
A Boring Journey

A story of someone who seeks peace and...Well, retirement? Can he find what he is looking for? Read to find out lmao. (I don't really know what to put here cuz this is my first time doing this.) (Author: Hello everyone! This is my first novel, and English isn't my mother tongue. I am only writing this for fun and might drop in the near future. I do hope that you enjoyed reading the first chapter! If you have anything to ask me, please do so. If you find any errors, please inform me so I can fix them. Thank you for your time.) (Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything is that is being shown in this fanfic is from their respective owners/authors.) (If you are the owner of the cover picture, please tell me if you don't want me to use it so I can replace it with another one.)

chickenwear · Cómic
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11 Chs

I went adventuring!

[Kingdom of Fiore: Magnolia]

After the blackness of night, Earthland's star rises on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction. She comes in the way that natural forces do, needing no invitation yet feeling her welcome. The light is her gift, bold and free, for anyone who cares to open their eyes in the dawn and watch the world awake.

Golden light dribbled over the Earthland like syrup on oatmeal. The leaves shimmered like a mirror flecked mosaic, and the morning dew sparkled on the bejeweled cobwebs and grass.

It has been a day since Elzar's 'big brothers' introduced him to the guild.

A new day has begun. Elzar is currently in the streets of Magnolia. He hummed a soft melody while walking as if he received his favorite toy at Christmas.

Of course, he is on a quest! As someone who loves adventures, naturally, he is very excited! The quest's objective is to find a lost cat for 1000 jewels.

[<Jewels>: They are a non-denominational unit of the monetary currency of Fiore. For comparison purposes, 100 Jewels is approximately USD$1.]

The first thing that Elzar did was to go to the marketplace of Magnolia, where various stalls sell their products. He didn't ask anyone for clues because where's the fun in that? He is stup- smart enough to know where the cat went. After all, he believes himself to be a genius! I mean, there are many food stalls here! Cats like foods, right?








'I feel like I'm going to make it big today!' Thought Elzar while arriving at the Marketplace. The shops were stuffed, and street vendors made the street extremely narrow forcing people to walk in a straight file like soldiers going to battle. Witnessing this sight, Elzar thought:

'Holy fuck. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be.' Elzar thought while planning to cast a spell.

'Myrault's Hinder-Gast! Ghost Walk!' Elzar casted a spell using <Sorcery>. He made sure that nobody saw him while casting the spell.

[<Ghost Walk>: The caster manipulates the ice and electrical energies around him, rendering his body invisible.]

'<Multicast>: Phantom Shifting!' At the same time, Elzar casted another spell through <Multicast>, a sub-skill of his skill, <Sorcery>.

[<Phantom Shifting>: The caster manipulates the light and shadow energies around him, making his body intangible.]

You might be asking, If he wanted to enjoy this quest, why is he doing this? Well, he doesn't have money. You will know what will happen soon.

'I will make it big today!' Elzar thought while giggling to himself.

Its been a few seconds since he smelled the delicious aroma that came from the food stalls. Somehow the aroma captures everything good in there: The barbecue, sweet cakes, and beverages! He wanted to taste all of it!

Unfortunately, he doesn't have money. But fortunately, he can ste- borrow. Yeah, borrow! He will never do such lowly things! He will just borrow them and will pay for them later!

'Umu!' He agreed to his plan. He was truly smart like his mother told him!

Elzar went to a food stall that sells barbecue. There were many kinds of meat. Pork, Frogs, Chicken, Beef, Intestines- What the fuck? Elzar was confused.

'Can you eat intestines? What the hell...' Elzar thought while reaching for a cooked piece of meat.

'No hard feelings, old man! I promise in the name of Gremory to pay you back!' Elzar thought while almost reaching the meat, but his hands just passed through it.

'Damn, my <Phantom Shifting> is on. How should I do this?' Elzar thought many things before asking The System:

'System, can I stuff this food in my inventory?'

[Indeed, host. My inventory function is capable of preserving foods.] The System replied while Elzar's hands glowed blue. The food then vanished as if it wasn't there.

'Thank you, System!' Elzar thanked The System for the help.

'Alright then! Time to get more!' Elzar thought excitedly while reaching for more. Of course, he didn't 'borrow' from the same vendor. That would be overkill! To make it balanced, Elzar 'borrowed' other foods from other vendors as well! Though not a lot because he doesn't need that much.

After borrowing for some time, Elzar decided to finally find the missing cat. He canceled his spells and went to various stalls, asked some people, and eventually found nothing.

The blue sky is dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on the streets. It is now time for lunch! The Marketplace was more crowded than ever!

'I guess it's time to eat lunch.' Elzar thought while bringing out a small lunch box from his little pouch. Porlyusica made him lunch in case it will take some time to complete the quest.

'Thanks for the food!' Elzar thought while lowering the red scarf on his neck that almost covered his lower face.

(Author: His current outfit is similar to Kid Natsu.)

The scarf is given to him by Porlyusica as a gift for joining Fairy Tail and learning <Healing Magic>. The scarf is colored red with black square lines.

As Elzar was eating, a question lingered in his head.

'What would happen if he goes back to his world?'

Elzar stopped eating, but just shrugged the question and continued eating his lunch. The lunch contained an Avocado and egg sandwich and a protein salad. It was a pretty decent lunch for him.

-After an hour-

After savoring his lunch, he immediately continued his search for the cat. He searched everywhere, may it be alleys, houses, and even restricted places. The search lasted for hours as he enjoyed his adventure in Magnolia. Finally, at an abandoned house, near the outskirts of Magnolia, he found him-. No, he found them.

As oat field meets a peach sky, the evening has come in stately fashion, with all the grace of a breeze in repose. The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.

He noticed that the cat he was searching for is a bit malnourished. Elzar brought out the meat that he borrowed from those vendors.

"Here! I have some food!" Elzar gently placed the meat in front of the cat.

As the cat approached, the aroma of the meat spread inside the house. A few cat friends came by to check what was happening.

"I see some of your friends are here." Elzar smiled gently while bringing out more food for the cat friends.

"Here, eat. My mother always said to eat properly!" Elzar stated while putting down the meat.

He was always kind to animals. After all, they are one of the few who treated him right. He was just returning the favor.














(Author: Heeeyyy howie doin? I'm sorry for not uploading for almost 2 weeks. I was very busy with school works and still am but not as much as before. I will try to upload more chapters this week if I have the time. As always, thank you for reading my fanfic!)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

chickenwearcreators' thoughts