
Chapter 14: Timeskip

-9 months later-

"The final match: Hyuga Itami versus Sarutobi Asuma," the referee's voice reverberated throughout the stadium, commanding the attention of every spectator. Behind him, the massive monitor flickered to life, casting a luminous glow across the arena. On its screen, the images of Itami and Asuma were frozen in time, captured in their poised fighting stances, while the word 'fight' loomed prominently between them, a silent herald of the impending clash.

The sheer energy within the stadium was palpable as the audience, a sea of villagers and ninjas alike, filled every available seat. The capacity of 10,000 people was pushed to its limits, with not a single vacant spot in sight. Cheers and roars echoed through the air as the villagers expressed their support for their favorite contenders.

The stadium where the final match of the Chuunin Exam between Hyuga Itami and Sarutobi Asuma took place was a grand spectacle. Nestled within the heart of the village, the arena exuded an air of anticipation and excitement. The circular structure rose tall, its stands reaching towards the sky, forming a bowl-like shape that enclosed the battlefield.

The stadium's architecture was a mix of traditional and modern elements, blending the cultural heritage of the Hidden Village with contemporary design. The outer walls were adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, reminiscent of the village's proud history and different clan's traditions. The seating arrangements were tiered, providing an unobstructed view of the central stage from every angle.

At the heart of the arena lay the battlefield, a circular platform surrounded by a protective barrier that ensured the safety of the spectators. The ground was marked with the familiar circular pattern symbolizing the Konoha village. Giant screens (but they still don't have phones), were strategically positioned around the stadium, projecting the intense face-off between Itami and Asuma for the entire audience to witness.

The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and the collective excitement of the crowd was a testament to the significance of the final match. It wasn't just a test of skill, it was a showcase of determination, strength, and the indomitable spirit of the participants. The Hidden Village had gathered to witness the culmination of the Chuunin Exam, and the stadium provided the perfect stage for this thrilling showdown between Hyuga Itami and Sarutobi Asuma in the final match.


The group of Hyuga sitting in the prestigious area of the stands near the top position where Hokage settled, commanded attention with their presence alone. Clad in traditional Hyuga attire, their features were marked by the distinctive traits of their clan: white, almost porcelain-like skin, and striking, pale eyes that seemed to pierce through any facade. Among them, sitting in the front row, the patriarch and a few elders bore the weight of years of experience and wisdom, their expressions a mix of anticipation and scrutiny as they observed the unfolding events in the arena.

But it was the young boy seated prominently next to Hyuga Hiraku, Itami's grandfather and one of the esteemed elders, was the one who captured some sneaked glances of both his clan members and onlookers alike. Despite his youth, his demeanor exuded a quiet confidence, his gaze steady and focused as he observed the proceedings below.

With long, dark brown hair cascading down to the lower portion of his back, ending in a loose ponytail, clad in the traditional white kimono of the Hyuga clan, his attire exuded an air of elegance and grace. Yet, it was the special red Kumihimo bracelet adorning his wrist that drew immediate attention. Intricately woven with different patterns, it stood out conspicuously against the pristine white fabric, a vibrant splash of color amidst the sea of white.

The Hyuga clan members couldn't help but steal glances at the boy, their expressions a mixture of curiosity, admiration, and perhaps a hint of respect. It was uncommon for someone of his age and branch member status to be seated in such a prestigious position, especially alongside esteemed elders like Hyuga Hiraku and the patriarch Hyuga Kazama. Yet, his presence there hinted at something. 

"Beat him, Itamiiiiii!" Hiroshi's voice boomed through the stadium as Itami and another boy, who appeared to be the Third Hokage's son, Sarutobi Asuma, stepped onto the stage. stepped onto the stage. Itami, exuding cheerfulness and carefree energy, waved toward Hiroshi's position. The glint of her bracelet caught the light as she moved, its presence conspicuous against her pure white attire. In contrast, Asuma appeared noticeably more nervous.

"Don't shout too loud, Hiroshi-kun," Mia whispered from behind him, offering a cup of his favorite Cold Brew Espresso Martini with a squinted eye, her attention also fixed on Itami on the stage.

"Ah, thanks," Hiroshi replied, accepting the cup with a grateful nod.

Glancing towards the top of the stage, Asuma caught sight of the Third Hokage, who now held the position of headmaster of the Konoha ninja school, alongside the current 4th Hokage, Namikaze Minato. Meeting his father's serious gaze filled with expectations, Asuma's resolve hardened as he clenched his hand, looking straight at the opponent.

In the stands, a diverse array of spectators, ranging from villagers with no fighting knowledge to seasoned Jounin, offered their opinions on the upcoming match.

"You know, it's not exactly appropriate to say this, but the Third's son doesn't stand a chance at all."

"Yeah, his opponent this time is just too fault." remarked one spectator, his voice hushed in awe. "She participated solo in this exam and completely surpassed any previous records with ease."

"Don't be so quick to dismiss him. This is the Third's son we're talking about. With the right strategy, anything's possible in a fight."

"But that's assuming he knows everything about his opponent. That Hyuga girl barely revealed her full strength in the previous fights. All she did was close in and unleash Hiroshi's newly developed Gentle fist, and nobody could do anything about that. And that shield of hers? It's like a cheater, the defense is even stronger than even the Hyuga clan's secret technique, the Revolving heaven. It's practically an S-rank technique if she combined two of them together. Using something like that here is just unfair."

"Truth be told, she might as well be strong as a Jounin by now. If it weren't for her lack of mastery over two elemental nature transformations, she'd be a shoo-in for Jounin rank. Damn, I'm not sure I'd want to face her myself. I just hope the Third's son can push her to show more of what she's got. The other matches have all been too one-sided."

"Yeah, some people are already talking about how she's as talented as Kakashi," another spectator murmured, their voice tinged with admiration.


At the stand for the participant, Kurenai's silent prayer hung in the air, her thoughts weighed down by the memory of her own defeat at the hands of Itami. 

As Kurenai observed Itami and Asuma performing the seal of Reconciliation, a sense of resignation settled over her. She was well aware of Itami's swiftness and ferocity in combat, which rendered traditional close combat tactics ineffective. What's more, with Itami's defensive ninjutsu, conventional ninjutsu attacks would prove futile, unless they were non-physical or based on genjutsu. However, Kurenai knew that the Hyuga's Byakugan granted them the ability to see through chakra flow, providing them with strong countermeasures against genjutsu. Her own failed attempt to ensnare Itami in genjutsu served as a stark reminder of the Hyuga Itami's formidable abilities. 

Closing her eyes briefly, Kurenai tried to push aside her doubts and worries. Despite the odds stacked against him, she hoped that Asuma would find a way to overcome Itami's overwhelming strength and secure victory in the final match.

As the referee signaled the start of the battle, Kurenai's gaze remained fixed on the stage, her heart heavy with anticipation and worry. 


As the fight began, signaled by the referee, Asuma wasted no time and hurled a kunai as a probing attack. However, his attempt proved futile as a blue shield materialized in front of Itami, deflecting the kunai with a resounding "clink" while she stood, seemingly at ease.

With a casual flick of her hand, Itami dispersed the shield and advanced toward Asuma with normal speed. Asuma knew that his kunai attack would have little effect, but it bought him precious time to silently cast the [Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu] and dive into the ground. Recognizing that Itami primarily relied on her taijutsu and shield jutsu to gain the upper hand in battles, Asuma understood that as long as he remained underground, she would be unable to harm him, granting him the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

As the fight continued, in the seating area where Hiroshi and the Hyuga clan members observed, the atmosphere was relaxed. Hiroshi's gaze remained casual on the unfolding battle, while the Hyuga elders exchanged glances, wondering what gonna happen next.

One elder, unable to contain his curiosity, turned to the Hiroshi seated beside him, "Do you think Asuma has a chance against Itami, boy?"

Hiroshi replied with a relaxed and carefree tone, "Itami indeed has several cards up her sleeve. Honestly, Asuma might already lose from the beginning, given his lack of information about her. Nevertheless, Asuma is the son of the Third Hokage after all. He might just have some surprises of his own."

On the stage, Itami still had that comfortable posture.

"You're quite confident, aren't you?" Asuma's voice echoed from beneath the surface, his tone laced with determination despite the odds stacked against him.

"It's not confidence, it's a certainty," Itami replied coolly, her eyes casually looking around. "I know my abilities, and I know yours. Sorry, but, I'm gonna win."

"I know you're strong, but don't underestimate me," he warned, his voice tinged with determination. "I'll find a way to win."

Itami's smile widened slightly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "I admire your determination," she conceded. "But determination alone won't save you from defeat."

Suddenly, the ground beneath Itami's feet shifted as Asuma's figure burst forth from the earth, launching a surprise attack with a kunai coated in wind chakra attribute from behind. But before he could make contact, Itami spun around with lightning-fast reflexes, her movements fluid and precise, kicking him in the stomach, forcing Asuma to kiss the ground. Enduring the pain, he instantly dived back to the ground once again.

"You're too predictable, and I have a 360° view with Byakugan."

As Asuma disappeared into the ground, Itami's smile widened slightly, "You can't win with just that" she remarked casually, her voice carrying a tone of amusement. "Now, what you're gonna do?."

"[Katon: Haisekishō] Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning!" Asuma bellowed as he burst from the ground again, unleashing a torrent of chakra-infused gunpowder from his mouth, shrouding the entire arena in a thick veil of ash. The sudden obscurity left everyone blind to the unfolding events.

Quickly looking around her Byakugan, Itami scanned the obscured battlefield with a heightened sense of focus, her expression growing more serious by the second. "Interesting."

In the midst of the chaos, Asuma seized the opportunity to strike, closing in on Itami with a kunai poised for attack.

"That's nothing new."

With a calm smile, Itami dodged Asuma's assault effortlessly, countering with a seemingly simple punch. Yet, as her fist neared Asuma, a powerful vortex of pressurized water flow erupted first, following her movement and tearing through Asuma with lethal precision, cleaving him in two. The unexpected turn of events left the onlookers in stunned silence.


"You fell for my trick," Asuma declared triumphantly, his voice cutting through the chaos. "[Katon: Haijingakure no Jutsu] Fire Release: Hiding in Ash and Dust Technique."

This ninjutsu, an upgraded version of [Katon: Haisekishō], not only scattered gunpowder but also infused it with fire-chakra, igniting the entire area. Asuma's strategic use of [Katon: Haisekishō] initially was to create a vast expanse of gunpowder, enabling the immediate activation of [Katon: Haijingakure no Jutsu] without the need for prolonged ash and gunpowder accumulation. This also ensured a wide coverage area for the ensuing powerful blaze.

With a resounding 'boom', the arena erupted in flames and ash, engulfing everything in its path.

The spectators were a mix of surprise and awe at the seamless combination of techniques, while others fixated on Itami's figure in the middle amidst the inferno, awaiting her response.

"Worthy of the Third's son, impressive for this age." someone on the stand praised.


"The reason I called it 'nothing new' is that everyone relies on the same trick of creating a clone to distract while preparing a trump card. It's just so boring," Itami remarked, arms crossed over her chest. She stood confidently in the middle of the arena, surrounded by a blue shield comprised of numerous smaller hexagon shields, completely unscathed, not a single speck of dust touching her body.

Meanwhile, Asuma remained in the ground, his face pale from the earlier kick and visibly drained of chakra due to the last technique. "Shit, what a monster," he muttered.

"Alright, It's time to get you out of the ground," Itami declared calmly, her nonchalant smile belying the intensity of her focus. With a forceful stomp, she sent small shockwaves rippling through the earth, cracking the ground.

"I'm sorry for this, but having no information about me means you've already lost from the start," she remarked, her voice tinged with confidence as she began channeling chakra to her tenketsu points.

As Itami unleashed her technique, Hyuga Hiraku, with the patriarch and the other elders of the clan, observed with a solemn expression.

"Is it the Revolving Heaven? No, it's different. Is this your newly created technique?" Hiraku questioned, his gaze fixed on Hiroshi with a mix of surprise and anticipation. His words sent shockwaves through the gathered clansmen, sparking excitement and astonishment.

"Yes, it is. Because of its high chakra cost and unnecessary, Itami hadn't showcased it until now," Hiroshi replied, his demeanor exuding pride and confidence.

Upon hearing this revelation, not only did all the clansmen display surprise and astonishment, but even the nearby ninja with keen ears couldn't help but show similar reactions. 

On the highest stand, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, turned towards the 4th Hokage, his expression thoughtful. "It seems that the Hyuga will become much stronger with these techniques," he mused aloud before quickly adopting a friendly, amiable demeanor once more. "But ultimately, it's all for the benefit of the village, isn't it?"

Minato managed an awkward with a hint of vigilance smile in response to Hiruzen's words. Since assuming the role of Hokage, he had gained access to a wealth of information, including the darker aspects of the village's operations. Even the old man whom he had once revered hadn't turned out to be as he had thought. After stepping down from his position, Hiruzen hadn't relinquished all control of Anbu to him, which left Minato feeling uneasy about the true nature of Konoha's power dynamics.

Back in the Hyuga's stand, a sense of reverence filled the air as more and more clan members regarded Hiroshi with newfound respect. The reason behind the significant appearance of a large number of clansmen at the Chuunin exam was originally very simple: the anticipation of witnessing Hyuga Itami perform the new techniques created by the genius Hyuga Hiroshi. Yes, 'genius'.

News of 2 new techniques created by Hiroshi had been circulating for quite some time, igniting considerable excitement and intrigue among clan members and outsiders alike. While only the patriarch and a select few main family members had witnessed its power firsthand, rumors had swiftly spread regarding its classification as A-rank techniques with [Eight Trigram: Barrier] and [Gentle Fist: Water Flow]. Witnessing the sheer potency of these techniques had led the clan elders to designate them as closely guarded family secrets.

The designation of these techniques as A-rank underlined their significance and complexity, prompting deep contemplation among clan members regarding their potential benefits. It's true that these 2 techniques only A-ranks, but, a really 'practical' A-rank technique, rather than those fancy ninjutsu with high lethality and consumption but low accuracy, they were valuable, with tangible utility on the battlefield.

But, the most significant news for the Hyuga branch family was the inclusion of the branch family in learning these techniques, per the wish of their creator, Hyuga Hiroshi. Initially, this had met with some resistance, the approval came with the promise of endorsement from Itami's family, coupled with Hiroshi's promise to develop even stronger techniques exclusively for the main family to help consolidate their power while also making the clan's overall power much stronger.

Such news had spread far beyond the clan's borders, capturing the attention of many outside ninjas as well. Outsiders, either found themselves worried or intrigued by the increasing power of the Hyuga clan.

The idea that a 12-year-old, albeit with no fighting talents, had developed two A-rank techniques was nothing short of extraordinary. Some even dubbed him "Tobirama 2.0," a testament to his remarkable achievements. Thus, a 'genius' was dubbed for him.

Amidst this backdrop of anticipation and speculation, the news of Hiroshi's latest ninjutsu development added fuel to the fire of curiosity. All eyes were now on the stage below, eager to witness the unveiling of this new technique, and how can it compare to the other ones. While some people, in contrast, turned their attention to the culprit of all, Hyuga Hiroshi, with thoughtful eyes.

[Revolving heaven: Tempest]

Itami executed an extremely fast fluid spin, releasing chakra meticulously from every tenketsu point in her body. Diverging from the traditional Hyuga technique, Revolving Heaven, she skillfully manipulated the chakra to form a rapidly spinning vortex. This vortex, accompanied by a cascade of strings generated from the swift flow of water, each infused with the intense pressure of pressurized water, brought formidable force to the technique.

With a resounding crack, the ground beneath Itami erupted outward in a spiral pattern, tearing apart the surrounding area. However, instead of indiscriminately spreading throughout the stage, the destructive force halted just short of Asuma's location, just before completely tearing his body to pieces.

As the dust settled, Asuma lay on the ground, a deep cut twisting across his abdomen, blood seeping profusely. 

"Don't worry, I kept my hands the moment I hit him, so he only got a light cut... Well, not that light, but still nothing serious, I assure you," Itami explained, her voice was a little drained as the technique had taken its toll on Itami as well. As she slowly straightened up from her stance and adjusted her kimono, she waved her fist smugly, not towards Hiroshi, but towards her grandfather, who now wore an astonished expression, mirroring the reactions of everyone in the stadium. However, upon catching sight of her actions, he promptly snorted and turned away in disapproval.

Only then did Itami direct her attention to Hiroshi's position, her expression radiant as she waved happily. "I. Won. The. Chuunin. Exam. Solo."


Standing tall as the 4th generation Hokage of Konoha village, Namikaze Minato's voice rang out with authority. "I hereby declare that Hyuga Itami will attain chuunin rank at this moment," he announced to the eager crowd, a warm smile gracing his features.

Beside him, Itami beamed with pride, her fist raised triumphantly in the air. The crowd erupted into applause, their cheers echoing throughout the stadium.

"What do you think?" a Jounin turned to look at his friend.

"That's a proper S-rank technique, using chakra manipulation and Water nature transformation," his friend replied. "The most important thing is, it's a fuinjutsu technique, without the need for seals."

The Jounin glanced at the Uchiha in the stands, a few of them with their Sharingan activated. "Do you think anyone else can learn that? The Uchiha, for example?"

"Maybe, but mostly not," his friend answered thoughtfully. "This technique requires two things: absolute control of each chakra in your body at every tenketsu point, and mastery over water manipulation. The latter is manageable, but not for Uchiha. However, the former would be extremely complicated for a non-Byakugan ninja."

"True," the Jounin agreed with a heavy sigh, shifting his gaze to the already bustling commotion in the Hyuga section of the stands. "Their Byakugan already grants them easy mastery of chakra manipulation. With a technique like this, as long as someone can master Revolving Heaven, they have a high chance of learning this as well."

Their conversation paused as they observed the scene unfolding before them, contemplating, "The Hyuga is on the rise, and it's all thanks to a kid."


"All other participants will need to come to my office tomorrow," Minato announced, his voice carrying authority. "There, I will announce who will be eligible to obtain the Chuunin rank after our discussion. With that, I officially declare the Chuunin exam in the 54th year of Konoha village to be at an end."

While Minato's declaration echoed in the air, Hiroshi found himself engulfed in a sea of inquiries from the patriarch and the elders, their voices a relentless onslaught.

"What is this technique?"

"As she said, it's ...."

"What is the requirement?"

"Well, it's already been recorded by Itami in a scroll, so ..."

"Before he could catch his breath, another elder interjected, "This technique can be given to our clan. We will reward you appropriately."

'Who the fuck need your reward, I just want to make my protector stronger.' He thought silently, by a natural smile never disappeared from his face.

"Sure, I'll plan to do that anyway..."

Just then, a familiar figure caught his eye. Itami was approaching them, her presence offering a much-needed dummy to bear the attention. 

"What are you doing?" she asked as she received the wet towel and a cup of drink from Mia.

"Hey, everything is on Itami," he interjected, motioning towards her. "I just provided the idea. You know I can't do those ninjutsu myself. Why don't you go and ask her?"

With that, he seized the opportunity to slip away. As he walked past Itami, they exchanged a brief, whispered conversation.

"Party?" Itami queried quietly.

"Wait for me, I'll come back soon," Hiroshi replied with a nod.

"Sure," Itami affirmed softly.

They exchanged a low high-five silently, and Hiroshi continued on his path toward the backstage area, eager to have a word with Minato, who had just gone there.

Unbeknownst to him, in a dark corner where he didn't notice, a figure lurked there. He appeared very old, with one hand gripping a cane and half of his body covered by bandages. Silently, he watched Hiroshi's retreating figure, a glint of intrigue in his eyes.


To be honest, my original plan for the main character was to have them rely solely on money and run away from all their troubles, letting the protagonist solve them. My original plan is mc actively work to build alliances with important figures from different countries. By fostering relationships based on shared interests, he could wield influence on a global scale and potentially even prevent wars from happening in the first place. After all, most conflicts stem from competition over resources in this world. But then, I realized that most people wouldn't like that, so I modified them. Since it's not that important.

So, I've decided to change things up a bit. I'm considering making Itami (or maybe Mia) seriously OP, but not right away. Why? To keep things interesting! To ensure there are some fights, and they won't be in a passive position.

After all, my primary reasons for writing this are only 2 things:

1. Practice writing. For example, I've already learned a few things. Like, 1. when talking about news, it's important to provide more details and background information to fully explain it. 2. When describing something, it's helpful to mention patterns, both the typical ones and any unique or unusual characteristics of the subject,... Like, int+1, worth it.


2. R18. Yes, I didn't put them there for show. But I accidentally set the main character's age as 12, so I think it's better to wait for a while. The time skip in this chapter is because we're already on Chapter 13 and the main character is still only 12. I planned to write some good R18 chapters cause I hate all those vanilla, harem,... out there. You know, those scenes where the main character goes to girl A, does something, then moves on to girl B to repeat the same thing, and girls C, D, E, and so on... Is there anything different? While it seems like all the good stories are too short. And if you're someone who is a man of culture, you'll understand that only R18 with a rich background is a good R18 story. Kinks start to get boring after a while, doesn't it? Ao3 has the same problem, good stories are too short, and long stories are often boring. 

So I do it myself.

Next chapter