
A businessman in the Naruto world

In the Naruto world dominated by formidable ninjas, this story unfolds the extraordinary journey of Hiroshi, an ordinary man thriving in the shadows with his keen mind. As he endeavors to build a business empire, Hiroshi navigates a realm saturated with chakra and bloodline abilities, facing challenges unique to a civilian amidst the powerful ninja society. The story delves into the complexities of intellect and resilience as Hiroshi strives to carve his path in a world where brains can be as potent as jutsu. In short, this is the story about a normal guy making money in Naruto world. There will be a single heroine, Mc will do some normal stuff, The Naruto world in this story is set in an alternate universe (AU) for the convenience of the narrative. (for the convenience that if I remember something wrong, then it's AU parts.)

yourtypicalyouth · Cómic
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18 Chs

Chapter 15: New situation [R18]

"It seems he's already gone back. Why is this guy always so fast, man?" Hiroshi muttered with a frustrated sigh as he hurried towards the backstage area. Despite his quick pace, he couldn't spot Minato anywhere.

He had intended to ask Minato for more information about Kushina's due date. He knew it was approaching, but he wasn't certain of the exact timing. Over the past nine months, Hiroshi had worked hard to expand his business influence, rubbing shoulders with village elites and bumping into Minato and his partner more often. Their previous encounters had forged a solid bond between them. Just two days ago, Hiroshi had invited them for a meal, and during their conversation, he gleaned that Naruto's arrival was imminent, likely happening this month.

Now, all Hiroshi wanted was to pin down the exact day, but luck didn't seem to be on his side today.

"But it's ok, I already have a plan anyway."

Feeling less disappointed, Hiroshi trudged back to the stand where the Hyuga members had gathered before. Upon his return, he scanned the area and noticed that only Itami and Mia remained, sitting on the spectator's chair, waiting patiently for him.

"Hey, where did everyone go?" he asked, furrowing his brow in confusion.

Itami sighed, her expression bothersome. "They all left after I gave them the scroll. But before they left, they made it clear that this ninjutsu must belong exclusively to the main family. I agreed to their terms, just as we discussed before..."

Mia chimed in, her voice was soft. "Yeah, they were pretty insistent about it. But, at least they gone now, right?" 

"Mm-hmm," Hiroshi affirmed with a nod, his expression reflecting a mix of relief and understanding. "Indeed, it's good that they've left for now. We can now go partying."

Itami adjusted her hair, the Kumihimo bracelet in her hand noticeably dancing with her movements. She stood up, stretched her back, then looked at the two of them. "What are you waiting for? Let's go."

"Noice, How about yakiniku Q again?" Hiroshi suggested with a wide smile, approaching Itami and gently placing his arm on her shoulder. As they made their way towards the entrance, he continued speaking. "By the way, how about we pass by my house first to take the camera? You know, save some celebration pictures?"

"Sure, I could use a change of clothes too. After a fight, mine got all wrinkled up," Itami said, crossing her arms over her chest with a smile, then turning to Mia. "Oh, before I forget, do we have anything planned for today, Mia-nee-chan?"

"No, ojou-sama," Mia responded with a tender smile. "There are only a few reports, but I can handle them myself tomorrow. Let's go out and have some fun today."

"Yes, yes, I'll tackle them with Mia tomorrow," Hiroshi chimed in before receiving a tap on the head from Itami, who shot him a stern glare. "She's my servant, we only play when she's with me, got it? And your first time is mine."

This earned a small chuckle from Mia and a firm look from Hiroshi. "Hai, hokage-sama."

After tirelessly investing his time and energy, witnessing the [10/10] rating on his notebook for [Building a relationship with Itami] felt like a triumph. While nobody said anything, Hiroshi now can proudly declare that he had a girlfriend. Their shared activities and 'play' speak louder than words, making it unnecessary to articulate their relationship status formally.

As they stepped out into the bustling streets of Konoha, the atmosphere was alive with energy. People hurried past, their chatter mixing with the sounds of vendors calling out their wares. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the scene, promising a pleasant day ahead.

Hiroshi and Itami strolled side by side, their steps perfectly synchronized as they headed towards the Yakiniku Q restaurant, with Mia following closely behind. It wasn't just their steps that were in harmony, even their attire mirrored each other – both donning pure white kimonos. Their hairstyles, featuring long hair cascading down to their waists, tied into a matching ponytail at the end, added an extra layer of similarity between the two. 

Mia, trailing behind them, couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight. 'They don't need matching clothes to be recognized as a couple, so cute,' she thought to herself. However, when Hiroshi and Itami noticed her expression and inquired about it, she simply waved her hand, smiled slightly, remained silent, and continued walking, leaving both Hiroshi and Itami tilting their heads in confusion.

"So, how does it feel to be a Chuunin?" Hiroshi asked, turning to Itami with a curious look, and naturally taking her hand.

"It feels amazing," Itami replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "But I never thought it would be that easy though."

"Well, you deserve it," Hiroshi said earnestly, giving her shoulder a tap. "You're now even stronger than some Jounin."

As they approached the Hyuga compound, they turned onto a quaint street lined with traditional Japanese architecture. Amidst the traditional structures stood a three-story building next to Itami's house, commanding attention with its aura of luxury.

The building seamlessly blended modern design with traditional Japanese aesthetics. Its exterior boasted clean lines and sleek materials, adorned with intricate wooden accents and elegant shoji screens. The roof, adorned with dark tiles, sloped gracefully, paying homage to classic Japanese architecture.

Inside, the interior exuded opulence and sophistication. Polished floors gleamed under soft lighting, while handcrafted wooden furniture added warmth to the space. Sliding doors with delicate patterns allowed natural light to filter through, creating a serene atmosphere.

Surrounding the luxurious three-story building was an expansive garden that seamlessly blended nature with modern amenities. Towering trees stood proudly, providing shade and a sense of tranquility. A crystal-clear pool sparkled under the sunlight, its waters inviting and reflecting the lush surroundings.

Pathways paved with smooth stones meandered through the garden, leading to various recreational areas. 

A traditional Japanese tea house nestled in one corner, surrounded by a small koi pond, offered a serene escape for quiet contemplation. 

As Hiroshi strolled through the wealthy pathways paved with smooth stones of his newly acquired mansion, memories of his journey in these 9 months flooded his mind. It had been nine months of relentless hustle and innovation, during which he expanded his business empire far beyond what he had ever imagined.

Hiroshi's Kanbi fast food and coffee chains had not just thrived, they had become a famous brand, winning over the hearts (and wallets) of customers far and wide. His expansion efforts were extensive, boasting five branches of Kanbi stores in Konoha, three in the Fire Capital, and one in each city throughout the entire Land of Fire.

To govern his flourishing business empire effectively, Hiroshi had to take a strategic approach. He decided to allocate 10% of his own shares and 10% of Itami's (her choice to support him) to different main families within the Hyuga clan. This move not only grouped their interests together but also ensured he had a skilled team of ninjas managing each branch.

While the 40% ownership might seem modest for the founder, He understood the dynamics at play. Drawing from his experiences in his previous life, he recognized that many major corporations and institutions maintained control by distributing shares strategically. This allowed them to navigate issues like diversification, liquidity, and governance issues, while still retaining effective control. And in this world where Ninjas are everywhere, Hiroshi was not foolish enough to take a big cake all for himself. That's not how the world works.

When Hiroshi negotiated the allocation agreement, one condition stood firm: control of the company would always remain in the hands of Hiroshi and Itami, allowing them to maintain full autonomy over their decisions. This stipulation was crucial, given that this world lacked entities such as "publicly traded companies" and stock exchanges. In this case, Kanbi Corporation operated as a private company, where agreements held more weight than shares. By securing control through the agreement, Hiroshi and Itami ensured they can do whatever the fuck they want.

With the steel factory, Hiroshi ushered in a new era of industrial efficiency, dominating the market with fast production speeds, stable quality products, and more affordable prices, all thanks to the aid of modern machinery. This technological advantage allowed him to seize control of the market, asserting his dominance with ease.

However, Hiroshi understood that his success wasn't solely attributed to machinery and innovation. The backing of the Hyuga clan played a significant role as well. With the factory being part of the Kanbi corporation, in which the Hyuga clan owned shares, their support was instrumental in the early stages of establishing the factory. Without Itami's family connections, Hiroshi would have faced far greater challenges in getting the factory off the ground.

In fact, some individuals who were adversely affected by the expansion of Kanbi had already taken action. However, these foolish attempts to eliminate Hiroshi were swiftly thwarted by Hyuga ninjas and Itami, as only those truly weak would entertain the idea of assassinating someone of importance in Konoha, the largest ninja village.

As for those who attempted to copy his manufacturing technology, Hiroshi simply applied for a patent violation through a letter to the government in the Fire Capital. This triggered an investigation by authorities, who then entrusted Konoha to handle the matter for a fee. Hiroshi's connections, including his rumored "princess's side" and his strong relationship with the Hokage himself, ensured that the application process went smoothly. Consequently, the culprits were swiftly identified and dealt with legally shortly thereafter.

Yet, he hungered for more. His vision extended beyond steel beams and coffee beans.

Investing in an infrastructure company had been Hiroshi's strategic move two months prior. Despite flying under the radar initially, his new company recently caught the public's attention. The reason? His newly built mansion showcased innovative construction methods rarely seen before.

Utilizing cutting-edge techniques such as high-strength concrete and reinforcing steel bars embedded within the concrete,... Hiroshi's mansion boasted unparalleled structural integrity. These advancements provided exceptional tensile strength, allowing for the construction of tall buildings with enhanced stability and resistance to bending and cracking, which allowed him to accomplish a modern-looking house for himself, and in this world where technology at this year (before Naruto) was around the 1980s in his previous life, Hiroshi's use of such advanced construction methods caused quite a stir. As word of this project spread, Hiroshi's reputation as a forward-thinker and industry revolutioner only continued to grow, outshining even the "Tobirama 2.0" title among common people, and guess what, 99% of this world is just commoner.


After they went back to their house, which was next to each other, each engaged in their own respective things, and after 30 minutes, the trio made their way toward the Yakiniku Q with new clothes, a pink kimono for Itami, and Hiroshi with a digital camera slung around his neck.

As they approached the restaurant, the savory aroma of grilled meat filled the air, enticing their appetites. They were greeted warmly by the staff as they entered and soon found themselves seated at a cozy table in the corner.

They perused the menu together, deliberating over which cuts of meat to order and exchanging banter about their favorite dishes. As the sizzle of meat on the grill filled the air, laughter, and conversation flowed freely around the table.

"Damn it, Mia, don't you dare pull that here. We're not in some private room," Hiroshi scolded with a whisper-like voice, afraid of being overheard by people around, irritation lacing his words, as he caught sight of Mia's hand slipping into her sleeve, a suspicious gesture that he had seen many times before.

"Uh... I didn't do anything though, I'm not that crazy to do it in crowded places like this. Hmm? Are you expecting something more? Oh, my innocent boy, tarnished by me..." Mia replied with a fake sob, her eyes twinkling mischievously as she retrieved a handkerchief from her sleeve to wipe her face.


"Hahaha... your face is so stupid, Hiroshi," while Itami, sitting with her legs spread like an old man, slapped her thigh, and just laughed like a maniac.

The trio formed a peculiar combination that appeared entirely incompatible with the typical "Hyuga" image, lacking any discernible traits associated with the clan: serious, elegant, and noble.

The sensation was akin to witnessing a group of elderly, solemn ugly old men suddenly adopting the act of little girls – a jarring and utterly unexpected out of tune.

In the meantime, the Uchiha family settled at the table next to them, consisting of a couple, a 5-year-old boy, and a newborn baby. Their expressions carried a certain gravitas, especially the father, while the mother tenderly cradled the newborn. She gently chided the 5-year-old, named Itachi, who had been sneakily glancing in the direction of Hiroshi's table. "Itachi, it's not good to peek at people like that." The boy, slightly confused, turned back to his table, responding, "Yes, I understand, mother."

'Why are they so different from us? Even though they're also a noble clan in Konoha, why do people look at them with smiles on their faces? Why are the Uchiha feared by everyone instead?' These questions lingered in Itachi's young mind as he observed the trio with a tinge of envy. Meanwhile, the father maintained the dignified air of a patriarch, eating with elegance, unaware of the brewing discontent that might lead to the upcoming "Uchiha revolution" to overthrow the perceived incompetent ruler, Uchiha Fugaku.

Onlookers nearby glanced curiously at the trio, their expressions a mix of intrigue and confusion. Some exchanged puzzled looks, whispering amongst themselves as they observed the trio's interactions. Yet, despite their unconventional demeanor for Hyuga, there was an undeniable warmth and approachability emanating from the trio's down-to-earth behaviors, drawing curious gazes but also fostering a sense of harmony among those nearby. 

As Kanbi fast-food and Kanbi coffee continued to expand, the presence of beautiful young Hyuga workers brought a breath of fresh air to the establishments. Their enthusiasm and friendliness ( as instructed ) quickly won over the hearts of customers, gradually reshaping the perception of noble ninja clans. More and more people began to see that Hyuga clan members were approachable and easy to talk to, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of integration within the village.

The importance of this newfound reputation became evident when comparing it to the struggles faced by the Uchiha clan. Due to their pride and perceived superiority, the Uchiha often came across as unapproachable, leaving normal villagers feeling intimidated and uneasy around them. This negative perception became a headache for both the Uchiha clan and the Fourth Hokage, as the village began to distance itself from them. 

Even for the Fourth Hokage, who was committed to preventing the situation from escalating further, there were limitations to what he could do

After a satisfying meal at Yakiniku Q, the trio continued the party at Hiroshi's new house, where he had invested in lots of entertainment things as a modern person.

As the afternoon unfolded, the trio immersed themselves in the array of entertainment options at their disposal. They engaged in lively rounds of UNO, which he made himself, indulged in tasty snacks and refreshing drinks, and delved into the captivating worlds of literature with shelves lined with an eclectic collection of books offering a diverse range of reading material, from thrilling adventures to Mia's draft of her new novel. Laughter echoed through the halls as Itami caught Hiroshi cheating in a round of Uno, and he shamelessly stopped them from accusing him by changing the subject, bringing out a few decks of Yugioh to play instead, which he also made himself. 

As the sky slowly darkened, the trio sought refuge in the tranquil tea house nestled within Hiroshi's garden. With a sense of contentment washing over them, they settled into the soft zabuton cushions, basking in the serene ambiance of their surroundings.

Itami nestled comfortably against Hiroshi, her gaze drifting outwards towards the breathtaking scenery unfolding before them. The last rays of sunlight filtered through the crimson leaves of the Momiji trees, casting a warm glow upon the koi ponds below. The gentle ripples of the water danced in the fading light, reflecting the vibrant hues of the sky above.

In this idyllic moment, the garden seemed to come alive with a sense of romance and tranquility. The trio savored the beauty of the scene before them, each lost in their own thoughts and reflections. It was a fleeting moment of peace and serenity, a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of this dangerous world.

"Now I know why you poured so much money into building this place," she leaned against Hiroshi, her eyes scanning the serene surroundings.

Hiroshi's lips curled into a soft smile as he glanced around, a sense of satisfaction evident in his features. "Yeah, it's worth every tael, isn't it?" he agreed, his voice carrying a note of contentment.

Meanwhile, Mia sat nearby, her gaze wandering over the two of them with a soft expression. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of peacefulness, allowing herself to fully immerse in the moment.

Itami nodded, "And what about those card games you invented? We had so much fun with them. Why don't you mass-produce them? It could make a lot of money," she suggested, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

Hiroshi nodded thoughtfully, considering her proposal. "Maybe later, after the new company stabilizes,". 

Mia stood up, "It's late, I'll make some food, please wait for a while." then she lightly walked out, returning to the main house. While the two of them just stay the same, fully enjoying the moment.

The evening meal arrived with its usual deliciousness, pleasing their palates as they savored each bite. Once finished, they retreated to the tea house, drawing the closed sliding doors to shut out the darkness that had settled outside. Mia entered gracefully, bearing a tray adorned with three exquisite cups of tea and a teapot embellished with intricate sakura patterns, hinting at its luxurious origins. She placed the tea set down delicately before settling onto her zabuton, her gaze curious as she addressed the pair across from her.

"What are you reading?" Mia inquired, her eyes flicking between them, noting the playful glint in Hiroshi's eyes and the mischievous smile that played on Itami's lips.

Hiroshi chuckled, his expression amused. "Your book, Mia, honestly, if I ever put this on the shelves, it'll give Icha Icha a run for its money. Your imagination is just..., Wow, This scene," he added, turning to Itami, his eyebrows raised in question. "Is this what the girl thinks?"

"No, only because Mia-nee-chan is a submissive girl."

As Itami's playful words registered, Mia's cheeks flushed even deeper shades of red, her embarrassment evident in the way she shifted uncomfortably. Sensations of arousal tingled through her body, leaving her feeling hot and flustered as she struggled to regain her composure.

Taking a last look at them, Mia sprang to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest as she made a hasty retreat to her room in Itami's house. Her mind raced with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions of excitement, the intensity of her feelings leaving her breathless and dizzy.

Meanwhile, Hiroshi watched Mia's abrupt departure with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. 

"What's she doing?" he inquired, his tone laced with amusement as he turned to Itami for answers.

Itami's cheeks tinted with a rare blush as she closed her book, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Your favorite show," she replied coyly, her voice filled with implication.

With that, Itami also dashed off from the room, leaving Hiroshi alone in the tea-scented room with his thoughts racing and his pulse quickening, swallowing nervously.

After a tense wait filled with anticipation, Itami finally returned, a camera clutched tightly in her hand. As she settled down next to Hiroshi, he couldn't help but notice the subtle change in her demeanor. Her breaths came faster, her movements more hurried, and a flush tinged her cheeks with a rosy hue. Then Mia returned, with a bag of toys in her hand. The sheer sight of some toys made him feel irritated, a perplexed thought crossed his mind.

"Calm down, I'm still young, still grown up, yes."

[next is an R18 scene, which I will place at the end of this chapter]



Early the next morning, Hiroshi awoke with a tired body, his hand instinctively reaching for his head in annoyance. "Why does a boss have to come to the company so early?" he grumbled to himself, reluctantly rousing from his slumber to begin his daily rituals. "Because he is an idiot."

As he went through the motions, he couldn't help but cast a glance at Itami, who still slept soundly nearby on the spacious bed. It appeared that Mia had already woken up, and by the sound in the kitchen, she should have been making some breakfast now.

"Should I wake her up? Nah, that's too inhumane," he mumbled silently, deciding to let her sleep a little longer before facing the day ahead. Adjusting his clothes, Hiroshi prepared his coat and left the room with confidence.


"Wake the fuck up, we have a city to burnnnnn!" Itami was jolted awake by the unusually loud proclamation, her eyes snapping open in surprise as she tried to discern the source of the commotion.

"Who the..." she began, her voice trailing off as she realized the culprit behind the wake-up call. Hiroshi stood nearby, a mischievous grin playing on his lips, "There's no way I would have to wake up early alone, hahaha..."


"I'll head to the company soon after I finish cleaning everything up. Here's your bento, Hiroshi-kun," Mia said, struggling to contain her laughter as she glanced at his comically swollen face.

"Alright, lock the door for me, and give me the key later. Ja, 行ってきます (Ittekimasu)," Hiroshi replied.

"いってらっしゃい (Itterasshai)," Mia responded with a soothing smile.

"Osuu," Itami waved her hand tiredly, focusing on her breakfast without sparing Hiroshi a glance.

As Hiroshi walked out of the Hyuga compound, intending to head towards the east outskirts of the village where the new infrastructure company was situated, two dark silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his path. They wore masks and the attire of Rock shinobi ninjas, immediately signaling trouble.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Hiroshi asked, feigning confusion, while his hand discreetly pressed a button on a rectangular mechanical box in his pants pocket.

"Hyuga Hiroshi, someone wants to see you. Please come with me," one of the figures stated.

"HEY HEY, YOU CAN'T JUST INVITE SOMEONE LIKE THAT, IT'S RUDE, YOU KNOW?" Hiroshi retorted, his voice growing louder to attract attention.

The impatience of one figure became evident as he instructed his companion, "Don't talk, take him away."

Upon hearing this, Hiroshi swiftly turned and bolted towards the Hyuga compound. After months of practice, his speed had reached a maximum of 15m/s. While not particularly fast compared to Jounin, it was enough to outpace the two normal Chunin pursuing him. The mastermind behind the attack should have calculated that two Chunin would suffice, even if the mission failed.

"Don's underestimate someone who spends all his free time practicing running, mtfk."

As Hiroshi sprinted away, a figure approached rapidly from the sky, stepping on a continuously appearing and replacing blue hexagon shield.

With a resounding 'boommmmm', the ground cracked as the girl landed, swiftly sending one of the attackers to the other side with a lethal blow to the neck. She then turned her attention to the remaining attacker, who retreated hastily at the sight of his comrade's demise. Undeterred, she closed in on him in seconds.

[Gentle Fist: Water Flow] she muttered, unleashing two pressurized streams coming with her fist that tore the enemy into pieces.

After ensuring the area was secure, she returned to Hiroshi with a scowl. "And you said you wouldn't make enemies of everyone? What's this?"

"How am I supposed to know someone would attack me in Konoha, next to the Hyuga compound??? And look at their attire... Tsukigakure no shinobi? No way, this must be to conceal their identity. Hmm... well, I do have an idea," Hiroshi mused with his arms crossed.

"Who?" Itami demanded angrily.

Hiroshi leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "Danzo."

Itami's expression turned grave upon hearing the name. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke, "Alright, from now on, I'll be your guard at all times."

Hiroshi was taken aback. "Seriously? Does that mean you'll live in my house?"

"Of course," she replied firmly. "And regarding this, I'll speak to the old man. He should agree, especially now that you're a celebrity. It might come with a price, like new ninjutsu or shares, but that's no problem for you, is it?"

"Of course, of course, no problem at all," he replied with a huge grin on his face.[end if this chap]



I'll place it here to avoid obstructing anyone's experience.


Mia settled opposite the two, her movements deliberate as she slowly peeled away her clothes, each motion a tantalizing reveal of her creamy white skin and perky breasts. Her nipples, achingly hard, begged for attention, exposed confidently without the hindrance of a bra. As her kimono slid down, her flushed face betrayed her arousal, swollen lips eager from biting, envisioning the sinful delights ahead. With each layer shed, Mia bared it all: a perfectly shaved, glistening pink pussy, and a puckered, eager asshole already filled with an anal plug.

"[Byakugan], kai. My gentle Mia-neechan always has a plug in her ass with us all the time... ahhhhhhhh, so cute," Itami exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she activated her Byakugan, capturing the scene with her camera while viewing it from her x-ray perspective, the flash of the camera continuously lighting up the room. 

Watching Mia, her beloved sister, with a anal plug lodged in her ass at all times seemed to bring her perverse joy, her arousal surging at the sight. With delicate movements, Mia reclined on the table, raised her smooth, white leg, spreading her legs wide open, and offered her bare ass to them, using her hand to spread her ass cheek. Her already wet and twitching pussy was on full display that she expertly manipulated, opening and closing them repeatedly, and an asshole was adorned with a small anal plug, surely a sight that can captivate anyone who happens to come by.

Licking her lips, Mia glanced at them with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement, pleading for their attention. "Please.. Look at me..."

With deliberate movements, Mia adjusted her position, ensuring Hiroshi and Itami had the perfect view of her depravity. Gripping the side table tightly, she arched her back, raising her ass high as much as she can, making it nearly the eye views of both Hiroshi and Itami who were sitting, and as if in the posture of delivery, exerting pressure to expel the small red anal plug lodged within her ass. With a sickening sound of 'pah', the anal plug slowly emerged from her sensitive hole, then flew out, leaving her asshole and pussy wide open, both stretching and closing just like a call girl calling for a customer, exposed erotically for both to see, making this tea-house with the already-filled-tea-aroma having a new thing mixing into it, creating an enticement and seductive smell, a perverse testament to her debauchery.

Mia's back arched, her asshole stretching as her pussy opened wide, climaxing just from being watched by Hiroshi and Itami as she pushes things out of her ass, was the best experience she had so far. Her anus now gaped open wide, liquid pouring in from her wet pussy above as she squirted with force, a stream flowing straight to Hiroshi and Itami's bodies, wetting them in the process.

Hiroshi, his member throbbing hard, turned his now wet face toward Itami, who had stopped clicking her camera, her face flushed with a huge blush, sweat drenching her back as one hand slowly moved to her nether region. Catching Hiroshi's eye, she reminds him with a trembling voice, "Remember, I'm your first time, but I'm still not ready yet, so let's just play with Mia-nee-chan with measure, okay?" Hiroshi nodded before slowly kissing her and stripping down his clothes, while Itami did the same.

On the table, Mia took a deep breath, continuing to adjust her position. 

With deliberate grace, Mia reached into her bag, pulling out two massive dildos, their sleek surfaces glinting softly in the dim light. Each one was a formidable length, far surpassing her previous toy of only 5 inches in both size and intensity. As she caressed them with reverence, the silence of the night was broken only by the soft clink of porcelain and the faint chirping of crickets. She placed one in her mouth, licking it as if it were a real one, then slowly inserting it into her slightly gaping anus. The air filled with the sickening sound of flesh meeting silicone as it slipped inside. A sharp gasp escaped her lips as she reveled in the sensation of being stretched to her limits, her body trembling with pleasure. It took some time for her to get used to the immense size, but when she did, a loud moan filled the room. She can feel the stretch from her anus all the way up to her vagina. 

"Look at me, ojou-sama, Hiroshi-kun,..." Mia moaned louder as she used more force, her hand dancing with the massive dildo, thrusting and drilling with speed and force. Water spilled from her pussy, splashing everywhere.

But Mia was not content with just one toy. With a determined glint in her eye, she reached for the second dildo, identical in size to the one still firmly lodged in her ass, her movements swift and decisive. Mia didn't bother with any foreplay this time as she plunged it into her eager pussy, the force of her actions sending ripples of pleasure coursing through her veins, with a force as if intent on destroying her own holes.

Her two hands work tirelessly, thrusting the dildos with tremendous force. With each thrust and movement, she pushed herself to new heights of ecstasy, of being double penetrated, her moans mingling with the sounds of the night outside. Turning her face toward Itami and Hiroshi, now naked and locked in a passionate kiss, her eyes filled with pleasure. Slowly, she turned around, allowing them to see her from behind, her plump ass still bouncing with the two huge dildos inside. She arched her ass upward, using her fingers to tease and stimulate her clit. "Please, ojou-sama!" she begged, her voice filled with expectation.

In the hushed intimacy inside the now lust-filled tea house, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Hiroshi and Itami heeded Mia's expectant plea. The soft glow of lantern light cast dancing shadows across the room, painting the trio in a tableau of desire and longing.

As Hiroshi and Itami began to separate, a palpable tension filled the air, thick with the promise of forbidden pleasures. 

Itami's movements revealed a sense of purpose as she delicately positions Mia's ass. She supports Mia's weight, putting her feet around her shoulder, her ass against her own chest, leaving only her head and shoulder touching the table, their bodies melding together in a symphony of curves and contours. The subtle scent of incense blended with the heady aroma of their shared pleasure. With a delicate touch, Itami caressed Mia's form, spreading her ass cheeks to provide an unobstructed view of Mia's two dildo-filled holes, she explored Mia's most intimate recesses, her fingers dancing across the slick surface of the dildos buried deep within Mia.

Using her hands, she massaged her clit, and plays with the dildos in Mia's pussy and asshole, sometimes with fast, repeated force, other times gently, and occasionally pulling the dildos out completely before thrusting them back in all at once. With each movement, a vigorous amount of water gushed out as Mia climaxed, wetting Itami, Mia, and even Hiroshi, who has now positioned himself below Itami, eagerly indulging in her still-virgin pussy and asshole, eating to his heart's content. He became a shadowy figure in the dimly lit room, merging with the intoxicating ambiance of the serene tea house.

As Mia's climax reaches its crescendo, a torrent of liquid gushes forth, drenching them all in a cascade of ecstasy. Itami's own arousal swells within her, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she surrenders herself to the primal rhythm of their shared desire.

"Hmm!" Hiroshi exclaimed as the water splashed onto his face, mixing with the sweat of their debauched tryst. Itami's release washed over him, her body collapsing against his, breaths ragged with the intensity of their passion. Mia drained of energy, slumped onto the table, her form a decadent display of post-coital bliss.

Hiroshi's arousal surged, his cock throbbing with desire as he surveyed the scene before him. His two most important companions, naked and glistening with a mixture of fluids, stirred something primal within him. Mia, sensing his excitement, moved with deliberate sensuality, a lascivious smirk playing on her lips as she crawled towards him, her every movement dripping with desire and depravity.

"Let me finish up this show, please, Hiroshi-kun." Mia pleaded with a stumbling tone, her hand reaching out to touch his hardened member. With eager anticipation, she opened her mouth wide, welcoming him inside with a hungry moan. With practiced skill, Mia enveloped him completely, her tongue swirling around his shaft as she eagerly sucked him deeper.

Driven by lust, Hiroshi showed no mercy, his thrusts relentless as he took control of his usually gentle sister. With each motion, he drove deeper into her throat, his climax building with each thrust. The sensation of his throbbing cock filling her mouth brought Mia to the brink of climax, her body writhing with pleasure as her two dildos were forcefully expelled with a squirt of arousal. Hiroshi's primal moans echoed in the air, his lust unleashed as he grabbed Mia's hair, thrusting into her mouth with reckless abandon. As he reached the edge, Hiroshi released himself into her mouth, his warm seed filling her stomach as she eagerly swallowed every drop.

Mia gagged and gasped for breath, but she offered no resistance, surrendering herself completely to his desires. The warmth of his cum and the intensity of his thrusts sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body, her own climax mingling with his release.

Nearby, Itami, having recovered, captured the scene with her camera, immortalizing the raw passion between Hiroshi and her beloved sister. As Hiroshi withdrew from her mouth, Mia coughed and collected the remnants of his cum on her face, savoring the taste with pleasure.

With a gentle smile, Mia turned to Hiroshi and Itami, with a picture of innocence despite the debauchery that had just transpired.

"Let's go take a bath together," she suggested, the room filled with the scent of sex and depravity.

The tranquil night was adorned with the soothing sounds of birds chirping in the trees, the gentle rustling of the wind, and the occasional sound of splashing water as Mia continued to play with the pussy. Each element contributed to the serene ambiance, creating a harmonious symphony that enveloped the trio in a cocoon of peace.