
a Broken Wing

'"FABIAN!" I scream out his name in search for him. His side of the bond pulsing in fear, him reaching out for help. I frantically search for him among the corpses and lycans. I finally see him, at the edge of the woods, the necromancer standing over him with a blade. A sound comes up my throat as I rush towards him, my wings beating against the air, the right one aching in protest. When I reach him I kick my feet against him, knocking him to the ground. My wing finally giving out I fall as well. We begin to roll around, both of our hands fighting for the knife, me trying to take it away. Suddenly Fabian Groans from above us, I make the mistake to follow my instinct and look up, him resting against the tree trunk, clutching his chest as blood seeps through his fingers. At that moment I felt something rip through my heart. And the wicked sear of the blade sinking into my flesh. " What next?

Monnie_5526 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Chapter 2

I feel a familiar fluffy body laying on my face, and a soft voice cooing. 

"You love your mommy, don't you? Such a sweet little kitty!"

Ginger then lifts herself off of my face and lays on my chest. Her eyes wide from the excitement that I'm finally awake, my chest protests at her weight. She looks like she has gained a few pounds.

'I'm such a horrible owner'

Ginger gently swats at the hair laying across my face, and a small fit of giggles erupt from the woman beside me, a phone held in her hand recording the cat. Face brighter than the last time I saw her. 

"Good Morning" I managed to croak out and she turned the phone off. 

"Do you think you can walk?" 

She asked as she stood up, and walked toward the other room connecting to this one.

"You've been asleep for about a week." 

I hear water begin to rush, and she walks back into the room. I evaluate my body, wiggle my toes, move my arms, and wiggle around. I'm Just a little sore  

"I don't feel  any pain, I think so." 

"I've been giving you half sponge baths so you smell like sweat and fear. You stink." 

She teases with a wide smile, something predatory behind her eyes, which have red bleeding into them now. 

"And the fear is starting to get to my mate, he would have been terrorizing you if you'd been awake." 

A chuckle leaves her throat as I hurry and jump out the bed. And dash for the bathroom. I stop in my tracks when I catch sight of myself in the mirror. It doesn't look like me. My hair is a little too dark and lifeless, with limp curls. My face is sunken in, and I almost look grey, my skin is an olive color, right? Who am I looking at? My eyes are a strange brown color. They look black, but they don't. They look lifeless. I take off the shirt covering my body, and see my bones slightly poking out my skin, even my wings look thinner, and have lost their shine. The right one is slightly crooked from the break. I turn around and get a better look at them. And my heart skips a few beats. Tears well up in my eyes when I see them, the scars. Horrible burn marks in the shape of a tree spread out between my shoulder blades. It's hideous, how could I ever let anyone see me naked? I can't go to the beach, go to a locker room, or be intimate without feeling self-conscious.

'What is my mate gonna think? '

I can't look anymore, I close my eyes and turn, taking off the underwear. And laying in the bath. The hot water begins to soothe the aches and pains. I toss my head back to rest against the edge of the tub and lay my wings out over the rim. And there is a fucking mirror on the ceiling. I feel repulsed at the sight of myself. I turn my head to look in front of me,

I need some sunlight and real food. Maybe some exercise. How long have I been like this?

Even before the incident, I hadn't looked in the mirror. I didn't want to see it. But now it's worse, I was simply pale, a little boney, but I still had life. Now I look like a walking corpse. I hear a knock on the now-closed door,

"Hey, do you need help? It's been about an hour."

I hear the woman say. And begin to realize that the water is now cold. I get out and dry off. And pull the fresh clothes laying on the toilet over my weak body.

How could I let this happen to me?