
a Broken Wing

'"FABIAN!" I scream out his name in search for him. His side of the bond pulsing in fear, him reaching out for help. I frantically search for him among the corpses and lycans. I finally see him, at the edge of the woods, the necromancer standing over him with a blade. A sound comes up my throat as I rush towards him, my wings beating against the air, the right one aching in protest. When I reach him I kick my feet against him, knocking him to the ground. My wing finally giving out I fall as well. We begin to roll around, both of our hands fighting for the knife, me trying to take it away. Suddenly Fabian Groans from above us, I make the mistake to follow my instinct and look up, him resting against the tree trunk, clutching his chest as blood seeps through his fingers. At that moment I felt something rip through my heart. And the wicked sear of the blade sinking into my flesh. " What next?

Monnie_5526 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 3

I stumble down the stairs as Agatha stands behind me, ready to catch me in case I fall. I smelled something aromatic, and it made me hungry. Agatha had told me that her husband Louis was making some soup for me. Suddenly a man appears at the bottom of the stairs. His arms stretched out to catch me, and I did. I slide down a few steps before my wing wraps around the banister and Agatha and the man grab me. 

An awkward chuckle rises up my throat, which is still a little scratchy.  The man laughs as well, and a moment of uncomfortable silence sounds out. He steps back from me and places his arms to his side, stiff. 

"My name is Louis.."

 he says trailing off not sure of what to say next, and Agatha steps in for him. 

"He made soup for you, do you need help getting to the kitchen?"

She asks, sensing his uncomfortableness. 

"No, I think I can manage," I say, and chuckle attempting to release the tension in the room. 

Agatha then releases her hold on my arm and I unwrap my wing from the railing.


Louis says, making Agatha and I laugh. He steps back so that I can finish walking down the stairs. When I finally make it down we all stand there, before Louis makes a face and disappears into the kitchen. Agatha then rolls her eyes. 

"He almost burned the soup." 

All I say is an oh and walk with her into the kitchen behind him, Who is putting the liquid into bowls for us. Agatha sits down at the island and gestures for me to sit next to her, and Louis remains standing with his bowl of soup facing us. I take my seat and we all stare at each other. 

"Sooo, yall wanna play 21 questions to get to know each other 'cause this is so awkward." 

Louis says once again attempting to break the silence. Agatha and I laugh, and he does too

. " It's not because of you, it's just the circumstances of how we are meeting and stuff. Y'know." 

He says, directing towards me. 

" I understand, it's hard not to be awkward in this situation,"

"Oldest to youngest, how old are you?"

Agatha pipes up

 " I turned at 28, and I'm almost 900."

Louis goes next, 

"She turned me at 31, I am 144 years old."

"I am 24. Waay younger than you two," 

We all chuckle. 

"Where are y'all from?" 

Agatha skips as she has already told me,

 "I am from Dijon France had met Agatha in Florence and was turned there."

" I don't know where I am from. I only remember being here as an adult.." 

Agatha furrows her brows in worry. 

" You think maybe something happened when you were younger and you are just blocking it out?"

"Maybe, but I don't remember any of my childhood, my mother, and siblings. The only things I know are my name and age. And things that I've figured out in the last few years." 

Louis and Agatha look at each other his eyes beginning to bleed red, and hers black. 

" Have you asked your witch friend?"

"Yes, she knows and has been trying to find out for me. She has found out some things. But nothing to find out who I am. More so what I am."

Louis looks nervous when he asks.

 "And what are you?"

The silence stretched out, ringing in my ears, afraid of what might happen next, I answer. 

"A Raven."  

Agatha collapses and Louis loses the rest of the color in his face.