
A Cold-Blooded POV

It burned an entire kingdom to the ground for petty revenge against the humans. It ransacked the Board of Sorcery, hoarding all the cores in their treasury to ease its greed. It killed and destroyed a God for entering its territory without its permission. In a cavern within the Great Aeternus Labyrinth, a reptile seemly like any other hatched from its egg. With a growing intellect it shouldn’t have and adaptability traits that is impossible for its current tier of evolution, it began its life surviving and growing stronger. Read as this reptile mutate and evolve. Watch as it change the world of Atinen, as it usher the world into a new age of chaos and destruction as well as prosperity and hope. *** I know you guys are tired of fun monster evolution stories where the monster becomes increasingly less monstrous, and eventually they're just a more spicy version of a human and it stops being a monster evolution story. I am too. This story is not about a human who was hit by a truck and reincarnated into a world where he so happens to be a monster. No. This story follows the Mc who is a monster with a monster’s mentality and POV. However, reincarnation is apart of the story. Additionally I have taken certain elements from some of my favorite non-human novels and stories such as: Chrysalis, Kumo Desu ga, Nanika?, and even Re: monster. Point is, I’m incorporating a large amount of ideas and flipping them to fit my story.

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63 Chs

The Punishment before the Dungeon Sweep

The room was deathly silent, footsteps of the members of the Tremblebane guild crept through the small crevices of the door to the strategy room.

For the last couple of years, the only problem the Kingdom of Asrich had to deal with was the minor issues regarding the Cathedral and its religion's widespread, it had been decades since there was a monster capable enough to become a threat.

Soon the commander broke the quiet atmosphere, his booming tone filled every corner of the room. "So, is this the only recording you have? If you have more I advise you to share it now, any intel regarding that monster is important. We have limited information, and I don't want to enter the labyrinth blindly".

Hearing this, Wilfred glanced at Melinda, however, she shook her head in defeat.

"No, this is the only insignia we were able to recover unfortunately, the other two that the boys were carrying were lost in the dungeon during their untimely deaths".

Dalton sucked his teeth. "I should have known, the useless bunch you are."

"Commander I'd watch my tongue if I were you, you should keep your opinions to yourself, unless you'd like to put your idiotic claims to the test". Wilfred retorted.

Immediately after hearing those words, Dalton's aura plunged into the surroundings, encompassing the entire area. He reached his right arm back, grabbing the handle of his large magic greatsword, then his deep voice reverberated.

"Is that right? You wouldn't be threatening me would you, because if you are that's also a threat towards the council and the royal family. I'm sure you know the consequences of that offense".

Wilfred's fists balled and his aura also began to seep out, Melinda's grip around her own sword tightened, preparing to attack.


The sound of the thick bestiary volume book closing interrupted the tense mood, and all eyes fell upon the Wiseman.

"You brutes act as if I don't exist, cut your nonsense. Dalton, I'll say this once more, now is not the time for your squandering. Wilfred is right, your insults are worthless to the conversation so keep them to yourself".

Dalton quickly saluted, releasing his grip from his weapon and retracting his aura. "My apologies sir, I won't let it happen again".

"Anyway, regardless of the circumstances we are extremely lucky, to be honest". Stated Elton.

Wilfred lifted an eyebrow. "Lucky? In what way exactly?"

The Wiseman cleared his throat. "Ahem. Well, the Lacerta monster species is most certainly powerful, one of the more superior monsters on the first stratum, I'd say. The Aeternus Lacerta species specifically are chaotic and vicious, they are territorial creatures, sometimes even fighting to kill their own kin. The very definition of an apex predator. However, due to Tremblebane's mishap, no offense Wilfred of course, we were warned of this reptile before it could grow any stronger".

Wilfred nodded in agreement. "True, now we know of the monster's existence and can get rid of it while it's still small and weak".

Everyone in the room could agree with this notion, perhaps one of many gods was giving a guiding hand to the Kingdom of Asrich, or perhaps it was just a lucky coincidence. Regardless, this was a good thing, and they weren't going to take such an advantage for granted.

"However, let's not forget that some of your guild members made the unwise choice of entering the labyrinth before a scheduled dungeon sweep. Although I'm not a fan of it, we can't excuse such actions. I'm sure you understand right, Wilfred?" Said the Chronicler giving an eye toward Wilfred specifically.

Wilfred grunted. "Of course. I've already taken the manager that was on guard into custody".

"I'm sure you are aware that there were more people than the guild manager who broke laws". Retorted the commander, Dalton.

Melinda put her two hands over her mouth, in disgust and horror. She couldn't believe the commander would suggest something like that so bluntly.

Wilfred clenched his jaw. 'Didn't this idiot just say he'd keep his mouth shut?'. It seems he couldn't help himself when it came to sending shots at Wilfred.

"The boy is just a kid, he didn't know the severity of his actions. I'm sure his Majesty would forgive a reckless child". Wilfred replied.

Behind the black abyssal skull helmet, Dalton grinned. "That 'child' is old enough to know what he was doing, you should cease him now, otherwise, that would also make you an accomplice-".

"That's enough Dalton! The next time I have to point out your foolishness I will have you wait outside with the soldiers. Act your age and position, quit being immature".

Dalton replied with a "Yes sir" and then went back silent.

Correcting Dalton's stupidity, Elton sighed heavily. "What Guild master Wilfred says is true, the boy is young and reckless, besides, publicly punishing a kid with such a harsh sentence will only damage the image of the royal family. So leave him be. However, we will need to cease the manager you have in custody".

Wilfred nodded, while Melinda silently sighed with relief.

"Alright follow me, I'll take you to him".

Immediately after saying this Wilfred walked toward the door with the rest of the people in the room following closely behind.

After a short walk through the guild's mansion, the group finally made it to the cells. In front of the door, the guild guard noticed Wilfred and Melinda leading the others, however, he was disciplined enough to use a silent salute, seeing that there were important people with the guild and Vice-guild master.

Eyeing the salute from the guild guard Elton chuckled and then peeked at Wilfred.

"I see your still as illiberal as years ago. Even your guild functions the same".

It was public knowledge that when Wilfred was younger, before he became a guild master and established a guild of his own, he used to be part of the Enforcers. He moved up the ranks with his strength and attitude alone and experienced many things.

Over the years he gained the respect of most nobles and military officials and earned the love of citizens. The discipline that was instilled into him years ago, he still carried with him, and it was the reason his guild functioned more like a private military than a guild.

Wilfred smiled slightly, his pride shooting high. Then the guard allowed them inside the prison room.

Inside the empty white room, a naked man was on his knees, the cold magic-ingrained steel bars around his body had already cut into his skin. It seems he couldn't hold his squatting position and gave up, now blood trailed all over the steel bars, dripping onto the cold floor.

He hung his head limp, looking lifelessly at the floor, he had a crazed look in his eyes. It was evident that he drove himself close to insanity thinking of the guild master's last words.

Hearing the screech of the door opening, he looked up. The first person he saw was Wilfred, his guild master! Hope began to return in his heart, perhaps the guild master had forgiven him for his past deeds. Maybe he had suffered enough punishment, and now his sins were washed away.

However, immediately after, he watched as Wilfred stepped aside and a tall man in all-black armor with a jet-black hood over his skull helmet walk into the cell instead. The manager's heart dropped to his feet.

The black abyssal armored man stepped into the cell and analyzed him for a couple of seconds, shortly after, he spoke. "Hmph. At least that buffoon knows how to throw away trash when it's not needed anymore".

The deep voice of the man boomed within the cell. Was he talking about him when he said trash? Did the guild master abandon him? The manager's breath quickened and became unstable, it felt as if he was going to have a heart attack right on the spot. However, the next words that were said were what shut down everything in his mind.

"With the authority, his Majesty has granted upon me, I Dalton Hadene, commander of the Enforcers, sentence you to death for the breaking of regulation IV. You are to be executed publicly as an example of what happens to those who break the law".


In the bustling streets of Veenvale, the snow fell continuously. Kids were playing together while their parents watch over them, others would be out shopping, and some older men were on their way to the bars and pubs for a drink after a long day.

However, almost everyone stopped what they were doing, spectating what was happening in the center of all of this. Knights were guarding around the perimeter, and at the very front stage was a knight in black armor. He was standing next to a man on his knees, clothed in nothing but torn garments that hung over his private areas.

The kneeled man was being held down by two other knights, and a lot of citizens recognized the well-respected and loved guild master of the famous Tremblebane guild who was standing next to the vice-guild master and an unknown old man. Soon a deep voice ranged out.

"Today I have been tasked by his majesty with the command to punish this lawbreaker for treason. You all will witness what happens to criminals who abuse the royal family's kindness and betray the kingdom".

Dalton looked down at the manager coldly through his helmet's openings and reached into his pocket, pulling out a dagger. Then he halfheartedly said his next words.

"Even after breaking the law, the royal family is still merciful to allow this criminal the honor of correcting his own sins. He is to be decapitated, however, he may have the right to take his own life before the decapitation is done".

The manager was bawling his eyes out, regretting every bad choice he's ever made. He even regretted joining Tremblebane guild, regardless of how successful he had become. Handing him the dagger Dalton whispered lowly "Just hurry and die already".

"Now bear witness to the royal family's punishment". The commander declared.

The knights held down the manager's neck so a clean decapitation could be made. Dalton lifted his large magic greatsword aiming it for the manager's neck.

"Criminal, what will you do? Will you take your own life or have me do it for you?" Dalton asked aloud for everyone to hear.

The manager had begun to lose his sanity. It was inevitable, he really was going to die, there was no way out of this. He peeked one last time at the guild leader only to see Wilfred calmly staring at the scene with his arms crossed. Every last bit of hope that was left ceased at this moment.

The manager looked down at the dagger in his hand. Would it hurt more stabbing himself in the heart or getting his head cut off? If anything he wanted a death that was quick and non-painful.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion and the surrounding mutterings of the citizens got filtered out of his mind. He took a deep breath, reached his two arms out with the dagger in hand, and with a quick motion, he pulled the sharp point of the knife into his chest.

At that very second when the dagger stabbed into his heart the sword cleanly severed his head from his body and everything went white.

Women shrieked as they watched the death sentence. Parents covered their children eyes from seeing such a horrific death.

Elton turned his head, looking away from the gory scene.

"Such a filthy and outdated punishment".

Here you are another chapter, hope you enjoy it. I have enjoyed writing it lol. Anyway if you haven't already, please consider dropping a honest review on the novel, or donating a few power stones so the novel could get shown to a wider audience. Month out

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