
A Certain Artist In Marvel

Hulk, brimming with confidence, declares, "Hulk is invincible!" Meanwhile, Saitama, unfazed by the chaos, casually says, "Can you let me? I’m going to the supermarket to buy specials." Thanos, with a cold determination, states, "I see, I conquer!" Eager for a worthy fight, Lord Boros exclaims, "The duel between the overlords, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!" The Devourer, with an insatiable hunger, announces, "Earth, I’ll eat it." Kakarot quickly interjects, "Can’t you eat something else?" In Gotham, Batman remains focused on his mission. "I want to get rid of the Gotham Gang," he mutters. JOJO, aiming for a different kind of fame, declares, "Today I want to become a gangster star here!" General Zod, with grand ambitions, vows, "Krypton will return to its glory on the earth!" Six Path Naruto adds a twist, pointing to Clark and saying, "Dude, this is your relative." Clark is left speechless as these titans prepare for a monumental clash. The stage is set for an epic battle where heroes and villains from different universes converge in a showdown that will decide the fate of Earth.

Mimicupos · Cómic
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150 Chs

Chapter 127 - Saitama Vs Thor Pt 2

A vast sea of energy surged through Saitama's body as he grasped Mjolnir, Thor's hammer. The immense repulsive force emanated from the hammer, creating shock waves that rippled through the sky. Saitama clutched the hammer firmly, despite the relentless lightning striking his palm.

"Let go, mortal. You are not worthy," a booming voice echoed in Saitama's mind, its spiritual storm invading his mental will.

"Who cares if I'm worthy or not, you idiot!!" Saitama retorted, his forehead veins bulging from the mental intrusion. He unleashed a burst of star-like power from his body, enveloping the hammer and his arm.

The chilling aura emanating from Saitama shattered the magical enchantments on the hammer. The hammer's resistance to the lightning diminished, and the once vibrant light now flickered weakly.

Saitama, puzzled, looked at the blackened hammer in his hand as he landed lightly on the ground. He inspected Mjolnir with the detached curiosity of someone examining a new toy.

"I'm Thor, Saitama," he announced with a playful tone, spinning the hammer as if it were a mundane object, the clear sky above devoid of thunder and lightning.

Saitama attempted to use the hammer to fly, but found it to be just an ordinary hammer. His surprise turned into frustration as he exclaimed, "Huh?! Where's the lightning?"

Saitama hadn't experienced such emotional fluctuations in a long time. Since his encounters with monsters, his feelings had become distant. It wasn't that he lacked emotions, but his overwhelming strength meant he rarely needed to express them.

Seeing the hammer's lightning fail to affect him, Saitama felt a rare stir of interest and playfulness.

"Impossible. An unworthy person cannot lift Thor's hammer," Thor, who had fallen to the ground, was incredulous and infuriated. The idea that a Midgardian could lift the hammer was absurd to him.

Seeing Saitama playing with Mjolnir with no results, Thor laughed bitterly, "Of course you can't use thunder and lightning. Thor is me!"

"Damn it, where's the lightning?" Saitama waved the hammer, but there was nothing. He sighed, "Who said that? Just wait and see if I can strike you with lightning."

At that moment, Gali approached and explained, "Teacher, only those who are deemed worthy according to Norse mythology can wield Thor's hammer. Since you are not recognized, you can't harness its divine power."

"The hammer's magic seems to be destructive, but it doesn't resonate with you. You'd need to connect with its divine energy," Gali continued, referencing ancient myths and data from Asgard's past.

Saitama was confused. "Energy?"

Saitama wasn't a superhero with fire-breathing or ice-spitting abilities, nor did he possess telepathic control. He only relied on his immense physical strength, the ultimate force that defied all laws. The idea of divine energy was foreign to him.

His encounter with Odin's spiritual magic had caused him pain, a rare occurrence for someone who usually dispatched enemies in a single blow. The mental assault had been overwhelming, but Saitama had countered it with his sheer strength.

Without the energy and divine power to connect, Mjolnir was just a strong hammer in Saitama's hands.

"This can't be happening," Saitama said, disheartened.

Thor, now more composed, demanded, "Return the hammer. It's useless in your hands. Asgard's artifact will only gather dust with you."

Frustrated, Saitama replied, "Who said that? It's actually pretty good."

With that, Saitama vanished from sight. Thor, realizing the danger, searched frantically but couldn't spot him. Saitama's figure materialized behind Thor, who was caught off guard.

"Behind you!" the fairy palace warriors shouted in alarm.

Saitama struck Thor on the head with the hammer. Thor collapsed to the ground, knocked out cold.

Saitama, brushing off his hands, noticed his clothes were in tatters and awkwardly adjusted them.

"Thor," Jane and her group rushed over to check on him, relieved to find he was unharmed. Despite Saitama's overwhelming strength, he had shown restraint.

Saitama waved the hammer, bored, and said, "Let's go, Gali. Let's head to the next supermarket."

"Yes, teacher," Gali replied, following closely.

Coulson and others considered asking for the hammer back but decided against it, given the situation.

As Coulson exhaled deeply, a colorful rainbow bridge descended from the sky and landed beside Thor, causing a stir among the onlookers.

From the bridge stepped a formidable figure in golden armor, a golden helmet, and a black eye patch—a majestic, white-haired old man with a single eye. The atmosphere grew heavy with his presence.

The fairy palace warriors knelt, fearfully addressing him, "Your Majesty."

Odin's gaze was stern as he addressed the group, "Take Thor back. He has acknowledged his shortcomings."

The warriors were relieved, knowing that with Odin's return, Thor's future as the King of Asgard was assured.

"Please return Mjolnir," Odin said, turning to Saitama. "Thor is immature and reckless. Asgard will compensate you with other rewards."

Xu Mo, appearing beside Saitama, interjected, "Odin, it's not a matter of age. Thor has been around for over 1,500 years."

Odin's expression remained unreadable as he prepared to handle the situation with his characteristic gravitas.