
A Boring Journey

A story of someone who seeks peace and...Well, retirement? Can he find what he is looking for? Read to find out lmao. (I don't really know what to put here cuz this is my first time doing this.) (Author: Hello everyone! This is my first novel, and English isn't my mother tongue. I am only writing this for fun and might drop in the near future. I do hope that you enjoyed reading the first chapter! If you have anything to ask me, please do so. If you find any errors, please inform me so I can fix them. Thank you for your time.) (Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Everything is that is being shown in this fanfic is from their respective owners/authors.) (If you are the owner of the cover picture, please tell me if you don't want me to use it so I can replace it with another one.)

chickenwear · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

I went unboxing!

Midnight blue deepens over a broad and starlit sky. Amid the starlight was the ever glow of the moon, that mother of the sky who watched over every beating heart, steady and true. The twilight came as a tangible whisper of the stars to come.

Amidst all the trees in the forest, a river flowed elegantly. It illuminated the stars in the cosmos. A few fireflies glowed in the dark and illuminated the surrounding area.

A figure of a child no less than nine years old is sitting on a log near the riverbank. The figure happily hummed a soft melody while watching the stars above.

Of course, this figure is naturally Elzar.

It has been six months since he came to this world. Naturally, he misses his family. This is due to the influence of the past Elzar. That kid loves his family a lot.

Today he went to the river near Porlyusica's home. He wanted to have some 'peace' to help him decide some 'complicated' decisions.

He is contemplating whether he goes back or not.

"Hey, Vee. After I go back to my original world. Can I go back here?" Asked Elzar while looking up the stars.

["Yes, El. But the time here will not stop. This is not your original world, after all."] Vee responded and continued:

["But worry not, if you go back here, the time in your original world will stop."]

"Oh, okay! Let's do that later on, then." Elzar decided. Since he can go back, then why not? But there's still a problem.

His disappearance.

What would happen if he suddenly disappears without telling his guild and Porlyusica? He doesn't know. After all, apart from a few others, he has been alone in his past life.

'Let's just continue this tomorrow. I'll find a way, probably.' Thought Elzar while standing up and returning home.







"Hm... What should I choose?" Elzar asked himself while looking at the quest board. There are various quests on the board, ranging from Ordinary Quests to Normal Quests.

(Author: If we do OPM ranking, then, Ordinary Quests are just for ordinary people with capabilities while Normal Quests are rated E-A Class quests.)

'Maybe I should pick this hunting quest.' Elzar thought while getting the quest.

<Hunting Quest>

Objective: Capture or Kill 5 wild chickens.

Rating: Ordinary

Reward: 5000 Jewels

"Yo, kid!" A tall, muscular man with slicked-back orange hair said. He is Gildarts, Gildarts Clive. He wears a long, black, high-collared, and tattered cloak with shoulder plates; around his waist is a simple belt. He also wears loose-fitting dark pants, complete with an armored waist-guard bearing plate similar to the ones on his shoulders, tucked inside simple boots.

"Hm? Oh! Gildarts-san! How are you?" Elzar greeted back. He met Gildarts in the guild four months ago when some ladies reported him for being a bastard and a womanizer.

"Doing pretty well, how about you?" Gildarts answered and asked while picking a new quest.

"I'm good! I'm going to do a Hunting Quest today!" Replied Elzar.

"Oh, a Hunting Quest, huh? Well, be careful, kid. I have to do some quest so I can drink more beer." Gildarts said while going to the guild counter.

"Okay!" Replied Elzar while going to Macarov to ask for his permission.






It is now March. Many trees are blossoming, and early flowers are pushing through the earth.

I am currently near a forest on the outskirts of Magnolia, 'looking' for a goddamn chicken.

The fields are glade-green. The sound of chirping birds filled the air. A pageant of smells floated in the spring air, and a horde of dandelions littered the meadow.

As I enter the forest, I breathe in every way possible to expand: in the lungs, in the brain, in the soul. From the rich brown earthen hues of the forest ground to the sweetness of the blue-white sky, the forest is a three-dimensional wonderland for the eyes who are willing to absorb the light. Truly a sight for sore eyes.

"Vee, please use my 2 random boxes."

["Understood."] Vee replied while 2 rainbow-colored boxes with question marks on each side appeared in front of him.

"Okay, let's do this." I said while opening the first box.


[Congratulations, host, for getting a Blue Spider Lily!]

[Blue Spider Lily]:

- Just a 'mythical' flower. An extremely rare flower that can only be found when it blooms. Furthermore, it only blooms for two to three days a year. Sometimes this flower doesn't bloom at all, making it difficult for individuals to acquire such precious flower.

Effects: Unknown

Grade: Rare

"A Blue Spider Lily? A mythical flower? What the heaven?" How do I use this thing? Well, whatever.

'Please, put it in my inventory, System.'

[Understood, El.] The System replied.

"Okay, to the second random box." I quickly opened the second box.


[Congratulations, host, for getting a Magical Item!]


Magic Type: Music

Item Type: Magical, Enchanted

Special Attribute: Growth

Grade: Uncommon

(Author: Grade rankings are: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Mythical, Legendary, Arcana, and Immortal.)

"A Zither? Okay! I need this to learn Music Magic and a growth attribute, huh? So does this mean that this Zither can grow stronger the more I use it?" Elzar asked Vee while noticing that the two boxes suddenly disappeared.

["Yes, El. But the growth does not only rely on usage. Since this is a growth type, you have to raise it like raising your children for faster growth."] Vee replied.

"Uh, okay?"

"Raising a child, huh?" Muttered Elzar while inspecting the Zither.

"Hm... Then, I'll name you Rythm!" Said Elzar while holding Rythm like a trophy.

"Since I'm done here, I'll just go home and come back." Said Elzar while asking The System to put Rythm in the inventory for the time being.

"Alright, Vee. I would like to go back to my world." Elzar informed Vee.

["Understood, El."] As soon as Vee replied. The world suddenly stopped. The world became gray and dull. Suddenly, a massive pillar of rainbow lights hit Elzar's body from above.

[Entering Ultra-Hyperspace.]


The world gained its clarity, and the figure of Elzar vanished from Earthland.

"Woah! I just can't get used to this." Elzar said while admiring the beautiful cosmos. Suddenly, his vision darkened.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

chickenwearcreators' thoughts