
A Certain Collection of Fan Fiction Ideas (Toaru series)

A collection of various fan fiction ideas revolving around the Toaru series. Crossovers with either Bleach or the Fate series will be on my main collection of ideas page, “Overpowered Fanfiction and Crossover Ideas”. This will include both regular fan fiction ideas as well as crossovers. The ideas will range from being short to being entire story outlines. Many ideas will be similar to preexisting fan fictions, if only because I like those ideas and want them to continue being written. Others will be different, however. One idea I had that was focused on a Toaru x Classroom of the Elite scenario is on my main collection page as well, as I have no idea how to move it over here properly, and don’t want to go through the effort of doing that when it can already be viewed somewhere else. ————————————————————————— I’ll still update this and my other collections every now and then, but for now they will be updating pretty infrequently.

Jackson11111111 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Strength of The Delta Force

Though I already had several ideas for the series before this one, this idea is the one that finally pushed me to create an entire collection for this series. That, and that after doing three chapters in a row that all focused on Toaru, (on another collection of mine), I decided that I should probably branch out into a new collection.

Moving on from that, the premise for this one shouldn't take too long to explain. I want the Delta Force of Toaru, comprised of Aogami Pierce, Tsuchimikado Motoharu, and Kamijou Touma, to somehow have a fight with some strong people and win in an amazing manner, all in front of a large audience of notable people from the series, as well as in front of the general populace of Academy city. Make sure to include Touma's school's reactions to the events.

You're allowed to give the Delta Force a unique background, like them having cleared out crime in the past as an unknown group or something. It could make the story more interesting to read, but it's up to you, honestly. Don't factor Touma's memory loss into the circumstances here; that complicates things too much, in my opinion.

This can either be post World War III, at the very beginning of canon, or any time in between. It does not matter to me, but the length is another matter. I'd prefer if you made it longer than a oneshot, and I'd really prefer if you made it into an entire huge series, seeing as it hasn't been done yet. Regardless of that, it is okay if you make this a oneshot, I just want content to read.

I've been intentionally vague with the last three paragraphs, mainly because I want to leave a lot of room for personal interpretation. You could have the fight be against a level 5 and their group, you could have it be against another school, or you could have it be against a random group of people, but have it so that it clearly shows off the Delta Force's superior strength and capabilities. You don't have to choose any of those options, of course, as you can do whatever you'd like with this idea; I am, after all, just giving out ideas for an idea you might adopt.

Particularly in the case of Aogami Pierce, you have a lot of room for personal interpretation in terms of how he fights. Tsuchimikado and Touma are characters that we know have fighting capabilities largely overlooked by the general populace, but we don't know if that's the case for Aogami. For the sake of this story idea, he will need that fighting capability, but how you go about it is something for you to decide upon. He could be the secret sixth level 5 of Academy city, even if we know who that is by now in canon, he could be a magician posing as an esper, or he could just be really good at fighting. Whatever the case, make sure to utilize his character well.

In the case of all three members of the Delta Force, have this fight be a huge turning point for how the cast of the series views the group. Have their reputation improve, or at least have another layer added to it, if you don't want to improve their reputation. In other words, have this fight be a revelation for everyone in Academy city, and have it turn a lot of heads.

That will be all for now.