark item with me that needs to be destroyed, for a fee of course."

The guards communicated with their superiors: "Basiliskslayer, we informed the Elders, you may pass."

Well… I got my title: "Basiliskslayer? Who named me that?" "Lord Ragnar himself Basiliskslayer, we witnessed the fight, it was a great victory, you have our respect." Meh, might as well do the hunt too.

"Warriors, you honor me with your praise, I have a proposition for the nation. I took control of Hogwarts just now, there is a big acromantula nest in the forest, not two miles in it. I propose a hunting party with your young ones to get their first big kill. The young ones can keep their first big kill. The rest needs to be rendered and sold, the profits are for Hogwarts. Can you agree with this offer?"

The guards got excited: "That is a great opportunity, Basiliskslayer, When do you want us to start?"

I thought for a bit: "Two days from now, I need to inform the Centaurs of your hunting party. If you find any other dangerous animals, not native to this region, you can take care of it too. Leave only the animals that are used in classes."

Inside I was led to the Elders: "Elders, the tiara is from Ravenclaw, I would like to have it cleansed, and restored to its previous state. Can I summon my house elf? I think he has a dark artifact too. Alright, Lord Black summons his House elf Kreacher to him, so mote it be." I was so following the script, it was scary.

Kreacher popped in mumbling about half-bloods and mudbloods defiling his mistress house.

"Kreacher shut up, now, the dark locket that needs destroying, bring it here so we can do it for you. Now please." Wide-eyed he obeyed. A few pops and he returned with the locket. The Elders were furious about the number of Horcruxes in circulation. Kreacher witnessed the destruction of the locket and was ecstatic.

"Kreacher, the dark Lord is responsible for Master Reggie's death. Bellatrix and Narcissa are kicked out of House Black for aiding that mad man. Now I want you to be a proper elf and tend to the house. Tell the tale of Master Reggy to Sirius and Walburga. Ask Dobby and Winky to help. That is an order. Now go." This leaves the snake and Voldy. I was taking a risk with the locket, there was no way that I should have known about it.

After informing Skinscraper of the hunt, I let Dobby pop me to the Bones Manor. Just in time for dinner.

Tonksie complained: "Lord Potter, you gave my friend Hestia a trauma. Why in Morgana's name did you have to grope her crotch? Was there no other way? She was hysterical for an hour."

"Tonksie, I confronted Dumbledore and ten of his puppets, the other way was to kill them. I had to attack eleven targets at the same time, so I went for the most hurtful body part for the men and the most invasive part for the females. If she did not go for her wand, then she would be clear. Tell her I am… no I am not sorry. The scenario I presented to her was very real. tell her to suck it up."

I reported my actions to the girls, firing Dumbels, setting the ward-stone, bashing the paintings, looting the office, and getting the nasties out of the woods.

"I need help with the Centaurs, I need to inform them of the hunting, and I am not very diplomatic."

Daphne said: "We need to inform our parents, Harry, this is too big. Your lawyer too. Susan?"

Susan thought a bit: "You are right, but Harry gave aunty a week's worth of work, questioning Dumbledore will probably take all day, but I can let Hannah's parents represent me. Call them."

While the girls send their Patronus away, I was mulling over the events. It was like they were telling three stories at the same time to me, it jumped from one fanfiction to a crossover, to the original, and back to fanfiction. At this point I could not tell in what story I am in. so let's wing it. At least I had some action. For all I care, that Daphne may read some more smutty stories.