
A Certain Collection of Fan Fiction Ideas (Toaru series)

A collection of various fan fiction ideas revolving around the Toaru series. Crossovers with either Bleach or the Fate series will be on my main collection of ideas page, “Overpowered Fanfiction and Crossover Ideas”. This will include both regular fan fiction ideas as well as crossovers. The ideas will range from being short to being entire story outlines. Many ideas will be similar to preexisting fan fictions, if only because I like those ideas and want them to continue being written. Others will be different, however. One idea I had that was focused on a Toaru x Classroom of the Elite scenario is on my main collection page as well, as I have no idea how to move it over here properly, and don’t want to go through the effort of doing that when it can already be viewed somewhere else. ————————————————————————— I’ll still update this and my other collections every now and then, but for now they will be updating pretty infrequently.

Jackson11111111 · Cómic
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11 Chs

Touma’s Involvement Slowly revealed

This idea is similar to that of a reaction fan fiction, but different at the same time, mainly in how everything is revealed. In this case, I basically want Touma's involvement in all of the various events he's been entangled with to come to light, detail by detail of information, all from different characters revealing things accidentally at the wrong times. There should be no all knowing god or theater involved, and there should also be no actual watching of the events of Touma's adventures. You can include events from "A Certain Scientific Railgun" too, if you'd like.

Instead, as I said above, I want the various cast members of the series to accidentally reveal information, or for certain characters to pick up on things that they don't pick up on in canon. An example of the former could be a character, such as Othinus, reminiscing on past events with Touma and saying something aloud about it to someone, or an example of the latter could be Aogami picking up on Touma not knowing, due to his memory loss, something he should know immediately.

Whatever the case, I want every character to eventually know Touma's exact involvement in every main event that's happened so far in canon. I want this to, at the very least, take place post the incident with GREMLIN and Othinus, but it can take place at any point past that as well.

As for the order of the things that are revealed, you have a couple options: You could go in chronological order, which would kind of mess up the immersion and general realism of the fan fiction, but would still be an interesting take on things. You could also go in order of either what you view as most important events to least important events, or you could go in order of what you view as least important to most important events. I'd personally not recommend the former at all, so I would recommend the latter over it. Another option is to just do the events on a random order, which would be the most realistic, as well as the best way to make the plot seem coherent and work the greatest. I'd personally recommend this option the most.

Make the characters and their various reactions to events as non-OOC as possible. Certain characters should work together to piece together information they've discovered about Touma's involvement with things, while other, more solo-types should work alone on information gathering and piecing together that information. Particularly the people more involved with the dark side of Academy city should discover the information in other ways, like hacking and rumors, (only every now and then), but other characters less involved with the dark side of things can also use such methods if it suits the character and said character's abilities.

What characters you choose to reveal or pick up on information is up to you, but make sure to choose ones that are of utmost relevance to whatever event you're having be pieced together by the cast. In other words, if you're focusing on, say, the events surrounding Misaka's clones, then you'll want the person revealing information on the clones to be someone like one of the clones themselves, Misaka, Touma, or Accelerator. In this case, the clones or Misaka would probably be your best bet.