
A Close Call with the CEO

Odetta Lawrence has a secret, she is posing as Olivia Reyes, a renowned breakout fashion designer. The world was finally recognizing her for her talents but not as her true self. She falls in love with the distrustful bigshot CEO of Luxe Textiles, Edward Cummings and Edward is falling for Olivia, but what happens if she lets her heart lead? Will she give up her career for love or love for her career? *** I hear she assaulted a local in Delhi, what a racist. _Exes15 Olivia scoffed tossing her phone into her purse and zipped it up clapping her hands together. "If you'd like, I'd put up that outfit," He leaned on the wall. "Maybe buy it off your hands," She spread her arms to keep them apart, Edward just had the best way of endearing her and she stood her ground. "You...you will?" She nearly forgot about the headlines. They walked together on the beach, she held her hands together. "I appreciate that," She bit her lip. He stepped in front of her and she stopped "I could grab my boat_" "Yes, I'd love to sail," Tasha stepped in wearing a green wrap up bikini and fabric around her waist, she rolled her eyes when Dante nudged her and she blushed. "Quit bugging me alright?" She said and bit down a laugh then blinked at Olivia. "Poor dear, I'm so sorry about that guy...," Olivia fidgeted locking her fingers, "Nevermind," Edward held her shoulder and she disliked his advances. "I know, he was really good looking, I guess you never can tell," She ranted holding on to a bunch of keys and sighed. "The boat," "Right," She said and they roamed to the docks. Olivia watched a crab wrestle with a broken shell and she saw another empty one. "Are you gonna give it or live in it?" He cackled unknotting a rope, he had help with the sails and she tossed it in the water. "No thanks, I'm fine, it's a really nice boat," "Thanks, it's just a rental," He said and he stepped inside stretching his hand. "No, thanks I got it," She stepped up and her other leg was stuck in-between. "Help," She crossed over. "It's slippery," He said and made it to the controls after he released the sails. "Are you sure you know how to sail? Because I'm concerned_" "You had to stand and watch me do a safety check. Olivia, there's a lotta things I had to learn," He said and twisted the keys and the jets rumbled spewing a stream of water. "Hang on," He said and she reached around his side. "This is not funny," She said leaning on his shoulder and he was the least ridiculous at the moment. "Here we go," Edward stirred the boat and he was aware of the direction of the wind and set sail across the shores till he was sure they hit the water. The smell of salt lingered in the air and he set his hand above his eyes at the distance. Olivia was wistful and held on, she couldn't think of the last thing to worry her, maybe a sail was what she needed the whole time. The water wobbled and the sky was getting grey and he picked up speed warranting another grip from Olivia. He felt a drip on his skin and she yawned. In a moment, the turbines gradually stopped spinning and her head rose stepping away from him. A smile returned to his face when he was sure they were safe, the island was just a few metres away, he would drive there in a moment but still, they had to enjoy the view. She sat down on a chair wistful about her dad's trips. "It's been a while since I've been on a sail," "Not long enough," He went to retrieve two glasses and handed her one. "Been a while since I've had a drink," She swivelled. She sipped and her eyes popped at the sweetness. "Apple juice?" He laughed. "I figure if we did, then none of us will be leaving this boat," She imagined careening and Edward laying on the edge, wasted and she shook her head. "Better safe than sorry," She crossed her legs

FavourEkele_1969 · Ciudad
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33 Chs

Chapter 31: Accidents

Danica was busy writing her thesis to the last page when Roy walked by with a package. His black hair swayed under the fan.

She bit her lip eyeing him greedily "So what's up?"

"Huh, nothing, it says here a package for a Miss Danica Charlie,"

Her mouth dropped and she cracked her knuckles.

Roy was a fool but he certainly wasn't stupid, he gazed at her critically comparing her to the silly assistant who grimaced behind Olivia on the cover page of Mode Monthly.

He raised an eyebrow and she stood up. Coming around her table to take the box in both her hands.

He gazed deeply down at her.

"Stop looking at me like that,"

He scoffed "You're Danica Charlie, don't tell me it's a lie,"

She fumed "I am Danica Charlie," She looked away to avoid what his gaze would be. Anger, hatred, resentment? How could she be so reckless.

Her eyes rounded when he left the package on her desk and slipped by.

She wanted to call him back but her tongue curled and her voice abandoned her. Losing Roy was much more than she could handle but Odetta was her best friend.

She helped her in a lot of dark times at law school whilst she thought of quitting. She raked her blonde hair and went back to her writing.

A lump lodged in her throat and she fought the impulse to call Odie. She huffed. She had to focus. No matter the cost. This was her dream.

She worked and clicked a full stop, save and backed up her paper on her flash drive.


Odetta sighed, in her old room at her father's place. Ever since the kidnapping, she hardly went to her old place, her old stuff were there, a chill spread on her face.

She feared the kidnapper's friends might get to her. No. She tempered. Tasha hired them and they were all arrested. There was no reason to fear.

Although aunt Dinah made her promise not to go there. She swallowed. How would she keep up the charade with them around the house?

She huffed and went to the big living room.

Derek sat comfortably in a round couch, leg crossed on a coffee table reading a newspaper. He kept a clean home for a doctor.

His eyes rose when she walked in.


"Morning, dad," She felt queasy but kept her stance, walking to the nearest chair to catch her breath.

Aunt Dinah was there to curb the awkward moment with some chattering and a tray filled with toaster waffles and coffee. Dad's treat after two years without a proper cook and limited time at home.

He virtually slept in the office in case of emergencies. He cleared his throat reading on and nursing a cup of coffee.

"Dad, we need to talk,"

The least she could do, when his mood was good.

Aunt Dinah gladly broke the ice, she said "excuse me," and left with her tray.

"Dad, I don't want to go to nursing school,"

His newspaper flapped.

"We will not speak of this again_"

"We never do! Until I speak up,"

He started to drop his papers with that cold look again.

She fidgeted. "I can't be a nurse,"

His feet dropped.

She swallowed hard afraid of him, of what he might say. But she had to hold her ground. He couldn't control her anymore.

"I won't do it,"

She flinched when he slapped her.

He frowned and she faltered stepping back.

"You're never going to listen to me...are you?" She asked quietly and plaintively.

Derek's eyes lingered angrily on her face, rolling his paper up. At first, his expression broke and he faltered.

"If it's the money, I'll pay you back, I appreciate everything you've done and_"

"You think this is about the money? I sacrificed everything, my life_"

"Then I promise I won't be a burden anymore,"

"Odette_Odie, listen to me!"

She marched to the door.

"This won't take you anywhere. I made you what you are_ don't you think you can ever walk away from me, I am your father, show some respect_"

She whirled around "That's all I've ever done!"

"I'm not through with you, yet!"

She growled and pushed out the door.

"Hey!" She paused at Caroline who arrived.

Her heart fluttered when she stepped out of her Peugeot.

Caroline's eyes had dark circles. "Is this a good time?" She asked mildly.

Odetta didn't want Caroline to meet the whirlwind in there.

"Let's go," Odetta took her hand and virtually spun her around to the car.

Derek jogged outside "Odie!"

He gasped in disbelief at the car racing off his front porch to the street tooting its horn for passersby to give way.

He shook his head. Aunt Dinah held his shoulder.


Caroline told her everything.

She lurched forward on her seat, they were at Olivia's supposed house now.

"He knows?"

Caroline nodded, she was straightforward, cold and distant.

Odetta realized that Caroline put her life on the line too and Roy found out by means of an accident. She bit her lip feeling sour.

"I couldn't let this happen," She thought frankly over her drink.

Caroline pursed her lips, she looked uncomfortable on her seat and was about to sob. She convinced herself that she could live without him. They would break up anytime anyway.

It was hard to focus on talking while she took deep breaths.

Odetta took her hands. She couldn't let her suffer.

"So, what's with you? I saw your dad, did you have a fight?"

Apparently Caroline was so disoriented that Odetta took her keys and drove them here anyway.

She had to focus, had to think, had to get away from him.

"I don't know," She hated to be questioned.

"So how's the manufacture coming?"

Caroline looked relieved to be talking about work. She folded up her laptop checking the statistics. "Fine, as for the delivery. Not so well,"

Odetta sat up "Hit me,"

"The customers are going wild, they're asking for a refund, the distribution unit are sending tokens and having the orders sorted out, I've emailed them yesterday,"

She fixed on her earpiece "I'm calling them now,"

"Than can wait. How about Edwa_ Mode,"

"He's a little occupied. Till next month,"

"Oh good," She said with relief. Her heart thumped rapidly. Fanning herself, she took a drink and relaxed.

"What did he say?"

"I will be back. As soon as I'm out of my cast,"

She forgot about his injury. She flipped the laptop over and bit her lip. Typing 'No, take all the time you need,'

He replied or at least a bot.

'I don't plan on it, since you insist,'

She frowned "Quit playing Ed and focus,"

She hoped she sounded in character, she raked her hair.

'I can't. You're online,'

She gulped, he sounded so childlike, laidback. She almost forgot Caroline was three feet away.

She raked her blonde hair away, she seemed distracted too.

"This is where I say goodbye,"


She folded it shut.

"He's good,"

"Uh huh," Caroline nodded and wiped her eyes. Her make-up partially ruined. There were two trails of mascara on each side of her face.

"Go fix that,"

"Yeah," She nodded quickly and took her bag leaving for the en suite bathroom.

Odetta quickly snatched her phone and texted on it.


She quickly dropped her phone and answered.

"You should check room 1. There's a...gift for you,"

She hurried back inside and Odetta huffed.

She had a make-over to do too.


She huffed waiting at the hotel building, Roy read a map stepping into the roof, he stopped short frowning at Olivia.

"Good day," He said flicking the map and Olivia skittered on her heels catching up with him.

"Excuse me, wait."

He turned around "Can I help you?"

"Listen," She backed away, she wore a blue bob wig, a pink flowery jumpsuit and white hi-top shoes with laces.

Her heart thumped quickly and his eyebrow rose slowly when she gripped the top of her wig and sighed.

"It's me,"

He folded his arms. Staring at her blankly.


"Olivia!" Danica/Caroline called rushing out to the roof.